Author Topic: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?  (Read 32213 times)


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #120 on: April 07, 2021, 01:25:29 AM »
Day 12:  (How to Catch) Karvaturri

Fuzzy-Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy-Wuzzy had...way too much hair and was actually named Karvaturri.  Mirasol shows how the hirsute one was defeated.

Mirasol gives the content warning: Slight gore-warning, to about the same extent as in the comic, a bit of swearing

Spoiler: how to catch karvaturri • show

“Very hairy.”

“… That's all?”

Ailikki, Ragna's second in command, turned the file around.  “Looks like it.”

“I thought that skald-lady was joking when she explained what we're looking for…”, the captain mumbled.

“Now it at least makes sense why she told us to not bother with the file”, Ailikki said, looking dismissively at the paper.

“Has somebody seen the tinder?”, Yke, one of the other soldiers asked from across the campsite. He was trying to start a campfire.

“You can use this”, Ailikki told him with a smile and handed him the scout-file. Ragna didn't stop her. Whoever the scout was who wrote this incredibly detailed report on the sighting of a bear-beast, they deserved their pay cut in half. This was no helpful information whatsoever!  After taking a look at what was written there, Yke started burning it no questions asked.

Ragna watched the paper go up in flames. He had avoided looking deeper into it until Karvaturri, the bearbeast his crew was tasked with slaying, was in killing-reach. He preferred taking a look for himself first before seeing what others wrote about one of these. Helped avoid misjudging a beast´s strength. Now he regretted all the time he spent getting the headquarters to let him take an official document into the Silent World.

“I swear, if there's any surprises when we fight it, whoever scouted this crap is dead in the water.”

“Well, it seems we have at least actually tracked down a bear fitting the description this time”, Tuovi, the mage on their crew let them know from where they were sitting on the ground a few meters away. They always insisted on solitude to do their work, like in this case sending their Luonto to spy on the crew's current target.

“It appears to be alone. And it hid near some big rocks. It's cornered”, the mage reported with their eyes closed.

Ragna nodded. “Good, well strike tomorrow as soon as the sun is up. It's too close to darkness for my liking. It's not moving, right?”

“It went to sleep shortly after I got there. Looks like it'll stay that way for the time being. If we aren't stupid and it hears us coming, we should be fine.”

The captain looked warningly at the part of his crew currently present. “You hear that? No repetition of last Tuesday, got it? We're a trained special command, not some bloody amateurs!”

It had been raining last Tuesday. What Ragna's crew then suspected to be the bearbeast had hid in a decayed house. As it turned out, they had been following the unusually large and hairy alpha of a pack of Hukkas, living in said house, instead. The crew had spent the rest of the day on top of a tree, hoping the shots they were firing at the wolfbeasts wouldn't attract anything bigger.

Ragna looked at the mage again. “I damn hope you're right this time.”

“Last time you told me we didn't have the time to properly check whether we are following the right critter. I'm really not the one to blame here”, Tuovi said, getting up.

“Fair enough. I made the wrong call”, Ragna replied. “So this one it is. Have you made any further observations on its abilities by now?”

“Its hair is too long to see any of its body parts in detail. But as I already said, all that fur might make it less vulnerable to the sun. I´ll keep an eye on it.”

With that Tuovi disappeared into one of their camp's tents.

“So, what are we gonna do now? If that's all we're working with, we know basically nothing about that thing”, Ailikki chipped in.

Ragna was worried about that too. The ten people (and two Grade A cats) he led slayed the most dangerous rashlings discovered too close to any human settlements for a living. Of course all of these were a possible death-sentence, but with most of them you could at least see what they could hypothetically do and prepare. Even if not immediately, spying on them long enough would eventually reveal something. Tuovi had proven to be a master in that regard in the almost two years they had been a part of the crew. This ball of fur was the first target able to hide its weak spots from the mage. And that wasn't a good sign.

“Ideally we surround and kill it before it even has a chance to strike back. So when it's still asleep”, Ragna proposed.

His second in command didn´t seem convinced. “Ok, we´ve been doing this for ten years now, when has anything we killed ever died from the first blow?”

Fair point. In this job there were no easy kills.

“I'm open for suggestions”, he grumbled.

Nobody said anything for a while.

“The fur is the problem, right?”, Yke, now done with the campfire, started. “Could we set it on fire? Maybe the beast even dies from that.”

“And until then a burning monster goes rampaging through the forest in panic? We are not doing that”, the captain determined.

At this moment, Maarika, the crew's medic, sat down next to them. Her usually wild, curly hair was wet and hanging down. She must have washed it in the brook they had set up camp next to. That gave Ragna an idea.

“They say stupid solutions are sometimes the best, right?”

“Do they?” Ailikki raised an eyebrow.

“Whatever, I might have something.”


The next morning, the crew took their positions around the bearbeast's hideout. Tuovi, Yke and Yrsa were stationed on top of the rock-wall, equipped with every object able to hold a larger amount of water they found. Everyone else was standing in a semi-circle around it to cut off every possible escape-route. In case Karvaturri managed to get through their defenses, bear-traps were set in place.

Through some serendipity, their target was actually still asleep. Ragna gestured to the others to initiate phase one, namely throwing spears at it. More quiet than bullets, plus if enough hit in the right places, it might be enough already.  The captain wasn't willing to immediately take the risk of attracting anything worse that was possibly lurking around here.

The spears flew perfectly towards the beast and through its back and neck, jolting it awake with a gurgling sound. The thing jumped to its feet, screaming and lurching. Well, looked like that hadn't worked. Not all that surprising, if disappointing. But it did seem to have done something, judging by how unstable Karvaturri was standing. It looked hectically at the soldiers pointing their weapons at it, realizing it was surrounded. But something was off.

The beast gathered itself and stopped fluctuating. For a bit, it just seemed to be staring at the crew. Then it started charging at them. Before it reached the soldiers though, a disgusting popping-sound rung out. The entire back of the bear began to tear open, exploding yellow troll-goo in every direction. Gargling, Karvaturri fell flat on the ground again.
The substance hit an unlucky soldier, Guivi, in the arm he had raised to protect his eyes. He started screaming in pain and let go of his knife.

Shit. The thing had acid or something.

 “Quick!”, Ragna yelled towards Guivi. “Wash it off, fast!”

But the guy seemed already completely frozen in pain. He just started sinking to the ground holding his arm. Luckily, Maarika was next to him immediately, pulling him back to his feet and towards the brook. The only problem was, now two people were missing in their defense-line, which would make it a lot easier for Karvaturri to slip out. The beast seemed to have noticed that too. It picked itself up and started limping towards it again.

But Ragna was absolutely not about to let that happen. He jumped to the spot where the bear had been sleeping. “Come right back here, you oversized pincushion! You are not ruining our plan!”, he yelled, waving his arms around.

It did the trick. Karvaturri focused on him now and ran in his direction.

“Water!”, the captain shouted, turning around to climb up the rocks. He could hear splashing sounds behind him, followed by surprised growling from the bearbeast and a collective “Ewww!” from his crew.

“Holy shit, now that's a disgusting beast if I've ever seen one!”

That came from Ailikki. Well, if even she was impressed… Ragna's curiosity got the better of him. Being about halfway to safety, he dared to look around. “What-"

Karvaturri was still staring at him. But the water had done what the captain had hoped for. The beast´s dripping wet fur was hanging down like some slimy plants, revealing what was underneath. It hadn´t actually been that much hair, just fluffed up a lot and full of dirt. The figure underneath was basically a deformed skeleton with skin. Its spine was curved in a very unnatural way, and an extra-set of distorted legs grew out of its ribcage. Everything was pushed in an even more painful-looking position due to the way the body was bloated into huge, yellow blisters filled with acid in many places. Some of them were already deteriorating in themselves, leaving black wounds in the beast's rotting flesh. The spears now tearing through everything  sure didn't make looking at it any easier. One of these spears must have popped the blister that already exploded. But the worst part were the eyes. Well, one eye, there was only an empty hollow where the other one should have been. The intact eye had that… wrong look all beast-eyes had, but seemed to drift into a more conscious state for a moment. The look in it meandered between empty, furious and… scared. 

Ragna breathed out. Once you did this job long enough, killing rashlings became something very professional. Easy to forget that these things used to be conscious, feeling beings. And now they were trapped in an existence like this, completely without control over themselves. So even if they attacked, they weren't really to blame.

The moment only lasted for a few seconds. Karvaturri's eye became empty again, and they opened their maw to reveal a way too large set of way too long teeth. And Ragna was still only halfway up the rock.

“Don't stand there like that, move!”, Ailikki shouted. “Finish it off! But don't get too close!”, she instructed the other soldiers. Ragna rushed further up, hearing rifles click behind him as they were being loaded. Yrsa was extending her arm down to pull him up the rest of the way, but he couldn't reach her yet.

“Don’t shoot the blisters! We don't want more acid to hit somebody! And don't hit the captain either!”, Tuovi shouted from the top of the rocks.

With more people yelling orders and warnings, the situation became increasingly chaotic. But Karvaturri wasn't distracted by the voices around them anymore. Their eye was still locked on Ragna, and they started climbing up behind him.

Shit, shit, shit…

His left foot was currently on a boulder that seemed to be a bit loose. But it didn't help, he had to make the jump upwards to get away from Karvaturri's jaws. Ragna shifted his weight to his foot, gathered strength to jump and… the boulder, a quite sizable one at that, broke out of the wall. Yrsa's and now Yke's hands too still way out of reach, Ragna threw himself against the stones in panic, and very painfully (and inelegantly), he slowly skittered down. What a stupid way to die, spread-eagled on a stone-wall…

But to his surprise, no bear-teeth were digging into his flesh in the next moment. The captain looked up, into the surprised faces of his mage and soldiers on the rocks. For a moment, everything was in absolute silence.

Then Ailikki burst out laughing. “Now captain, that was a skill-shot, have to hand it to you!”

More soldiers joined in, while Ragna tried to stand up as dignified as possible. His gloves and the front of his pants were slightly torn, he had some scrapes on his legs and hands, but otherwise he was fine. The beast though… Its head had been cleanly smashed by the boulder. The old bones must have broken like paper. Some smaller blisters on it were popped, but the acid only ran into a puddle on the ground. Ailikki was standing next to it, examining whether it was really dead. After a bit she nodded. Everyone made space for Tuovi to prepare the beast's Kallohonka.

Ragna limped towards his second-in-command. For a while they watched the mage complain about the condition of Karvaturri´s skull in silence.
“Now what are we going to write into that report? ‘Smashed by a boulder accidently let loose by the crew's overweight captain falling off a wall’? I'll be the laughing-stock of all of Keuruu…”, he whispered to Ailikki.

She grinned in the way that usually meant nothing good. “I'd have a few ideas…”


“Very hairy.”

“Very hairy? Really!? That's all they wrote??? And they get paid for that?”

Nenna watched her student lament over the killing-report he had to file into the bear-registry. She didn't say anything. She knew this was probably revenge for the scout-report on the same bearbeast. Self-evident, as said scout-report had furthermore been mysteriously lost on the mission tasked with slaying the bear.

“Why is there no essay-writing-class integrated into military-training.” The young boy crabbed and let his head fall on the table in frustration.

“You'll get used to it. Just file the report as it is,” Nenna said, sipping her coffee.

Always a newbie at something
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Grade E cat

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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #121 on: April 07, 2021, 03:44:04 AM »
That fic gave me a headcanon as to who could have written the initial scout report. That brevity looks kind of familiar.

Spoiler: my prime suspect • show

*cough* :lalli: *cough*
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 03:48:51 AM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #122 on: April 07, 2021, 10:09:45 AM »
That fic gave me a headcanon as to who could have written the initial scout report. That brevity looks kind of familiar.

Spoiler: my prime suspect • show

*cough* :lalli: *cough*

kyllä.  ;)
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #123 on: April 07, 2021, 02:31:43 PM »
That fic gave me a headcanon as to who could have written the initial scout report. That brevity looks kind of familiar.

Spoiler: my prime suspect • show

*cough* :lalli: *cough*

"Description: very hairy
Behavior: stupid
Territory: yes
Time of Sight: tuesday
Extra Notes: bear"

The fic looks awesome but I sadly don't have the time to read it properly rn ;w; I'll read it once I find the time. Wave, midwestmutt, I loved yours. I lovelovelove it when icelandic and finnish magic work with each other, more so when it is with such elegance like your fic and lovely drawing is, wave!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 02:38:10 PM by Sevseres »
native: :tr: okay: :gb: learning: :se: :fr:

HEY! my nickname used to be nefnef, dont be confused :p


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #124 on: April 07, 2021, 04:19:56 PM »
Whoops, I was in such a hurry to post a smarty-pants reply to Grade E cat that I didn't stop to say... great story, Mirasol! Nice symmetry with the reactions to the very detailed reports.  :))   I like all your characters and would love to get to know them better - you've given such great little glimpses of their personalities, and made them each a "real" person, with very few words.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #125 on: April 07, 2021, 04:36:27 PM »
"Description: very hairy
Behavior: stupid
Territory: yes
Time of Sight: tuesday
Extra Notes: bear"
"Additional eyewitnesses: "
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :book4: etc.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #126 on: April 07, 2021, 05:45:44 PM »
Mirasoo, great story! And some good luck!

Sevseres (and JoB) beat me to it, but since this came to my head complete, I’ll go nevertheless.

S: Ok, next! Oh, it’s you. Hello, Hotkainen.”
L: —
S: And your report?
L: No threat.
S: Ok, good. Did you see anything?
L: yes
S: oh, want to tell me what it was?
L: —
S: Ahem, tell me what it was.
L: Bear
S: A bear? You mean like a normal bear?
L: No
S: No? A bear beast?
L: Yes
S: You saw a bear beast?! Why did you report no threat?
L: Far. Walking away.
S: I see. And you are absolutely sure of this? It’s no threat whatsoever?
L: *shrug*
S: So which one was it?
L: None.
S: Not in the bear registry? You sure?
L: —
S: Ok (straining to stay calm). Did you get a good look at it?
L: Yes
S: ... and?
L: *shrug*
S: Please tell me what it was like
L: A beast bear
S: Yes, indeed. Anything special about it?
L: *shrug*
S: What did it look like?
L: Very hairy
S: Any special characteristics?
L: Very hairy
S: Yes, I got that the first time. Anything else?
L: —
S: So that’s all you are gonna say?
L: —
S: So why don’t we write that down then!
L: *shrug*
S: How is this information going to help us catch it?
L: *shrug*
S: Seriously, any tips on that? Hmm?
L: Your problem.
S: Why you little...
S2: Watch out! You know he bites if you yell at him!
🇫🇮 🇬🇧 🇸🇪 🇫🇷 (🇩🇪)(🇯🇵)((🇨🇳))

:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #127 on: April 07, 2021, 07:49:47 PM »
Wow, so many amazing things! Sorry for not commenting before, but I've been busy finishing my contribution. It was way harder than I thought...

So, on chronological order:

Jitter, the yeasts article is fascinating, as the whole theme. Thanks for sharing it!

Groupoid, I loved every single bit of your story! Brilliant! It reminded me the Kami of Shinto beliefs ( I also share moredhel's opinion on spirits remembering mammals, and particularly humans. And the soap reference is so funny!
As for that other reference... Excellent! :)

And Vulpes, thanks for waking my memory! I read that, many years ago. It's a great story!
Also thanks to Róisín, for pointing the bonnie yew tree! We can trust that you'll never run out of fascinating references!

Wave, your story is extraordinaire! The poetic tones are so very appropriated for the characters! And the magic!  O_O I also loved the picture! The way things glow! And the small detail of the cat tank on the background!

midwestmutt, your poem/haiku is so beautiful and powerful! I can't get tired of reading it!

Jitter, the pics are amazing! Yours and the others, every single one. And the haikus too! The day I visit Koli I'll surely have "bones of the mountains" in my head! :)

(and many thanks for the interesting info too!)

Mirasol, I love your story! I saw it in my mind, panel after panel! As Vulpes I appreciate the symetry on the reports and also want more tales about those characters and their special team!

Grade E Cat, sevseres and Jitter, you got it! Onni's participation is now canon to me! :)
Chapter break survivor: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:
Languages: :pt: :br: Capable: :gb: Can read and survive: :es: Knows a bit: :fr: :it:

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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #128 on: April 07, 2021, 08:04:54 PM »
"Additional eyewitnesses: "

Lol!  :haw:

Jitter, I love your little scene. Very true to character.  :))
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #129 on: April 07, 2021, 09:16:48 PM »
This is totally out of order because I check the thread sporadically and very hurriedly:

Wave, I'm glad you saw your formerly abandoned/messed up sketch through! It turned out great, the story was also sweet! I've missed the way you draw expressions and all your doodles in my time away from here ;D

Vulpes, your story was so interesting! I feel like I took a whole biology lesson there haha. You have such a clear source of inspiration and I hope nature will inspire you for years to come! This kind of reminds me of when I went on walks and field trips with a particularly knowledgeable friend who would blather on about lichens and such for ages.

Groupoid, this story feels so mysterious... but hearing stories about benign and friendly spirits always puts me in a good mood!

Midwestmutt and Jitter, mist sure is a popular topic for poems these days :) I love poetry and I appreciate all the nature imagery in yours!

And great collages, of course. I've always been especially drawn to the way the snow weighs the evergreen tree branches down, so I'm so glad Finnish people came up with a name for it. Also, thank you for the Koli information!

Mirasol, whew, your descriptions of the fighting... very intense, very vivid (imo). I guess the report was pretty far off! Thanks for this story, it's a good balance of scary stuff (to me) and lighthearted team building moments

Okay! I've definitely missed a few since I last commented and sorry if this is... long but there's just so much I adore in this thread!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 09:18:26 PM by catbirds »


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #130 on: April 08, 2021, 01:19:38 AM »
Day 13: Oak or lime (tilia) trees

Oak trees in their splendid variety definitely show up in mythology on a regular basis. Standing alone or in a forest, their spreading branches inspire us, as do the leaves and acorns responding to the seasons.  Today thegreyarea brings us a tale of one such mythical (perhaps not?) oak.

thegreyarea's warning: As my dear readers will surely infer from the title, this story features several mentions to an alcoholic beverage.


The great tree felt something hit an exposed root. Instantly she became alert, fearing that something might have crossed through the several layers of magic that shielded her from the World. It has been some time since humans threatened her kind, however many worse things came into being, some new, some very old. Could any of them reach her?
Yet she couldn't sense any danger, and her shields seemed intact. Maybe one of the small beings that inhabited her made a mistake and fell, finishing its short life? It happened before. But no, she couldn't taste blood in her roots. It was... alcohol! And a lot of it.
She extended her senses towards the place where the little mammals stored most of their things... There weren't many around. Actually she could feel just one, and she could sense despair... Cautiously she probed, caring not to damage that delicate mind, and soon found what she wanted. No reason to worry, but now she was curious about how the story will end, and how it began. She dig deeper in the little mind until the first memories of that day...

Grey woke up as someone knocked at his door. He hastily tried to arrange his head's fur and rushed to the entrance, wondering who could be up knocking so early.
He opened it and found Mirasol, looking happy as a sunny day. "Hi Grey! Good to see you!"
"Hi! Glad to see you too!" Then he remembered it was Midsummer. "All's ready for the party? Can't wait to taste the cookies!"
"The kitchen is almost ready. Actually I'm on my way to help Merlin with the cookies. But I'm a little late, and he asked me to bring rum. Could you please do it for me?"
"Of course! I had no idea that rum was part of the recipe. Is it only for the special Midsummer cookies?"
"Silly, you know that's a secret, right? Can't tell you. Nevertheless the rum is very important. Now, will you be a nice squirrel and fetch a bottle for me? I still have lots of things to set up."
"I'll just comb my fur and head straight to the warehouse!"
"Great! We still have some hours before the rum is needed, but please don't forget. Bye!" She went down the alley, humming some song.
Grey checked his shoulder bag, making sure he got all the basics. Book, comb, water and a small bag of cookies. Perfect! He added an empty bottle for the rum and was ready to go.
It would be easy. Just a small trip to the warehouse, then up to the kitchen to deliver the bottle. And then finding a nice spot to spend the rest of the holiday reading until the party. He always loved Midsummer!
Upon leaving the cabin Grey took a moment to enjoy the view. His home could be a bit away from the central area, but it was on a high place, and he would never grow tired of that amazing view over Oak Town, with all the houses, alleys and stairways spreading over the large branches of the Great Tree.
Dawn hasn't arrived yet, and the street lights were still on. The network of suspended walkways crossing between branches made the view over the town even more beautiful, like a giant glittering spiderweb. At the center, right over the main trunk, a patch of intense light marked the Forum's location. Grey squinted to see the small figures that were decorating the ample amphitheatre for the party. Too far to distinguish anyone, he knew, and it was time to move on.
Grey ran down the alley until the start of the branch. Better not wait for the elevator, he thought, welcoming the opportunity to exercise. His mirror had been complaining that a certain squirrel had gained at least 30g lately, maybe more!
So he took the stairway that descended along the trunk, and after several levels arrived at the warehouse floor, a large ring of platforms and buildings that encircled the trunk just under the lower branches. Anyone could easily spend hours searching for something there, and at such early hours on a holiday no one would be around to help. Luckily that wasn't a problem for Grey. After working there for three years he knew exactly where alcoholic beverages were stored.
He reached the desired area and climbed to a higher place for a better view. Took him less than a minute to locate a large barrel labelled "RUM", next to an entrance.
As Grey turned to get down his tail hit something. A broom, he saw, nothing serious. However it fell over a lever, and that lever released a set of pulleys, allowing a box to fall over the next platform. He took a deep breath. The box seemed intact, and hopefully nothing was broken. Luck was on his side.
In the next second the structure under the box made a loud noise and collapsed, dropping over a line of barrels on the floor. The last one rolled until it hit the rum barrel, that in turn rolled, slowly, through the door, and kept rolling until it broke the guardrail and fell.
Grey, paralysed, watched the events unfold. He felt his heart inside that barrel, falling towards the roots, far below. Only a full minute after the distant crash his mind started to work again. The first thought was simple: "I'm screwed!"
This time he called the elevator. What would he tell to Mirasol, to everybody? "Sorry, there will be no party this year"? Maybe "Apologies, I couldn't take care of my big fat tail and spoiled everything"? A squirrel party without cookies was no party!
Grey's thoughts were very dark while the machine slowly moved upwards. A disaster! People would never forget nor forgive him! He even felt a brief headache, like something entering his head! It disappeared as fast as it came. He never had a headache before, but all things considered it wasn't a surprise.
The elevator stopped with a clang. Time to move and face the consequences, he thought, looking at the big watch over the kitchen entrance.
A young squirrel came out. "Already thinking on the party, Grey? Still some hours to go!"
He was so distracted it took him a moment to reply "Oh, hi Ran. Yes... I mean no, I don't..." And suddenly a thought hit! Hours! He might have time to avoid disaster!
Gray gave him a big hug. "Thank you so much, Ran!"
He stood there, surprised. "Err... What's up, Grey? Are you ok?"
"Yes, yes!" He started to run. "I'll explain later. Must go now!"
Grey felt a new hope as the elevator climbed. Someone in Oak Town would surely have rum! If only he was looking for ale... It would be so easy!
At the top he even took a minute to delight his eyes on the beams of light filtered through the higher leaves. Morning has come, and he needed to focus! Just find that bottle!
However he couldn't simply knock at every door. It would take too long and, worst, alert everybody about the problem. Asking the right person was the key, and he already had one squirrel in mind.
Arriving at the Forum Grey easily found him, up at the amphitheatre border, always attentive to everything. "JoB! How nice to see you!"
The big squirrel looked at him. "Hello Grey! Up so early on a holiday?"
He knew that JoB already supposed there was a problem, but would be too polite to ask. "I'm searching for something for a friend, and... well, since you always know so many things..."
He raised an eyebrow. "And what that thing might be?"
"Well... rum! I need a bottle of rum!" And felt his cheeks turning red.
"Hum... I see... Suppose I can't ask why, right?" He was silent for a while. "I'm afraid I can't recall anyone having one of these. As you know most squirrels don't drink, and rum isn't exactly popular... I guess we might have some in the warehouse. Have you checked there?"
Grey gulped. "Err... Yes, I... I've just been there, but it seems the rum is over."
"Then I can't help you, I'm afraid." He pointed down. "Try asking Wave. She might know."
"Oh, good idea! Thanks anyway." Grey walked down the large steps to the center of the Forum and found Wave surrounded by kids. There was some commotion, and she was wearing her hat, which meant things were serious.
Grey waited and after two minutes everything was settled. Wave saw him and removed the hat. "Hi Grey! What are you doing here? Wanna help? We have a lot to do!"
"I'd love to, but I need to do something first."
"I hope you're not in trouble... Yet you do look like someone that accidentally broke an expensive vase!"
Damn, was that so obvious? He just wanted to run, but there's no other way.
"I need... a bottle... of run."
Her eyes widened. "Isn't it a bit early for that?"
Before the conversation attracted everyone's attention he took a step closer and muttered. "I don't want to drink it! It's for a friend! Some recipe that needs it."
She looked unconvinced, and Grey felt pierced by her eyes, until she opened a large smile. "Just jokin', dear! I believe you! But I'm afraid I can't help. Try asking Róisín, she might know."
"Great idea! Thanks!" He was already running. How hasn't him thought about asking Róisín before? She knew so many things, and so many people too!
Grey used the walkway to cross to the next branch, caring not to look down. It was a vertiginous drop to the mass of roots below.
Róisín lived in a steep area, with houses grouped around small platforms connected by a funicular and several stairways. After the hundredth step he regretted choosing the stairs, promising himself that if there was a party he would not eat as many cookies as last year!
He feared finding Róisín surrounded, as usual, by squirrels of all ages. Everyone wanted to drink from that well of knowledge! However this time Grey was luck and found her alone, leaving her house. "Hello Róisín. Remember me?"
"Of course! Grey, isn't it? Two... or maybe three seasons ago? My basic magic course. And you did have some talent for that!" She kept walking. "I'm on my way to a class. Would you accompany me there? How are you doing?"
They walked together while he thought how to bring it up. Better go straight to the point.
"Róisín, I need a bottle of rum. It's for a recipe, but it's also a... surprise, and I can't go around asking everybody. I supposed you might know, or even had some."
"Well, let me think... no, I don't recall anyone. Wait, I had a bottle, some time ago! I gave it, as a gift, to Merlin. He appreciates that. You can ask him."
Grey felt his hopes falling like the barrel before. "Anyone else?"
"Try Crumpite. He and Merlin are good friends. I've heard they share many tastes."
"Thank you so much! Do you know where he might be?"
"Down there at the lake, probably. He told me some eggs would be hatching today. If I were your age I'd take a glider suit. It's the fastest way."
A glider! Mielikki help him! He wasn't a flying squirrel! She was right, of course, but he never flew from such a high point, only small jumps to lower branches when he was younger.
Nevertheless Grey decided to take his chances. He couldn't wait to leave that problem behind. He located a hanging platform and borrowed a suit, fixing in on wrists and ankles. Then he approached the border, prayed to Mielikki, Ilmatar* and the Great Tree, took a deep breath and jumped.
The little squirrel was interesting. Clumsy, but filled with good intentions. She felt, however, that his story would end soon. He clearly had no experience, and his descent was too fast. Her roots would soon taste his blood... But she was curious to see if he could find the rum, and he did preyed to her! So she focused energy, heating the air...
Too fast! He was going to die! No way to slow down before hitting the mass of roots that covered the ground. Grey closed his eyes and got ready for the impact, wishing it was brief and painless. The worst was to go after failing his friends, everybody!
Then he felt a warm wind against his body. A thermal current! A quite strong one! He twisted and bent, and finally managed to use the ascending wind to reduce his speed, landing without any grace but blissfully intact!
Grey removed the suit, still shaken and incredulous. It was a miracle to be alive! He spotted someone coming, walking along a tortuous root. He's been on the ground many times, but the huge mass of visible roots never ceased to amaze him. No one could tell that underneath them, and the tree's immense girth, there was a small island. It just looked like the Great Oak stood directly over the placid water.
And now he could see who's coming. He didn't need do go looking for Crumpite after all.
"Grey! It's really you! I didn't know that you could fly so well! That manoeuvrer at the end was rad! And risky!"
"Well, I don't know how I did it. I guess Mielikki and Ilmatar were looking for me..." He felt a sting in the back of his head and turned. There's no one behind him, just the oak. "...or maybe the Great Tree blessed me with luck!"
Then he remembered the reason for that mad moment. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but Róisín suggested that you could have a bottle of rum, and I'm quite pressed to find one."
"Hey, no problem! Actually I had one, but gave it to Merlin, maybe two years ago. Oh, don't be sad! Listen, there's already a lot of people on the other side, enjoying the holiday and playing with the ducks. Why don't you go ask them?"
He didn't like the sound of it. "Thanks, but I'd rather not go asking everybody. It's... a surprise." He was starting to believe that nothing could be done.
Crumpite put a hand on his shoulder. "Look, some are your friends. I saw Jitter playing on the water. And Vulpes was riding one of my ducks. I'm sure you can trust them."
Seeing his friends sounded good, and Grey managed a half-hearted smile.
"Good, good! You go, I have to check a nest over there. Several eggs are hatching. Soon we will have a new batch of ducks."
He left Crumpite, walked towards the trunk and got around it. On the opposite side several squirrels enjoyed the water on small groups, while others rode ducks. Three were even making a race! He just wanted to be that happy!
His friends saw him and waved. Grey waved back and sat on the root, watching. Nellie, Keep Looking and many others were playing keep away, using a nut as a ball, and Vulpes was racing, trying hard to sustain himself over a duck. Jitter came out of the water and sat by his side, dripping. He checked if no one was close enough to listen and told her the whole story. She asked him a few questions and stood there, thinking while a small puddle grew around her.
Moments later she smiled. "Grey, I have an idea! Yesterday I was with Alkia and Molly at the Lehto, helping Vulpes with his hives, when a group of humans arrived. I'm sure they were going to spend the night there."
"And how that can help me?"
"Because one of them had a bag, and inside there was a bottle of rum!"
Sure, it was Midsummer, but the lake's water was pretty cold at his feet. Grey waved at Vulpes and he came, riding a duck. "Grey! What's up?"
"A lot, friend. I'll tell you later. Right now I really need to borrow your duck."
He slid along the duck's side into the water, splashing it all over Grey and making him shudder. "Here, have it pal. But you got to tell me that story later, at the party." He winked and patted him.
"Sure!" Grey refrained to mention his doubts on that matter and climbed the duck, grabbing gently its neck and whispering. "Please, I need you to take me to Joensuu's Lehto, as fast as you can."
It emitted a soft quack and Grey held tighter as the duck swam away from the margin, opened its wings and accelerated. Soon they were airborne, heading towards the mist that perpetually encircled the Great Tree's territory. The duck was flying really fast, and Grey was glad he didn't had to speak the magical words that would let they pass through the barrier. Every squirrel knew well that ducks and swans, for some unexplained reason, where the only beings allowed to cross without the proper passwords. Everything else would simply be diverted. Those trying to leave would magically exit the mist heading back to the tree, and anything coming from outside would go around the area and reach the opposite side of the lake without ever seeing the enormous oak in the middle.
Soon they arrived at the Lehto. Grey asked the duck to wait, and gave him a cookie from his bag as reward. He ran to the clearing where the cabins stood, and climbed on the nearest tree. It was early in the morning, but the humans were already outside, preparing breakfast.
Good, he thought. It meant that he could go inside without being noticed.
Grey ran over a branch. Those trees were big, and old, but looked so small compared with the one were he lived. Anyway he was careful, because they were pretty high anyway, and he already had enough falling experience for the day.
He jumped from the branch to the cabin's roof. From that point he could see that the humans were on the front. He descended on the opposite side and found a half-open window. Now to find that bag.
He walked around cautiously, trying to make no sound, until he finally saw the bag Jitter described. And for the second time in the day he felt his heart fell to the floor.
There was a cat sleeping next to the bag! It looked young, and not very large, but big enough to eat a squirrel, no doubt!
Grey stood there, hidden over the cupboard, thinking. He was just a few steps from saving that crazy day. And then he remembered how that happened back at the warehouse, and got an idea!
He returned outside. There it was, in the back porch, lying against the wall. A broom, just like the one he knocked down earlier, but enormous, human-sized. Grey easily climbed the uneven planks, reached the tip of the handle and pushed it with all his strength.
The broom made a lot of noise when it hit the floor, as Grey expected. He got back inside, just in time to see the cat slowly walking out, still drowsy, attracted by the sound.
Grey reached the open bag, and there was the bottle, just as Jitter described. Now just a bit of magic.
The human-made bottle was huge, taller than a squirrel, and he needed to shrink it. He took his bottle of water, put it next to the big bottle and used a charcoal to draw the symbols. Then he recited the words.
Nothing happened! What had he done wrong? He tried again, without success. He checked his bottle. Empty! He already drank it, and he couldn't exchange an empty thing for a full one. Grey recalled Róisín's teachings. "Magic needs balance.". He searched his bag. Well, that would have to do.
Grey put the bag of cookies next to the huge bottle and recited the words. This time it worked! The bottle shrank as the cookies grew enormous! He took the now squirrel-sized bottle, closed tightly the cap and put it in his bag. The relieved squirrel was just about to cross the window when a large human entered the cabin and walked towards the bag. He reached for it and seemed puzzled, looking around as in search of something, or someone.
Grey just had time to slip outside. He ran as fast as he could. Luckily the cat was nowhere to be seen. He jumped on the duck and soon they were flying back home.
He knocked at the Kitchen's door and waited. Soon Mirasol opened it, and he was overwhelmed by the intense smell of baking cookies. "Grey! What took you so long? Where's the rum?" She didn't look angry, tough, just a bit annoyed. "Merlin have been asking me for it the whole morning!"
He took the bottle from his bag. "Here. Now please tell me that we will have cookies for the party."
"Oh, of course we will! We already made some!"
"You already... But... How? Wasn't it part of the recipe?"
"What? No! The cookies have many things, but no alcohol."
Grey felt his head spinning. All that... for nothing!
"Come in, I'll give you a cookie. But let me take care of this before." She ran towards Merlin, that stood next to a large cauldron, looking quite unhappy. His eyes widened and a wide smile came to his face when he saw the bottle. Then the old squirrel opened it and took a large sip.
Soon she was back. "Do you know this is the only day in the whole year when Merlin drinks alcohol? And rum is his beverage of choice. That's why it's so important to him."
Grey was out of words.
"Look, I'm sorry. I see the way I spoke this morning misled you. I hope it wasn't very bad. Can you forgive me? Please?"
"I... Sure. I should have..."
"Great! Thank you! Oh, here's your cookie!"
It was hot, and the smell invaded his senses. He ate it faster than he should, and felt much better, as if the day's madness has been just a bad dream. "Wow, that was delicious! Can I have another?"
"Not now! We have a lot to do. You can eat them at the party!" She gently pushed him towards the door. "But I'll save a small bag for you. Now go."
He saw boxes filled with small chunks of some dark ingredient. "And what's that? You make the crunchy bits out of it?"
"Shush! I already told you I can't tell! It's a secret! Go! See you at the party!" She pushed him outside and closed the door.
Grey started walking, still a bit dizzy. He sat on some leaves, watching the lake. What a whacky morning! Reaching for his book, a new idea crossed his mind.
"I should try writing down this story. Maybe people would like to read it!"
The Great Oak softly disconnected from the little mind. These squirrels surely have exciting moments in their short lives! She would remain attentive over this one. Now she would rest a bit until they started the party. She felt a bit drowsy... Then she remembered the broken barrel. Maybe it's from all that rum. She let her conscience drift to a comfortable slumber, aware that, had her a mouth, she would be smiling.
"Hummm... Those are delicious, Mikkel!" Sigrun looked really satisfied, and the main reason for her smile was the small, half-eaten cookie on her hand. "How careful of you to save these amazing cookies for our first safe breakfast!"
"Glad you liked it. I do enjoy providing a small surprise here and there."
"You must show me where you bought those! Or find the recipe! We could be rich selling cookies like these!"
"I'll see what I can do about that, but I'm afraid the recipe is a secret."
"Hum... Fine! We talk about it later. Now be nice and give me another. Changing subject, anyone had strange dreams last night?** Mine were... Hey pipsqueak! Stop! Hands out of the bag! You already ate three!"



* Ilmatar is a Finnish spirit of air.
** Shameless reference to my previous story for the 2020 advent calendar, that also happens when our heroes were at the Lehto. Therefore I'd assume that we can see Jitter, Alkia and Molly, in their squirrel shapes, on the first panel of page 317  :)

More Notes

I wanted to include everybody in the story, but of course we are too many for that.
My apologies to those that weren't mentioned. Please consider that each of you were there too, happily playing on the water.

Also my apologies to all those that had parts of this story, because I didn't ask for permission. I thought about that, but feared to spoil the surprise... I hope you don't mind.

Special thanks to Mirasol. Her position as  "Squirrel-cookie-chef" was the starting inspiration for all this. And my apologies for putting her on a secondary position on the kitchen, but old Merlin wouldn't accept otherwise (he threatened to turn me in a squirrel...)

Even More Notes

If you drink do so in moderation. Don't drink and drive (not even ducks).
Grey's feats were performed by a trained professional. Do not try to reproduce them.
No squirrels, ducks, trees or brooms were harmed in the making of this story.
Any resemblance with actual minnions is entirely intentional.
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

Ruler of Queenstown Airport (Thanks Purple Wyrm, I will wear my wings with pride)
Admiral of the Sunken Rainbow Warrior


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #131 on: April 08, 2021, 02:26:21 AM »
"Hum... I see... Suppose I can't ask why, right?" He was silent for a while. "I'm afraid I can't recall anyone having one of these. As you know most squirrels don't drink, and rum isn't exactly popular... I guess we might have some in the warehouse. Have you checked there?"
Grey gulped. "Err... Yes, I... I've just been there, but it seems the rum is over."
"Over" some railing indeed, but be careful with any translations. In German, it's common to say "über" (over, above) instead of "übrig" (left over, in excess, surplus; in particular, "es ist Rum über/übrig" = "there's some rum left"), even though AFAICT these two terms are not related beyond the somewhat similar spelling. ;)

Ah, the irony. Because I'm a teetotaller, I might very well have some rum still sitting in the bar I inherited. The bottle of Laphroaig I bought years ago for a gift (before learning that the giftee-to-be had put a plug into his whisk(e)y consumption) is still sitting here untouched, too. :P

The human-made bottle was huge, taller than a squirrel, and he needed to shrink it.
... I was wondering how you would pull that off ...

[mental picture of Mikkel finding a squirrel next to his open rum bottle]
"It wash jusht de fumes while I washiphonin', honesht ... !"

I wanted to include everybody in the story, but of course we are too many for that.
My apologies to those that weren't mentioned. Please consider that each of you were there too, happily playing on the water.
[Forum has 1224 registered users right now]
... that cookie-baking duty's gotta be a nightmare ...

If you drink do so in moderation. Don't drink and drive (not even ducks).
"Another drink, captain?"
"Thanks, but no way. I'll still have to drive home after flying 'er back to the East Coast."
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :book4: etc.
PGP Key 0xBEF02A15, Fingerprint C12C 53DC BB92 2FE5 9725  C1AE 5E0F F1AF BEF0 2A15


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #132 on: April 08, 2021, 08:01:07 AM »
Hahaa Grey! It’s very good you weren’t crushed to death when you fell, it would have been a tragedy. And thanks foe including me!

I just hope your story doesn’t cast a shadow of doubt on my frequent claims of the rum being gone! :)

🇫🇮 🇬🇧 🇸🇪 🇫🇷 (🇩🇪)(🇯🇵)((🇨🇳))

:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #133 on: April 08, 2021, 08:55:17 AM »
I'm glad you enjoyed it, JoB, and hope your part fitted well with the real version :)
"Over" some railing indeed, but be careful with any translations. In German, it's common to say "über" (over, above) instead of "übrig" (left over, in excess, surplus; in particular, "es ist Rum über/übrig" = "there's some rum left"), even though AFAICT these two terms are not related beyond the somewhat similar spelling. ;)
Thanks! I'll be particularly careful the day my vast and relevant work gets translated to German...
(probably the same time when it will be translated to anything else... so I don't have to worry much) ;)

As for teetotaller, I really had to google that! And found from where it came (On Collins Dict.: Word origin: redupl., for emphasis, of initial letter of total)
[mental picture of Mikkel finding a squirrel next to his open rum bottle]
"It wash jusht de fumes while I washiphonin', honesht ... !"
You got me giggling for a long time with that one!

I just hope your story doesn’t cast a shadow of doubt on my frequent claims of the rum being gone! :)
Oh, I remembered that! It's the reason why it's rum and not something else :) I'd say that it's the opposite, it confirms that the rum is effectively gone!
Chapter break survivor: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:
Languages: :pt: :br: Capable: :gb: Can read and survive: :es: Knows a bit: :fr: :it:

proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #134 on: April 08, 2021, 10:14:36 AM »
Wow, grey, what a wonderfully imagined world! I'm deeply flattered to be included. You may borrow my duck any time!  :))
Native: :ca:   Mostly gone: :fr:   A smattering: :de:   Learning!! :fi: