I have an idea and a half for pictures that'd hopefully be a little
harder to trace back to the relevant info page, but there's no way for me and my nearly nonexistent drawing skillz to get them done until September (if at all), so I'm afraid you'll have to make do with textual descriptions ...
#1 A child sitting on the floor of its nursery, waving one teddy bear in each hand over a bunch of smaller, more humanoid, but otherwise unrecognizable action figures. A much more realistic, but slightly transparent and smiling, bear cub is about to hand it yet another teddy. A blackboard on the wall reads "NO INSI DANCE SINCE 12345 DAYS!!" in a child's scribble.
#2 Emil, a huge "?" floating over his head, is looking at a laughing Lalli. Next to Emil sits a dog wearing diadem, fur coat and whatnot, apparently trying to out-perform the
Swedish coat of arms.