Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806382 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2925 on: February 05, 2017, 05:27:49 AM »
Well, I got up to B in the Alphabet Soup challenge, "Butter":

I also changed the title of my "A" piece from "A is for Aino" to just plain "Aino."  I reconsidered the original plan of naming them all "{Letter} is for {Item}"; the prospect of seeing all those titles lined up was actually a bit horrifying.

Anyway, Mikkel doesn't miss life on the farm, although he gets a bit out of step with farm life during his sojourns back there.  And still, there are some benefits that he does miss when he's away.
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2926 on: February 05, 2017, 07:19:17 PM »
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 17
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Spoiler: The First Book of Kings • show
Emil could understand Lalli again, and this terrified him until he found out that all of them could understand any of the others. Still, Emil was haunted by the words of the Dark Spirit: “You shall take my Sonew’s place, or you shall die.”

Emil didn’t want to die, but it was preferable to betraying his friends. Or was he already betraying them unknowingly, or had the betrayal already happened?

Fortunately, Lalli managed to wrestle some sense into Emil before the Svensk Fire-Bender could do anything spectacularly stupid. Sigrun would have done it as well, but she still wasn’t up to it, and really annoyed by her infirmity.

Mikkel was pensive. “Emil, could you find the place where the Dark Spirit was standing again?”

Of all the things Emil had expected to hear after his confession to his fellows, that question had never even remotely entered his mind. “Uh... Maybe?” Then he couldn’t help asking, “But why?

Michael answered for his twin. “Because in where she chose to manifest, she may have unintentionally hinted at her deepest-held secrets, giving us the key to defeating her.”


She had been a human once, and she’d hated every second of it; so it was that she still hated everything human. Now, she had ascended to a purer form, all the muddled wants and needs of the flesh stripped away or crystallized into her one overriding desire: power.

She deserved the power she sought: she’d earned it through her obvious intrinsic merits, by her many and varied sacrifices, and because none other had ever arisen fit to take the power from her. The only one who’d come close was the Avatar Spirit in its many and varied manifestations, and that not from a will to power, but a desire for balance, of all things!

Soon enough, even the Avatar Spirit would trouble her no more.


“You know, of course, that this is totally a trap,” Sigrun remarked to Michael as she put the finishing touches on the fifth necklace.

Michael looked at his twin. Both men grinned that very Trond-like grin as Mikkel answered, “Of course; but the trap must be baited, and therein lies our hope.”

“Besides,” Michael said, “this will be the fight where all seven of you will come into the full flower of your abilities; without it, the necklaces you have forged will remain incomplete.”

“But will this temper us, or will we shatter?” Sigrun asked with unwonted seriousness.

“It remains to be seen,” Mikkel said.

Michael was more positive in his assessment. “For this were the seven of you Called; in this, you shall not fail, however ‘close’ a thing it may appear to you.” He made mocking air-quotes when he said “close”.


They had gone down the corridor some distance already, but Emil had not found the doorway they sought as yet. His increasing nervousness manifested itself in a flurry of ignitions; Lalli still had no trouble dousing them all before any damage resulted.

They were almost to the Forbidden Heart of the Temple when Emil looked back at one inconspicuous and seemingly insignificant opening, and the hairs on his neck rose as he brought the group to a halt.

“This is it,” Emil stammered. “The Spirit was right there.” He pointed to a spot just outside the branching corridor.

“So,” Onni mused, “should we go down the corridor, then, or is that where the trap lies?”

Mikkel frowned. “Why would she be outside the entryway if she meant to block it?” He turned to Michael. “What do you know of this Temple?”

“It was made by a mystic from the Island of Life-Benders just after the Outbreak,” Michael replied. “I do not know what his birth name was, but he assumed the cognomen ‘Myketes the Great’ among his followers.”

Reynir looked at the Templars in sudden realization. “He--he created you, didn’t he?”

They nodded calmly. “And he sent some of us to populate a tiny sphere circling this world. You saved their descendants,” one told Emil and Lalli.

Onni smiled at Reynir. “So, you’ve worked out what the other two parts of the Wheel of Life-Bending must be, then?”

Reynir nodded. “The Wheel is made up of Plant-Benders, Flesh-Benders, Fungi-Benders--and Germ-Benders, and that is how the Reaving came to be.”

An almost imperceptible rumbling began, coming from the side corridor; but the little group paid it no heed for the moment.

“Most Fungi have their source in the soil beneath our feet,” Mikkel observed. “Sigrun, what can you feel beneath the spot where our adversary showed herself?”

Sigrun frowned as she reached out to feel the Earth around her, her fingers slipping through the floor as though through ordinary soil.

The rumbling increased, bit by bit, until the Temple trembled with it...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Believe it or not, if things work out as I’ve planned (ha, ha, ha), this is the penultimate part of the story.

See you at the End!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2927 on: February 06, 2017, 07:34:08 PM »
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic
Part 18
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Spoiler: The Second Book of Kings • show
The horde of Horrors in all shapes and sizes spilled out of the corridor in full fury, swarming over the little group in a vast and seemingly unending flood and rushing on down the main corridor.

The group should have been dead, but they weren’t; at least, the Avatar and his Tutors weren’t. The Reaving-Bent Horrors in their multitudes were only illusions, the results of a Mind-Bender striving to kill the group through the illusion of their own death, while an allied Spirit-Bender Bent their Fear to the utmost.

Mikkel and Tuuri were ready for the fight, however, and while they could not entirely negate the enemies’ Bending, they could expose it as the fraud it was. This was enough that the group could grit their teeth and endure, aside from the Templars among them, who stood like statues, the assault killing them instantly.

Again and again the attacks came as Sigrun doggedly Bent the Earth at her feet, until finally, a casket was exposed. In an instant, Onni had whipped up a funnel of Air to raise the casket into their circle, but even as he did, counter-winds buffeted the capsule, and spikes of rock lashed out to try to block its path. Fires tried to spark on the casket, while long icicles formed on its bottom, trying to drag it down.

The Dark Spirit’s forces had arrived; the Battle of the Benders had begun.

Acting on instinct, Lalli dashed away the flames, while Emil burned off the icicles, Sigrun pushed the spikes aside and Onni reined in the winds. They did this over and over again while Tuuri and Mikkel held off their own counterparts; but as the Battle dragged on and on, their exertions slowly started sapping their very Life, so at last Reynir tried to shore it up as best he could once more.

After the opening salvos, the major part of the attacks centered on Michael, but most of the rest focused on Sigrun; Emil nearly killed himself beating back the ones he could, his memory replaying that cold “She will die” all the while.

As each of the seven strained to Bend against the oncoming foes, they each felt something ancient and powerful rise within them, as each had felt before in a time of great need. Their eyes closed, and when they opened again, they were glowing blue.

Energy flowed from the seven into Michael, and with it came searing pain that brought him to his knees with eyes squeezed shut as his chi rerouted itself. Then the pain was gone, leaving only power in its wake. Avatar Michael stood and his eyes opened, glowing bright blue, for he had finally entered the Avatar State for the first time.

The fight did not last long after that. The Dark Spirit had made deals with a whole host of Benders of various sorts, but even massed as they were, they were no match for the Avatar, and particularly not when he was backed by his seven Tutors. Both individually and in groups, they fell to the Avatar Spirit, and were stripped of their Bending, until none remained to oppose the Avatar.

Spent, the seven Tutors dropped to their knees, fighting to stay conscious. Sigrun looked down at the casket she held. “So... what’s... in... this... thing?” she slowly asked, fighting to get each word out.

A Templar, called forth from the Forbidden Heart of the Temple through the Golden Portal by the entrance of Michael into the Avatar State, gently lifted the casket from her rapidly slackening grasp and said, “Within this is the Shield and the Cure for the Reaving; with this, no more shall fall to it, though the Reaving-Bent are still beyond its aid.”

As he spoke, three other Templars joined him. “And now that Avatar Michael has entered the Avatar State at last, it is time for him to be seated in the place we have long prepared for him; this will send the Dark Spirit to her doom.”

Beginning their long-practiced chant, the four Templars took their processional positions around the Avatar, and the five of them went down the corridor, the heavy, dark shape of their spirit foe dogging their steps all the way. Other Templars bore their fallen kin away for what rites Templars performed to honor their dead.

Finally, the Avatar and his Templar escort passed through the Golden Portal, ascending the Dais to where the Throne of Balance awaited the Avatar. In the instant when the Avatar sat, a long, wailing cry of failure and despair echoed down the corridor until it, and the Dark Spirit from which it issued, faded away forever.

Two Templars emerged from the Golden Portal, gesturing for the seven to approach. “And now,” one said when they reached the threshold, “you must go in and take you places on the Lower Dais, for Change has come, and the Balance is nigh to return.”

Mikkel, Tuuri, Reynir, Onni, Lalli, Emil and Sigrun looked at each other for a moment before stepping through the Golden Portal...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, the Fell Ponies came; Elder Grandfather’s bones went back to Mycetian Burial Grounds; and Narrow Brain was banished forever.

Such is how our story ends. My thanks to all those who bore with me through all this.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 02:47:54 PM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2928 on: February 06, 2017, 07:37:50 PM »
The Complete Links to
Bent and Twisted
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“Avatar: the Last Airbender” crossover fanfic

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
So, about the New Plot, and how it differs from the old:

As soon as we learned he existed, Michael was always going to be the Avatar. Mikkel and Tuuri were always going to be Benders from the other two New Wheels, though I wanted them to gain their powers on the journey rather than having had them all along; this was part of the “change is occurring” theme I wanted to have. Michael wasn’t to be able assume the Avatar State until all four Wheels had emerged.

Michael’s little speech at the end of Part 15 was originally supposed to end the whole thing, as I didn’t want to retread the A:tLA path, since there was no way I could match (to say nothing of better) the original treatment. They were basically going to wander fairly randomly until Onni showed up and sent them to where Michael had been sleeping for the last decade or two.

Then, I got my bright idea: crib off of Krull (the Widow of the Web part, which allowed me to bring in the Dalsnes crew), The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet (which allowed me to do some Emil&Lalli stuff), and A Mystery for Mr Bass (which allowed me to revisit that fantastic story), with a dash of Captain Planet thrown in at the very end (where I recycled the “Michael can’t go Full Avatar until the others have all reached Peak Bending” thing).


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2929 on: February 07, 2017, 11:46:55 PM »
And now, to continue…

The Expedition
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Cyberpunk AU fanfic
Part 2
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Prior part
Spoiler: Blue and Yellow Make Green • show
Emil Västerström was terribly aware of the brooding presences of his aunt and uncle beside him. Don’t show weakness, Emil told himself, his heart in his throat. Don’t try to make friends; don’t bring disgrace to the Västerström name--again. Just be punctiliously correct and everything will be fine.

Of course it would be fine; it had to be.

So he tried to put forth an air of competent professionalism when the Finns finally showed up, extending his hand in collegial courtesy.

It was a wasted effort: neither took it, the taller, thinner one slinking by him without a word and the shorter, plumper one stopping to mumble something quiet and just as scared-sounding as Emil felt. Well, that at least was a normal reaction to the sight of Emil’s uncle and aunt. The one who spoke also waved rather than accepting the handshake.

Germophobes, then. Well, that was fairly rational in this age, when the radiation Outside had bred super-strains of so many diseases; Emil would respect their custom. He gave a dignified wave in return. “Greetings,” he said in a voice he’d hoped would also be dignified, but which actually wobbled terribly. “I am the ordinance tech on our mission, Emil Västerström.”

“Hi.” The word was barely a breath, but actually getting it out seemed to give her courage to go on. “I’m Tuuri Hotakainen, and this is my cousin, Lalli. He’s our scout, and I’m his handler. He’s mute, and a mutant--he only communicates telepathically, and only to me.” She paused. “You have nice hair.”

“Uh... Thank you?” Tuuri had said that last as though pronouncing a curse upon Emil.

“I’m glad you spilled food all down your front. It’s the only human thing about you.” And with that, Tuuri walked away.

Emil deflated. Not bothering to turn his head, he asked his uncle, “You let that happen deliberately, didn’t you?”

“If you will be fool enough to sleep so long and so soundly as to nearly ruin our schedule, you should count yourself fortunate that I was satisfied with your humiliation rather than one of my more standard punishments.” Torbjörn’s voice was as cool and reptilian as ever.

“The train to Mora is scheduled to leave almost immediately, Herr Västerström,” a nervous voice informed Torbjörn.

“They shall wait for us,” Torbjörn informed her. “Attend to it.”

“Our--our phones are on the fritz at the moment, sir.”

Torbjörn snapped his fingers. As the bearer of bad news was wrestled away, Torbjörn raised his voice to be heard over her pleas for a mercy he had never possessed. “You! Tuuri!”

Tuuri looked like she might need to change her pants from the sudden attention paid to her. “Y-y-y-y-y-yes?” she managed through chattering teeth.

“Send that freakish scout cousin of yours off to hold the train for us; and he’d better succeed.”

Lalli was off like a shot, Emil not far behind. Deciding to show the youngsters that he was as fit as ever himself, Torbjörn paced Emil, while Taru, Tuuri and Siv followed more sedately, Taru bearing the luggage.

Once they were aboard, Torbjörn told the youths, “We will arrive in Mora in a matter of hours. After a brief stop to gather some equipment from our Headquarters, we shall proceed to the Oresund bridge, where we will join your seniors. The five of you will then set off on our expedition. Is that clear?” After a pause, he continued, “Then there will be no need for any of you to disturb us for the remainder of this portion of our journey.”

It was an order; one Emil was most accustomed to hearing, though he knew the Finns might not be. A quick glance reassured him that neither of the two grey-haired youths sitting across from him would try to force themselves on Torbjörn or Siv, so he looked down at his stained shirt, sighed, and quietly went off to the nearest washroom to try to rectify his appearance as best he could...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Yep. That’s Emil.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2930 on: February 08, 2017, 11:21:25 PM »
And now, to continue…

The Expedition
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/Cyberpunk AU fanfic
Part 2
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: Blue and Yellow Make Green • show
Emil Västerström was terribly aware of the brooding presences of his aunt and uncle beside him. Don’t show weakness, Emil told himself, his heart in his throat. Don’t try to make friends; don’t bring disgrace to the Västerström name--again. Just be punctiliously correct and everything will be fine.

Of course it would be fine; it had to be.

So he tried to put forth an air of competent professionalism when the Finns finally showed up, extending his hand in collegial courtesy.

It was a wasted effort: neither took it, the taller, thinner one slinking by him without a word and the shorter, plumper one stopping to mumble something quiet and just as scared-sounding as Emil felt. Well, that at least was a normal reaction to the sight of Emil’s uncle and aunt. The one who spoke also waved rather than accepting the handshake.

Germophobes, then. Well, that was fairly rational in this age, when the radiation Outside had bred super-strains of so many diseases; Emil would respect their custom. He gave a dignified wave in return. “Greetings,” he said in a voice he’d hoped would also be dignified, but which actually wobbled terribly. “I am the ordinance tech on our mission, Emil Västerström.”

“Hi.” The word was barely a breath, but actually getting it out seemed to give her courage to go on. “I’m Tuuri Hotakainen, and this is my cousin, Lalli. He’s our scout, and I’m his handler. He’s mute, and a mutant--he only communicates telepathically, and only to me.” She paused. “You have nice hair.”

“Uh... Thank you?” Tuuri had said that last as though pronouncing a curse upon Emil.

“I’m glad you spilled food all down your front. It’s the only human thing about you.” And with that, Tuuri walked away.

Emil deflated. Not bothering to turn his head, he asked his uncle, “You let that happen deliberately, didn’t you?”

“If you will be fool enough to sleep so long and so soundly as to nearly ruin our schedule, you should count yourself fortunate that I was satisfied with your humiliation rather than one of my more standard punishments.” Torbjörn’s voice was as cool and reptilian as ever.

“The train to Mora is scheduled to leave almost immediately, Herr Västerström,” a nervous voice informed Torbjörn.

“They shall wait for us,” Torbjörn informed her. “Attend to it.”

“Our--our phones are on the fritz at the moment, sir.”

Torbjörn snapped his fingers. As the bearer of bad news was wrestled away, Torbjörn raised his voice to be heard over her pleas for a mercy he had never possessed. “You! Tuuri!”

Tuuri looked like she might need to change her pants from the sudden attention paid to her. “Y-y-y-y-y-yes?” she managed through chattering teeth.

“Send that freakish scout cousin of yours off to hold the train for us; and he’d better succeed.”

Lalli was off like a shot, Emil not far behind. Deciding to show the youngsters that he was as fit as ever himself, Torbjörn paced Emil, while Taru, Tuuri and Siv followed more sedately, Taru bearing the luggage.

Once they were aboard, Torbjörn told the youths, “We will arrive in Mora in a matter of hours. After a brief stop to gather some equipment from our Headquarters, we shall proceed to the Oresund bridge, where we will join your seniors. The five of you will then set off on our expedition. Is that clear?” After a pause, he continued, “Then there will be no need for any of you to disturb us for the remainder of this portion of our journey.”

It was an order; one Emil was most accustomed to hearing, though he knew the Finns might not be. A quick glance reassured him that neither of the two grey-haired youths sitting across from him would try to force themselves on Torbjörn or Siv, so he looked down at his stained shirt, sighed, and quietly went off to the nearest washroom to try to rectify his appearance as best he could...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Yep. That’s Emil.

Fascinating. A darker AU, to be sure.  Enjoying the Alt!Quartet's characterisation, especially Siv! (But Trond is unchanged XD )
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2931 on: February 09, 2017, 03:51:21 AM »
After encountering a severe writer's block that lasted a few weeks, I was finally able to write something again! So I could finally, finally start on the Alphabet Soup/Singalong Challenge! This is my entry for the letter A:

It's about Emil and the ways the cares for Lalli, rated Teen for thoughts about stuff that COULD be seen as sexual, but other than that, it's... kinda fluffy :D
I'm the left one on the picture.

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
In school I had: :france: :spain:
Some words and phrases: :japan:
Learning: :sweden:


Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2932 on: February 09, 2017, 10:16:32 AM »
One of the fanfic ideas I've been throwing at the wall stuck, and is coming out in chapters that are just around 1000 words. Took 6 chapters to decide on a title, so it's high time I post at least the first one:

Broken bridges

Under cover of making his embarrassing youngest son's dream come true, a rich man bankrolls an expedition into the Silent World manned by an underqualified crew... and a woman hired to kill his son. His plan gets thwarted on the first day not only by the crew being more resourceful than planned, but the bridge between the Known World and the Silent World breaking. The crew, stranded in the Silent World for the winter, decides it might as well spend it doing the research for which it was officially hired. A job that gets complicated by including a good-hearted young man who just found out more about the world's cruelty than he bargained for.

Spoiler: Chapter 1 • show

That radio call explained everything. And it was not good news. Torbjörn, along with Trond and Taru, had insisted the boy was not ready, but his father had had none of it. For his twentieth birthday, he got his dream of visiting the Silent World, despite not being immune. His father had promised that he would be well-guarded, but even that promise had not been kept. Finding out who exactly their employer had hired to "guard" the boy had made them realize why he had been suddenly curious each time one of them had mentioned having a friend or relative in the military, when he usually couldn't care less about what was going on in his employee's lives as long as it didn't keep them from doing their job. Torbjörn's own nephew, who had dropped out of academia to become a cleanser less than two years ago. A couple of Taru's distant cousins, one of whom had a suspicious skill overlap with the boy, down to the lack of immunity. The second distant cousin wasn't much better: if it weren't for the presence of the first one, he would have been unable to function with the rest of the crew according to Taru. Trond's acquaintances were better in those regards, but still substandard: a man that was hardly a real doctor whose real gift lied in getting fired and the command of the crew given to a troll hunter with a limited notion of long-term planning. Long term planning was never intended to be needed on this expedition. The only person none of them knew was the day scout, that could have been the person they hated the most in the whole world if it weren't for the fact she was now inside a troll's stomach, unfortunately along with the Grade A cat assigned to the crew. If it weren't for both their employer and the day scout underestimating the rest of the crew, the boy would have been that troll's dinner instead.
-How is he?
Torbjörn had accepted to move away from Sweden to get this job in Iceland because of the money, but had come to care for the boy as much as for his own children back home. They boy's Norwegian teacher and the woman hired to train him for the day-to-day aspects of the expedition had a similar affection for him.
-He didn't get exposed, but he's in shock after what happened. Mikkel put him in the dormitory and told us to keep an eye on him.
Taru's cousin Tuuri sounded on the verge of tears again. The previous was when they had all realized that her presence in the crew was going to be used as an excuse to order everyone to continue the research, despite the "setback" of losing their employer's youngest son on the first day. This greatly increased the possibility that anyone who may have noticed something suspicious about the boy's death would end up dead themselves, by troll of by day scout. Sigrun's voice intervened:
-Sorry to interrupt your chit-chat, but we have a more pressing issue. What do we do now? I don't like the idea of going back to that boring Danish military base, and it's not only because the bridge broke.
Torbjörn had to make sure he had heard correctly:
-Why are you asking us? I'd like to remind you that you reached this radio completely by chance, and that I just happened to be next to it because I had just been talking to my wife.
-Who else should I ask? I'm definitely not asking the actual boss anything anymore.
Torbjörn turned in the direction of Trond and Taru, who seemed both in deep thought. Trond was the first to emerge from it, before grabbing the radio's microphone:
-Listen. I have enough connections here to send you a ship with quarantine facilities that will take you somewhere safe. But I'll get nobody to come get you right now. You'll have to wait until right before spring to be picked up. The most convenient place to pick you up from will most likely be very far away from your current location, so you might as well use that time to reach it. Tell me, how much supplies were you given? Supplying you as if he expected at least one of you to die early into the expedition would have raised a few red flags.
Tuuri answered:
-Reynir's father made him check himself to test his knowledge. Mikkel checked also, in case he had been deliberately taught to misevaluate things. Mikkel say we're good, but may need to do a little hunting and scavenging from time to time. The fact that we don't need to feed Helena nor the cat anymore helps also.
"Helena" had been the day scout. Taru emerged from her own thoughts:
-If you're going to have a long trip in the Silent World anyway, would you mind taking a few photos of your campsites? That alone would be precious data for some people. That will keep that extremely expensive assassination plot from becoming a complete waste.
Tuuri translated Taru's Icelandic for Sigrun, who was the next to speak:
-I like you guys already! We can totally do that! Will keep everyone from thinking of the old boss wanting all of us dead too much.
-"The old boss"? asked Torbjörn, intrigued.
-You three are the new bosses now. If anyone asks, the radio broke in such a way that we can only reach you guys and can't contact the boring Danish base. I don't care if it's not actually possible, I think no one will once they find out what this mission was originally supposed to be and that we're the good guys in that story.
The more they thought of it, the more they realized they were in no position to refuse.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 04:05:06 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2933 on: February 09, 2017, 12:09:26 PM »
New chapter of the crossover. Gendry gets a bit, and Jón is Up to Something.
Survived: Chapters: :chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18::chap19::chap20::chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02::A2chap03::A2chap04::A2chap05:
Books: :book3: :book4:

I wrote a thing. It has consumed my life.

Reigning champion of time spent on this forum.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2934 on: February 09, 2017, 11:36:40 PM »
One of the fanfic ideas I've been throwing at the wall stuck, and is coming out in chapters that are just around 1000 words. Took 6 chapters to decide on a title, so it's high time I post at least the first one:

Broken bridges

Under cover of making his embarrassing youngest son's dream come true, a rich man bankrolls an expedition into the Silent World manned by an underqualified crew... and a woman hired to kill his son. His plan gets thwarted on the first day not only by the crew being more resourceful than planned, but the bridge between the Known World and the Silent World breaking. The crew, stranded in the Silent World for the winter, decides it might as well spend it doing the research for which it was officially hired. A job that gets complicated by including a good-hearted young man who just found out more about the world's cruelty than he bargained for.

Chapter 1
Spoiler: show

That radio call explained everything. And it was not good news. Torbjörn, along with Trond and Taru, had insisted the boy was not ready, but his father had had none of it. For his twentieth birthday, he got his dream of visiting the Silent World, despite not being immune. His father had promised that he would be well-guarded, but even that promise had not been kept. Finding out who exactly their employer had hired to "guard" the boy had made them realize why he had been suddenly curious each time one of them had mentioned having a friend or relative in the military, when he usually couldn't care less about what was going on in his employee's lives as long as it didn't keep them from doing their job. Torbjörn's own nephew, who had dropped out of academia to become a cleanser less than two years ago. A couple of Taru's distant cousins, one of whom had a suspicious skill overlap with the boy, down to the lack of immunity. The second distant cousin wasn't much better: if it weren't for the presence of the first one, he would have been unable to function with the rest of the crew according to Taru. Trond's acquaintances were better in those regards, but still substandard: a man that was hardly a real doctor whose real gift lied in getting fired and the command of the crew given to a troll hunter with a limited notion of long-term planning. Long term planning was never intended to be needed on this expedition. The only person none of them knew was the day scout, that could have been the person they hated the most in the whole world if it weren't for the fact she was now inside a troll's stomach, unfortunately along with the Grade A cat assigned to the crew. If it weren't for both their employer and the day scout underestimating the rest of the crew, the boy would have been that troll's dinner instead.
-How is he?
Torbjörn had accepted to move away from Sweden to get this job in Iceland because of the money, but had come to care for the boy as much as for his own children back home. They boy's Norwegian teacher and the woman hired to train him for the day-to-day aspects of the expedition had a similar affection for him.
-He didn't get exposed, but he's in shock after what happened. Mikkel put him in the dormitory and told us to keep an eye on him.
Taru's cousin Tuuri sounded on the verge of tears again. The previous was when they had all realized that her presence in the crew was going to be used as an excuse to order everyone to continue the research, despite the "setback" of losing their employer's youngest son on the first day. This greatly increased the possibility that anyone who may have noticed something suspicious about the boy's death would end up dead themselves, by troll of by day scout. Sigrun's voice intervened:
-Sorry to interrupt your chit-chat, but we have a more pressing issue. What do we do now? I don't like the idea of going back to that boring Danish military base, and it's not only because the bridge broke.
Torbjörn had to make sure he had heard correctly:
-Why are you asking us? I'd like to remind you that you reached this radio completely by chance, and that I just happened to be next to it because I had just been talking to my wife.
-Who else should I ask? I'm definitely not asking the actual boss anything anymore.
Torbjörn turned in the direction of Trond and Taru, who seemed both in deep thought. Trond was the first to emerge from it, before grabbing the radio's microphone:
-Listen. I have enough connections here to send you a ship with quarantine facilities that will take you somewhere safe. But I'll get nobody to come get you right now. You'll have to wait until right before spring to be picked up. The most convenient place to pick you up from will most likely be very far away from your current location, so you might as well use that time to reach it. Tell me, how much supplies were you given? Supplying you as if he expected at least one of you to die early into the expedition would have raised a few red flags.
Tuuri answered:
-Reynir's father made him check himself to test his knowledge. Mikkel checked also, in case he had been deliberately taught to misevaluate things. Mikkel say we're good, but may need to do a little hunting and scavenging from time to time. The fact that we don't need to feed Helena nor the cat anymore helps also.
"Helena" had been the day scout. Taru emerged from her own thoughts:
-If you're going to have a long trip in the Silent World anyway, would you mind taking a few photos of your campsites? That alone would be precious data for some people. That will keep that extremely expensive assassination plot from becoming a complete waste.
Tuuri translated Taru's Icelandic for Sigrun, who was the next to speak:
-I like you guys already! We can totally do that! Will keep everyone from thinking of the old boss wanting all of us dead too much.
-"The old boss"? asked Torbjörn, intrigued.
-You three are the new bosses now. If anyone asks, the radio broke in such a way that we can only reach you guys and can't contact the boring Danish base. I don't care if it's not actually possible, I think no one will once they find out what this mission was originally supposed to be and that we're the good guys in that story.
The more they thought of it, the more they realized they were in no position to refuse.

Good one, E! Makes me wish the forum had an "upvote" or "kudos" function.

And remember what peace there may be in silence.

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2935 on: February 10, 2017, 03:23:55 AM »
Thanks. I have an old account I haven't used in more than five years, and thought I could get motivated to re-activate it or make a new one if I ever made fanfics for SSSS that were too long for the forum but... hasn't happened yet.

Talking about this, might as well work on that backlog:

Story summary and previous chapter

Broken bridges

A switch to the story's main point of view, AKA that universe's version of Reynir

Spoiler:  Chapter 2 • show
Even with all the generosity he could muster, he found himself unable to read Helena's actions as anything other than trying to get him eaten by a troll. He realized that if he was thinking this, he was probably still alive. He was lying in a bed that, while warm, wasn't the most comfortable he had known. People were talking. He opened his eyes turned in the direction the voices were coming from. It took him a while to realize that his field of vision as being blocked by someone sitting right next to his bed:
-Hey, you've stopped shivering. Mikkel, he seems be getting better!
He recognized the voice. Torbjörn's nephew Emil, who had tried to befriend him on the basis that they were "from the same world, unlike all these other guys". Having been rich up until just a few years ago had apparently made him assume that he and Reynir had more in common than they turned out to actually have. Emil had fortunately been the first to realize this, and had redirected his attempts at making friends towards Lalli of all people. Reynir had felt bad for Lalli, as he very obviously preferred being left alone, but lacked the possibility of actually telling so to Emil. Tuuri didn't help much, as she seemed to have decided that the expedition was going to be Lalli's opportunity to "learn about being around other people". After Sigrun's scary troll hunting story and Mikkel's really strange joke, he had happily accepted Helena's offer to let him tag along for day scouting, which was supposed to be much safer than the night variant, especially with the cat accompanying them.

Emil stood up as heavy footsteps came closer and much larger body came to sit by his side:
-How are you feeling? Can you get up?
Reynir managed to sit on his bed without much trouble, in such a way that he was now facing Mikkel:
-What happened? Why did Helena...
-I need to tell you a few things that will be very hard to hear. Are you ready for them now or would you like a little more time to recollect yourself beforehand? Maybe something hot to drink or something to eat?
He accepted the drink, and listened. They'd found multiple pieces of evidence suggesting that his father wanted him dead, and Reynir's dream to see the Silent World had been very convenient to him in that regard. Helena had been hired as a more active part of the plan, everyone else had been hired to create a smokescreen over the expedition's real purpose and be killed if necessary. The entire first week of his pill box contained something that Lalli had simply called "poison" in Finnish before dropping it all on the floor and crushing it with his foot. A disturbing thought suddenly crossed Reynir's mind:
-What if there is someone else here trying to kill me? Helena was being quite nice until right before the troll. It could be even be you.
-You have a good point. Okay, let's imagine every single one of us actually does plan to kill you when you least expect it. What do you do? Grab a mask, a few warm clothes and some food, and leave? You'll just get yourself killed by what's outside instead. Helena may have deserved her fate, but her death and that of the cat mean that we are down to one scout, which is not good. Helena wouldn't have been able to survive very long on her own either. Everything indicates that she would have waited until the expedition was almost over to take care of most of us if we were still alive by then. I'm afraid you have no choice but to trust us all to not secretly be killers. Still, considering this possibility at all shows that you are smart. That means it will be easy to keep you safe.
Mikkel let him process the information before talking again:
-If it can reassure you, everyone here is clean as far as I'm concerned. Lalli pretty much saved your life, and I have a few reasons to think that duplicity such as Helena's is just plain impossible for him. This gets Tuuri of the hook as well, as it's hard to see how he could have been able to keep him out of the way if she was preparing such a thing. She was on the verge of tears when she found out what Helena had done. Emil is... "far too easy to read" is the nicest way I can put his case. Sigrun comes from a place where far too many able bodies are culled out by trolls every year. While I don't put it past them to have a few hunting "accidents" with truly troublesome members of the community, I had to explain her your situation three times before she got even a vague idea of why you would be considered troublesome. As for myself, all I can promise is that while not a doctor, I have enough ethics in common to not want to harm people.
Reynir's mind only vaguely registered the last sentence, as he thought over his situation. Árni Ragnarsson, one of the major funders of the Dagrenning genetics program, had opinions that stopped just short of stating that non-immune people should just plain stop reproducing naturally. Not being immune himself, he had used the program to have four immune children with his wife. Then Reynir happened, to his greatest embarrassment. Another strong belief that he had held was that nobody should ever try going into the Silent world for any other purpose than expanding already existing safe areas. Despite this, he had spent lavishly on Reynir, always getting him whatever he wanted, including good tutors in the subjects he wanted to study. He was being taught Norwegian by a retired general of the country's army. He'd gotten a skald all the way from Sweden to teach him the job's skills and former military strategist to prepare him for the expedition. But now, he realized that he had just narrowly escaped being used to prove his father's point.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 04:06:50 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2936 on: February 11, 2017, 09:31:04 AM »
Halloween fic for Valentine's Day? That's what everyone wanted, right?

Dead Man's Party

:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2937 on: February 11, 2017, 04:29:52 PM »
Posting a chapter a day until I catch up on my huge backlog.

Previous chapter

Broken bridges

Introducing the story's version of the Mora team. Árni may be be quite a jerk in that one, but his children are another story.

Spoiler: Chapter 3 • show

That "safe house" could have almost been passed off as surprise hotel stay to the children if it weren't for two important details. One was that it wasn't far away enough from Mora to justify not sleeping at home for the next few months. The other was that while they had a whole suite at their disposal, she and the children had to share it with the people whose idea it had been to bring them here in the first place. Siv still wasn't sure whether these people were actually keeping them safe or had used that story as an extremely subtle version of the very kidnapping they claimed she and the children risked if they stayed home. Since she had the liberty to go where she wanted in the suite provided she didn't leave, she decided that the best place to be was the radio room. Unfortunately, the two dark-haired siblings, for a good reason, had refused to have any of the children in there. The children had been taken in the other room by that Finnish man named Onni. While he claimed to be present for the same reason as the two dark-haired siblings, he seemed to be a glorified errand boy, and now babysitter, in practice. There were at least ten other people in the house, all under the employ of the dark-haired siblings, who, even if they weren't who the claimed to be, were definitely actual siblings. From what Siv had figured, this was the "important people suite". Onni had been allowed to stay in it, but insisted on earning his keep even if the dark-haired siblings said he didn't have to. This, combined with the fact that the person they would have otherwise used as an errand-boy could be used elsewhere resulted in Onni running around the suite doing most of the grunt work, to the point that Siv had started feeling slightly guilty about waiting around while the dark-haired siblings were trying to reach their contact.

A young female voice finally answered the radio in Icelandic:
-Uh... may I ask who's calling?
-Are you the Silent World expedition, by any chance? asked the man among the dark-haired siblings.
-I still need you to state your name.
-Fine. I'm Bjarni Árnason, Reynir's older brother. I have one simple message for you. Whatever you do, do not leave him alone with this Helena woman.
-Ah, that? We already know about Helena. My cousin saved Reynir, but the troll she intended to have kill Reynir killed her instead. We also figured out that your father... wait, you're the brother who didn't come to see him off. Why are you calling?
-Because one of our father's back-up plans was to use your family members as leverage to force you into obeying his orders if Helena couldn't take care of things on her own. My sister Hildur and I have been busy making sure all potential hostages were safe.
-Oh dear, Onni!
-You must be Tuuri. The servants we were sending to Keuruu to secure him ran into a mess of tears trying to get to Øresund base claiming that that his little sister and cousin had run away from home as they were about to take the boat to Finland. Fortunately, we made sure to hire people with brains. While I'm thinking of it, tell your colleague Emil that his aunt and cousins are with us as well. His aunt is currently being cautious about us, so we've been letting her see what we've been up to. Your brother's watching the kids in the other room. Want to talk to him?

After the Finnish siblings exchanged a few words in their own language, Emil confirmed the story that the dark-haired siblings had told Siv, even though he hadn't seen much of what had happened first-hand. The siblings next talked to the expedition's Norwegian captain, who pointed out that having everyone's family members secured meant that Hildur and Bjarni themselves were now in a position to use them as hostages if needed. She didn't like the idea, and asked for a few proofs of good faith before she decided to trust them. That Sigrun woman knew enough about that family to know that these two were supposed to have two older siblings, and asked what they were up to. They had apparently gone to see young Reynir off along with their parents, not realizing what was going on. Hildur had apparently been the first to figure out something was up, but Bjarni had been the only one she'd been able to convince before things reached a point where time was best used in setting up a counter-plan with the resources available to her rather than in gathering allies. Speaking of allies, it turned out that the now technically rogue expedition had made a few allies back in the family main residence in Iceland: Torbjörn and a couple of Reynir's other private tutors, who both happened to be childless only children. They eventually got the captain to trust them, at least for the time being:
-One last thing. Part of our cover in case your old man asks is that the radio broke in such a way that it can only reach the guys back in Iceland. Mora is a little too close to the place we're pretending to be unable to reach. Can you stick to mage-to-mage contact?
-That we can, answered Hildur.
-Fine. Ours sleeps during the day, so I hope your mage likes daytime naps.
What were they talking about? Hildur spoke again:
-This will be a problem neither for Onni nor for myself. Ah, this reminds me. Those pills, even those that were not laced with poison. Do not give them to Reynir.
-Why? They are supposed to be for bad dreams, and with what the kid just went through...
-He was not given these for nightmares. A treatment that is often given for nightmares happens to also block another kind of dream, which just happens to be easily mistakable for a nightmare the first time. Let's just say that the gods have tried to warn him a little more directly in the past.
Sigrun remained silent for a noticeable amount of time, as if that last sentence carried a very heavy meaning. She eventually answered:
-You're the one with the fancy education, you tell me how I'm supposed to explain this to a Danish medic.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 05:00:14 AM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2938 on: February 11, 2017, 09:07:43 PM »
I'm rather liking this Dark!AU, a lot more than I thought I would.

If you don't mind a bit of critique, you could stand to use more names at the beginning of the story. There's no reason for Siv not to have at least learned Onni's name by now, and it would cut down on the confusion - I had to read the first couple of paragraphs several times before I figured out who was doing what.

Sigrun's line at the end was a much-needed bit of comic relief! I definitely got a good chuckle out of that.
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2939 on: February 12, 2017, 04:28:28 AM »
Thanks for pointing this out. That chapter also originally had Tuuri not wanting to talk to Onni despite the circumstances just for the sake of adding a funny line of dialogue, so my brain caught on to this as the thing to fix before putting it online, which made it miss other problems.

Edit: Going out to dinner tonight, so posting now.

Previous chapter

Broken bridges

A dreamspace visit that is very much needed after the previous chapter's reveal.

Spoiler: Chapter 4 • show

Hildur broke the silence of the dream-sea on which she and Onni were travelling:
-I was just thinking. If you're following me anyway, you might as well meet Reynir. This way, you can check on him when you go visit your cousin and you'll know his face if he happens to need help while I'm unavailable.
-I'm not following you, I just happen to be going to the same place as you and unable to conjure my own means of crossing the water wherever you've walked recently.
-Which forces you to literally be on my trail. Most people call this "following".
A couple of safe areas came to her sight. They were much further away than she would have wanted, but not as far as she had feared. Close enough that Reynir had relatively little chance to run into something dangerous. She came to tears when she saw that sheep-filled meadow she knew all too well. She'd once read an Old World story about a man who fell in love with a woman whose memory never lasted more than a day, making her wake up every morning with no idea who she was. The man's dedication to her despite this was supposed to be one of the romantic aspects of the story. Every single night for the last seven years had given her a good idea of what the real thing, rather than the version that made a story people would want to read, had to be like. Hildur and Reynir's fylgja had been helping each other cope with this over the years. The first few weeks hadn't been so bad, as Reynir was always happy to "discover" his safe are and the novelty of it kept his attention enough that he never got around thinking of anything to do "next" time. The first time he did end up making a plan, she had to explain the situation to him. He'd come up with an idea: have her explain him what was going on the next night and tell him what he was planning to do. She'd tried the next night, but he had been too wrapped in the place's "novelty" to listen. Things like that kept happening. Little by little, she'd stopped being cooperative and reduced her role to making sure he didn't wander out of his safe area. She'd stopped explaining things he would never get to enjoy anyway. Eventually, she had ready-organized "first-timer's" tour for him that lasted the night and caught his attention at the right moments in such a way that he never considered going outside of his safe area or what to do next time. But this time was going to be different. This time, he was going to remember.

As she went into the area and brought Onni into it, she saw that she wasn't the only one in a celebratory mood. Reynir's dog fylgja was overpowering him and licking his face like it hadn't done in years.
-Uh... You weren't exaggerating when you said he looked different.
Despite what she had told him, Onni was probably still half-expecting a younger version of Bjarni with red hair. They both walked to the center of the meadow. The fylgja moved away, and Reynir just barely had time to sit and notice her presence before Hildur gave him a big hug:
-I'm so happy you're not taking these forsaken pills anymore! I could have wished for better circumstances leading to this, though.
-What to the pills have to do with this? Mikkel just told me that you told him what they actually were, and that the stuff had possible side effects that weren't desirable in our current conditions.
Hildur had convinced the Danish medic that the pills were a different product. While that product was used to treat night terrors as well, the side effects were different from those of the medicine actually in the pill box, and something that didn't matter much in Reynir's usual life conditions, but was best avoided in an expedition literally in the middle of nowhere. She gave him the real explanation, making it the third time she'd given it in the last twenty-four hours. He had the reaction anyone would have had:
-You, of all people, getting chosen by the gods goes against every one of father's beliefs. I made complete sense to him, but not you. I think he decided that the gods must have made a mistake at some point, and that he was fixing it in their stead by getting these pills prescribed to you.
He finally noticed she hadn't come alone:
-Who is that?
-I'm Onni, Tuuri's older brother and Lalli's cousin. Your sister thought you should know my face.
-I think I already saw you before. Tuuri put a picture with you on it on the desk. She and Lalli are doing well, by the way. I'll tell them I saw you when I wake up.
-Thank you very much.

With the introduction finished, Onni went to the edge of the protected area, and realized that he could leave it without Hildur's help. Given Reynir's current strength, the place was supposed to have at least basic defenses. It was only a few paces to Lalli's from where he was, so he decided to visit it, even if he was unlikely to be there. He quickly discovered that the defenses had gotten better, if still much weaker than his own. He heard Hildur's voice coming from behind him:
-There you are. I'm heading back, he'll be fine on his own for the rest of the night. So, this is your cousin's space. Nice trees.
She reached toward the place's border, and her hand went right through it.

By the way, the "story" is actually a movie (50 first dates) in the real world. Just happened to notice a few parallels and decided the story had to have made it to Hildur somehow.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 11:47:46 AM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.