Author Topic: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?  (Read 32226 times)


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #105 on: April 04, 2021, 10:28:25 AM »
And of course the Battlefield Band’s ‘Bonny Yew Tree’.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #106 on: April 04, 2021, 11:55:34 AM »
Vulpes, Groupoid, thank you for the beautiful stories. I had loved lichens in an elementary school project, now I love them even more. And Puro is the the most gentle brook I came across, he is so kind and sweet! Altough now I may get to know new ones, since I have learned about the spirits they hold.
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HEY! my nickname used to be nefnef, dont be confused :p


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #107 on: April 04, 2021, 11:34:21 PM »
Up on Michigan's Kewanaw Peninsula's eastern lake Superior shoreline there are long narrow valleys that follow the lake.
Trees grow on the tops of the valleys as the stoney bottoms are too wet.
But, you,should see the lichens !
They grow in circles, some of them eight feet in diameter.
I've often wondered just how old they must be given the lack of sunshine and short growing season. 
There are lots of strange microclimates up there.
It's the only place I've ever seen a worm snake, they're only an inch long...

Wonderful art and stories everyone, thanks !


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #108 on: April 05, 2021, 01:22:38 AM »
Lichen colonies like that can be centuries old, and it would not surprise me if some were a great deal older. Some of the huge hollow lichen circles on Black Mountain come to mind, and others up in the Snowy Mountains.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #109 on: April 05, 2021, 01:32:42 AM »
Day 10:  Rowan or Birch

Story time:  I blame Kitty for this one, for starting the 'WIP Me Into Finishing This' thread.  I contributed a drawing I'd abandoned, illustrating a story I wrote some years back.  The complete story is at the link, but an excerpt is spoilered below. 
In brief, it's a fix-it fic in which the Norse goddess Gefjon attempts to help Tuuri after she is injured, enlisting the help of Reynir.  Unfortunately, Reynir's efforts alone are not enough to effect the required magic, so Lalli invokes the aid of Rauni, the Finnish spirit of the rowan tree (at last we get to the tie-in to the theme!).  I have illustrated the scene where Rauni and Gefjon dance together.

Spoiler: rauni meets gefjon • show

She raised her arms and recited,

"The disease you must smite
Heeds not potions of men nor their prayers,
Hel herself wants the stricken not
Sends her back to Midgard and fulsome airs.

Take the plough of iron fast
Loose your hair and don tabard of snow,
Three times must you plough the soil
Ere morn comes the footsteps of Kokko sow."

She put down her arms. Wide green eyes stared back at her, and Freya's mark sparkled upon him. She could tell he hadn't the slightest clue what she'd just said. She turned her gaze to the fylgja. "Gefjon commands him," she told the dog, "help him to find the plough." The dog leapt up, tail wagging. "Ooo, who's a good boy, then. You are." She couldn't resist cooing at the sweet fylgja.

There was no more she could do, but she saw the dog pulling on the hapless boy's sleeve as she walked away.

What she didn't see, was the young man of the company who served the eastern gods, looking upon them with wide ice blue eyes from within his haven, listening to every word. As Gefjon walked away, that young man turned back inside his haven.

Gefjon waited and watched as Freya's anointed awoke back in Midgard. As instructed by the fylgja, he took a white cloth and draped it around himself, and put on one of the masks they sometimes wore. One of the other humans tried to hold him fast to prevent him from leaving their protection, but the one with icy eyes touched by the eastern gods aided him and they both went outside. The icy one found a long piece of iron very quickly and handed it to the other, who by this time had loosened his long red hair as instructed. Freya's sigils clung to the strands still, from Gefjon's view.

The iron made some dull scratches only upon the burnt ground. It was not a plough. Frustrated, the red-haired boy drew staves in the dirt, and while they were good staves, they would not serve for Gefjon's purpose.

The other folded his hands upon his chest and began to sing. Gefjon could not understand these words, for they spoke to other gods far away, but the sound was very sweet to her ears. She felt young again listening to them, as she did every year as the spring came, although the dead of winter was upon them now.

As she raised her eyes to the skies, she saw another come to the sound of the song. This other was a deathless one much as herself, and dressed in softest green. She looked Gefjon full in the face, and held out her hand. This Gefjon took, and they began to walk around each other slowly, their gazes locked. As they walked, the ground became soft and the young man took his iron to the places their footsteps had graced. Three times the goddesses circled in their dance, driven by the haunting song, and after the third time the newcomer smiled down upon the two humans.

"Rauni the rowan smiles upon you, Reynir the rowan." She bent down and kissed an awestruck Lalli (for that was how Gefjon learned his name) on his forehead, before waving a last time to Gefjon, turning away, and vanishing in the mists of the coming dawn.

The magic was cast, the binding was done.

Spoiler: spoilered for nude derriÈre • show

« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 01:54:55 AM by wavewright62 »
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #110 on: April 05, 2021, 02:46:56 AM »
Oh wow! So beautiful!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #111 on: April 05, 2021, 09:57:42 AM »
Grupoid, I also love your story! (Clever name-giving of your brook-spirit! :D Hehe, my questionable Duolingo-Finnish-knowledge is good for something once in a while!)

Wave, this turned out great! I´m glad you tried your hand at this piece again, it was definitly worth it! (so no blame on Kitty, we have to thank her for this. :'D)
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #112 on: April 05, 2021, 10:33:39 AM »
Ooh, wave, very nice indeed! Thanks to Kitty for bumping this to completion.  ;D
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #113 on: April 05, 2021, 08:15:15 PM »
That was very, very lovely, wavewright 🥰🥰🥰


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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #114 on: April 05, 2021, 11:30:28 PM »
Beautiful story and art, wavewright! <3
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #115 on: April 06, 2021, 01:52:15 AM »
Day 11:  Hilly Landscape

Two things this fandom loves dearly - landscapes and poetry - are today combined by midwestmuttAhhhh.

Tendrils of mist rise
Out a Spring green canopy
The hills of my home

Mice rustle through leaves
Wind-swept branches rise and dip
Birdsong everywhere

The sun arcs its way
o'er hills that glaciers reprieved
In the distant past
Always a newbie at something
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #116 on: April 06, 2021, 02:58:01 AM »
Truly lovely, Midwestmutt.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #117 on: April 06, 2021, 03:53:16 AM »
Midwestmutt, beautiful haikus like always!

Incidentally I came up with a couple of complementary ones, not having seen yours! Mine are about a specific hill, which for me is definitely a focal one in the ”hills of my home”.



As you can see from the haikus, Koli is two syllables and Pielinen (the lake) is three.

In case someone doesn't see the pictures:
There are three pictures, two of which have haikus.

The first one shows a view from Koli (seen from the hotel, the same level as the upper end of the funicular and the Nature Centre Ukko) towards the lake with dense fog and then with the fog clearing and a partial rainbow appearing over the lake. The haiku reads:

The lake is breathing
Mist rises from Pielinen
Koli hides itself

The second picture is an aerial photo of the Ukko Koli summit and the lake beyond it, with yellow autumn foliage (birch) and dark of the conifers. This picture is not by me, as I don't have a photography drone. However I wanted to borrow one that works with the haiku:

Bones of the mountains
Remnants of a range now gone
Ancient hill Koli

The photo is by Harri Säynevirta and taken from the all free image bank (license CC 0 i.e. public domain)

The third one is a collage of four of my winter photos from Koli, the uppermost is looking towards the west (overlooking the funicular tracks), two are towards the lake to the east and one is snowy trees with some sunset in the background.

Here are more aerial (and other) photos by a proper photographer:

Koli info for the interested!

Koli is indeed "bones of the mountains", it is the last vestige of a mountain range higher than the Himalayas from 2 billion years ago. The current altitude is 347 m above sea level, and some 253 m above the water level in the adjacent lake Pielinen. Before the previous ice age it was several hundred meters higher than now, although the mighty mountain range was gone already. The remaining peaks nowadays are largely formed of very hard quartzite that was able to withstand the erosion of eons, including several ice ages, longer than the rest of the range. The rounded shapes of the rock was generated by the ice sheets just like Midwestmutt describes.

The old name for Koli and/or the area is Mustarinta ("Black-chest") which also happens to be one of the many many names for bear! Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. It is not known whether the name here derives from bears (there is a rock formation presumably resembling the head of a bear) or just from the fact that it looks dark from the distance. The current name Koli started appearing in maps since 1700's but the origin for it is not known. One theory references the word meaning bald in Carelian, which would refer to the bare summits. Such prominent bare rock summits are rare in southern Finland.

There are many folktales about there having been places of worship, sacrifice and public assembly, and hermit wisemen living there. However there are no archaeological finds to support this, only oral traditions. The place gained popularity during the national awakening of Finland, so some of the stories may be at least exaggerated by the artists enthusiastic about Finnish traditions in general and Koli in particular. Nevertheless it's an impressive place and has most likely been viewed as a place with powerful spirits.

A preserved poem mentions Kolin korkeat isännät, Mustarinnan murhat miehet "the high masters of Koli, the murder men of Mustarinta" (the "murder" here means they are fearsome) that were known to live there in 1500's. Fear of these spirits reigned strong and no houses were built in the area throughout the 1600's. The area became permanently inhabited from mid 1700's when local clergy had scoured out the "superstition of the simple folk". The spirits were approached to ask for luck in the hunt by the hunters of the surrounding areas all the way to Ilomantsi who prepared a ceremonial meal on the summit to share with the spirits. (source: Pielisjärven historia I, 1954, Kilpeläinen, Hintikka ja Saloheimo)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 04:42:58 AM by Jitter »
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #118 on: April 06, 2021, 01:40:53 PM »
Ah, a treasure-trove of haiku from midwestmutt and Jitter! Plus photos! We are blessed with abundance today. Thanks for all the information about Koli - it looks like a beautiful area. I love the snow-coated trees holding their branches down along their trunks - they always make me think of someone edging through a tight spot with their arms held down.  :D  And I needed the mental images of spring, it was a miserable cold damp day today, thanks for those verses, midwestmutt - very evocative.
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Re: Chapter Break Filler - Does a Bear REDACTED in the Woods?
« Reply #119 on: April 06, 2021, 03:04:15 PM »
Snow like that has its own name in Finnish, tykkylumi or just tykky. Koli is the southernmost place in Finland by a large margin where it happens naturally (snow cannons may result in a similar look).

Southern Lapland fells that have trees have wonderful tykky. For example Riisitunturi (another National Park) is very famous for it, and the trees and landscape are located conveniently so that they are easy to reach even for people with limited mobility. As long as you are in southern Lapland, that is. Or in Kuusamo. See e.g. here:

I think I posted some pictures from Ruka (in Kuusamo) last winter, when we went there and visited the Oulanka National Park. It was just before the pandemic, 13,5 months ago and it seems like it’s been an eternity or maybe two.
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:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.