Main Cast
Q.: What did the omen that Lalli saw predict? Was it about Tuuri or something else?
A. (0:29:58): No, it was about Tuuri.
Q.: Have you ever thought about making Lalli a canon autistic character? As an autistic person, I really recognize a lot of Lalli's personality traits as autistic traits, and it would mean a lot to the autistic community to have more positive representation of autism in the media! thanks~~
A. (1:24:11): No, I don’t think I’m gonna make him like diagnosed for anything, because then I would kinda lock myself into how I could write him, so I’m just having him as, leaving kinda up to, what part of his strangeness is because he wasn’t properly socialized as a child and what part is, you know, just the way he is, so I’m letting people like just [] for themselves, if that makes sense. I personally like characters that kinda leave it up to the reader to, like decide what they want to see in the character because that way more people can see themselves in them. Like, some people might just be like “Oh, I’m not super-great with people, so I see myself in Lalli!” and stuff like that, [] them being super specific about it. I’m glad to hear that you find, a lot that you, what’s the word, empathize with Lalli.
Q.:Will anyone be singing in the comic?
A. (2:09:28): I don’t think so. No, I’m starting to doubt myself. Maybe there would be situations where they would have a reason to sing. Not going to say anything about that.
Q.: Did (or why didn't) the military try to use airplanes to scout other parts of Europe or parts that would be accessible in one flight for possible signs of civilisation? Cost/benefit analysis or pessimism?
A. (1:05:53): In the world that I’ve designed they don’t use airplanes for anything. They are too much of a risk, because people can use them to access safe areas, infected people, so you are not allowed to use airplanes. They have been allowed to rot away and there is no effort to salvage them. Mostly that was the decision I made for worldbuilding reasons, because I wanted the societies be a little more isolated than they would be if air travel was a thing. But that’s an in-world reason why they don’t have airplanes.
This is a thing I do a lot with worldbuilding. I decide on something to create a certain feeling and then have to come up with logical reasons why. Sometimes the best things I come up are like, “it’s mystery!” and stuff. Sometimes I come up with things that make sense and that’s the better way to do things. Like you can have some things that don’t necessarily make sense, but not all. If you start to complicate your world too much things can start falling apart.
Rash, Magic and Ghosts
Q.: How do gods "work"? In comic we saw three sets of gods so far: nordic gods, Finnish gods and christian God. Are gods created by belief? Are there many gods and some are discovered and then worshiped? Something else entirely? Would christian God, if there were (or are, who knows ) assume a more active role in granting miracles/magic/something along this lines?
A. (0:33:59): I’m not going to define super-specifically how gods and magic in the world work because that would kill a lot of the mysticism of the story, and also kinda limit what I want to do with things. You know, when you make super-hard rules for magic and stuff, sometimes it works, but sometimes it gets too boring when it’s like: “It’s because *this* and *this*, and only this works and this doesn’t work…”. And even for you guys, if you like doing your own fan stories; I know some of you like doing different cultures in the SSSS universe, I don’t want to limit your imagination for how magic and stuff works in those settings.
Q.: Does that mean puns wouldn’t work in the Dreamworld?
A. (2:48:00): Aaah, we’re getting too specific! If I say “no” then people who want to write fanfiction with puns won’t be able to do it, so I can’t answer that question.
Q.: Do the immune have some sort of antibodies against the Rash? Also, have they tried creating a vaccine for the Rash?
A. (3:26:15): Well I haven't, like, set in stone exactly how or what, like, causes immunity. Like, is it partly supernatural or is it all biological. And yeah, of course they've tried all kinds of things to create vaccines. Haven't really worked out yet.