I also live in Germany, so JoB already said most of the things that are happening here, but I guess I could tell you about what´s going on with school.
Our schools have actually opened up about three weeks ago, but the conditions on how vary a lot between different areas.
Where I live that means only the graduating classes and the ones who will graduate next year have their main subjects plus german and math basic courses in School, with less lessons than usual. The rest of the subjects is still online, and the lower classes still completely have class online. Students and teachers that are a part of or live with people that are part of the risk groups are not allowed to come to school, but it also doesn´t get controlled.
Non-medical face masks in the hallways aren´t mandatory, but advised, which translates to: almost nobody is wearing them (but it´s been increasing over the past few days).
Classes with more than 14 People get separated into two groups to maintain proper social distancing in the classrooms, These two groups still have class at the same time, and the teacher has to switch rooms constantly. This system works not that well. I think our school has exactly two classrooms that would be big enough to hold 30 people with a 2m distance between them, so the teachers are pretty much fighting over them (and my school has actually 1500 or so students, and now not even enough space for 200 with distance…)
What rules we have exactly, nobody knows, because most teachers only enforce half of them, and different halfs at that. Usually they don´t even know about the rest themselves.
To avoid standing too close, the classrooms are supposed to be always open, and the breaks are supposed to be spent inside of them. This is another rule only half of the teachers seem to know about. Also it contradicts my schools rule that no student is allowed in the science classrooms and the ones with the expensive technology unsupervised by a teacher, and coincidentally only those rooms are big enough for the entire social-distancing Thing in the first place. So the doors are closed and the students clogg up the tiny hallways with no openable windows instead.
Don´t get me wrong, I´m really happy that I get to leave the house again, plus I was really bad at handling the entire online-class-thing, but let´s just say, the current situation is… not ideal.
But now, two weeks of holiday started, and afterwards it´s planned that everyone gets to go back to school. The younger classes take turns on which week and day they get to go, the two oldest classes still have school every day, now again with all the subjects, but still less lessons. Non-medical face masks on the hallways will now be mandatory, which I think is a very good thing.
On another note, churches are allowed to hold services in person again (with distance, of course), and now we already had (I think) two cases of a large group of people getting infected in big churches, most likely because of the entire community singing which spread the virus all over (windows in churches are usually not openable). I´m not sure whether there is an official rule that forbids singing in church for the entire community, but maybe there should be so things don´t get worse again. A lot of communities solved the problem by only having one or two "professionals" sing the songs, but not all of them. And now that it´s "Pfingsten" ("Whitsun" says my online translator), most likely even more people will go to church. I hope they find a good solution for the singing so stuff like this doesn´t happen again.
Anyways, stay safe everyone, and sorry for my rambling