The forum rules regarding warnings have been clarified to define what happens to a warned user.
1 warning = user is on watch (their actions are monitored by the mods)
2 warnings = user has post moderation (moderators have to approve user's posts before they show up on the forum)
3 warnings = post ban (user can't post anything)
A punishment lasts 10 days from when the last warning was issued. If a user receives one warning, then another two days later, the punishment lasts 10 days from the 2nd warning. After 10 days the user's privileges return to normal.
Warnings are cumulative. If a user goes back to normal and has had one warning in the past, but breaks the rules again, they would go straight to the second level. If they have had the second level in the past and break the rules they would go straight to the third level. If they come back from a post ban and continue to break the rules, they will be banned from the forum.