Our comic of the month for October is Ventura City Drifters. Discuss it with other forumites here!
Prolific NoahFather of multiple threadsIntroduction, please? ???
Well what do you wantAn "Introduction" is vagueCan you specify
Introduction thread,General Discussion Board;Divesting mystique.
I still don't get itHaikus are inconvenientFor making small-talk
I think you were askedto introduce yourself thereso we can know you.
I am curiousHow, with so much time spent hereI've not seen this thread
I have a theoryThere are simply bigger threadsThat have less haikus
I suppose that's trueIt gives the brain a workout,Thinking in haikus.
Also, it is notI must keep refreshing stuffSo that I can see
In that case, it wouldProbably be easierTo follow this link