In their hurry to leave, Sigrun notices she has accidentally grabbed Emil's version of the map.
Haha! But how do you know that wasn't how Tuuri transcribed Lalli's trip report? "This place and that one were blocked, and that one had a bunch of trees. That place was weird -- I didn't like it. It smelled like Sparklehair. And that place there has a 'thing' in the middle of it -- our car-thing won't fit past it. So I came back home. The end."
Actually, what it reminds me of is those old "Family Circus" cartoons where
Billy or Jeffy's wanderings around the neighborhood are
marked by a dotted line. If anyone is inspired to do a Family Circus!SSSS, I will personally write you a bardic praise-song. In runo meter, Sapphic stanzas, or heroic couplets, whatever floats your boat.