@Luth, no need to worry yourself about repeat posting! It's okay! ;p
Anyway! I like the colour palette you're using. The results sure look different in watercolour vs ink...
Thank you! for the shading I used some tricks I picked up from callipygous's tutorial on shading. (change hue, not just darkness)
and yes, the ink is very different! I think I prefer ink at this point, partly because it's a square brush rather than a round one, so it's easier to colour in certain things.
Do you work from scanned lineart, or are you drawing directly on the screen? (Tablets are a mystery to me o3o )
Well, neither, sort of. I do the lineart digitally, but I can't draw directly on the screen. You can get tablets that work like that but mine does not have a screen in it so it works by mapping points on the tablet to points on the screen so you use the pen on the tablet while looking at the screen. It's hard to explain...