Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805596 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1740 on: March 20, 2016, 02:05:16 AM »
Apparently it's not a good thing to let me overthink potential scenarios when there's a cliffhanger, because they will inevitably turn into the opposite of what I intended to do, so here's a fic featuring Five Ways Sigrun Died Fighting the Watcher... and One She Didn't. Like the title says, it contains character death. I tried not to make it too graphic, but proceed with caution anyway.

Not what I'd hoped to write my first SSSS fic about, but hey...
Á tarë quildë, á harë tínë.

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :book4: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

:germany: (native) :uk: (fluent) :vaticancity: (had to) :spain: (okay) :denmark: (learning) :france: (learning)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1741 on: March 20, 2016, 09:52:41 AM »
Apparently it's not a good thing to let me overthink potential scenarios when there's a cliffhanger, because they will inevitably turn into the opposite of what I intended to do, so here's a fic featuring Five Ways Sigrun Died Fighting the Watcher... and One She Didn't. Like the title says, it contains character death. I tried not to make it too graphic, but proceed with caution anyway.

Not what I'd hoped to write my first SSSS fic about, but hey...

Reviewed. Not well, but I'm kind of still reeling...
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1742 on: March 20, 2016, 10:36:31 AM »
Apparently it's not a good thing to let me overthink potential scenarios when there's a cliffhanger, because they will inevitably turn into the opposite of what I intended to do, so here's a fic featuring Five Ways Sigrun Died Fighting the Watcher... and One She Didn't. Like the title says, it contains character death. I tried not to make it too graphic, but proceed with caution anyway.

Not what I'd hoped to write my first SSSS fic about, but hey...
Elleth, love, I loved every moment of it! :D Longer review at AO3. And don't feel bad! My first SSSS fic looks like it will be dealing with (possible) terminal illness/permanent loss of one's luonto.
♫ ♪ Sharing secrets with another world
Rubbing shoulders with some unknown lovers
♪ ♫
:chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1743 on: March 20, 2016, 01:44:40 PM »
Reviewed. Not well, but I'm kind of still reeling...

Yes well! Leaving people reeling feels like the ultimate compliment to me as an author! I mean, that is not a particularly happy fic, so if it left you doing somersaults I'd be a little worried, maybe.  ;D

Elleth, love, I loved every moment of it! :D Longer review at AO3. And don't feel bad! My first SSSS fic looks like it will be dealing with (possible) terminal illness/permanent loss of one's luonto.

Eee, thank you, love! Sometimes I wonder if the Silm fandom did a number on our minds when it comes to characters having a really miserable time? At any rate - poor mages, I hope they manage to catch some sort of break! Heh.
Á tarë quildë, á harë tínë.

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :book4: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

:germany: (native) :uk: (fluent) :vaticancity: (had to) :spain: (okay) :denmark: (learning) :france: (learning)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1744 on: March 20, 2016, 09:08:25 PM »
Here, have some shameless Sigrun whump. (This is Kiraly's fault. And Laufey's fault, but mostly Kiraly's.)

Spoiler: Untitled • show
“Sigrun?  Sigrun!

All that she managed in return was a wet cough and what sounded like a few slurred curse words.  After a few more attempts to—well, it was impossible to tell quite what she was trying to do, her limbs were shaking so badly—she gave it up and sank back down to the cracked cement, shivering violently as her eyes began to slip closed.

That wouldn’t do.  “Emil, keep her awake.”

Emil, who’d been kneeling beside Sigrun with his flamethrower in hand (though empty now, curse those trolls, they would not be able to start a fire), looked up at him with an expression like a deer caught in the headlights.  “But how do I—”

“I don’t care what you do, just make sure she doesn’t lose consciousness.”  Even as he spoke Mikkel was shucking off Sigrun’s soaking wet jacket and undershirt (she was bleeding through her bandages and two layers of clothing, but re-stitching her arm would have to wait until she was no longer in danger of dying of cold); Emil hastily looked away and instead bent to talk to her in an undertone, leaving Mikkel free to focus on removing the rest of her clothes.

Her boots spilled puddles of water across the pavement when they came off—freezing cold water; she’d been in there far too long.  He stripped off her pants and socks next, but Sigrun shivered naked against the ground for only a few seconds before Mikkel had shrugged out of his own jacket and wrapped it around her.

She was practically swimming in it.  Though nearly his height, Sigrun didn’t have half of his bulk, and it showed in the way the jacket hung loose on her body, even more so in the way she sank into it, wrapping her arms around herself as if trying to absorb some of his residual heat.

After propping her up and helping her to lean against Emil (he didn’t want her on the cold ground for any longer than was absolutely necessary), Mikkel knelt and began removing his own boots.  Emil stared.

“Um… Mikkel?  What are you doing?”

Mikkel didn’t know why the Swede even bothered to ask him questions anymore, not when he would only complain that he couldn’t understand the answers.  Nevertheless, he responded, “I’d rather not amputate anything tonight.”  Though he didn’t know whether his words got across, he was sure Emil got the message well enough when he transferred his socks to Sigrun’s feet before shoving his own back into his boots.

That was as good as it was going to get.  Mikkel had done everything he could to make sure she didn’t succumb to cold; the rest of it would be up to Sigrun.

Emil helped heft Sigrun onto his back, propping her forward until gravity took over and her head settled against the back of his neck, her arms draped limply over his shoulders—now his jacket sleeve was spotted with blood.  Once he could be sure she was secure, Mikkel hooked his arms under her bare knees, and stood.

Sigrun was no lightweight, being tall and uncommonly athletic besides—but Mikkel was no weakling, either.  Mikkel shouldered her full weight with only the barest of grunts, and was confident that he would be able to do so for as long as he had to.

You’re a pretty strong guy, you’ll be able to pull me up with something, right?

Well, I suppose that I will.  Just not in the way we originally intended.

“Carry that,” he said to Emil, nodding his head toward Sigrun’s discarded clothing and weapons.  “I told Tuuri to follow the train tracks out of the city,” he continued as Emil bent to obey.  “The tank doesn’t move fast; they can’t have gotten far.  Hopefully we’ll be able to catch up to them in time.”

“We’ll get there in time.”

Mikkel looked behind him, startled.  Her words were slurred, her voice far softer than normal, but the statement had come, unmistakably, from Sigrun.

“I’ve survived worse than this.”  Her face was not visible to him from this angle, but Mikkel could still hear her smile.  “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily, farm boy.”

In spite of the dire situation, Mikkel found himself smiling in turn.  “No, I suppose not.”  He turned to Emil, who had everything in hand; there was nothing more to do than start walking.  Sigrun shivered once more against his back, and Mikkel shifted her weight a bit so she would be pressed as close against him as possible—so he would be sharing as much of his own body heat as he could with her.

“Oh, and Mikkel?”

“Hm?”  Sigrun was not out of danger, but that she was conscious and felt well enough to talk was encouraging—she might make it out of this yet.

“You’re off the list.”

Spoiler: Notes • show
And the whole thing started with this comment on a certain piece of artwork:

Laufey that's pretty much exactly how I imagine things shaking down too, I've definitely been thinking about Sigrun getting wrapped in Mikkel's coat ever since she fell in the water. (All the talk of hypothermia in the comic chitchat thread isn't helping my nerves, I just want her to be okay!!) All the details in your drawing are great, I love the boots and coat hanging from Mikkel's belt. (And blood, oh noooo...)
If someone would write a fic involving Mikkel wrapping Sigrun in his coat I would pay lots of money FEELINGS.

I do believe that you owe me some feelings.
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1745 on: March 20, 2016, 09:20:34 PM »
Definitely feelings from this reader! 'Off the list', heh. And Emil's socks. Good.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1746 on: March 20, 2016, 09:27:44 PM »
Here, have some shameless Sigrun whump. (This is Kiraly's fault. And Laufey's fault, but mostly Kiraly's.)

Spoiler: Untitled • show
“Sigrun?  Sigrun!

All that she managed in return was a wet cough and what sounded like a few slurred curse words.  After a few more attempts to—well, it was impossible to tell quite what she was trying to do, her limbs were shaking so badly—she gave it up and sank back down to the cracked cement, shivering violently as her eyes began to slip closed.

That wouldn’t do.  “Emil, keep her awake.”

Emil, who’d been kneeling beside Sigrun with his flamethrower in hand (though empty now, curse those trolls, they would not be able to start a fire), looked up at him with an expression like a deer caught in the headlights.  “But how do I—”

“I don’t care what you do, just make sure she doesn’t lose consciousness.”  Even as he spoke Mikkel was shucking off Sigrun’s soaking wet jacket and undershirt (she was bleeding through her bandages and two layers of clothing, but re-stitching her arm would have to wait until she was no longer in danger of dying of cold); Emil hastily looked away and instead bent to talk to her in an undertone, leaving Mikkel free to focus on removing the rest of her clothes.

Her boots spilled puddles of water across the pavement when they came off—freezing cold water; she’d been in there far too long.  He stripped off her pants and socks next, but Sigrun shivered naked against the ground for only a few seconds before Mikkel had shrugged out of his own jacket and wrapped it around her.

She was practically swimming in it.  Though nearly his height, Sigrun didn’t have half of his bulk, and it showed in the way the jacket hung loose on her body, even more so in the way she sank into it, wrapping her arms around herself as if trying to absorb some of his residual heat.

After propping her up and helping her to lean against Emil (he didn’t want her on the cold ground for any longer than was absolutely necessary), Mikkel knelt and began removing his own boots.  Emil stared.

“Um… Mikkel?  What are you doing?”

Mikkel didn’t know why the Swede even bothered to ask him questions anymore, not when he would only complain that he couldn’t understand the answers.  Nevertheless, he responded, “I’d rather not amputate anything tonight.”  Though he didn’t know whether his words got across, he was sure Emil got the message well enough when he transferred his socks to Sigrun’s feet before shoving his own back into his boots.

That was as good as it was going to get.  Mikkel had done everything he could to make sure she didn’t succumb to cold; the rest of it would be up to Sigrun.

Emil helped heft Sigrun onto his back, propping her forward until gravity took over and her head settled against the back of his neck, her arms draped limply over his shoulders—now his jacket sleeve was spotted with blood.  Once he could be sure she was secure, Mikkel hooked his arms under her bare knees, and stood.

Sigrun was no lightweight, being tall and uncommonly athletic besides—but Mikkel was no weakling, either.  Mikkel shouldered her full weight with only the barest of grunts, and was confident that he would be able to do so for as long as he had to.

You’re a pretty strong guy, you’ll be able to pull me up with something, right?

Well, I suppose that I will.  Just not in the way we originally intended.

“Carry that,” he said to Emil, nodding his head toward Sigrun’s discarded clothing and weapons.  “I told Tuuri to follow the train tracks out of the city,” he continued as Emil bent to obey.  “The tank doesn’t move fast; they can’t have gotten far.  Hopefully we’ll be able to catch up to them in time.”

“We’ll get there in time.”

Mikkel looked behind him, startled.  Her words were slurred, her voice far softer than normal, but the statement had come, unmistakably, from Sigrun.

“I’ve survived worse than this.”  Her face was not visible to him from this angle, but Mikkel could still hear her smile.  “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily, farm boy.”

In spite of the dire situation, Mikkel found himself smiling in turn.  “No, I suppose not.”  He turned to Emil, who had everything in hand; there was nothing more to do than start walking.  Sigrun shivered once more against his back, and Mikkel shifted her weight a bit so she would be pressed as close against him as possible—so he would be sharing as much of his own body heat as he could with her.

“Oh, and Mikkel?”

“Hm?”  Sigrun was not out of danger, but that she was conscious and felt well enough to talk was encouraging—she might make it out of this yet.

“You’re off the list.”

Spoiler: Notes • show
And the whole thing started with this comment on a certain piece of artwork:

Laufey that's pretty much exactly how I imagine things shaking down too, I've definitely been thinking about Sigrun getting wrapped in Mikkel's coat ever since she fell in the water. (All the talk of hypothermia in the comic chitchat thread isn't helping my nerves, I just want her to be okay!!) All the details in your drawing are great, I love the boots and coat hanging from Mikkel's belt. (And blood, oh noooo...)
If someone would write a fic involving Mikkel wrapping Sigrun in his coat I would pay lots of money FEELINGS.

I do believe that you owe me some feelings.

*chinhands* Most excellent.
*tosses feelings at you*
proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

:finland: :uk: :japan: :sweden: :germany:
:chap4: :chap5:
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:chap12: :chap13: :chap14:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1747 on: March 20, 2016, 09:36:04 PM »
Here, have some shameless Sigrun whump. (This is Kiraly's fault. And Laufey's fault, but mostly Kiraly's.)

Spoiler: Untitled • show
“Sigrun?  Sigrun!

All that she managed in return was a wet cough and what sounded like a few slurred curse words.  After a few more attempts to—well, it was impossible to tell quite what she was trying to do, her limbs were shaking so badly—she gave it up and sank back down to the cracked cement, shivering violently as her eyes began to slip closed.

That wouldn’t do.  “Emil, keep her awake.”

Emil, who’d been kneeling beside Sigrun with his flamethrower in hand (though empty now, curse those trolls, they would not be able to start a fire), looked up at him with an expression like a deer caught in the headlights.  “But how do I—”

“I don’t care what you do, just make sure she doesn’t lose consciousness.”  Even as he spoke Mikkel was shucking off Sigrun’s soaking wet jacket and undershirt (she was bleeding through her bandages and two layers of clothing, but re-stitching her arm would have to wait until she was no longer in danger of dying of cold); Emil hastily looked away and instead bent to talk to her in an undertone, leaving Mikkel free to focus on removing the rest of her clothes.

Her boots spilled puddles of water across the pavement when they came off—freezing cold water; she’d been in there far too long.  He stripped off her pants and socks next, but Sigrun shivered naked against the ground for only a few seconds before Mikkel had shrugged out of his own jacket and wrapped it around her.

She was practically swimming in it.  Though nearly his height, Sigrun didn’t have half of his bulk, and it showed in the way the jacket hung loose on her body, even more so in the way she sank into it, wrapping her arms around herself as if trying to absorb some of his residual heat.

After propping her up and helping her to lean against Emil (he didn’t want her on the cold ground for any longer than was absolutely necessary), Mikkel knelt and began removing his own boots.  Emil stared.

“Um… Mikkel?  What are you doing?”

Mikkel didn’t know why the Swede even bothered to ask him questions anymore, not when he would only complain that he couldn’t understand the answers.  Nevertheless, he responded, “I’d rather not amputate anything tonight.”  Though he didn’t know whether his words got across, he was sure Emil got the message well enough when he transferred his socks to Sigrun’s feet before shoving his own back into his boots.

That was as good as it was going to get.  Mikkel had done everything he could to make sure she didn’t succumb to cold; the rest of it would be up to Sigrun.

Emil helped heft Sigrun onto his back, propping her forward until gravity took over and her head settled against the back of his neck, her arms draped limply over his shoulders—now his jacket sleeve was spotted with blood.  Once he could be sure she was secure, Mikkel hooked his arms under her bare knees, and stood.

Sigrun was no lightweight, being tall and uncommonly athletic besides—but Mikkel was no weakling, either.  Mikkel shouldered her full weight with only the barest of grunts, and was confident that he would be able to do so for as long as he had to.

You’re a pretty strong guy, you’ll be able to pull me up with something, right?

Well, I suppose that I will.  Just not in the way we originally intended.

“Carry that,” he said to Emil, nodding his head toward Sigrun’s discarded clothing and weapons.  “I told Tuuri to follow the train tracks out of the city,” he continued as Emil bent to obey.  “The tank doesn’t move fast; they can’t have gotten far.  Hopefully we’ll be able to catch up to them in time.”

“We’ll get there in time.”

Mikkel looked behind him, startled.  Her words were slurred, her voice far softer than normal, but the statement had come, unmistakably, from Sigrun.

“I’ve survived worse than this.”  Her face was not visible to him from this angle, but Mikkel could still hear her smile.  “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily, farm boy.”

In spite of the dire situation, Mikkel found himself smiling in turn.  “No, I suppose not.”  He turned to Emil, who had everything in hand; there was nothing more to do than start walking.  Sigrun shivered once more against his back, and Mikkel shifted her weight a bit so she would be pressed as close against him as possible—so he would be sharing as much of his own body heat as he could with her.

“Oh, and Mikkel?”

“Hm?”  Sigrun was not out of danger, but that she was conscious and felt well enough to talk was encouraging—she might make it out of this yet.

“You’re off the list.”

Spoiler: Notes • show
And the whole thing started with this comment on a certain piece of artwork:

Laufey that's pretty much exactly how I imagine things shaking down too, I've definitely been thinking about Sigrun getting wrapped in Mikkel's coat ever since she fell in the water. (All the talk of hypothermia in the comic chitchat thread isn't helping my nerves, I just want her to be okay!!) All the details in your drawing are great, I love the boots and coat hanging from Mikkel's belt. (And blood, oh noooo...)
If someone would write a fic involving Mikkel wrapping Sigrun in his coat I would pay lots of money FEELINGS.

I do believe that you owe me some feelings.


*deep breath*

AAAAAHHHHH!!!! I love it so much! *shovels mountains of feelings at you* Everything about this is perfect: Mikkel's efficient competence, Emil's embarrassment, the size comparisons between Mikkel and Sigrun - just, YES. And the last line is icing on the cake, as far as I'm concerned. :))

Thank you so much for writing this, it's just what my beleaguered emotions needed! *gives you an extra few handfuls of feels for good measure*
Languages: :usa: (native) :mexico: (conversational but out of practice) :germany: (attempting to learn)
Survivor: :artd::book1+::chap6::chap7::chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1748 on: March 20, 2016, 10:06:59 PM »
Here, have some shameless Sigrun whump. (This is Kiraly's fault. And Laufey's fault, but mostly Kiraly's.)

Spoiler: Untitled • show
“Sigrun?  Sigrun!

All that she managed in return was a wet cough and what sounded like a few slurred curse words.  After a few more attempts to—well, it was impossible to tell quite what she was trying to do, her limbs were shaking so badly—she gave it up and sank back down to the cracked cement, shivering violently as her eyes began to slip closed.

That wouldn’t do.  “Emil, keep her awake.”

Emil, who’d been kneeling beside Sigrun with his flamethrower in hand (though empty now, curse those trolls, they would not be able to start a fire), looked up at him with an expression like a deer caught in the headlights.  “But how do I—”

“I don’t care what you do, just make sure she doesn’t lose consciousness.”  Even as he spoke Mikkel was shucking off Sigrun’s soaking wet jacket and undershirt (she was bleeding through her bandages and two layers of clothing, but re-stitching her arm would have to wait until she was no longer in danger of dying of cold); Emil hastily looked away and instead bent to talk to her in an undertone, leaving Mikkel free to focus on removing the rest of her clothes.

Her boots spilled puddles of water across the pavement when they came off—freezing cold water; she’d been in there far too long.  He stripped off her pants and socks next, but Sigrun shivered naked against the ground for only a few seconds before Mikkel had shrugged out of his own jacket and wrapped it around her.

She was practically swimming in it.  Though nearly his height, Sigrun didn’t have half of his bulk, and it showed in the way the jacket hung loose on her body, even more so in the way she sank into it, wrapping her arms around herself as if trying to absorb some of his residual heat.

After propping her up and helping her to lean against Emil (he didn’t want her on the cold ground for any longer than was absolutely necessary), Mikkel knelt and began removing his own boots.  Emil stared.

“Um… Mikkel?  What are you doing?”

Mikkel didn’t know why the Swede even bothered to ask him questions anymore, not when he would only complain that he couldn’t understand the answers.  Nevertheless, he responded, “I’d rather not amputate anything tonight.”  Though he didn’t know whether his words got across, he was sure Emil got the message well enough when he transferred his socks to Sigrun’s feet before shoving his own back into his boots.

That was as good as it was going to get.  Mikkel had done everything he could to make sure she didn’t succumb to cold; the rest of it would be up to Sigrun.

Emil helped heft Sigrun onto his back, propping her forward until gravity took over and her head settled against the back of his neck, her arms draped limply over his shoulders—now his jacket sleeve was spotted with blood.  Once he could be sure she was secure, Mikkel hooked his arms under her bare knees, and stood.

Sigrun was no lightweight, being tall and uncommonly athletic besides—but Mikkel was no weakling, either.  Mikkel shouldered her full weight with only the barest of grunts, and was confident that he would be able to do so for as long as he had to.

You’re a pretty strong guy, you’ll be able to pull me up with something, right?

Well, I suppose that I will.  Just not in the way we originally intended.

“Carry that,” he said to Emil, nodding his head toward Sigrun’s discarded clothing and weapons.  “I told Tuuri to follow the train tracks out of the city,” he continued as Emil bent to obey.  “The tank doesn’t move fast; they can’t have gotten far.  Hopefully we’ll be able to catch up to them in time.”

“We’ll get there in time.”

Mikkel looked behind him, startled.  Her words were slurred, her voice far softer than normal, but the statement had come, unmistakably, from Sigrun.

“I’ve survived worse than this.”  Her face was not visible to him from this angle, but Mikkel could still hear her smile.  “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily, farm boy.”

In spite of the dire situation, Mikkel found himself smiling in turn.  “No, I suppose not.”  He turned to Emil, who had everything in hand; there was nothing more to do than start walking.  Sigrun shivered once more against his back, and Mikkel shifted her weight a bit so she would be pressed as close against him as possible—so he would be sharing as much of his own body heat as he could with her.

“Oh, and Mikkel?”

“Hm?”  Sigrun was not out of danger, but that she was conscious and felt well enough to talk was encouraging—she might make it out of this yet.

“You’re off the list.”

Spoiler: Notes • show
And the whole thing started with this comment on a certain piece of artwork:

Laufey that's pretty much exactly how I imagine things shaking down too, I've definitely been thinking about Sigrun getting wrapped in Mikkel's coat ever since she fell in the water. (All the talk of hypothermia in the comic chitchat thread isn't helping my nerves, I just want her to be okay!!) All the details in your drawing are great, I love the boots and coat hanging from Mikkel's belt. (And blood, oh noooo...)
If someone would write a fic involving Mikkel wrapping Sigrun in his coat I would pay lots of money FEELINGS.

I do believe that you owe me some feelings.

Oh, this was excellent! And if she needs more body heat to warm up, I volunteer as tribute! Elleth, shut up, your crush is showing.
Á tarë quildë, á harë tínë.

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :book4: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

:germany: (native) :uk: (fluent) :vaticancity: (had to) :spain: (okay) :denmark: (learning) :france: (learning)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1749 on: March 20, 2016, 10:28:56 PM »
Elleth, shut up, your crush is showing.

Ha! Join the club!
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1750 on: March 20, 2016, 10:32:35 PM »
Ha! Join the club!
*coughing fit* who, me? I absolutely do not at all have a crush on Sigrun, not even a tiny one. Nooooo, this picture of her in my pocket is for a friend. FOR A FRIEND, I SAY.
(Lovely fic, btw. I like how you portray Mikkel.)
I'll do art-swaps and beta-reads, PM me!
Native: :usa:
Can make a fool of myself, but comprehensibly: :france:
Write a little Sindarin (working on that)
Wish-list: ASL, :sweden:, :norway:
Chapter break survivor: :book2::book3::book4::A2chap01::A2chap02::A2chap03::A2chap04::A2chap05:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1751 on: March 21, 2016, 12:01:37 AM »
Adding to the Sigrun-angst trending this week, with my own far-fetched variation on the theories as to how Sigrun is going to get out of this one.
Warning: far fetched is a generous term. Also, I explore the idea of a younger Sigrun a little bit- what she was like as a beautiful, awkward teen and all, for the purposes of explaining why she can flip her lid as spectacularly as I hope she might one day

There is only so much patience Sigrun can muster before she really loses it.

Read patience as ‘self-control’, because they are essentially the same thing for her. Patience means resisting the urge to sink her fist gullet-deep in the face some smug ass telling her how to do her job or talking down to her team. Patience means staying her hand on the trigger of her rifle, when a troll is tantalisingly unaware of her presence, but to shoot it would mean alerting every other grossling in a mile’s proximity.
Patience was also not picking up Mikkel by the collar and throwing him into next Odin’s day when she came across him out in the Silent World, trailing the two non-immunes like helpful, rebellious ducklings.

Patience can be a good thing as well- for example, trusting Emil to find his own feet in this dangerous profession he seems to have stumbled head-first into. All he needs is some protection, firm guidance and the occasional slap on the back to let him know he’s doing ok.
Patience is also dealing with that unfathomable, skinny Finnish thing- for example, not punching him in the face every time she catches his wide eyes gleaming from a shadow. Well, that also has something to do with repressing her battle instincts.

In conclusion, Sigrun has decided she is not going to be patient anymore.
Nor is she going to pretend she has the self-control to wait for Mikkel to pull her the hell up.

As a tentacle approximately the size and thickness of a tree trunk bares down on her, Sigrun casts her mind back to the last time she truly lost control.
She was young- still in braids. She was angry in the way that most, if not all, teenagers are. Angry with her parents for being wonderful and understanding. Angry with herself for being gangly and awkward and flawed. Angry with the world for falling to its knees and choking on its own blood before she had a chance to get out there and discover it.

And most urgently, angry with some guy whose name she can’t even remember. He made some off-hand remark about her. Something disparaging and unprovoked, possibly about the sprinkle of acne that haunted her chin from fourteen to eighteen. Possibly about her breasts- because she had none, and she can at least remember this guy as one of those guys who liked calling girls and women out for being sans curves or whatever.

What she remembers most vividly is flinging down her cup and launching herself effortlessly across the length of the table. He was on the other end of what was at least an eight foot table and had had to shout to be heard.
Sigrun basically flew to the other end of the table and landed on the guy’s shoulders. His face was smashed into her abs, his shoulders were wrapped in a crushing embrace as she crossed her legs around his neck, and he was knocked over backwards the incredible momentum which had sent her soaring.

Sigrun didn’t even bother using her fists. She leaned back and lunged forward for extra power, and bit the guy’s earlobe off with a single snap.
At this point, the guy also lost his control. So they went rolling, cursing and spitting around the mess hall, knocking over tables and chairs and just barely missing their colleagues as people leapt out of the way as fast as possible. Sigrun remembers her fists took on a life of their own and found his squishy bits, like there were magnets mounted in her knuckles and in his spleen and gonads.

Sigrun remembers someone lifting her off him by the collar and turning around in mid-air to elbow this rescuer in the face. This rescuer later turned out to be her mother, whose nose is still slightly crooked from the event.
She was only stopped because someone took the initiative and leaped on her, kicking off a dog-pile that ended with her under about ten people and still straining with all of her considerable might towards her opponent.


That was the day Sigrun discovered she is something that is referred to, in polite company, as ‘a berserker’. A kind of berserker anyway.
Not the one who loses all sense of self in a blinding, red mist during battle. Those are so common these days they are no longer remarkable. She is of a more dangerous and ancient genus- the kind of berserker who maintains a complete sense of self all the way through their rage and is able to calculate their every move.

In short, she retains control of all of her mental faculties while receiving a massive boost, aided by adrenaline and primal rage, in her physical, and kind of just flies off the handle.
This is what Sigrun does now.

“Mikkel,” she barks, just before the tentacle bears down on her “Tell the kids not to look!”

“What for?” asks Mikkel.
He reaches the end of the rope and notices, rather belatedly, Sigrun is no longer attached to it.

He looks up in time to see the pearly flash of a crazed grin whip by.

“Ah. That’s why.”

Sigrun is visible only as a smudge of cackling red in a forest of tentacles, groping around above the water. She has a knife in one hand, and that is all she has to protect herself.

Reynir’s red head pops around the door-frame. His eyes are so wide in fear he has begun to look a little bit like an owl “What’s…is Sigrun ok?”

“Sigrun is fine.”

There is the sound of fleshing wrenching and blubber parting as a tentacle splashes into the water, parted from the rest of the body.

“Reynir, go back inside.”

Reynir obeys, silent and grey-faced.

“Mikkel! What the hell is happening?” shouts Tuuri out the window, as if she cannot see it for herself.

“I believe our illustrious leader may be a berserker, Tuuri. Do yourself a favour and close your eyes.”

Mikkel crosses his arms and waits patiently. This shouldn’t take very long.

I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1752 on: March 21, 2016, 12:19:00 AM »
Well. That sounds very consistent and in character! I do hope things work out like that!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1753 on: March 21, 2016, 12:56:42 AM »
Ha! Join the club!

Gladly! Where do I sign up?  ;D
Á tarë quildë, á harë tínë.

:chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :book4: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

:germany: (native) :uk: (fluent) :vaticancity: (had to) :spain: (okay) :denmark: (learning) :france: (learning)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1754 on: March 21, 2016, 02:20:36 AM »
Aaah! These are both amazing!
And I'm glad that they both have a happy ending, presumably. :) Cause the thing that I've been writing hasn't and I feel horrible about it.
But I've been waiting for Sigrun to go into Berserker mode for nigh a week now, so as far as I'm concerned that's what the update should look like. :D (And then when the giant is all chopped up, Mikkel can wrap her in his jacket and carry her home.)
Fluent: :germany: :uk:
Alright: :spain: :france:
I try: :vaticancity: :norway: :turkey: :ireland: :sign: Yiddish
(I study historical linguistics and like to dig around in various Germanic languages of the last 2000 years or so.)

~Rule no.1: Don't question the Sgru!~