Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 807249 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3000 on: March 05, 2017, 02:37:45 PM »
I finally wrote a really long one-shot that I really, really wanted to publish. This means the revival of my old alter ego on!

First of all, the new work:

Just in case

Onni still suspects Reynir is hiding something from him, and decides to magically spy on him for a day. He ends up following the crew's first day of actually adressing many of the last battle's consequences almost through Reynir's eyes, and getting answers to a few questions he's never asked himself in addition to the one he's actually seeking.

Since I was completely new to what had become of the site in the last five years, I got used to the interface again by uploading "Worst case scenario" on the account as well. "Broken bridges" will come in time. My brain decided it was going to be when Chapter 13 would be ready, because I figured out what to put in it just three days ago and have just gotten around deciding I didn't like the first version.
Oh, dear. "Just in case" seems to have been transformed into a wall of text.

And remember what peace there may be in silence.

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3001 on: March 05, 2017, 03:24:07 PM »
Not sure what happened there, but I think I fixed it.
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3002 on: March 05, 2017, 07:20:36 PM »
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 2, Part 2
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Spoiler: Beneath the Surface • show
When Sigrun Eide regained consciousness, there was a burlap sack covering her head, and her wrists were bound and pulled above so that she was nearly hanging from them.

Less than two minutes later, Sigrun was chafing her wrists and complaining to herself about the toll her advancing years were taking on her: a dozen years ago, she’d have been out in under one minute, even fighting off grosslings!

Well, even with her encroaching decrepitude, she was still going to rip through whoever was responsible for this like a sword through cobwebs. Of course, she needed to find them first, which meant reconnaissance.

Sigrun was in an open stall in an Old Time stable block, as her abductors apparently had been fool enough to think that binding her as they had would be sufficient to hold her. Regardless, it would be wise to explore the rest of the stalls before moving on.

Sigrun had explored one row of stalls and was just turning down another when she heard a noise. It was hardly necessary to guess whence it had originated: one of the stalls ahead of her was shut, so she slipped up to it and kicked the door open.

The boy looking back at her with wide blue eyes had the most beautiful hair Sigrun had ever seen on anyone, male or female; the perfectly coiffed locks were golden and even seemed to sparkle in the wan and scant sunlight. It almost distracted her from the knife he was shakily holding in a keep-away-from-me-you-crazy-woman way. Sigrun had seen that particular hold a lot in Dalsnes.

Sigrun sighed. “You know, kid, a Hunter captain like me wouldn’t even pause at the way you’re holding your knife, and certainly a grossling wouldn’t either.”

The boy straightened, lowering his knife. “You’re a Norwegian,” he stated in somewhat snooty Swedish.

“And you’re a Swede,” Sigrun replied. “May I presume you woke up wearing one of these--” she brandished the sack she’d brought with her “--too?”

He pulled out his own sack from behind his back, lowering his knife. “Are you really a Hunter captain?”

“Just the most best one in Dalsnes,” Sigrun answered proudly.

This seemed to satisfy the boy, who stiffened to attention. “Cleanser Emil Västerström, Svenstavik Detachment, Fourth Cohort, Northern Front, Ma’am.”

“At ease, Little Viking,” Sigrun said with a grin. “Sigrun Eide, Hunter captain--but call me Sigrun; everyone does.” Then her smile faded. “Have you seen anyone else yet?”

The boy shook his head. “I’d just freed myself when I heard you coming and shut myself in here.”

“Well, searching should go easier with the two of us.” The boy’s eyes widened at something behind her as she said this, so she spun around--

“The three of us?” the big blond Dane said hopefully, holding a sack of his own out like a peace offering.

Sigrun nodded. “The three of us, then.”

“My name is Mikkel Madsen. With whom do I have the honor of collaborating?”

“What did he say?” Emil asked quietly.

“Sigrun Eide,” Sigrun said. “The Swede’s Emil Västerström.”

“Under different circumstances, I would count it a pleasure to meet you both, but as it stands...”

A rather timid voice called out from further along the row of stalls, “Um, hi there?” in faltering Swedish.

The speaker was a short and somewhat chunky girl with a young face and gray-blond hair. She also had a sack in one hand that matched the others. “I’m Tuuri Hotakainen, and I’m a skald from Keuruu, in Finland--”

Tuuri suddenly looked up at the rafters. “Lalli, get down from there! You were the one who said they weren’t going to hurt us!” Of course, she said this in Finnish, so Lalli was the only one who understood her.

The others all looked where Tuuri was looking, but only Emil managed to spot the thin figure with the same color hair as Tuuri lurking among the heavy wooden beams before it leapt out and down into Mikkel’s arms.

“That’s my cousin, Lalli Hotakainen,” Tuuri explained. “He only speaks Finnish. He’s a night scout, so he can be a little... odd at times, and he’s extremely annoyed right now that whoever did this to us managed to get him, too.”

“Tell him to join the club,” Sigrun growled.

An interrogative gargle came from the front of the stables. All their heads turned. “Icelandic?” Mikkel rumbled, and Tuuri nodded.

Mikkel boomed out something, and a moment later, a tall gangly boy with a truly remarkable red braid stepped into their aisle. He was also holding yet another burlap sack.

After a moment, the Icelander gestured for them to follow and began walking out of the stables. With nothing better in the offing, the other five followed him.

The stable had obviously been built by a madman, since no one else would choose to build anything on the rim of a volcanic crater. Not particularly surprisingly, there seemed to be no roads or even tracks from the stable out of the cone.

After a few moments of gaping, the others turned to the Icelander. A lengthy and repetitive conversation ensued, culminating in Sigrun asking, “Iceland? How in the Nine Worlds did we end up in Iceland?

When the question was asked of him, the red-headed Icelander expressed his own befuddlement in a series of demonstrative shrugs, then spat out another bunch of gobbledygook.

“He says that the only thing that he knows for sure is that the tracks lead deeper into the crater. If we want to find whoever did this to us, that’s our best shot.” Tuuri asked her cousin something, nodding at his reply. “Lalli backs him up.”

“Well, then.” Sigrun squared her shoulders. “Shall we?”

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Oh, look: an AU based (sort of) on a certain Jules Verne tale.

...I’m thinking I’ll revisit this one later.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3003 on: March 05, 2017, 08:20:14 PM »
Good one, LooNEY! Looking forward to it.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3004 on: March 05, 2017, 08:24:03 PM »
LooNEY, please do revisit it! I have a hard time picturing a better crossover than SSSS and Jules Verne!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3005 on: March 05, 2017, 08:55:00 PM »
Not sure what happened there, but I think I fixed it.
You did, thank you!

And remember what peace there may be in silence.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3006 on: March 08, 2017, 05:34:54 AM »
The letter E contribution herewith, resulting from FrogEater's plea to have someone write something using this title.  So I did. 
"Emil and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch."

Spoiler: show
No, I am not an obsessive fan who has memorised vast chunks of movie dialogue.  I have a book which is essentially an annotated movie script of  Monty Python & the Holy Grail, and this was very largely taken from that.
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3007 on: March 08, 2017, 06:51:25 AM »
That made me laugh hard enough to get a very strange look from my cats!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3008 on: March 08, 2017, 08:21:29 AM »
Finally. This one took me so long to write because it just. Did. Not. Want. To. End.

Land of the Dead

:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3009 on: March 08, 2017, 10:48:42 PM »
Alphabet Soup
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic collection
Series 3, Part 2
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Spoiler: The Boy Who Would Be Emil • show
The boy had first seen The Poster when he was nine, and when he looked back after years upon years had gone by, he could see that it had become a strange sort of dividing line in his life: there was Before The Poster and there was After The Poster, and that was that. Before, he’d been like any other boy of his age, neither knowing nor caring what his grownup life would be. After, there had been no question about what he was going to be when he grew up.

Four and a half years After The Poster, he was admitted into the Cleansers; six months after that, he was out in the field, and just in time. That was the year that would forever be remembered as “The Year of the Trolls”, and he and his confreres each nearly died a dozen or more times over at the grosslings’ rapacious hands.

Most of them survived, though, and it was all due to the Icon.

The Icon had been called back to the front after years of helping Sweden’s best and brightest realize that the Cleansers were the bright shining future of Sweden; his return to those who needed his inspiration most had been none too soon.

It must have pained the Icon to realize that the trainers had failed him so badly, but he wasted no time in his campaign to make True Cleansers of his cohort. The boy and his confreres found themselves being mercilessly drilled, often until they could barely stand afterwards; but none complained, as they knew that with every pass through the Manual of Arms, a grossling was less and less likely to prevail against them; and fewer and fewer did.

The boy was standing watch one night when it happened. He and his watch partner were jawing back and forth, just like always, and suddenly the Icon was with them.

They almost shot him, but that was the part the Icon liked best about the whole thing: while they’d failed to notice his approach, they’d been ready to take him down once they spotted him. The Icon remonstrated with them for not catching his approach (“Had I been a troll, I could have slaughtered you”), but forbore any official punishment, and even stayed with them for the rest of their watch.

The boy had been reluctant to speak at first, but eventually he asked what he thought was a fairly straightforward and simple question about the Mission. The Icon slowly examined the boy, his expression unreadable, but the boy didn’t withdraw the question. The Icon changed the subject, and the boy let it drop.

The watch finally ended, and they all went their separate ways. The boy’s nerves finally stopped jangling over the incident a week or so later, when the entire cohort was locked in a life-or-death struggle with a new flood of grosslings. A month later, the boy had nearly forgotten that it had ever happened.

As it turned out, though, the Icon had not forgotten. As soon as the word went out that they were to go on an expedition to Karlstad, the boy was summoned to the headquarters.

The boy was ushered to stand before the Icon’s desk. “I find I have need of a number of new aides-de-camp, and you are to be one of them,” the Icon told the boy. “You will report to my chief of staff in the morning. Dismissed.”

After that, things happened so fast, the boy wasn’t sure when he had time to breathe. He was only a junior aide for a month or so before being seconded to a combat unit as an officer cadet; after another month, he was back as a senior aide to the Icon; then, back to the lines as a combat officer, right as the Karlstad Triumph was taking shape.

Again, when the boy looked back on it all as a man, he saw that the Icon had seen something in him that night, and given him the opportunity to make that something into what the Icon and the Cleansers needed him to be. And there were others, as well; they numbered perhaps a dozen, all told: a rotating roster of aides who tried out combat for size and succeeded or failed as their talents allowed.

Then all was still again, as Winter graced Sweden with its chill reprieve. The Icon went over to the training command and utterly Cleansed it, setting the stage for the rise of his son, the Genius, in but a few years’ time.

The boy would have accompanied the Icon in a heartbeat, but those who had been his aides and “favorites” soon were scattered to the winds, for the most part settling into oddly influential positions across the Cleanser organization.

It was several years later that the boy found that his unit was to be part of the Genius’ Grand Scheme to Cleanse more land than had been Cleansed in Sweden to date. Part of this entailed a visit by the Genius, where he “patiently” explained (as if they had only the meanest intelligences) precisely what their unit would do. Before the Genius was quite finished condescending to them, the boy had dared to ask a pointed but pertinent question, which resulted in the Genius giving the boy a Look quite astonishingly like the one the Icon had given the boy a few years earlier.

“You were one of my father’s aides at Karlstad,” the Genius stated rather than asked. “Well, at least I know you can understand your part in this plan.” He then ended the briefing.

The Grand Scheme succeeded in its aims, of course. One of the most annoying things about the Genius was how he always succeeded in doing the seemingly impossible. But there were still losses even in the greatest success: the boy was crippled.

The boy was contemplating the wreck of his future when he received a letter in a familiar hand...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
And so, I return to the Correspondence “continuity”. I may do so again, or not.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3010 on: March 09, 2017, 12:25:21 AM »
This should be interesting!
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3011 on: March 09, 2017, 01:56:20 AM »
This should be interesting!
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3012 on: March 09, 2017, 04:18:15 PM »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3013 on: March 09, 2017, 10:43:12 PM »
The letter E contribution herewith, resulting from FrogEater's plea to have someone write something using this title.  So I did. 
"Emil and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch."

Spoiler: show
No, I am not an obsessive fan who has memorised vast chunks of movie dialogue.  I have a book which is essentially an annotated movie script of  Monty Python & the Holy Grail, and this was very largely taken from that.

This was great! :'D I've never watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it was hilarious anyway!
Thank you :haw:
tired programmer girl with stories in her head and magic in her heart

currently working on a video game/digital novel called Keeper of the Labyrinth<3

avatar from the now-unavailable webcomic Prague Race


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #3014 on: March 11, 2017, 04:06:14 AM »
Chapter 5

In which Sigrun's fate is ultimately decided. By herself. She decides how it ends or begins.

I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: