Hi! Sorry for the delay, but as usual the weekend was quite demanding in family time, so...
And this one was hard to finish, too, but I think it came out really nice. But you tell me.
Sorry, Wave! I like your suggestion but Reynir/Doctor Strange was already in the making. I couldn't resist when I realized that, beyond the magic association, Strange uses the same gesture for magic as Reynir uses for "sheep" in his game of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Sheep-Gun with Sigrun...
As you can see here (page 233, adv.2):
And here Doctor Strange's great
original art.The "ghost sheep" came from a pic someone shared on FB... And Reynir face and braid came from different dream sequences in the beginning of Adv. 1
Now to Lalli! I think it will be a good one, and hopefully will take less work to do. Still open to suggestions for Tuuri (besides Cap. Marvel and Rogue) and Kisu.
EDIT: I made a small correction and, since I was editing the image...
...added a variant with Strange's signature goatee and some touches of white hair on his temples...
(a slightly older Reynir... I wonder what Onni would think