Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 905624 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1665 on: March 04, 2016, 11:50:24 PM »
Lazy8: Yep, sounds like true-to-character Sigrun to me! Good.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1666 on: March 05, 2016, 12:46:26 AM »
Thanks to Yuuago, the 2 chapters of Forgotten Dream have had a proofread!

So here is he edited version of Chapter 1:

Spoiler: Chapter 1 • show
  Reynir slowly drifted off into the realms of sleep.  And then, he woke up, but it was a new dream this time. The moss-covered cliffs and straggled sheep had passed from his mind. He now stood on a dilapidated stone bridge overlooking a deep valley cut into the land, carpeted in fog. This wasn't his dream, so whose was it?

   He decided to look around and see what he could find. He wandered down the bridge until he came to a narrow gravel road, with a steep drop-off on one side. Frightened at the prospect of falling down the valley, he stuck close to the rock face on the opposite edge of the road. The sharp sound of nails on a chalkboard came from behind him. He turned around. Nothing. He kept walking. He heard it again, this time, louder. Closer. He was afraid now. Were there trolls in dreams? Without turning around, he started moving as fast as he could without risking slipping on the loose gravel underfoot.

   ~HelLo LitTLe mAgE,~ The thing behind him whispered in its raspy voice.

   “What are you?! Why am I here?!” Reynir exclaimed in fear as he kept running, now no longer worried about the slippery gravel.

   ~WhaT aM I? tHat’s A STraNge QueStIOn… Why dOn’T yoU TUrN aRouNd And FInD OuT?~ The creature mused.

   “You didn’t answer the question,” Reynir said in a strange mixture of fear and curiosity.

   ~I waS OnCE LikE YoU, LItTLE MaGE. BuT I waS… ChAnGed. NoW I am MoRE. StrONgeR. BeTtEr. MoRE PowERfuL.~ Suddenly the troll leaped up and landed in front of Reynir.

   It was a hideous amalgam of body parts, warped by the unnatural power of the Rash. It had as many arms as he had segments in his braid, and its twelve eyes glowed blue with otherworldly power.

Abruptly, he was thrust towards the ground, and found himself on his knees before the creature. Reynir tried to get up, only to find that he couldn’t move. Some paralyzing force held him in place, exposing him to the terrifying power of the troll looming over him.

   ~yOU SeEM tO Be foRGeTInG THaT ThiS iS mY DrEAm. And I cONTrol It!~

   Reynir fought the powerful presence of the troll in his mind, and slowly… ever so slowly, he began to gain movement in his left hand. In the rock dust he traced a symbol with his finger. He had seen it in a book somewhere. Something to repel evil spirits. The Hannunvaakuna.

and Chapter 2:

Spoiler: Chapter 2 • show
The snowflakes stung Hannu’s frost-burnt face as he trudged down the icy path to his house. He had just finished up after a long day of work at the bakery and just wanted to head straight to bed. Ville looked just as downtrodden as he did, walking slowly alongside.

   “What’s for dinner?” Ville asked casually as they approached the door.

   Hannu shrugged and said, “I’m too tired to make anything. I’m going right to bed.”

   “Aww, I’m hungry…,” Ville said dejectedly.

   “There might be some buns in the fridge,” Hannu said.

   The door opened and the darkness beyond was cool and comforting. Hannu stepped through, hung his jacket on the hook, and headed straight for his warm bed. Ville stepped through behind him, and started rummaging around in the fridge.

   “Good night, Ville,” Hannu said through a stifled yawn.

   Instead of the black, dreamless sleep he expected, a stunning mountain valley filled his view. He was standing on a worn stone bridge, with a crossbow in his hands. He heard fighting further down the path branching off the bridge. Hurrying along, he loaded the crossbow, just in case. Around a bend in the path, he saw it. There was a hideous Hiisi-Beast looming over something - no, someone, on the ground.  He had vibrant braid in long orange hair, and beside his outstretched hand, there it was, traced in the dust, that same symbol that kept popping up everywhere lately. He and Ville had seen it on their clothes, on signposts, on necklaces, in the Redtail’s dream. Was that why he was here, in someone else’s dream? Had this symbol… summoned him? The moment he saw it, his adrenaline kicked into high gear. The crossbow was painfully loud as it discharged into one of the faces of the abomination before him.

   The beast recoiled, and roared in its jumbled, blackened speech, ~wHaT?! WhO aRE yOu?!~

   Yelling to match the magnitude of the creature’s power, Hannu said, “My name is Hannu, and I don’t know what all this is about, but I’m very tired of doing other people’s dirty work!” He bent down to the boy with the braid and said, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

   The beast couldn’t subject its power over two strong minds like these.  Knowing it was defeated, it slunk off into the shadows, to catch its prey another day.

   The braid boy stood up and said, “Thanks for that! I really thought I was going to die! My name is Reynir.”

   “And here I was thinking I was going to have a restful sleep…,” Hannu thought aloud under his breath. “Yeah! I’m Hannu!” Hannu said, trying to put on as friendly a demeanour as possible. Ville would be proud. Reynir faded out of view, but he seemed to be excitedly saying something. Ever so slowly, the world dissolved around him and he found himself sitting up in bed.


and that concludes my first fic! That's not really the end, it might have a continuation, but for now that's where I'll leave it.  :))
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1667 on: March 05, 2016, 01:04:28 AM »
Dangit, I'm behind on telling people how much I like their writing things (people! I like your writing things!) but it's 1 AM and I should go to bed. BUT FIRST:

Have the next chapter of Before It Was Cool, now with added Hotakainen family drama! (Don't worry, there's still at least a little fluff).
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1668 on: March 05, 2016, 01:14:48 AM »
Dangit, I'm behind on telling people how much I like their writing things (people! I like your writing things!) but it's 1 AM and I should go to bed. BUT FIRST:

Have the next chapter of Before It Was Cool, now with added Hotakainen family drama! (Don't worry, there's still at least a little fluff).

Yay! I love this story!
"It's easy to believe in something when you win all the time... The losses are what defines a mans faith."
-Brandon Sanderson, The Well of Ascension


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1669 on: March 05, 2016, 01:56:50 PM »
Lazy8: So much tension! And that even though we already know "how it ends". Really vivid, too! Great job!

Luth: I love how you managed to weave the two worlds/stories into one another! And I'm proud of Hannu, too, that he managed to stay friendly with someone as enthusiastic as Reynir - but then again, who knows what might have happened if he hadn't disappeared so promptly... I'm a bit unsettled by that the mage-troll is still out there, though - will we see them again? Find out their backstory?

Kiraly: Aaaah, all the feels! I'm glad you ended with some fluff to tie us over. :) Also: I LOVE the text messages, they're so much fun! I might have had more to say but my heart is too excited for these cuties to remember any of it now. :3

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
Alright: :spain: :france:
I try: :vaticancity: :norway: :turkey: :ireland: :sign: Yiddish
(I study historical linguistics and like to dig around in various Germanic languages of the last 2000 years or so.)

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1670 on: March 05, 2016, 04:47:26 PM »
Luth: I love how you managed to weave the two worlds/stories into one another! And I'm proud of Hannu, too, that he managed to stay friendly with someone as enthusiastic as Reynir - but then again, who knows what might have happened if he hadn't disappeared so promptly... I'm a bit unsettled by that the mage-troll is still out there, though - will we see them again? Find out their backstory?

 :)) Thank you! The idea of a backstory for the infected mage would be an interesting continuation! I will probably write that next, thank you for the idea!
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1671 on: March 05, 2016, 06:45:19 PM »
Kiraly: Good. I feel so sorry for poor Onni! Looking forward to the next chapter.

Luth: That was an interesting vignette. Nice to see Ville is teaching Hannu some manners! And the Kade/Troll is definitely worth following further - would make for interesting backstory.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1672 on: March 05, 2016, 07:02:54 PM »
So I'm thinking about writing a fic after I finish the Academy, which addresses the idea that the old gods have come back and are now running at least some parts of the show since they're being worshipped again. This would include a series of Icelandic spirits, the old Norse gods and a few Finnish gods. The basic idea of it would be that Emil and Lalli are sacrificed to the gods in a routine sacrifice their society does every summer.
Instead of dying properly, they're sent out of Valhalla to go back home and open up some kind of portal so the soldiers of Valhalla can come out and fight the Rash monsters. Some weird fantasy thingie like that.

What this is is a little ficlet based on someone seeing one of the old gods, because I just wanted to see how that would sound and work?

Spoiler: show

Everyone feels better after a good night's sleep. That is to say, Reynir and Mikkel feel better after their good night's sleep. Apparently, the traumatising experiences of the last day are not enough to keep Mikkel from feeling secure in flopping down at the end of the day and catching the 40 winks he has earned. Reynir, too, sleeps like the dead after only a moment of tossing and turning.

Tuuri spends the majority of the night staring at the ceiling and thinking about what has happened. She wonders if she might be able to activate some latent piece of magic in her- the magic is so strong in her brother and cousin, it seems downright unfair that she has not only had to miss out on immunity, but the mage abilities? With this injustice of genetics on her mind, Tuuri drops off. Sigrun posts herself in front of the door, turning a knife over in her good hand. She does not think of anything, if she can stop her mind from wandering.

Emil ends up staring at the back of Lalli's head for most of the night. What Emil thinks about as the night wears on is strictly his personal business.

Once Reynir has grown peaceful in his sleep, he becomes aware of being in his dream-space. He gets up and stretches, then frowns, realising the flock of sheep and the reddish dog that once populated his space have gone. Fled, perhaps, in the wake of the terrifying thing that attacked him? It's a little lonely in the space without them.
Very lonely, in fact. The empty mountain-side reminds him of the time he got lost in the mountains as a child, after straying too far from his home during play. One of his siblings found him well before night-time, of course, and wrapped him in blankets as soon as they got home. A happy ending, but for at least an hour, Reynir was certain he was going to be eaten, or taken away by the spirits, or simply die of exposure.


"Oi?" repeats Reynir quizzically. Doesn't sound like a sheep's noise to him.

"Oi. Reynir."

Reynir looks to his side and sees a very tired, very harassed-looking mage standing at the boundary of his space. Barely able to contain his excitement, Reynir bounds over and peels back the boundary to let Lalli in.

He is even more excited by the prospect of finally being able to speak to him. The language boundary simply falls away when inside the dream-space. He can't explain it and doesn't want to try, for fear that he might talk himself out of being able to understand Lalli.

"Lalli!" he cries "You're alright! Thank the gods! Everyone's been so worried- I mean, mostly Emil, because apparently Tuuri says you sometimes sleep for a few days normally, but Emil thought you might be dying and-"

"There's something in my space."

Reynir's heart skips a beat. In his sleep, he turns over onto his side and kicks the Tuuri in the thigh "Like, the spirit things?"

Lalli shakes his head "Older. Fouler."

"Oh. Um. Are you ok?"

He nods.

"Do you want to maybe stay here for the rest of the night? I'm sure it won't follow you.

He nods again.

They spend the rest of the night sitting in the grass of Reynir's dream-space while Reynir talks about his days as a shepherd and the various, terrifying encounters he has had with feral dogs and weird people he thinks maybe were spirits? Lalli listens silently, and glances over his shoulder frequently.

When the morning comes, Lalli is the first one up. Sigrun is so startled by his sudden movement she nearly throws her knife at him, but stops and smiles as best she can when she sees he's on the move again.

"So you're not dead."

He gives a grunt, somehow understanding what she has said.

"That's good. That's good."

The others move slowly, then rapidly when they see Lalli pulling on his boots and furs. Tuuri hugs him hard enough to produce a light crack from his spine, Mikkel gives him a solid pat on the shoulder and Emil gives him a long, hard stare that is either of relief or anger at being kept in suspense for so long.

"Well, I'm going to sleep," Sigrun lopes over to the bedding Lalli has just vacated and belly-flops. She announces into her pillow: "A three hour nap. That's all I need. Wake me up if we're on fire or dying."
She is snoring half a moment later.

Through Tuuri, Lalli says he needs to scout.

"What for?" asks Mikkel "I don't think it would be a good idea to explore after the amount of trolls we probably disturbed in the city."

Tuuri bends towards Lalli and listens for a moment "He says he needs to make sure we're safe. Something was...something wasn't right last night? We may have to move again, apparently," she adds to him, in Finnish "What are you doing?"

"Mage stuff."

"What kind of mage stuff."

"Magical mage stuff."


"Tuuri. I'm going to need Reynir and Emil."

She reports this to Mikkel, who decides it is best to let the mage take care of his mage stuff in any way he needs to, and to trust Emil to keep the other two safe. Unleashing a freshly awoken coma victim, a hayseed civilian without immunity and a traumatised newbie is not one of the easiest choices to make, but Mikkel sees no alternative, unless he wants to try tying Lalli to Tuuri's chair to prevent him from doing his job.

As the three of them disappear into the snow, Mikkel calls out after them "If you see a troll, don't try to fight it! You'll just bring more of them down on us. Just stand still and stay silent!"
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 07:27:58 PM by OwlsG0 »
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1673 on: March 05, 2016, 07:04:47 PM »
Pardon the shoddy formatting. This the first time I've ever posted a fic on the thread itself and I essentially  have no idea what I am doing.
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1674 on: March 05, 2016, 07:15:43 PM »
Yay! I love this story!

Aww, thank you! It warms my heart to get comments like this. :) (I hope you still like it even though this chapter took a turn for the sad, heh.)

Kiraly: Aaaah, all the feels! I'm glad you ended with some fluff to tie us over. :) Also: I LOVE the text messages, they're so much fun! I might have had more to say but my heart is too excited for these cuties to remember any of it now. :3

Hehe, the text messages are some of my favorite parts to write! And I definitely needed to end with the fluff, because the pre-fluff bits would have been a little too sad without it. (Next chapter should be fluffier, I think...but we'll see).

Kiraly: Good. I feel so sorry for poor Onni! Looking forward to the next chapter.

I know, I feel sorry for Onni too! Originally I'd planned for his interactions with Tuuri to be more along the lines of a guilt-tripping authority figure, worried about her financial security and wanting her to go back to school so she could get a "good job", but that didn't seem to fit with the way he's been shown in the comic recently. I feel like he's mostly sad/anxious, and the stern/cold impression I had originally is a facade he puts on.

OwlsG0 Ooh, this is intriguing! I look forward to seeing what you do with this. I'll admit to a great weakness for "old gods interacting with modern humanity" stories. *shifty glances at piles of books by Rick Riordan, Tessa Gratton, and Neil Gaiman's American Gods*

(In regards to the formatting, it looks like you put two front-end spoiler tags instead of an opening and closing tag? The first should be [spoiler ] without the space and the end should be [/spoiler ] without the space. You should be able to edit your post to fix it.)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1675 on: March 05, 2016, 07:30:39 PM »

OwlsG0 Ooh, this is intriguing! I look forward to seeing what you do with this. I'll admit to a great weakness for "old gods interacting with modern humanity" stories. *shifty glances at piles of books by Rick Riordan, Tessa Gratton, and Neil Gaiman's American Gods*

(In regards to the formatting, it looks like you put two front-end spoiler tags instead of an opening and closing tag? The first should be [spoiler ] without the space and the end should be [/spoiler ] without the space. You should be able to edit your post to fix it.)

Hallelujah! It worked! Thanks for that, saving my skin with confusing coding things there.

I also really love Rick Riordan's work (Heroes of Olympus, the Kane Chronicles and even Magnus's book are taking up my top shelf, and I've got both of the anthologies), and I couldn't be more excited about the American Gods show that's coming up! I really hope they do justice to the books, which seems like it might happen since I'm pretty sure Gaiman himself is on the creative team.

This Tessa Gratton woman, on the other hand, I've never read. What has she written?
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1676 on: March 05, 2016, 07:56:25 PM »
Hallelujah! It worked! Thanks for that, saving my skin with confusing coding things there.

I also really love Rick Riordan's work (Heroes of Olympus, the Kane Chronicles and even Magnus's book are taking up my top shelf, and I've got both of the anthologies), and I couldn't be more excited about the American Gods show that's coming up! I really hope they do justice to the books, which seems like it might happen since I'm pretty sure Gaiman himself is on the creative team.

This Tessa Gratton woman, on the other hand, I've never read. What has she written?

Heck yes for similar taste in books!
Spoiler: not going to derail the thread, but Tessa Gratton is amazing • show
Tessa Gratton wrote a trilogy (and a set of novellas, which are not crucial but add to the experience of reading the third book in the trilogy) called either the United States of Asgard or Gods of New Asgard books. (Something shady went down with her publisher, not sure what exactly). Basically the premise is the old Norse gods never went away and are the governing body of North America (possibly the world? It takes place all in North America, so I can't remember what's supposedly going on elsewhere). Culture has been considerably influenced by them, but modern inventions (cell phones, cars) still exist. The first book is called The Lost Sun, and basically involves two teenagers (a berserker and a seer) going on a cross-country road trip to help one of the gods and make sure the sun continues to rise.

If you like Rick Riordan there's a good chance you will like these, they have similar "teenagers on an epic quest" plots.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1677 on: March 05, 2016, 08:06:04 PM »
Heck yes for similar taste in books!
Spoiler: not going to derail the thread, but Tessa Gratton is amazing • show
Tessa Gratton wrote a trilogy (and a set of novellas, which are not crucial but add to the experience of reading the third book in the trilogy) called either the United States of Asgard or Gods of New Asgard books. (Something shady went down with her publisher, not sure what exactly). Basically the premise is the old Norse gods never went away and are the governing body of North America (possibly the world? It takes place all in North America, so I can't remember what's supposedly going on elsewhere). Culture has been considerably influenced by them, but modern inventions (cell phones, cars) still exist. The first book is called The Lost Sun, and basically involves two teenagers (a berserker and a seer) going on a cross-country road trip to help one of the gods and make sure the sun continues to rise.

If you like Rick Riordan there's a good chance you will like these, they have similar "teenagers on an epic quest" plots.

Well I guess I know what I'm adding to my reading list next!
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1678 on: March 05, 2016, 09:24:53 PM »
So I'm thinking about writing a fic after I finish the Academy, which addresses the idea that the old gods have come back and are now running at least some parts of the show since they're being worshipped again. This would include a series of Icelandic spirits, the old Norse gods and a few Finnish gods. The basic idea of it would be that Emil and Lalli are sacrificed to the gods in a routine sacrifice their society does every summer.
Instead of dying properly, they're sent out of Valhalla to go back home and open up some kind of portal so the soldiers of Valhalla can come out and fight the Rash monsters. Some weird fantasy thingie like that.

What this is is a little ficlet based on someone seeing one of the old gods, because I just wanted to see how that would sound and work?

Spoiler: show

Everyone feels better after a good night's sleep. That is to say, Reynir and Mikkel feel better after their good night's sleep. Apparently, the traumatising experiences of the last day are not enough to keep Mikkel from feeling secure in flopping down at the end of the day and catching the 40 winks he has earned. Reynir, too, sleeps like the dead after only a moment of tossing and turning.

Tuuri spends the majority of the night staring at the ceiling and thinking about what has happened. She wonders if she might be able to activate some latent piece of magic in her- the magic is so strong in her brother and cousin, it seems downright unfair that she has not only had to miss out on immunity, but the mage abilities? With this injustice of genetics on her mind, Tuuri drops off. Sigrun posts herself in front of the door, turning a knife over in her good hand. She does not think of anything, if she can stop her mind from wandering.

Emil ends up staring at the back of Lalli's head for most of the night. What Emil thinks about as the night wears on is strictly his personal business.

Once Reynir has grown peaceful in his sleep, he becomes aware of being in his dream-space. He gets up and stretches, then frowns, realising the flock of sheep and the reddish dog that once populated his space have gone. Fled, perhaps, in the wake of the terrifying thing that attacked him? It's a little lonely in the space without them.
Very lonely, in fact. The empty mountain-side reminds him of the time he got lost in the mountains as a child, after straying too far from his home during play. One of his siblings found him well before night-time, of course, and wrapped him in blankets as soon as they got home. A happy ending, but for at least an hour, Reynir was certain he was going to be eaten, or taken away by the spirits, or simply die of exposure.


"Oi?" repeats Reynir quizzically. Doesn't sound like a sheep's noise to him.

"Oi. Reynir."

Reynir looks to his side and sees a very tired, very harassed-looking mage standing at the boundary of his space. Barely able to contain his excitement, Reynir bounds over and peels back the boundary to let Lalli in.

He is even more excited by the prospect of finally being able to speak to him. The language boundary simply falls away when inside the dream-space. He can't explain it and doesn't want to try, for fear that he might talk himself out of being able to understand Lalli.

"Lalli!" he cries "You're alright! Thank the gods! Everyone's been so worried- I mean, mostly Emil, because apparently Tuuri says you sometimes sleep for a few days normally, but Emil thought you might be dying and-"

"There's something in my space."

Reynir's heart skips a beat. In his sleep, he turns over onto his side and kicks the Tuuri in the thigh "Like, the spirit things?"

Lalli shakes his head "Older. Fouler."

"Oh. Um. Are you ok?"

He nods.

"Do you want to maybe stay here for the rest of the night? I'm sure it won't follow you.

He nods again.

They spend the rest of the night sitting in the grass of Reynir's dream-space while Reynir talks about his days as a shepherd and the various, terrifying encounters he has had with feral dogs and weird people he thinks maybe were spirits? Lalli listens silently, and glances over his shoulder frequently.

When the morning comes, Lalli is the first one up. Sigrun is so startled by his sudden movement she nearly throws her knife at him, but stops and smiles as best she can when she sees he's on the move again.

"So you're not dead."

He gives a grunt, somehow understanding what she has said.

"That's good. That's good."

The others move slowly, then rapidly when they see Lalli pulling on his boots and furs. Tuuri hugs him hard enough to produce a light crack from his spine, Mikkel gives him a solid pat on the shoulder and Emil gives him a long, hard stare that is either of relief or anger at being kept in suspense for so long.

"Well, I'm going to sleep," Sigrun lopes over to the bedding Lalli has just vacated and belly-flops. She announces into her pillow: "A three hour nap. That's all I need. Wake me up if we're on fire or dying."
She is snoring half a moment later.

Through Tuuri, Lalli says he needs to scout.

"What for?" asks Mikkel "I don't think it would be a good idea to explore after the amount of trolls we probably disturbed in the city."

Tuuri bends towards Lalli and listens for a moment "He says he needs to make sure we're safe. Something was...something wasn't right last night? We may have to move again, apparently," she adds to him, in Finnish "What are you doing?"

"Mage stuff."

"What kind of mage stuff."

"Magical mage stuff."


"Tuuri. I'm going to need Reynir and Emil."

She reports this to Mikkel, who decides it is best to let the mage take care of his mage stuff in any way he needs to, and to trust Emil to keep the other two safe. Unleashing a freshly awoken coma victim, a hayseed civilian without immunity and a traumatised newbie is not one of the easiest choices to make, but Mikkel sees no alternative, unless he wants to try tying Lalli to Tuuri's chair to prevent him from doing his job.

As the three of them disappear into the snow, Mikkel calls out after them "If you see a troll, don't try to fight it! You'll just bring more of them down on us. Just stand still and stay silent!"

This was intriguing. Not much to say except please continue.
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


  • Traveller on the Bird's Path
  • Elder of the Ruined Realm
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  • Posts: 8636
Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #1679 on: March 05, 2016, 10:58:30 PM »
Kiraly: Your taste in fiction (Neil Gaiman is wonderful) suggests to me that you might like the music and tale-telling of Damh the Bard (pronounced Dave, the man has a weird sense of humour). He has recorded a good deal, but if you get a chance to see him in live performance, do. He's funny and wise and a real sweetheart. Try his 'Spirit of Albion' album. And anything he has done with the South Australian Pagan folk-rock band Spiral Dance. He comes out from England to SA every year or two to sing and give workshops at the Wiccan Conference, or at the Mylor English Ale, a yearly Pagan, Wiccan and Heathen gathering devoted to Morris dancing and music, as well as learning. Spiral Dance on their own are excellent too, their vocalist Adrienne Piggott has a glorious voice.

OwlsGo: This has the makings of a good story. I guess it must be something fairly heavy-duty to invade Lalli's haven? I like the idea of his taking refuge with Reynir, and can just imagine how much having to do so must annoy him!
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