Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805607 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #45 on: December 12, 2014, 12:42:27 AM »

Arto continues: "I stopped counting after 100...   We then had to move to our camp on the other side of the river, as it was clear there was no way we could pass this 'city of trolls' on the south side... oh, there's a dam of Old in the river still standing before this place so if you get to that one you'll know you've gone a bit too far... there was an attack on the north shore camp here, killed all 12 of them, and then moved the camp out of sight of the river. Then we decided the forests were a better option to approach the Sea.

flashback ends.

"You see, Mrs., we scouts share experiences on everything we see outside. Here I realised that if even an experienced party of scouts and military chooses forests over rivers on worse lands the route to the Sea could go by north." He straightens his posture, and says: "May they rest in peace, maybe Captain Haapa-Alho and 5 of his volunteers got to the Sea but not back, we may never know this. Salutes also to the rest of the group who waited in the correct location for much longer than I would have. May the deceased live well in the Home of the Birds."
"Yes. Good men were lost from the Realm of the Living."
"That discussion in the scouts mess was the reason I started making gradually longer and longer skiing patrols towards north and northwest last winter, and on one of these I found the map. The distances are though huge and in winter you can't really do long travels without proper preparations and camps on the way."
The leader of the scouts, Mrs Marjatta Kosonen, 48, acting rank Sergeant Major, falls into deep thinking for a while and says: "So, you decided to seek a route all the way to the Sea, by yourself, no?"
"Even though you had heard the Tale of the Eleven Deceased, straight from the source?"
"Yes. May Ukko give them clear paths."
Moment of silence as both of them reminisce the last autumn.

The scout, corporal Erkki Hyytiälä, continues: "Mrs., connections to other places is a common subject of talk among the people, when even the route to Pielinen is so difficult. Every bit of news of the other places gets wings and then when you hear that there could be a route to Sweden here in the north you start to wonder where it is."
"Well, it isn't Oulu. That's what we call the destination of the lost team."
"Yes, I know that. I don't have access to other detailed maps than those that are necessary for my scouting, so I've searched the Library of Old for general maps and the place is there, marked like some capital city. The river from our lake leads straight to it."
"Yes, we thought river might provide enough protection for them. It's been decided we won't try that route again, at least for some years."
"According to the maps in the library, there are at least three more rivers in the north that lead to the Sea. If you could get to those you maybe could avoid the horrors of Oulu, I reasoned. The trouble was just that with my estimate, it would take at least a month if you knew the safe route beforehand. So according to my estimate, I'm only a week late!"
"So you say you found the headwaters of this river, sailed it to the Sea, and walked back again?"
"It wasn't that easy as you make it sound but, yes, that is essentially correct.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 12:46:50 AM by partofacitygiant »
almost fluent, :finland: :uk:
barely listenable :sweden:
nearly gets :norway: :estonia:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #46 on: December 12, 2014, 03:10:20 AM »
Eww, I may have to change the name of the scout, tried to pick a rare surname with a not too common first name, but alas, there's at least one Erkki Hyytiälä living today, maybe the scout is a descendant of him... The colonel instead will stay as is, Kosonen is a common name in Saimaa area...
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 03:13:06 AM by partofacitygiant »
almost fluent, :finland: :uk:
barely listenable :sweden:
nearly gets :norway: :estonia:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #47 on: December 12, 2014, 05:54:55 AM »
Eww, I may have to change the name of the scout, tried to pick a rare surname with a not too common first name, but alas, there's at least one Erkki Hyytiälä living today, maybe the scout is a descendant of him... The colonel instead will stay as is, Kosonen is a common name in Saimaa area...

You may also want to describe more things than just dialogue. The story itself may be interesting but, (at least speaking for myself) I find a story much more captivating if it is more than plain dialogue, which is like reading the script from a theatre play. You can try describing the people; what they look like, what they wear, how is the room they enter, and even other things, like what time it was when the scout entered: was his superior about to have the day off? Was he/she in the middle of soing something else and had to interrupt for the important scout report?
Don't forget to write about their expressions, their reactions and body language. People communicate in more than spoken sentenses: the tone of the voice, hesitation, body stance, is their gaze focused? Do they avoid looking straight in others' eyes? All this information is important as it gives a distinct feeling of a unique character, and helps us assess his personality a bit more.
What about his fellow scouts? They only greet him and then listen to him. They should have different reactions to his arrival and news, after all they all have different personalities. Some may not like company, some may not care, some may advise rest for Arto, some may want to hear what he has to say, some may bring him food and help him in other ways.
Also, writing "flashback" is never a good way to start a flashback, I think :P It's more of a literature term, not something you should write in the story itself.
About the long-distance scouts: it's a profession that so far does not seem to be included in Minna's universe, although we may see such scouts in the future. Whether it will ever be included in cannon or not is irrelevent, but from the moment that the rest of us fans are unfamiliar with it, you should explain the term sooner or later :-)  What is the purpose of the long-distance scouts? Apparently trolls and giants don't move very much, so they don't travel huge distances, so knowing there is a troll two mountains away is not particularly helpful information. What do those scouts scout for, exactly?
Finally (at least I can't think of anything else now) the term 'mam' is completely foreign to me. Is it supposed to mean "Ma'am"? (I was under the impression that this term was used for the queen only) Is it Finnish for "Madam?" (To me, unfortunately, it reminds me of the word 'mum' and the impression of a superior is somewhat ruined :P)

I'm sorry for the long post, but I figured since you post it online along with your own corrections, you would be open for some (I hope constructive) critisism. Remember all these are only my own opinion :-)
Keep writing!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 06:01:20 AM by SeaAngel »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #48 on: December 12, 2014, 11:33:05 PM »
Thanks for your opinions,<SeaAngel>. When I started this one I wasn't thinking of what sort of text it is, could be a play, could be an unfinished script to a comic or a film... so I left out all the imagery in my mind... I thought 'Mam' was the NATO standard for addressing superior female soldiers! So it stands for female equivalent for 'Sir', granted it sounds much like 'Mum'. In this case, as the officer's responsibilities are mainly to keep the scouts' operations going on, summarizing their reports, organizing food supplies for their mess and camps outside... and occasionally punishing these guys (maybe there are a few female scouts too somewhere, though it's a lonely job) for improper conduct and for not-well-done work, I thought it is quite appropriate. But of course everyone in the post-rash world will have to do things outside their profession occasionally as other minor illnesses haven't gone away, I gather. I'll have to see how this proceeds, everything this far is just the prologue for a longer piece (pretty hazily sketched, thus far) that could have more descriptive language too, at least when I've been writing the dialogue I've had imagery in my mind so it would be just a matter of writing this down... not that I have done much of this sort of writing before. Let's see. Could be I make some insertions to the present text some time. The initial interview/hearing/interrogation of corporal Erkki (I'll let the name stand, and the rank is a standard for more experienced scouts, in my mind, though they do solo work.) should end shortly anyway, so there could be a place to change to more descriptive language. And a place for trying to figure out the personalities and job descriptions for the c. 10 people that would be the characters in the main story. 

As for the trolls and other beasts, I'm not too sure they are always staying in one place, could be they move about quite a lot in warmer nights (plus zero celsius) and cloudy days, that are quite common in the north all through spring to autumn. Safest time to travel would then be cold clear winter days, but these are hard times to move about and short. I also think camping on ground would not be a recommended action for the minor beasts could come and bite you under the snow cover... the motivation for their movements would of course be food and water, the meat of the non-sick could be a delicacy among these, or maybe not.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 12:16:00 AM by partofacitygiant »
almost fluent, :finland: :uk:
barely listenable :sweden:
nearly gets :norway: :estonia:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2014, 03:05:32 AM »
I thought 'Mam' was the NATO standard for addressing superior female soldiers! So it stands for female equivalent for 'Sir', granted it sounds much like 'Mum'.
Wow, I learn something new every day!! :D I didn't even know this word existed.
This isn't the NATO, though. Maybe you could ask someone in the comments what would Finnish people call their superior female officer...

I'll have to see how this proceeds, everything this far is just the prologue for a longer piece (pretty hazily sketched, thus far) that could have more descriptive language too, at least when I've been writing the dialogue I've had imagery in my mind so it would be just a matter of writing this down... not that I have done much of this sort of writing before.
Nice!! :D I want to see more of this! I do enjoy fanfiction that is not canon-character (and non-Mary-Sue-character) centered!
Don't worry about it being your first time, you'll get the hang of it soon :-) You could also upload to, I suppose... (I check there from time to tie in case someone added a SSSS fanfic that hasn't been posted here but alas, so far no resutls  :()

As for the trolls and other beasts, I'm not too sure they are always staying in one place, could be they move about quite a lot in warmer nights (plus zero celsius) and cloudy days, that are quite common in the north all through spring to autumn. Safest time to travel would then be cold clear winter days, but these are hard times to move about and short. I also think camping on ground would not be a recommended action for the minor beasts could come and bite you under the snow cover... the motivation for their movements would of course be food and water, the meat of the non-sick could be a delicacy among these, or maybe not.
Hmmm I see what you mean! I spoke too early. I suppose we'll have to wait to see the beasts and trolls live ine the comic to be sure, but what you've written makes sense.

I've used "Ma'am" since I learned how to talk; it's not just for the queen, it's for any lady.  Superiors in particular, but it's also informally used as well.
Really?? OK then! (A random movie that I once saw and stated otherwise is no longer to be trusted :P) What country are you from, by the way?


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #50 on: December 13, 2014, 10:48:11 PM »
So, after some deliberation I thought there might be an alternate start for the story, so here's the start of a prologue to the previous prologue ;-) , with a bit more descriptive language :


A figure appears in the edge of the forest beyond the open area used for small patches of fields, in between them there are way too many ditches criss-crossing the view, almost in a maze-like pattern. On the other side there is a wall made of wood, facing east as the sun is climbing in mid-morning over the Kajaani safe area.

"Hey, there something over there", says the 14-year old boy standing on top the Guards' walk. He's here as a part of his school duties, mainly to keep the elderly guard company, but also to oversee the perimeter fields and learning about guarding.
"Where?", says the elderly guard,"Ah, now I think I see it. Are we due any more scouts today?"
The boy checks the list of the scouts' expected schedule and says,"all three night scouts are in, day scouts are out, two long-distance scouts due the day after tomorrow. No."
"Thanks, OK, let's see what it is. Trolls shouldn't be moving at this time, so maybe a beast or even some animal. Good catch."
The guard takes the scratched binoculars from their equally worn case, sets them on his eyes and says:"Not there, not there, there! It's a man!"
"He has to come a bit closer so I can see who it is", says the guard,"could of course be someone from Pielinen, approaching from the wrong direction by mistake, we may have to call him on that, not good if the guy is so slow or dimwitted he doesn't see the traps on the walkways."

The figure gets to the fields and it looks like he knows this maze of ditches, walkways and traps well, on him is a backbag marked with Kajaani colors.
The guard focuses and states,"That must be Eki. The walk is the same, the backbag's the same. Well have to wait just a little longer."
The boy stares intently at the appoaching figure and says,"Do you mean Erkki 'the rude', who we thought was lost?"
"Yes, that's Erkki for you. This is not the first time he's over his due time, he's made a couple of three week outings before, and last winter he made the full two weeks in -15. Then we thought he was dead of cold."
After a quick look through the binoculars he states:"Yes, that's Eki for sure, we should inform Marjatta about this, she definitely wants to have a word with him."
"Can I stay until he's clear of the gate, I'll walk him to headquarters afterwards?", asks the boy eager to talk to this scout known widely in Kajaani for his habit of breaking appropriate conduct, in civilian matters as well.
"I think that's not any use to you, Eki is the sort of guy who really doesn't like the company of people, and he's not likely to tell anything until evening possibly, maybe not even then. Of course he reports to the headquarters like the rest of them, and brings home select items and info for later scavenging operations, but I think he's got only a couple of what you'd call friends, in the scouts too. All you'd get is a couple of grunts, likely, I think those guys forget how to talk after a while on a long outing", he winks at the boy, "Long-distance scouts are a bit oddball, not as odd as night scouts, but Eki could be a night scout in this respect. Off you go."
almost fluent, :finland: :uk:
barely listenable :sweden:
nearly gets :norway: :estonia:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #51 on: December 17, 2014, 12:12:28 AM »
"Remember to be polite, it's Mrs.Kosonen to you!", the guard shouts to the boy, Santeri Mikkonen, running down the stairs to the road leading to the main settlement and headquarters.
The guard turns about, and sees the long-distance scout has already got past the middle of the perimeter fields. He checks again the approaching man with the binoculars and sees some tears in the overcoat the man's wearing, that's been treated to somewhat withstand water. The late spring is the least wet season hereabouts, but interrupting a patrol every time for little rain would get you nowhere far out, rarely two weeks go by without some rain. The coat, when it's in good condition can serve as an additional shelter in the huts that have been built for the longer patrols. The materials for these must be carried out and the huts on islands aren too water-proof nor warm. Some scouts use the cabins of Old on islands for sleeping and resting places in longer travels, the guard knows, but then the beasts and trolls must be dealt with first.

The scout has almost reached the final ditch before the wall, so the guard shouts:"Hey Eki! What's the rush??!"
The returning scout looks up and sees the guard wawing, then jumps over the final ditch as the logbridge is trapped. He stops before the scouts' gate and shouts back at the guard:"Is that you Vilho?!?, spare the snark and open the gate!"
Vilho says:"Well I have to make sure it's you, you see, did you have a nice walkabout?"
Erkki grunts and says:"I said spare the snark and why did you have to remove My rowing boat from where I left it?! Had to walk an additional 40k for that, thank you very much!"
"No use in wasting resources like that, besides it took a bit of finding since you left it 2 miles off the normal landing in the north!"
The sounds of considerable grunting and milder cussing from below don't reach the guards ears, but "Vilho, now open up! I'm hungry, cold for the nightly trek, and sure to remember this later, if you don't!" is heard.
"Well, that's you Eki, I'm sure. Just so you know, Sergeant Major has been informed of this, so I'll expect you to go straight to the headquarters!". The guard pulls the lever that opens the outer gate of the Scouts gate to the decontamination area, built in a salvaged trailer.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 12:22:08 AM by partofacitygiant »
almost fluent, :finland: :uk:
barely listenable :sweden:
nearly gets :norway: :estonia:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #52 on: December 17, 2014, 04:03:34 PM »

The first instalment of a multi-part series that will explore the consequences of having your world grow to four times what it was.

Before I start the actual narrative, I thought I'd offer a few little insights of the world I'm going to be writing in, and give you an impression of the people who live in it. A couple of statistics, the general nature of the different nationalities being introduced, and how they relate to the world around them. We've already seen how the Icelanders, the Norwegians, the Finns, the Swedes, and the Danes have coped with their new world, but how have things progressed on the other side of the Atlantic? And what happens when a bridge that has been closed for so long is opened once again?

Federation of Canada

Population: 117,200 (Census, a. 120)
Largest city and Capital: Corner Brook, Newfoundland (pop. 23,100)
Official languages: English · French · Inuttut
Minority languages: Montagnais (Innu) · Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) · Danish

About the Newfoundlanders
For all that the people of Newfoundland are the most populous in Canada—and, statistically, the most fortunate in terms of their percentage of survivors after the outbreak of the Rash—few in the Federation would dare to term them "lucky." The safety of the mainland of Newfoundland came only at the cost of a brutal quarantine that left hundreds of thousands of people at the mercy of the disease, and many families were divided by the iron curtain that fell upon the island. Today, they are a people who carefully maintain the technology of the Old World, staffing the oil rigs that power the mighty fleet of ancient, sturdy ships that patrols the seas for beasts and Leviathans.

About the Québécois
The hardworking Quebeckers—once driven from their territory to the islands of Anticosti, the Madeleines, and a few coastal holds, have driven deep into the Darkness, first purifying the lands around the Manicouagan and Outardes rivers, and later striking to the south and carving out safe territory in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to farm. They are known far and wide as the iron-miners of Fermont and the lumberjacks who provide wood for all of Canada. In the intervening years since the outbreak, they have rediscovered their religious zeal, and consider their drive to purify a divine task handed down to them directly from God.

About the French
While sharing a language with Québec, the French have a very different outlook from their western neighbours. With their nation abbreviated perhaps more greatly than any other in contemporary North America, having lost the entirety of metropolitan France, the inhabitants of its last remaining territory, the tiny islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, strive through their deep, nostalgic longing to maintain the traditions of their patrimony. As a result, the Saint-Pierrais consider their town to be the cultural capital of the world, with broad avenues, theatre, museums, sidewalk cafés, and nightlife unlike anywhere else in Canada. Their historical separation also means that the French remain slightly more distant with their Canadian compatriots, and they maintain their own currency and certain government structures. They do not share the Quebeckers' embrace of religion, and have largely ignored their attempts at conversion.

About the Inuit
Though their culture and society is very much centred on the original nation of Nunatsiavut, the native people of the coasts of Labrador, the nation has become very much pluralistic.  Since the Greenland tragedy brought the few remaining survivors across the sea, all three of Canada's significant minority languages and cultures have shared space with Inuttut and the linguae francae English and French. With a largely hostile, barren inland, the Inuit look instead to the sea. Under Agloolik's protection, they patrol far and wide to protect the Federation from the sea beasts and Leviathans that lurk in the ocean, commanded by the wrathful sea goddess Sedna, and they destroy the beasts' coastal nesting sites whenever they can.

About the Mainers
The people of Maine lived on the edge of existence, surrounded by the Darkness of Boston to the south and Saint John to the north, for almost 80 years before being discovered by the Federation of Canada. Used to a hard and solitary life without much in the way of technology, the island-dwellers have prospered greatly with the help of Newfoundland, and look forward to someday joining the ranks as a formal member of their federation.

The Nordic Council

Population: 331,300 (Census, a. 120)
Largest city and Capital: Reykjavík, Iceland (pop. 48,900)
Official languages: Icelandic · Swedish · Norwegian · Danish · Finnish
Minority languages: English (Scottish) · Faroese · Estonian

About the Faroese
Though decimated by the Rash like everyone else, the Faroese have weathered the loss of their home and waited patiently in the safety of Iceland until their islands could be cleansed once again. Diligent efforts to keep the language alive means that most children growing up in the reinhabited islands can speak their ancestral language, though Icelandic is still commonly heard in the streets of the re-established capital Tórshavn. Like Scotland and Estonia, it is an "incubator nation" which, as it is too small for self-sufficiency, does not hold a permanent seat at the Nordic Council but instead is represented by a rotating seat intended to advocate for the three small statelets.

About the Scottish
English—once the world's common language—is no longer, and nowhere is this more obvious than the Shetland islands, capital of the incubator nation of Scotland. In the capital Lerwick (or Leirvík in Icelandic), English is not commonly heard on the streets, and is mostly spoken by the older generations, while younger Scottish kids are completely fluent, if not native speakers, of the common language of Icelandic. Regardless of the language strife on the islands, the Scots, as a whole, are immensely grateful to the Icelanders for being saved, and even those who have left Iceland to return to settle Scotland maintain a good relationship with their former host country.

About the Estonians
After 100 years stranded on the tiny island of Prangli, the Estonian population—once as small as 300—finally grew large enough, with the aid of careful intermarriage and a lot of Icelandic fertility clinic visits, that it became necessary to begin the cleansing of a larger island for their new home. With the aid of the cleanse-happy Swedes, new ground has been broken on the island of Hiiumaa, and the tiny nation's prospects, after 100 years of uncertainty, are finally looking up.

In the next instalment, I'll introduce you guys to our main characters, the historian Claire Girard and the hunter Anna Okalik, and then First Contact will officially be kicked off. :)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 04:20:47 PM by ruth »
Principal mouthnoises: :spain: :uk: :norway:

Fen Shen

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #53 on: December 17, 2014, 04:47:41 PM »
That sounds really interesting! I'm looking forward to reading more, especially about the (Inuit?) hunter.
What about the effects of climate change in your world - does the polar region look like in our days or is there much less ice (or even more)?
speaks: :germany: :uk: :france:
learning: :italy: :norway: :spain:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #54 on: December 17, 2014, 05:02:47 PM »
That sounds really interesting! I'm looking forward to reading more, especially about the (Inuit?) hunter.
What about the effects of climate change in your world - does the polar region look like in our days or is there much less ice (or even more)?

inuit hunter is right, but there's more to that story too. :)

we haven't really gotten anything solid from minna on it, but what i'll be working with is that the climate is somewhat more volatile. the labrador current has been weakened by some receding ice, so the tree line has climbed a bit more and made habitation a little easier even a bit further north. on the other hand, there are more storms, which can bring cold winter air from the north to cover eastern canada in snow. this ends up being something of a blessing in disguise, because it's made it a little easier for places like nova scotia and p.e.i. to get the snowfall necessary to keep them safe from trolls. then again, it's also been responsible for some of the famines because of early cold snaps, to say nothing of the greenland tragedy, so...maybe more of a mixed blessing.
Principal mouthnoises: :spain: :uk: :norway:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #55 on: December 17, 2014, 11:08:53 PM »
The scout enters the container and starts to unpack his rugsack, he opens the hatch of the
decontamination chamber, sets his stuff there, an axe, knife, few other essentials, few items from the
Silent World, and after undressing, all his clothes. His rifle and maps go to another chamber. Then it's a
matter of turning the wheel on the wall to get the conveyor in the chambers going on. After some 10
turns, there's a bling that signals the scout the door to the next chamber is open. This mechanism
allows scouts to enter the premises of the safe area on times the Main Gate is shut up. Most scouts
travelling in the east use this anyway because it's faster and more convenient than going through
several checks on the main gate.

Kajaani safe area has two gates of this kind, other gates are the Main Gate facing east, Rehja Harbour
Gate to ease the travels southwards, the Dark Gate on the bridge crossing the river and Lake Manama
Harbour Gate used mainly for fishing and travelling to smaller settlements in Kajaani Area.

The shower scout takes includes disinfectants, with this improvement ten years ago, Kajaani was
finally declared a Safe Area by the very distant authorities of Iceland. Currently all the
yougnsters between ages 6 and 12 are taking part on language education program that includes
words from all Nordic languages, though the main subject is of course Icelandic. The other
subjects in school include many of the skills essential for the survival of Kajaani, so much of the
education is practical. The scout leaves the shower chamber to the drying and light-treatment
room to finalize his decontamination. There's another wheel in the wall here, but the scout has
to wait until the light on the wall turns green. After few turns the scout gets his belongings back
from the conveyor. The door to the final check is now open and the shower door locked so the
scout proceeds to the room having a window, with no opening for verbal exchanges, for the
nurse-in-duty to check for possible lacerations, blood and other injuries the scouts may have
acquired during their patrols. The nurse looks happy to see Erkki returning seemingly unharmed
,with only few bruises that are already healing well, and pulls the lever opening the inner gate to
the Safe Area.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 11:49:58 PM by partofacitygiant »
almost fluent, :finland: :uk:
barely listenable :sweden:
nearly gets :norway: :estonia:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #56 on: December 18, 2014, 12:42:15 PM »
The scout enters the container and starts to unpack his rugsack, he opens the hatch of the
decontamination chamber, sets his stuff there, an axe, knife, few other essentials, few items from the
Silent World, and after undressing, all his clothes. His rifle and maps go to another chamber. Then it's a
matter of turning the wheel on the wall to get the conveyor in the chambers going on. After some 10
turns, there's a bling that signals the scout the door to the next chamber is open. This mechanism
allows scouts to enter the premises of the safe area on times the Main Gate is shut up. Most scouts
travelling in the east use this anyway because it's faster and more convenient than going through
several checks on the main gate.

Kajaani safe area has two gates of this kind, other gates are the Main Gate facing east, Rehja Harbour
Gate to ease the travels southwards, the Dark Gate on the bridge crossing the river and Lake Manama
Harbour Gate used mainly for fishing and travelling to smaller settlements in Kajaani Area.

The shower scout takes includes disinfectants, with this improvement ten years ago, Kajaani was
finally declared a Safe Area by the very distant authorities of Iceland. Currently all the
yougnsters between ages 6 and 12 are taking part on language education program that includes
words from all Nordic languages, though the main subject is of course Icelandic. The other
subjects in school include many of the skills essential for the survival of Kajaani, so much of the
education is practical. The scout leaves the shower chamber to the drying and light-treatment
room to finalize his decontamination. There's another wheel in the wall here, but the scout has
to wait until the light on the wall turns green. After few turns the scout gets his belongings back
from the conveyor. The door to the final check is now open and the shower door locked so the
scout proceeds to the room having a window, with no opening for verbal exchanges, for the
nurse-in-duty to check for possible lacerations, blood and other injuries the scouts may have
acquired during their patrols. The nurse looks happy to see Erkki returning seemingly unharmed
,with only few bruises that are already healing well, and pulls the lever opening the inner gate to
the Safe Area.

City, since this story is apparently going to be very long and the flow is interrupted by the several other posts, why don't you publish it on a site where you can actually create chapters and leave a link? I think it's be easier that way :)
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Posts: 1849
Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #57 on: December 18, 2014, 03:35:16 PM »
City, since this story is apparently going to be very long and the flow is interrupted by the several other posts, why don't you publish it on a site where you can actually create chapters and leave a link? I think it's be easier that way :)
I like this idea :3
Maybe if City creates a little SSSS category on another site it might encourage non-forumite-minions to write too? :D
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • The Almighty Phoenix, future Ruler of the World
  • Posts: 1792
Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #58 on: December 18, 2014, 05:10:50 PM »
I like this idea :3
Maybe if City creates a little SSSS category on another site it might encourage non-forumite-minions to write too? :D

If City doesn't do it, I know I will, just name the site and be sure I am allowed to sign up if I'm not there.
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:


  • Safe-Zone Citizen
  • **
  • Posts: 176
Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #59 on: December 18, 2014, 07:02:22 PM »
If City doesn't do it, I know I will, just name the site and be sure I am allowed to sign up if I'm not there.!

City, DO upload your story there!!