uhhhh what is kenn?
I'm guessing "kenn" is short for "kennel" (interrupted by a huge KRA-TRONG explosion).
Right again.
Bad, bad Gandalf, unpolitely striking, before Emil could finish his sentence.
Sharion, I blame you.
*happy cackling*
*takes the blame proudly*
Beware, young Padavan: very soon, you won't be able to stop.
(Actually, you shouldn't.
*STILL* hearing "Taking the hobbits" every time she sees your avatar*)
It's both an edit and a reaction image - "Lalli Hotakainen has had enough of the Internet"
Pretty rough, but I like it.
Oh, my...
First thought: "Hehe. Déja vu."
Then, I spotted the SSSS forum pictures on the monitors, and I just lost it. Thanks for one of the biggest laughters of the week!
(Or, more like a whole series of them.)
Seriousy, people, if I'll get a six-pack instead of a stomach, it shall be all your fault. *trying to breath*