I've had the good fortune to avoid any actual encounters with the conspiracism spawned by COVID-19... until today.
I ventured forth to exercise and get some supplies, and chanced to meet someone I knew from a local restaurant - a regular customer that I'd chat amicably with when we happened to be there at the same time. I commented that his mask wasn't quite properly secured, and he replied that he found it stifling, before saying that Alan Jones1 had called the whole COVID-19 matter alarmism, went on to tell me that the we shouldn't be meekly falling into line with the losses to our lives and freedoms, and so on and so on, and was starting on the World Health Organisation's One World Government plans, when I quietly said that I didn't wish to discuss it, and politely disengaged.
Fortunately, on the way back I encountered a neighbour I rarely get to see, and we talked for a while, and I felt better for that.
1. Not Alex Jones; Alan Jones is a Sydney-based reactionary shock-jock who has said may contemptible things, but at least he's not a complete raving looney.