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Mithrysc and ThisCatI am grateful for your helpclarifying words
I understand nowI complied to your requestAre you happy now?
This is outrageous We must see to this quicklyI won't stand for this
Me? Quite satisfied;I have ticked items off myNoah bingo sheet
Chaos everywhere, I am surrounded by itIn fact, I'm in class
You are in a class?Tell, are you still in a class?All lines end with class.
This is not classless.In fact, there is too much class.A class abundance.
I am no longerIn such a messy classroomI am at home now(Way to ruin the conversation)
Do not feel guiltyClass haikus are redundantAll haikus have class
You are quite correct,For all haikus are classy, Classroom-y or not.
The question remains:What chaos surrounded you?Maybe a fire?
Boys yelling, fighting, Girls braiding each other's hair, No teacher in there