Author Topic: Chapter Break Filler  (Read 19610 times)

Purple Wyrm

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #225 on: April 22, 2020, 12:48:07 AM »
I've been following my rule of not looking at anyone else's contributions until mine is finished so have only just now gone through the thread. So much amazing work from everyone!  XoX

(I've particularly enjoyed the various ancestral flashbacks, and the Australian flowers.)

Native :australia:
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Might remember some in an emergency :italy:
Understands the concept, just not the specifics :vaticancity:

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #226 on: April 22, 2020, 02:53:19 AM »
Thank you, Yeethawgang! Beautiful, sad and creepy!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #227 on: April 22, 2020, 04:23:49 AM »
That's all too beautiful, my friends! Wave painting, yeethawgang stories, all the poetry and photos... I love it all. <3

Sorry for being a little absent, but I'm struggling to finish my prompt. With luck it will be ready today and I'll be able to be more present :)
Chapter break survivor: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #228 on: April 22, 2020, 06:20:22 AM »
Wavewright your drawing is very good !

Yeethawgang I loved the concept ! You don't want to mess with the seagull mage and the story with Tuuri is really sad and beautiful at the same time
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #229 on: April 22, 2020, 10:08:09 AM »
Thanks to yeethaw, Mar, and Jitter for more lovely written works! I sound like a broken record at this point but it's good stuff  :sparkle: :sparkle: :sparkle:


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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #230 on: April 22, 2020, 01:32:22 PM »
Mar and Yeethaw, your works are beautiful!

Someone was hoping for more on the old Reynir timeline. I have another bit here. It's a bit longer so I put it under the cut.


Spoiler: show

“So, can you walk me through it again? I understand you directly beseech your gods, Óðinn and Frejya?”
“Well, mostly Freyja. Óðinn is… I don’t want to draw his attention.” Reynir looked a bit sheepish.
“Hmm, I see. I feel the same about Ukko” Onni admitted. “But, so, you don’t talk to the spirits at all?”
“No. I don’t think we have spirits here.”
“That’s nonsense! The spirits are everywhere! Where the land is alive, its spirits are present.”
“Ah, um… I guess I don’t know them then.”
“Oh, for the sake of Mielikki… why did I promise to discuss this with you? I know you have studied in that fancy Academy of yours, are you telling me there is nothing about spirits being taught there?”
“Well, I don’t know as they wouldn’t allow me to take the advanced courses. But the basic course we had was all about the gods and the basic galdrastafir. I’m… sorry?”
“Don’t be, it’s not your fault. But I’m appalled that the Seiður would be so arrogant, or ignorant, or both! Come, we’ll go look for your spirits.”
“What, now?”
“Yes, now. Why wait? You have spent far too long not knowing them. We leave at once.”
“Um, ok, can I grab some gear? Where are we going?”
“You tell me! But yes, take some food and camping gear, I’m afraid this may take days…”

“We are on your turf. Lead me to a place of power.”
“But I don’t know any. I just told you, I don’t know the spirits”.
“Think of a place that gives you strong feelings. It may be a place of great beauty, an awe-inspiring place, even a scary place, or something else. The spirits are everywhere, but their presence is stronger in such places.”
“Uh, um, I guess I understand. Upriver, where the stream comes down from the mountains, there is a great waterfall. Would that do?”
“If you say so.”

“Oi, what’s that rumble? I don’t feel a storm brewing.”
“It’s the water. I told you it’s a waterfall! Haven’t you ever seen one?”
“No, I don’t think so. I have seen and heard great rapids, but nothing that sounds like this!”
“Oh, it’s very beautiful. You’ll see!”

The sight was unlike anything Onni had ever seen. The great stream was flowing over a cliff high on the mountainside and plummeting into a raging pool below. It was higher than trees back at home, and as wide as a river. The billowing mist took the sun’s rays and burst into countless little rainbows. “Oh, Vellamo help me! It is… magnificent. I had no idea”.

Reynir was beaming. “It’s quite pretty just as I told you! We have many, but this is the one I like best! It’s cool, we can go behind the water curtain from that side!”

Approaching the waterfall, Onni spoke to the spirits in Icelandic. It was terrible, as he couldn’t muster any eloquence at all in a foreign language. However, these were Icelandic spirits in Iceland so the probably wouldn’t understand his runos. He made a simple greeting and stated he’s bringing one of their own to meet them, indicating Reynir. The booming sound of the water changed and now it included whispers, half formed words. “They hear us!”
“How can you tell?”
“Can’t you hear them?”
“I don’t hear anything? Just the water? ... but… the mist is thickening, isn’t it?”
“I don’t see anything. It looks just the same. It’s beautiful with the rainbows, though. Which way did you say we can go behind the water?”
“It’s on the left. But I’m not sure it’s safe with no visibility!”
“What are you talking about? There’s some mist of course but it’s not that bad!”
“Why are you yelling?”
“So that you can hear me over the sounds!”
“I hear you fine, the sound isn’t that loud here.”
“You still can’t hear them? They are everywhere around us now!” The susurration in Onni’s ears was growing loud and almost somewhat worrying.
“I just hear the water! But the mist is very thick! Much thicker than it should be in this weather!”
“The mist is just like before… except… They are speaking to us differently. Watch the mist!”
The susurration eased a little but was still nearly deafening. “I think it would be best if you continue on your own from here!”
“But, I don’t… is that safe?”
“Do you have a threatening feeling? Or that someone is angry with you?”
“No, I feel fine. Very good, actually! It’s just that the mist…”
“Go on, I think they want you to go behind the water. Is the mist… behaving in any specific way?”
“It’s curling a lot. Actually… I think it… I thought I saw a pattern… There it is again!”
“What did you see?”
“It was vegvisir!” Reynir was relieved now that he understood he was safe. “I’ll go in, you wait here.”

Vegvisir, the wayfinder, is the galdrastafur for showing the right path, so Reynir knew it's safe for him to proceed and find the Icelandic ways of working with the spirits.

I'm sure the Icelandic spirits speak and sing as well, but since the two magic traditions are different, I thought the first step of communicating with one's spirits could be too?

« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 06:48:12 AM by Jitter »
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #231 on: April 22, 2020, 01:39:30 PM »
I'm two days late, but...
01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01110010 01110100 01101000 01100100 01100001 01111001 00101100 00100000 01001100 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101001 00100001
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #232 on: April 23, 2020, 12:11:59 AM »
Chapter Break Filler


Prompt 16: Starlight


For today's prompt of Starlight, Purple Wyrm has created an excellent piece about just how confusing starlight is (because really, it's confusing).

Spoiler: show

On the outskirts of Hvalsø a clear evening was falling. Sigrun strolled over to where Tuuri was sitting on a rock, watching the darkening sky.

"Almost time to head inside, fuzzy head" she announced, plonking down next to the driver.

"Oh!" Tuuri jumped "I guess I lost track of the time." She gestured at the sky. "I was just looking at the stars."

Sigrun looked up. The first stars were indeed glimmering into view.

"Hmmm" she mused. "I guess that's one thing this flat country's good for. Back home the mountains block out most of the sky."

"The trees block out a lot of it in Finland" Tuuri replied "But you can get a good view over the lakes." She peered skywards "I've always liked stargazing".

"Seems a bit of a waste of time to me" admitted Sigrun. "The wagon's good for finding your way if you get lost, but apart from that..." she shrugged.

"That's okay" replied Tuuri. "When I was a kid I found a book all about the stars and constellations. I spent ages learning them all, and then when..." she paused for a moment before continuing. "When we had to move to Keuruu and everything was different, the stars were about the only familiar things." She gestured upwards. "Even here in the Silent World they're still the same."

Sigrun studied the darkening firmament "I never thought about it like that".

"They're almost like old friends"


Sigrun gazed off at the horizon. "What's that big red one?"

Tuuri thought for a second.

"That's Arcturus, in the constellation of the Bear Guard."



"How about that?"

The two sat in silence for a while, watching as more pinpricks of light sparked to life. Eventually Tuuri spoke up.

"It's strange to think some of them might not be there any more."

"What?" Sigrun's brow creased.

"The stars. Some of them might have burnt out by now, but we wouldn't know."

Sigrun stared at her in puzzlement "Stars can burn out?"

"Well, yes. They burn for millions of years, but eventually they die. But it takes so long for their light to reach us that we could still be seeing it for centuries afterwards."

Sigrun considered this.

"Light takes time to travel?"

Tuuri laughed.

"Yes! It moves really fast - really really fast - but it still takes time. And the stars are so far away that we're seeing them as they were hundreds of years ago."

"Hmmm" Sigrun rubbed her chin thoughtfully "That's... that's a lot to think about..."

Tuuri smiled.

"I guess so!"

"Yeah" Sigrun got to her feet. "Anyway it's time to turn in. We need to get going at first light tomorrow."

The pair wandered back to the tank, leaving the night to the stars.

* * * *

The following day dawned bright and sunny, which at least made the job of carefully coercing the tank along a particularly obstructed section of roadway near Nyrup somewhat easier. Tuuri was just inching it past a particularly inconveniently positioned tree trunk when Sigrun entered the cabin, plonking down on the passenger bench.

"I've been thinking about what you said about light" she announced.

"Uh-huh" Tuuri responded, switching to a lower gear and gunning the engine.

"You said light takes time to travel, right?"

"Yeah" Tuuri confirmed, wrestling with the wheel as gravel bounced noisily against the tank's underside.

"Well that got me thinking about looking at a clock."

"A clock?" Tuuri heaved the wheel hard to the right just in time to stop the tank toppling into a previously concealed roadside ditch. Sigrun scrabbled at the dash for balance, but continued.

"Yeah. When you look at a clock, the hands go around. But I thought what if you could move away from a clock at the same speed as light? You'd see the hands stand still, right?"

Tuuri's brain finally caught up with her ears. Her brow furrowed.

"I guess..?"

"And then if you moved away faster than light, you'd see the hands go backwards and you'd be looking into the past!"

Tuuri's brow furrowed further.

"Well... I suppose you would. But it's impossible anyway."

Sigrun's brow took its turn to furrow.

"How come?"

"Well, nothing can travel faster than light"

Sigrun tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips in thought.

"Why not?" she finally queried.

Tuuri let go of the wheel for a second to shrug.

"That's just the way it is. Light is the fastest thing there is and nothing can go faster than it."

"Oh." Sigrun frowned. "What if you had something really fast. Like one of those jet planes the old timers had?"

Tuuri shook her head.

"Nope. Not even they were fast enough."

"Oh." Sigrun stared out the window for a few seconds. "So you can't look at the past then?"

"I guess not" Tuuri turned her attention back to the road. "Good thinking though."

Sigrun sat in silence for several minutes, watching the landscape roll slowly past.

"What if you could slow light down!" she suddenly exclaimed.

Tuuri - whose attention had returned to the road - jumped, jerking the wheel and sending something clanging to the ground in the back of the tank. A distressed yowl and muffled Swedish swearing floated into the cabin.


"What if you could slow light down so you could catch up with it!" repeated Sigrun "Then you could look at the past!"

"Ummm..." replied Tuuri, regaining control of the wheel and marshaling her thoughts. "That's another clever idea, but you can't slow light down. That's one of the other things about it - light always moves at the same speed, no matter what."



Sigrun thought for another minute.

"Light is weird"

* * * *

The team set up camp that evening in a patch of woods near an old railway line. As Mikkel got to work heating up something that could charitably be described as stew, Sigrun wandered over to where Tuuri sat on a log, looking through an antique book retrieved from the tank's cargo compartment.

"So I've been thinking about what you said about light always moving at the same speed" she started.

Tuuri sighed quietly and put the book down.

"What about it?" she asked.

"It has some really wild implications!" Sigrun exclaimed, taking a seat next to her.

"Such as?"

"Okay" Sigrun began, leaning in conspiratorially "You'll have to bear with me because this gets complicated."


"So, imagine you fire a rifle, the round shoots out at, like, 100 kilometres an hour..."

"Um... I think bullets travel much faster..."

"But then imagine you're standing on top of one of those Swedish trains that go 500 kilomteres an hour..."

"Actually the trains are a lot slower..."

"And then you fire the rifle forwards, the speeds add up and the round goes 600 kilometres an hour, right?"

Tuuri considered. "I guess so..."

"Yeah!" Sigrun continued "But imagine you were inside the train and the track was really smooth so you didn't know you were moving, you'd say the round was still only going at 100 kilometres an hour!"


"So the speed of the round depends on whether you're seeing it from inside or outside the train!"

Tuuri cocked her head. "Not really, I mean it's still really going at 600 kilometres an hour..."

Sigrun ignored her. "Yeah! It depends where you're looking from! But what if it's light?"

"If... if what's light?"

"The round! What if you weren't firing a round from a rifle, you were shooting light out of a flashlight?"

"I don't quite..."

"It doesn't work!" Sigrun exclaimed, leaping to her feet. "If you look at the light from outside the train it looks like it's moving at one speed, but from inside the train it looks like it's moving at another! Which you said is impossible!"


"But you can use flashlights on trains, so it has to work somehow! And the only way it can work is if the train changes length!"

Tuuri stared at her like a hedgehog caught in a spotlight.

"What?" she managed to squeak.

"It's the only thing that makes sense!" Sigrun waved her arms dramatically "The train has to be shorter!" she paused for a second "Or maybe it's longer? Anyway, the train has to be a different length for the person in it and the person looking at it!"

"But... that doesn't make sense..."

"Of course it does!" Sigrun declared "It's the only thing that does make sense!"

"What makes sense?" asked Mikkel, approaching with two steaming bowls of stew.

Sigrun turned with a grin.

"I was just explaining to fuzzy head here that if light always moves at the same speed, then lengths have to change whenever you look at anything!"

Mikkel stopped and stared at Sigrun for a moment.

"And you... read this somewhere?"

"Read it?" Sigrun laughed "No! It just stands to reason!"

Mikkel looked at Tuuri who was frozen somewhere between bewilderment and existential terror.

"Sigrun... are you familiar with the works of Albert Einstein?"

"Who's that?" she asked.

Mikkel inhaled thoughtfully.

"Nobody important" he finally declared.

In the sky above the stars shone on.

Thanks very much to Purple Wyrm for today's contribution, and if any of you feel inspired by this prompt, feel free to share what you've made!
I write poetry sometimes.

Icon by the amazing Rithalie from the SSSS discord (

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #233 on: April 23, 2020, 04:57:33 AM »
Purple Wyrm, I love it! The science of the stars and the light is so fascinating, it's amazing to know that the nightsky is basically a time machine!
Also who knew Sigrun had the mind of an astrophysicist?  ;D

On a much more unscientific (and creepier!) note, I drew a little something for today's prompt too. ^^

Trigger warning for mild horror (just in case creepy monsters lurking in the dark are not your thing ^^")
Spoiler: The drawing • show

This was done with watercolor, Indian ink and a white gel pen on watercolor paper
Here's the non-scanned version, because my scanner tweaked the colors a bit (the sky is much brighter on paper)

I have no idea what type of troll this is. I just know it's the creepy type (but then are there any other types?)
*always scribbling*

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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #234 on: April 23, 2020, 05:12:55 AM »
Wyrm, that is glorious! And Gaelle, beautifully creepy!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #235 on: April 23, 2020, 05:15:43 AM »
Gaelle, very fine! The sky is beautiful and the troll is creepy!

Purple, that is great! Who knew that about Sigrun! It seems to run in the family, however (I wrote this a few days ago).


“The stars sure are beautiful! I thought we were remote before and could see clearly, but this is completely different!”
“Oh, I’m glad you are happy you hoped for the electricity to go out! Enjoy it, while you can!”
“You think they will be able to fix it?”
“No, I think we’ll all die! This is the end of the world, can’t you see!”
“Oh relax, we’ll be fine. The road is gone, nothing will find us here.”

“Yeah, we are spared for now. But, I’m sure it’s everywhere. There is no one to find! We’ll run out of food, or the monsters will come and eat us, or we’ll get sick with something else and die…”
“You are not helping! Gather yourself!”
“Oops, yeah, you are right. Sorry. But I’m so very worried.”
“We are all worried, but we’ll have to keep on going. Hey, at least we are all here together. That’s something, right?”
“Well, I guess you are right. It’s better to be stranded with you than just me and grandma.”

“You are right about the stars, though. They are very bright, and more beautiful than I ever imagined. Do think there is anybody there, in the stars?”
“Well, if there are, they are dead by now. The light we see is millions of years old!”
“Why must you be like that! Can’t you just say one positive thing for a change?”
“Well, I guess I can try… there are billions of billions of worlds. I’m sure there is someone, somewhere, who is right now thinking the same and wondering about us. And in that world, there is no apocalypse, and everything is well.”
“Yeah, everything is well somewhere among the stars. Maybe we’ll find a way to make everything well here too.”
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 07:16:47 AM by Jitter »
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #236 on: April 23, 2020, 06:21:51 AM »
Jitter, that story too is beautiful!
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #237 on: April 23, 2020, 07:17:26 AM »
Thank you Róisín!

I notice I haven't said who these two are, but it's clear from the hints, right?
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #238 on: April 23, 2020, 07:59:48 AM »
I figured it was Aksel and the prologue Sigrun?
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Re: Chapter Break Filler
« Reply #239 on: April 23, 2020, 08:47:19 AM »
ooh, PurpleWyrm, I love physicist Sigrun!!!
And Gaelle, those colors are beautiful.
Jitter, I really like your take on how the prologue characters are reacting to the apocalypse!!
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