Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806811 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #525 on: June 13, 2015, 02:10:35 PM »
And the Tomorrow Villains AU begins!

nothing worrying going on, just the prologue

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #526 on: June 13, 2015, 06:43:52 PM »
Chapter three of the Pacific Rim crossover is now up! (It’s been ready for about a week but for some reason I forgot to post it.)

Zeppelins frighten trolls! Lalli speaks! Tuuri steals a spy satellite! And the Jaeger and the giant still haven’t met yet. Where am I going with all this? Heck if I know, but I’m going to keep writing anyway!

I hope you like it! And thanks to Haiz for your support during the writing of this chapter.

Solovei, KicknRun, I look forward to the continuation of both of your stories!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #527 on: June 13, 2015, 07:05:43 PM »
Chapter three of the Pacific Rim crossover is now up! (It’s been ready for about a week but for some reason I forgot to post it.)

Zeppelins frighten trolls! Lalli speaks! Tuuri steals a spy satellite! And the Jaeger and the giant still haven’t met yet. Where am I going with all this? Heck if I know, but I’m going to keep writing anyway!

I hope you like it! And thanks to Haiz for your support during the writing of this chapter.

Solovei, KicknRun, I look forward to the continuation of both of your stories!

Emil, its

(also, how dare you make out America to paranoid. i am offend.)
 (tuuri has techopathy in my AU. this is content I am looking for)

[jk about the america thing,nobody hates america more than america]

:chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #528 on: June 13, 2015, 07:32:48 PM »
Chapter three of the Pacific Rim crossover is now up! (It’s been ready for about a week but for some reason I forgot to post it.)

Zeppelins frighten trolls! Lalli speaks! Tuuri steals a spy satellite! And the Jaeger and the giant still haven’t met yet. Where am I going with all this? Heck if I know, but I’m going to keep writing anyway!

I hope you like it! And thanks to Haiz for your support during the writing of this chapter.

Solovei, KicknRun, I look forward to the continuation of both of your stories!
Wait, chapter THREE? Why did nobody tell me there was even a chapter TWO? XD I feel so betrayed!
(or rather, I forgot to subscribe and have only myself to blame)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #529 on: June 13, 2015, 07:33:17 PM »

KicknRun: ooh nice introduction! It seems like you've got a good worldbuilding down for this AU, and setting the intro up as an essay was a nice touch. I noticed a few typos here and there, especially with punctuation/lack of space after commas, but considering it's supposed to be written by a younger Tuuri, it might be deliberate? Then again, grade 11 isn't actually that young, and Tuuri seems to be the kind of person who would get top grades in language subjects. It also seems a tad unplausible that they would have to write essays about this kind of thing in grade 11, since the empowerment is a big part of your setting and most people would probably know a lot of this already, but I have no idea how the school systems in your AU work. Maybe grade 11 age isn't the same as the 11th grade I know in my world.

So yeah okay that was an attempt at sounding constructive at 1:30AM, but I liked it! as long as there won't be any major character death (which i will not touch with a ten foot pole sorry) I will definitely read this series. superpower aus are wonderful
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #530 on: June 13, 2015, 08:15:28 PM »

KicknRun: ooh nice introduction! It seems like you've got a good worldbuilding down for this AU, and setting the intro up as an essay was a nice touch. I noticed a few typos here and there, especially with punctuation/lack of space after commas, but considering it's supposed to be written by a younger Tuuri, it might be deliberate? Then again, grade 11 isn't actually that young, and Tuuri seems to be the kind of person who would get top grades in language subjects. It also seems a tad unplausible that they would have to write essays about this kind of thing in grade 11, since the empowerment is a big part of your setting and most people would probably know a lot of this already, but I have no idea how the school systems in your AU work. Maybe grade 11 age isn't the same as the 11th grade I know in my world.

So yeah okay that was an attempt at sounding constructive at 1:30AM, but I liked it! as long as there won't be any major character death (which i will not touch with a ten foot pole sorry) I will definitely read this series. superpower aus are wonderful

AHAHshsh why do grading systems all over the world gotta be so different. Nobody actually says grade 11 here, they say Junior, and beFORE that, the only numbered years are 1-8 grades, even though most people start school two years before that in Pre-Kindergarten, and then everybody goes to Kindergarten. Then when you finish up with the number grades, you have high school(secondary) for four years. Year one is Freshman ,Y2 is Sophomore , Y3 is Junior, Y4 is Senior. Tuuri is a Junior. And then there's college but thats unimportant.

So in summary- the America school system is needlessly complicated.

Its supposed to be a short essay about the history of powers(but am i not completely sure about length, cause i asked my high-school brother the longest essay he's ever written was 3000 words, but he's busy getting ready to graduate and therefore can't answer my questions? maybe 1000 is an average but 500 still seems pretty small in my opinion so), and at first I tried to give it a first draft and everything like a responsible student, but that didn't work, so this happened. That's why first drafts are amazing, people.

And um *shuffles awkwardly*, I don't have any major character death in the cards at the moment, and its going to stay that way, I think. But on the other hand, I know there is going to be disappointment like you cannot believe when I type up the next chapter. So yeah, sorry in advance. But I'm glad you like it! And any errors in punctuation are all mine, because I don't actually know how grammar works.

And about writing an essay at age 16 thing, I chose that age b/c in this universe, she should have gotten her powers already. Also writing long things? That's posSibLE? I just am going to give the excuse that Tuuri is defineielty the kind of student everyone would call an overachiever, but the way she beats herself up trying to stay in that position is Not Good. And she would beat herself up. ANdddd now I'm shutting up. Goodbye.

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #531 on: June 13, 2015, 11:13:52 PM »
I'd prefer this was a bit more polished, but it's too close to the 1k limit now, for my tastes.

With apologies for any deflated expectations:

Run Fast, Run Far
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part II
Spoiler: show
Four More in Play

“Sir?” Someone was tugging ineffectually at his right arm, which sprawled leadenly across the countertop upon which he lay. “Sir, I must ask that--Oh, that’s it. Michael!”

Mikkel cracked open his eyes blearily. He hadn’t felt this bad since he’d accidentally stuck himself with a horse tranquilizer a few years back. He tried to remember what had occasioned this, to remind himself to avoid it in future, but it hurt less to just lie there like he was, so he did.

“What’s up, Signe?” Here was a male voice, laced with an odd blend of impatience, solicitude and weariness.

“Michael, you know I hate to ask customers for help, but,” the woman gestured demonstratively at Mikkel’s inert bulk. “Everyone else on staff would get a hernia just thinking about moving him, spineless little worms.” The man barely smothered a guffaw.

‘I’m perfectly all right and can move myself, thank you,’ was what Mikkel tried to say. What came out was more like, “Mllrllmeh. Ohmyhead,” slurred so badly Tuuri would never have understood it, let alone Emil.

Tuuri! Emil! The thought sparked thoughts of his other comrades. Where were they? Were they safe? A rush of adrenaline pushed his eyes open, but whatever he’d been dosed with, it was still too strong for him to move.

“Had a few too many, huh, friend?” Michael tried some patently false empathy.

“Drugged. Wher’mI?” Mikkel managed.

“You’re on the ferry from Bornholm to Copenhagen,” Signe said.


The Most Annoying Ringtone Ever (TM) belted out from one of Mikkel’s clenched hands. He looked at it in still-bleary confusion.


The room was quietly bustling with waitstaff and buspeople attending their duties, customers chatting at their tables, and others waiting to be seated. Tuuri blinked at how suddenly the change had happened. Wait--change from what? Tuuri couldn’t quite remember, yet.

“Miss? Miss! Can I help you?” Tuuri blinked again at the soft pseudo-cheerful question. She was sitting in one of the main room’s many booths, and a woman who looked oddly familiar was standing by it with pen and pad raised in the traditional waitstaff pose. “I’m Aino, and I’ll be your waitress today.”

Tuuri tried desperately to remember something, anything, about the moments before whatever had happened to her, but nothing would come. Aino looked at her increasingly dubiously. “Did you want a drink, miss?”

The small device making that incredibly annoying noise at her bore very peculiar markings.

“Ah, is that a new phone?” Aino finally took matters--the phone, that is--into her own hands. Glancing down at the screen, she accepted the call and held the phone to the strange girl’s ear.

The voice in Tuuri’s ear was vaguely familiar, as with all her surroundings, and it . “You’re wasting time, Tuuri Hotakainen. In your bag should be all you need to reach the Site before the Incident occurs. Meet the others at the airport in Oran.”


Emil stood at the door to his family home in Mora, wondering if he should knock. Ordinarily, he wouldn’t, but this was a dream (a noisy dream with all the odd, Old World machine and foot traffic around him), so knocking would probably be the right thing to do.

barkBarkBARK! A large, fluffy dog sprang through the door as it opened, almost knocking Emil over in an ecstasy of welcome. “Bosse! Get down, you rascal!” Stig Västerström stepped out from behind the door. Emil had stared at him in the family portrait often enough that he knew every crease and cranny of his face, so there was no mistaking him.

“I’m sorry about Bosse. He’s not usually that way.” There was a somewhat awkward silence occasioned by Emil continuing to stare at Stig, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. “Are you a relative of my wife, Ulrika, perhaps? You certainly have the look of her.”

Something in Emil’s hand began making noise and vibrating. One thing about Stig that Emil hadn’t known was how fast his reflexes were. Stig managed to block Emil’s Cleanser-training-driven arm before Emil could pitch the noisemaker away from the house, which turned out to be a very good thing.


Reynir stood at the front door to his family’s farmhouse, wondering if this was what dreaming was. The door opened, revealing an older, grayer version of Reynir. Neither spoke for a moment.

“I’m Reynir Arnasson,” they both said in unison. “I’m sorry; you go ahead.”

What was shaping up to be a fine impromptu recreation of an old Vaudeville act was brutally cut off by the elder Reynir’s wife. “How may we help you, young man? Aren’t you one of our relatives?”

The younger Reynir was about to tangle his tongue around a convoluted attempt at an answer when his hand rang.

“Tell your friend his timing is off,” the elder Reynir and his wife laughed.

As Reynir put the phone to his ear, the world faded from his view, replaced with odd, shadowy figures. The two closest looked very familiar...


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #532 on: June 14, 2015, 12:21:53 AM »
I'd prefer this was a bit more polished, but it's too close to the 1k limit now, for my tastes.

With apologies for any deflated expectations:

Run Fast, Run Far
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part II
Spoiler: show
Four More in Play

“Sir?” Someone was tugging ineffectually at his right arm, which sprawled leadenly across the countertop upon which he lay. “Sir, I must ask that--Oh, that’s it. Michael!”

Mikkel cracked open his eyes blearily. He hadn’t felt this bad since he’d accidentally stuck himself with a horse tranquilizer a few years back. He tried to remember what had occasioned this, to remind himself to avoid it in future, but it hurt less to just lie there like he was, so he did.

“What’s up, Signe?” Here was a male voice, laced with an odd blend of impatience, solicitude and weariness.

“Michael, you know I hate to ask customers for help, but,” the woman gestured demonstratively at Mikkel’s inert bulk. “Everyone else on staff would get a hernia just thinking about moving him, spineless little worms.” The man barely smothered a guffaw.

‘I’m perfectly all right and can move myself, thank you,’ was what Mikkel tried to say. What came out was more like, “Mllrllmeh. Ohmyhead,” slurred so badly Tuuri would never have understood it, let alone Emil.

Tuuri! Emil! The thought sparked thoughts of his other comrades. Where were they? Were they safe? A rush of adrenaline pushed his eyes open, but whatever he’d been dosed with, it was still too strong for him to move.

“Had a few too many, huh, friend?” Michael tried some patently false empathy.

“Drugged. Wher’mI?” Mikkel managed.

“You’re on the ferry from Bornholm to Copenhagen,” Signe said.


The Most Annoying Ringtone Ever (TM) belted out from one of Mikkel’s clenched hands. He looked at it in still-bleary confusion.


The room was quietly bustling with waitstaff and buspeople attending their duties, customers chatting at their tables, and others waiting to be seated. Tuuri blinked at how suddenly the change had happened. Wait--change from what? Tuuri couldn’t quite remember, yet.

“Miss? Miss! Can I help you?” Tuuri blinked again at the soft pseudo-cheerful question. She was sitting in one of the main room’s many booths, and a woman who looked oddly familiar was standing by it with pen and pad raised in the traditional waitstaff pose. “I’m Aino, and I’ll be your waitress today.”

Tuuri tried desperately to remember something, anything, about the moments before whatever had happened to her, but nothing would come. Aino looked at her increasingly dubiously. “Did you want a drink, miss?”

The small device making that incredibly annoying noise at her bore very peculiar markings.

“Ah, is that a new phone?” Aino finally took matters--the phone, that is--into her own hands. Glancing down at the screen, she accepted the call and held the phone to the strange girl’s ear.

The voice in Tuuri’s ear was vaguely familiar, as with all her surroundings, and it . “You’re wasting time, Tuuri Hotakainen. In your bag should be all you need to reach the Site before the Incident occurs. Meet the others at the airport in Oran.”


Emil stood at the door to his family home in Mora, wondering if he should knock. Ordinarily, he wouldn’t, but this was a dream (a noisy dream with all the odd, Old World machine and foot traffic around him), so knocking would probably be the right thing to do.

barkBarkBARK! A large, fluffy dog sprang through the door as it opened, almost knocking Emil over in an ecstasy of welcome. “Bosse! Get down, you rascal!” Stig Västerström stepped out from behind the door. Emil had stared at him in the family portrait often enough that he knew every crease and cranny of his face, so there was no mistaking him.

“I’m sorry about Bosse. He’s not usually that way.” There was a somewhat awkward silence occasioned by Emil continuing to stare at Stig, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. “Are you a relative of my wife, Ulrika, perhaps? You certainly have the look of her.”

Something in Emil’s hand began making noise and vibrating. One thing about Stig that Emil hadn’t known was how fast his reflexes were. Stig managed to block Emil’s Cleanser-training-driven arm before Emil could pitch the noisemaker away from the house, which turned out to be a very good thing.


Reynir stood at the front door to his family’s farmhouse, wondering if this was what dreaming was. The door opened, revealing an older, grayer version of Reynir. Neither spoke for a moment.

“I’m Reynir Arnasson,” they both said in unison. “I’m sorry; you go ahead.”

What was shaping up to be a fine impromptu recreation of an old Vaudeville act was brutally cut off by the elder Reynir’s wife. “How may we help you, young man? Aren’t you one of our relatives?”

The younger Reynir was about to tangle his tongue around a convoluted attempt at an answer when his hand rang.

“Tell your friend his timing is off,” the elder Reynir and his wife laughed.

As Reynir put the phone to his ear, the world faded from his view, replaced with odd, shadowy figures. The two closest looked very familiar...

I like! I like!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #533 on: June 14, 2015, 04:23:03 AM »

ahah, okay then. As for grammar, you do clearly have a grasp on it and it's not a big deal anyway, but maybe reading through before posting or having a beta-reader would be good?
and dissapointment, huh... I'll consider myself warned, but hopefully it won't be too bad............ I found out recently that reading fics with either heavy angst or explicit shipping make me feel almost physically ill (why), which is not the fault of the writers at all! but since 90% of all fics ever are either angst or shipping or both....... I need to be careful about what I read õ_õ
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 04:32:59 AM by Haiz »
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #534 on: June 14, 2015, 04:42:56 AM »
This idea was born out of two separate ones: I wanted to see the crew several years down the line getting put back together, and for some mad reason I wanted to see how Reynir would react to seeing a helicopter. Somewhere along the way, it became the story of the known world coming to an end and Sigrun putting the crew back together for one last desperate mission out into the silent lands to save it. The actual mission itself I have no intention of actually writing – what I’ve got is already probably going to get canoned super hard within a year or two, plus long stories are way too hard for me to write.

Anyway, enough spiel:

I hope you like it! (And yes, the title is a Pacific Rim reference. You watch that film enough times for a crossover fic and bits start to rub off on you.)

And KicknRun: I love your story! We really need more badass Tuuri around here.
Good, good, good, good, good!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #535 on: June 14, 2015, 06:21:55 AM »
Good, good, good, good, good!

Thank you! I will admit I wasn't too sure people would like that one, it being rather out of the scope of where fanfics normally go with relation to the comic itself. It's nice to see people don't think it's too much nonsense  :)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #536 on: June 14, 2015, 10:31:59 AM »
Chapter three of the Pacific Rim crossover is now up! (It’s been ready for about a week but for some reason I forgot to post it.)

Zeppelins frighten trolls! Lalli speaks! Tuuri steals a spy satellite! And the Jaeger and the giant still haven’t met yet. Where am I going with all this? Heck if I know, but I’m going to keep writing anyway!

I hope you like it! And thanks to Haiz for your support during the writing of this chapter.
Whoa, this story is really good!! Such an awesome crossover :D

Eagerly waiting since November 2014:  :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02:
(✿σ‿σ) ~<3


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #537 on: June 14, 2015, 01:36:15 PM »
*Maniacal laughter intensifies*

So, here's the next part.

Let the epicness begin.

Run Fast, Run Far
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part III
Spoiler: show
 He Who Remains

Lalli Hotakainen stood still and stayed silent as he leaned over the Well of Watching, well, watching. This, of course, was simply his way, as it had been since he was a child. The dim spectral image of his cousin Onni Hotakainen stood equally sphinx-like beside Lalli to his left; a confused but equally spectral Reynir to his right; and across from the three of them, propped on the edge of the Well by his forepaws... Puppy-Fox. Somehow, Lalli knew that they would all understand anything that was spoken while in this room, as far as languages went.

“I keep telling you that I’m not the villain here!” Puppy-Fox, that infamous trickster, exclaimed. “Come on! Who do you think placed the Aarnivalkea here for you to find, and who gave you the means to find it? I practically led you here by the hand! You make one stupid mistake when you’re younger and it brands you for life...”

“Be still, O Messenger,” a deep and resonant voice boomed from behind Puppy-Fox, who immediately looked abashed. A very, very, very old man slowly hobbled out of the swirling mists up to the Well. Oh, my. This was the Old Man Himself! “Be still. You have done your part, and done it well. Now, depart.”

“Without seeing the rest of the story?” Puppy-Fox whined. His ears had perked at the Old Man’s praise, but now his crest was well and truly fallen.

“I shall show it to you later,” the Old Man promised. As Puppy-Fox reluctantly slinked off, his departure unmourned by any of the mortals present, the Old Man looked at the boy and the two spirits flanking him. “So, Kin of Hotakainen from the Lake of Many Islands and Man of the Land of Burning Glaciers, you have finally come. The Bear was certain you would, but the Swan had his doubts. Now, it is time for you, and your distant friends, to take up the challenge We have set before you, for your own sake, and for the sake of two worlds: this one, and the one into which your friends have been dispatched. Fail, and this world will fall, and you shall never see your friends again. Succeed, and the Cleansing of the Silent Lands can begin in earnest.”

Lalli and Onni continued to regard the Old Man impassively, while Reynir gaped soundlessly. The Old Man gestured, and the Bear, the Great Spirit to whom this place had been dedicated and with whose motifs both room and Well were bedecked, stepped forward from the mists to continue the geas-giving. All the manifold carvings and images seemed to shimmer at the Bear’s approach, reflecting the presence of that of which they were mere shadows.

Power gathered round and thickened the air as the Bear spoke, his voice solemn as the grave, and with every word he spoke, the three could feel the binding grow upon them, for the Bear spoke thus:

“Hotakainen Mage called Lalli
Unto you I make this promise

“Conquer now this Godly Challenge
Save your sister world from grosslings
And your own world will start healing
Sloughing off the plague of Rash-kind

“Failure though must bring disaster
Rash will spread through ev’ry plenum
Darken all the worlds forever
Bringing all to final ruin

“So I charge and I command thee
Seven sent to slay the Silence.”

The Bear stepped back into the shadows, vanishing into the mists that had borne him there, but his runo-geas hovered in the silence of the room, lingering like the echoes of a deep and sonorous bell tolling out doom.

Finally, Lalli spoke. “What must we do, and how are we to do it?”

The Old Man replied, “How is up to you. I shall only tell the what, and that will take long enough. Your cohorts have been sent to another world, a close sister to this one, but a bit younger, and without the taint of Rash. They must stop the Rash from claiming that world as it has this one, and you must guide them as they do, Lalli. All else that you must know can be seen in the Well. Reynir, Walker through Dreams, your steps span two worlds now: it is you who must bring Lalli’s instructions to the others through the talk-box your body holds in the other world. Onni, strong and stalwart Defender of Keuruu, your charge is now to defend this place, for the Rash will soon know that your allies are working to its destruction, and its counter-stroke will fall like a great avalanche upon this place. Watch and ward, that your cousin may succeed.”

With that, the Old Man stepped back, slowly vanishing, and the three mortals knew there would be no more such speech until their victory or their failure. It seemed their talk had lasted ages; but then it seemed that they had not heard nearly enough. Lalli swallowed hard and looked deep into the Well, which obligingly cleared to show him...


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #538 on: June 14, 2015, 04:11:15 PM »
First post to the forums.

This story runs in parallel with the current comic until the following panel:

There may be more at a later point.


The photo book was worn and cracking now. The combination of obsessive flipping and the years of the elements had not been kind to it. She had found it, where she remembered it to be - a fever ridden place in a long abandoned and run down apartment in Frederiksberg.

How long had she wandered was unknown, but sometimes the headaches would just take over and the madness would come. Already the madness was pawing - incessant and feral.

Vision swam and refocused. Sarah Hansen at the age of thirteen had won silver in the junior 10k run on the 6th of April. The newspaper clipping had been carefully cut at the time, now the image of the winners had blurred to indistinction. The date was only two years from when the outbreak happened and when the madness started.

The place she had made for herself was once a basement. Various lockers with chicken wire and dusty numbers indicated the possessions of people. Most of the storage places had been cleared out. Clothes strewn on the concrete floor. Toys and various electronic devices lay in the corners mouldering.

Light came from light bulbs powered by a combination of car batteries and an emergency generator she had found. The emergency generator had once been part of a military dump. The creatures had over run it and the personnel dead or gone. A rifle, the generator and some food is what she had taken with her.

The food had tasted awful and the rifle took her a long time to understand how to use it. Complicated forethought demanding actions when the madness took hold were nearly impossible. Still she persisted and when she was reading, the madness would be distracted for a while.

Books were her great obsession. The more complicated the topic, the quieter the madness would become. Books. She needed more books. A wall of the basement was piled from floor to ceiling. She was already starting a second row of books.

Sunlight hurt when she walked among the streets. She had to be careful there were creatures hiding among the buildings. Constantly hungry, constantly searching.

Sometimes she would take a car battery to the beat up Saab. It's tires partially deflated. The engine worked well and sometimes she would take gas from other cars and drive it along the roads. It could only be driven during the day. At night the roads were far too treacherous and the creatures far too curious to survive.

There was the university library and main library, but since a nest of creatures had become awakened in the main library she could no longer go back. Still finding non-damaged books was becoming near impossible now and the hunger's gnawing.

She picked up a book on anatomy. It was a recent addition from a stash she had found. It was a familiar topic, the memory of using a book like this numerous times. She remembered being at the hospital, checking the latest CBC of a patient. There were mutations along the patient's body, what was keeping the body fixed was becoming fluid. The frustration and anger for so many patients that couldn't be helped. They weren't even rationing medication anymore, everything was being diverted now into research. The madness was becoming greater again.



The power must have run out. It took a while to find the backup generator and start up the lights. She was back. Books had been strewn all across the floor. She picked them up and placed them back in their rightful place.

She picked up the photo book and read and re-read the articles inside, remembering and seeing the photos of herself and her parents. The madness for now was sleeping. She took her photo book and a car battery, heading to the parking lot.

She was driving the old Saab. The gears would grind in a bad way when shifted. She was already making good time, where exactly she couldn't remember but the road was familiar. A school perhaps?

She drove on to the motorway, avoiding overgrown vehicles and pot holes. The hospital complex was ever increasingly larger in front of her.

She was sitting in the car in a school parking lot. Water was cascading down. A deer had lept past a few hours ago, now she was watching a dog as it sniffed among the debris. They looked at each other and the dog continued on looking for its quarry.

There was a crash from the main entrance, a sound that raised her curiosity. The madness was there urging her on. She picked up her rifle and took her empty rucksack, placing the photo book carefully inside.

An empty window yawned with welcome darkness as she carefully clambered over the broken sheet glass making crunching sounds under her feet. She moved through the classroom with its upended pulpits in the shape of a dragon and peered through the opening.

There were two men, no boys speaking! She wanted to rush in, confront them. But there were no rescuers for her. Instead she listened to them complain about the usual boyish things like weather. Weather!

She listened in to them, finally sliding down to sit among the pulpits. Her foot slipped and one of the pulpits moved with a jarring sound. She froze and listened. The voices stopped. One said they should ignore it, the other said that he would investigate.

She gripped her rifle as he walked forward. A sound from outside distracted him and he continued onwards. She waited to what would happen next when she heard the staccato of an automatic rifle.

Smells of acrid smoke and wet fur came to her as an inhuman keening followed. The rifle was silent. She clutched her knapsack and her rifle. Madness was stalking her now and it knew where she was.
Speaks some: Finnish, English, Old English, Russian, Dutch, Ancient Greek, Latin, Arabic, German, French, Spanish

W̕e ̀l̵i͠e o̡n bu͏t̡te͘r͞f͟ly҉ ͞win͏gs̸ ìn͝ ̶th́is g͟oss̸ame̵re͡d d̀ecay,͞ ͢st҉ŗi̵n̶g͝s͘ ͝t҉o ͜needles ͠pi͏ęr̨ci̡ng̨ th̀e fles͝h́
Yo̷ù ̨make͘ m͘e ͢st͞r҉i̸p ̨dowń t̷o͘ t͡h̛e͢ bone,͘ t̴h̴en s͟t̕ùm͠ble͘ i̧n my͢ ̕foot́s̡tep̷s ̸seek̨ing ́a̡bs͏o͞lut̛i͠on

Silent Fox

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  • Speaks little, writes a lot
  • Posts: 394
Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #539 on: June 14, 2015, 06:03:44 PM »
First post to the forums.

This story runs in parallel with the current comic until the following panel:

There may be more at a later point.

Very good imagery and sentence structure. Keep 'em coming! :)
Native: :germany:
Getting fluent after 10 years: :usa:

  :chap7: :chap8: