Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 905602 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2850 on: January 02, 2017, 08:20:22 PM »
So apparently I don't have the time nor energy to work on the fic I should have posted for LAST YEAR, but I have plenty of time to bang out this piece of steaming agnst

Concerning Tuuri and how she and her cousin decide to deal with her infection.

I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2851 on: January 02, 2017, 10:23:36 PM »
No, this is not my first one-shot for LooNEY_DAC's new challenge, it is a new chapter of the superhero AU story I've been stringing along for the better part of this year, for the benefit of both of you still reading.

A bit of yakkity-yak character development again (Onni's recovery, Tuuri getting her head around Reynir's adventure, Sigrun discovering something new about her teammate Clara), but I will return to the action soon. I mostly needed to make myself sit and concentrate on writing again after fulfilling various art challenges for the holiday season (etc).
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
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Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2852 on: January 02, 2017, 10:34:39 PM »
So apparently I don't have the time nor energy to work on the fic I should have posted for LAST YEAR, but I have plenty of time to bang out this piece of steaming agnst

Concerning Tuuri and how she and her cousin decide to deal with her infection.

Angst served hot and very well-salted.
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

Ruler of Queenstown Airport (Thanks Purple Wyrm, I will wear my wings with pride)
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2853 on: January 02, 2017, 11:15:09 PM »
…Oh, yeah; I need to make an announcement.

So, just to play havoc with Lazy8's All-Encompassing Fanfiction Index, I'm starting a new collection of one-shots (or three, but I'll explain later) called Alphabet Soup. As the name (hopefully) implies, each one-shot's title will begin with a different letter of the (English) alphabet. Where it'll play havoc with the Index, and why it's three collections, is because there will be a set of titles beginning with "A/An" (e.g., "An After-Dinner Chat"), a set that's anarthrous ("no article", e.g. "Asterisks and Obelisks"), and a set beginning with "The" (e.g., "The Aforementioned"). So instead of 26, the collection(s) will come to 78 one-shots in toto.

As per my usual practice, they'll be posted here 24ish hours before they get posted to AO3, so essentially, I'm going to be spamming the thread for a while.

So, would anyone else like to try their hand at this, too?

I, uh, maybe, if I understood what's going on :P I get the part with "They should all begin with different letters of the alphabet" but then you bring weird words into the mix!
(Also hey, I seem to be doing the "The"-part with the chapters for my Project SSSS! Awesome! I'm Awesome! Too bad it's not one-shots :P)
(Also maybe I shouldn't accept more challenges before I finish the relationship and the 100 SSSS-fics challenges but who's gonna stop me?)
(I really need to finish story 20 and 21)
(I'm just so angry at story 20 <.<)
(Oh well, one day <3)
(Fine, I accept the challenge! Let's see if I can find... what did you say? ...78 ways to kill off Emil!)
Fluent: :sweden:
Decent: :uk:
Phrases: :spain: / :japan:

My stories frequently features themes such as death, suicide, mourning, etc; I cannot give precise warnings for each individual stories, as it would spoil the intrigues.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2854 on: January 03, 2017, 12:12:42 AM »
Is it just me, or is it time for something silly?

Let me see…

…Ah, here it is!

Sigrun’s Shenanigans
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part 3
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: The Courtship of Fru General Eide • show
Now, I told you all how my Mom finally got sick of waiting for Dad to spit it out and proposed to him on their first shared battlefield, right? What I didn’t say is how Dad had a rival for her hand, but only after they’d both been made generals!

I was only a toddler at the time--my grossling kill count was only at three, if you can believe it--so I wasn’t really paying attention to adult stuff like that. Mom and Dad actually liked to tell the story, though, since it shows how the martial virtue of fortitude can help you win battles you don’t even know you’re fighting.

Anyway, this one year, Mom went to Sweden to help with the Cleansing campaign, and she came back with a beau! Everyone was shocked that the idiot had followed her back home after a campaign fling, but wherever she went on her duties, there he was.

He was a big, husky blond Swede who thought that being a Swede made him better than anyone else around--even though he was only a captain. That, and the fact that he was trying to break up Dalsnes’ favorite couple, ensured the whole town went out of their way to make life miserable for him. You wouldn’t believe the pranks they pulled on him--No, Mikkel, I won’t give you any details; you’d use them on some Danish stuffed shirt and the details would get back to Trond and he’d know that I told you!

Anyway, more or less everybody got in on the schemes except Mom and Dad. You see, Dad knew Mom liked having the wuss around--and he was a total wuss, not like my little Viking here--and Dad was and is man enough to let himself be talked about behind his back, if it would make Mom happy. So Dad stayed away from the various plots and schemes too.

The wussy Swede was quite a wuss, let me tell you; I’m still surprised he made Captain, unless it was by being some Swede general’s boy-toy, because he sure was no leader. Half the time we let him lead a Hunting sortie, he’d come back with half the troops ready to knife him in the back.

Now, Mom says she lost patience with the wuss long before the end, and I’m inclined to believe her; but Dad says that Mom still wasn’t too keen on letting the wuss go, and I can see that, too; I’ve seen enough stuff limp on well after its time because one or both parties couldn’t quite make themselves let go that it’s plausible. Regardless, the wuss stayed almost a year, but neither our pranks nor our troll season did for him in the end.

What finally happened was that Mom actually got caught up in one of the nastier pranks they’d laid for the wuss, and of course a grossling was handy to try to take advantage of it. Well, the wuss fainted instead of fighting, and Mom was about looking for her ride to Valhalla when Dad came in.

You see, Dad had been watching from the wings, mostly for his own amusement at seeing the wuss flail like a fool--seriously, Blondie, you did better than him on our first raid--but when he saw Mom was actually in danger, Dad didn’t wait a minute before jumping in. He let the grossling wail on him so Mom could get her breath back and finish it off, which she did.

The wuss had been watching through his supposed faint, and when he “came to”, he knew the only thing he could do was leave, so he did. You’re right, Short Stuff, it certainly did take him long enough to get the message.

But speaking of messages, that reminds me of the time...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show
Again, it’s not dead!!!

...I’ve just been keeping it reined in until it was needed again.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2855 on: January 03, 2017, 07:31:11 AM »
LooNEY_DAC, that sounds interesting! Are you planning on giving any prompts or should everyone just come up with their own titles?
I'm the left one on the picture.

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
In school I had: :france: :spain:
Some words and phrases: :japan:
Learning: :sweden:



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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2856 on: January 03, 2017, 08:05:31 AM »
...apparently I've decided my Matrix croSSSSover needs to be revived. So here's the third installment in the series. But first, links to prior parts:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Against All Odds
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

And the next in the series:

Title: The Best of Intentions
Inspiration: "Intention" by District 78
Characters: Mikkel, Michael, appearances by crew - Reynir + Onni
Warnings: Some human experimentation and "for the greater good," on the same level as what we saw in canon for the murderghosts' backstory. I also don't have this very well planned out yet, so read at your own risk.

Spoiler: Prologue • show
“…do you ever wonder whether we're doing the right thing?”

“Don't tell me you're a machine sympathizer now.”

“You of all people ought to know better than that. I'm talking about whether it's right for us.”

“We're fighting to free the human race. This isn't some video game, this is war. Anyone who can't handle a few casualties should never have jacked out.”

“And anyone who says as much ought to realize that some of us have never had that option.”

“Yet you did have the option to work on this project. This is all completely voluntary on your part.”

“Look, all I'm saying is that we might want to test this a bit more extensively before we try putting it to practical use. I've only been debugging this code for a few days. I know there are mistakes in it I still haven't caught.”

“And we know that we can't afford to wait any longer. If things keep going at this rate it's going to be the end of humanity as we know it.”

“You don't know it. In spite of your fearmongering, Zion has yet to be attacked. But if you try out an untested code on something as complex at the Matrix—”

“So you had better finish testing it before we get to the deadline, is that clear?”

“… … It's clear.”

Spoiler: Notes • show
...nothing much to say on this one, we'll get to the meat of the story momentarily...

Next part
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 07:17:27 PM by Lazy8 »
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2857 on: January 03, 2017, 07:16:27 PM »
...okay, you need more than that. I understand. So here's the first full chapter of "The Best of Intentions", then.


Spoiler: Part 1 • show
“Okay, so here's how this works.” Sigrun was looking excessively pleased with herself—far too pleased for Emil's comfort. “We're here to show Twig the ropes, right?” She jerked her head toward Lalli, who was standing to the side of the mat and looking exceedingly uncertain about the uniform he was wearing. “So how about you take him a few rounds just to see how he measures up.”

Emil breathed a quiet sigh of relief. At least she wasn't going to spar with him right away, or subject Lalli to any of her wild kicks so soon after he'd started. He shifted into the guard position. “Ready whenever you are.”

He supposed he'd have to go easy. Even with upload, there were things to learn. Lalli wouldn't—

Emil yelped in surprise when Lalli came at him with catlike grace. A step back barely took him out of range of the other's fist; he tried to throw a punch of his own, but a quick inward block knocked it away, and then Lalli was spinning backward to drive a bony elbow straight into his gut.

The wooden support beam splintered beneath his back as he crashed into it. Sigrun threw back her head and burst out laughing.

“Okay, now that's just not fair.” Getting thrashed by Sigrun was one thing—she was older than he was and had had a lot more practice at this whole “free your mind” thing—but Lalli? The guy who'd just barely started walking?

Emil was starting to think that some jealous programmer had deliberately given him a subpar upload when he'd been in training.

“Did I hurt you?” Lalli was kneeling in front of him, reaching out but not touching, as if he was unsure where a touch would actually be helpful.

“No.” Emil was gasping for breath after the wind had been knocked out of him, but there was no way he was going to admit to being in severe pain in the middle of a sparring program.

“Nothing but his pride.” She returned her attention to Emil. “Want to give it another go, or is it my turn to see what he's made of?”

As it turned out, Emil was no match for Lalli. He managed only two more rounds before Sigrun stepped in to take over.

Lalli was good. While Sigrun still had the upper hand most of the time, Emil could see her working for it in a way she never had while sparring him. What Lalli lacked in terms of Sigrun's raw power he made up for in speed, and Emil watched with no small amount of envy as he ducked and dodged almost faster than the eye could follow while Sigrun fought to land a blow on him. The match only ended when Lalli misjudged a strike; seeing the opening, Sigrun grabbed his arm and used his own momentum to throw him into the wall.

“Okay,” Sigrun panted. “You definitely need to join my crew.”

“We’re coming up on Zion in less than an hour.” Mikkel’s voice reverberated through the air around them. “Everyone needs to come out and prepare for landing.”

“We don’t need a full hour for that!” Sigrun shouted at the ceiling—the two of them had this argument every. Single. Time. “How about you try lightening up a bit?”

“I would also like to have a word with you—all of you—before we land.” Suddenly, Mikkel’s voice had taken on an odd inflection. He sounded almost… strangled.

“Okay.” Sigrun cocked her head, for once not fighting him right up until the last minute. “We’ll be right out.”

“Tuuri,” Mikkel said even before they had finished sitting up. “Tell them what you just told me about what you found in the code of the Matrix.”

“Right.” Tuuri pulled up a window, in which the glowing green code of the Matrix was frozen in place.  “You see this here?”

Emil nodded, leaned forward and tried to pretend he knew what she was talking about. Sigrun didn’t even bother pretending, merely crossed her arms with an impatient huff. Lalli, though, looked as if he actually knew what she was talking about; he leaned forward, staring intently at the screen as his eyes moved rapidly from one side to the other.

“This is what the Matrix normally looks like,” Tuuri continued, oblivious to the engagement level of her audience. “When I was on watch a few days ago, though, I saw an anomaly,” she pulled up a second window, and tapped the screen at a point in the code that was no different from anywhere else as far as Emil could tell, “here.”

“So what’s the deal, Fuzz?” Sigrun might not have been able to read the code but now her interest was piqued; she leaned forward, squinting as if she expected the green symbols to form a pretty picture if only they got blurry enough. “How does it look when you’re actually in the Matrix?”

“Well, I know it’s a parasite program. It seems to have infected several programs within the Matrix and altered the way that they function.” Behind him, Onni violently twitched. “But I’m still working on figuring out what it’s supposed to do…”

“I know what it’s supposed to do.” Mikkel’s voice was heavy. “But it will take longer than an hour to explain.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Once we get to Zion, I want to talk with you—all of you—in private.”

“You heard the man.” For once, Sigrun’s voice was deadly serious, and she gave Mikkel a nod as she spoke. “Soon as we get to the city, everyone meets up. Say—”

“The mechanical level,” Tuuri suggested. “No one ever goes down there.”

“Then it’s settled. Mechanical level, soon as we land. Don’t be late.”

Spoiler: Notes • show
Could it be? Are we finally seeing some crossover with something other than the characters?
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2858 on: January 04, 2017, 02:12:51 AM »
Lazy8, I don't know anything about the Matrix universe, and you've got me intrigued! I'll be reading right along!


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2859 on: January 04, 2017, 02:50:19 AM »
Likewise and likewise.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2860 on: January 05, 2017, 12:38:56 AM »
LooNEY_DAC, that sounds interesting! Are you planning on giving any prompts or should everyone just come up with their own titles?
Sorry for the belated response. This being a very freeform exercise, I am not planning on spitting out prompts; part of the idea was that you would come up with story-appropriate titles of your own that met the A-to-Z theme.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2861 on: January 05, 2017, 08:22:40 AM »
Sorry for the belated response. This being a very freeform exercise, I am not planning on spitting out prompts; part of the idea was that you would come up with story-appropriate titles of your own that met the A-to-Z theme.

*immediately finds a random word generator*
:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2862 on: January 05, 2017, 10:57:08 AM »
I haven't been keeping up with logging my fics here, so here are all of the stuff I've written since my last post. There's a wide variety from humor, crack, depressing stuff, hurt/comfort, gen, romance, etc. :)

Exchange fics:

Spoiler: show
This one was for Yuletide:

Title: A Pause in Drowning
Pairings/Characters: Reynir & Lalli       
Words: +2,300
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: No warnings. Content tags: Dreamscapes Finnish Mythology - Freeform Mild Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: Every winter, Lalli becomes more reserved than usual, always looking into a black box while alone in his Haven. Reynir wants to know what's in the box.

And this one was for the SSSS Secret Santa. I don't think I've shared it yet here :)

Title: A Gift Of Your Time
Pairings/Characters: Reynir/Lalli, Original Characters
Words: ~1,880
Rating: General   
Content/Warning: No warnings. Content tags: Mages. 
Summary: Another journal of Árni's, discovered in the attic of Reynir's home, sends him and Lalli down a curious dream-road one winter night.

Other non-exchange works:

Spoiler: show
Title: Ode to Oblivion
Pairings/Characters: Reynir/Lalli, past Lalli/Original Male Character 
Words: ~2,800
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: PLEASE read these warnings: Suicide Attempt, Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, Past Violence, Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending (this was cathartic for me to write, but I don't know if it will be the same or triggering for the reader. It ranks at T level, so it's posted here, but just take those warnings as a big precaution. Thank you.)
Summary: That was the thing about Reynir. Always forgiving. If only he himself could learn from that.

Title: Sweater Thief
Pairings/Characters: Reynir/Lalli   
Words: 847
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: No warnings. Content tags: Humor, some sexual humor.
Summary: Reynir is looking for his last clean sweater before he can get to work, but someone has stolen it.

Title: This Is The Sound Of Our Soul
Pairings/Characters: Reynir/Lalli
Words: 1,580+
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: No warnings. Content tags: New Year's Eve, Romance, Kissing, Slow Dancing, Fluff 
Summary: "Sand's a time of its own. Take your seaside arms and write the next line. Oh, I want the truth to be known.”

Title: The Year of the Turtle
Pairings/Characters: Reynir/Lalli, Original Characters 
Words: 2017 (to welcome the new year! Posted on Tolkien's birthday, no less because this is how I show my appreciation for the most best wordsmith! <3)
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: No warnings. Content tags: CRACK!,  Humor, No Apologies, (crack) Mage versus Kade, some foul language
Summary: Reynir and Lalli sneak away from the tank for some alone time when they are ambushed by a kade and taken away to be cruelly murdered. Luckily for them, rescue is near at hand. And a very unusual hero at that.

Title: Most Precious and Fragile
Pairings/Characters: Sigrun/Tuuri
Words: 649
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: No warnings. Content tags: Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares
Summary: A dream, Sigrun told herself. It was just a dream.
♫ ♪ Sharing secrets with another world
Rubbing shoulders with some unknown lovers
♪ ♫
:chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2863 on: January 05, 2017, 11:22:30 PM »
Sorry for double-posting, but I posted another fic tonight. I got...really inspired by recent events in the comic. I'm also a bit sad that we might not be seeing Sigrun's reaction to Tuuri's injury any time soon, and so my imagination took over...and came up with this. It ended up being my last fic needed to get a bingo for H/C Bingo (I was planning something with Emil previously. Still plan on writing it, but not right now.)

This one's a bit of a tearjerker, I would say. Or not, depending on how one looks at it.

Title: Offer of the Crone
Pairings/Characters: Sigrun/Tuuri
Words: 904 
Rating: Teen   
Content/Warning: No warnings. Content tags: Hurt/Comfort, Self-Sacrifice 
Summary: Sigrun prided herself in never needing anything...until Tuuri gets injured and infected during the expedition.
♫ ♪ Sharing secrets with another world
Rubbing shoulders with some unknown lovers
♪ ♫
:chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14:
AO3 (Mageverse) | Twitter | Tumblr
Fluent: :usa:
Various degrees of fluency: :arableague: :mexico: :japan: :italy:
Now acquiring: :germany:
Wishlist: :iceland::finland:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2864 on: January 06, 2017, 10:46:15 AM »
This is a story that I randomly entitled "What If A Lot Of Really Bad Stuff Happened?", just because I couldn't think of anything else...


Year 91, a meeting in the offices of the Nordic Council - The Report on the Danish Book Salvage Disaster:

"The meeting will please come to order." (Murmurs and chair-scraping)

"The investigation into the disaster of the expedition to the Danish mainland has concluded. All findings and conclusions are recorded in your copies of the report." (General shuffling of papers)

"As you all know, the aftermath of this apparently insignificant venture has been potentially disastrous. It was only desperation and sheer dumb luck that prevented a catastrophe." (Murmurs and whispers, plus hostile glares at a group of four, who look like they are attempting to sink through the floor)

"For a start, this venture was very poorly planned, founded in greed and financed on a shoestring. The equipment was utterly inadequate for the task - the expedition crew, undermanned and under-trained."

"From the very beginning, the expedition appeared to be jinxed - the team leader and the expedition driver both caused serious property damage due to wild driving, even before leaving Øresund Base. Shortly thereafter, the Øresund Bridge, the only land connection to the Danish mainland, collapsed after the expedition vehicle passed over it."

"From that point, the disasters simply snowballed. By the time of the emergency evacuation:

- The expedition had disturbed a nest of previously unknown - and exceptionally hostile - spiritual entities. An attack by these ghosts and an army of trolls and beasts, led to the injury of the team's driver/mechanic/skald by an ambushing troll. Luckily, the injury was not caused by a troll's bite, but by its serrated tail, so the injury was not infectious but merely disabling,

- A Finnish mage (operating from Mora) was forced to over-exert himself in order to defend the expedition from the sheer numbers of attacking trolls and beasts. This effort was very nearly fatal and he is currently convalescing after spending two months in a coma,

- The scout, forced to perform the tasks of both day and night scout by himself, began suffering from advanced sleep deprivation. He began hallucinating about trolls coming through the walls and had to be restrained and heavily sedated after attempting to stab the medic who he believed was turning into a Troll,

- The expedition Cleanser barely stopped a troll attack on the vehicle with fire-bombs and flamethrower, incidentally incinerating a large proportion of the books they had already salvaged, plus burning off his hair and eyebrows,

- The medic was forced to amputate the team leader's badly infected arm without general anaesthetic,

- Clumsy attempts by the remaining able-bodied crew to drive the vehicle resulted in it exploding, after successive collisions eventually jarred loose a canister of incendiary fuel, destroying every single remaining book the team had collected, plus most of the food and a large crate of decorative candles,

- The expedition team was forced to travel to the emergency evacuation point on foot. The spirits followed the expedition members to the evacuation point, where the ship's crew was attacked, first by a horde of spirit-driven Beasts and Trolls, then by the ghosts themselves."

"By sheer luck, the ship was saved from the spiritual attack by the chance presence of a stowaway who just happened to be a novice mage. His untrained skills were enough to halt the advance of the spirits long enough for the ship to get away from the dock - and as you know, these ghosts cannot travel over water."

"The ship, however, was seriously damaged by the Troll attack, with a number of injuries suffered. The ship had insufficient able-bodied crew or spare parts to make the necessary repairs in order to make it back to the quarantine station. The ship was leaking badly, the weather was getting worse, so a radio distress call was sent. The ship was so close to sinking that the crew was preparing to take to the lifeboats, but fortunately, the crew were rescued by a fishing boat, despite high seas."

"But even then, there was trouble. Apparently, the fishing boat's captain had previously encountered the expedition's personnel and was initially unwilling to let them on board, bearing some ill-will towards one of the organizers." (The eldest of the group of four squirms uneasily)

"When the ship docked at the quarantine station, more havoc ensued. A particularly agile troll had managed to cling to the hull of the evacuation ship during the chaos of the battle. It had remained clinging to the side of the ship until the crew was rescued by the fishing boat, then transferred unnoticed to that ship's hull during the storm."
(*Note: The ship's cats naturally responded to the presence of the troll, but the crew assumed they were reacting to the large number of Sea-Beasts in the vicinity.)
"When docking, the troll launched its attack, taking the personnel completely by surprise and causing a number of casualties. It nearly broke out of the quarantine zone and into the residential quarters before being killed. The facility was severely damaged and was out of commission for months, until repair and quarantine procedures could be completed."

"In conclusion, this report finds that this expedition was not only poorly planned, but also premature. It recommends no further expeditions into the deep Silent World until human society has sufficiently recovered in numbers and can make such a venture without stirring up creatures that threaten the very existence of human settlements." (Glares now so intense, the four are in danger of spontaneously combusting)

"Now, regarding punishment for the damage wrought by this ill-advised venture - The Nordic Council recommendations are as follows:"

"Firstly - heavy fines for the expedition organizers." (Groans from the group of four)

"Secondly - the Västerströms have to do all of their own future baby-sitting." (Screams of anguish from the Västerströms)

(Meeting ends)
