Author Topic: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones  (Read 50590 times)


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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #135 on: May 22, 2020, 04:40:19 PM »
Thirding Jitter and Grey. My university has been saying that they're going to try to meet in person next fall, but no one believes them, so we'll likely be in the same boat as you, Ran. I hope you're still able to meet with the dean, even if it's not in person.

Meanwhile, here in my city, numbers haven't been going fact, one of the dive bars that the undergrads like on campus actually (1) opened so that they could (2) sell a special drink to celebrate the graduating seniors in an event that (3) attracted a CROWD. ffs. And then people went and had apartment parties afterwards and some of the undergrads on campus set a couch on fire (??). I didn't even know that there were undergrads still on campus. I won't be surprised if our numbers spike in the next few days :/ And that's also why I don't think my university is going to meet in person again anytime soon.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #136 on: May 22, 2020, 05:30:27 PM »
Things are opening some more, but not too fast. Nothing will be fully open until September, and even then the 1.5m distancing will still be in effect. Border closure has been extended until 15 June and it's expected to likely stay that way until September. Events have no expected date of being allowed again, so that's probably not going to be a thing again until next year. And from June masks will be required on public transport. Tertiary schools won't be open in June, but primary and middle schools will be.... with a lot of extra rules to facilitate the 1.5m thing.

Am curious as to if we can keep the rate of infection low. It's stuck to around 200 new cases per day the last few weeks and drastically reduced number of hospitalisations, hopefully things opening some more won't affect that too much.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #137 on: May 23, 2020, 11:26:37 PM »
Lenny, I hope you two do manage to commit matrimony, even if the big celebration with family has to wait. Good luck!
And Ran, I hope the university can manage to sort out something that works for you. It all sounds so very hard! Good luck to you too.

Here in South Australia we are doing fairly okay, apart from most of my teaching work having disappeared, and not being able to do my storyteller gigs because the libraries are closed and none of the cultural events or the Mediæval Fair have been able to happen. The epidemic has disrupted several of my jobs, but given that social distancing seems to have worked well here we have some hope of things opening up a bit in the next few months, and one of the two markets I do is still going, because the Farmers Market is considered a needful resource. Being in a country area with little access to shops, our Market is the only local source of fresh food for many locals. I sell fruit, herbs and some vegetables as well as seeds and potted plants of edible things, and those are selling well because a lot of people are using the lockdown to work on their gardens. The other market is closed because while they do sell some food and plants, my stuff and things like honey, olive oil and takeaway food, most of their stalls are craft stuff, spinning and weaving supplies, handmade soaps, woodcarving tools, leatherwork and equipment to do it yourself and such like things.

At least the two big clusters near where I live seem to be under control. Those shouldn’t have happened, but we had two large groups of tourists in the Barossa who came in already infected and decided that the rules didn’t apply to them because Tourists, and stayed at a luxury resort to ‘self-isolate’ while still doing touristy things and infecting the locals, and neglecting to tell the owners of the resort that many of them were infected. So far as I know there has only been one death among the infections from those clusters, but that is one too many. And one of them, who decided to go home, persuaded someone to drive  him to the airport and arranged a flight, may have started the airport cluster.

But most people have been far more civilised and considerate, which is likely why SA has now had no new cases for 16 days. Let us hope the trend continues now that some things are being slowly and cautiously reopened.

I am most concerned about the possibility of my husband getting infected, since he is quite frail and usually has several necessary medical appointments each week. I know a few people who have picked up Covid19 while at hospitals for other things.

But so far we survive. I am glad to be a sensible bushie who even in ordinary times has a bit of a stockpile of food, fuel and other necessities of life. We live in a rural area subject to bushfires, storms, floods and lengthy power outages, so being prepared is always a good idea.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #138 on: May 30, 2020, 02:39:29 AM »
My university is going to partially open in fall, with only a couple thousand allowed on campus. By winter, the university is planning on opening completely. It has pledged to test every single person on campus (60,000+) every month in order to track the spread of the virus. I just hope it dies down soon (ugh why are people gathering now!?).

Since I work in the data curation branch of the library, we've been trying to disseminate useful CoVID resources for the public. For those interested, here's a handy map with data from John Hopkins University. It shows the number of cases and casualties for every country, with graphs and further breakdowns in the sidebars.

[edit] Also the John Hopkins Coronavirus research center has a lot of information, including the map
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 02:51:37 AM by phocena »
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #139 on: May 30, 2020, 03:48:08 AM »
Nice dashboard!
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #140 on: May 30, 2020, 07:32:24 PM »
Ah, the economy must be opening up again.  Once again the air is rent with the terrified screams of people hurling themselves off tall buildings.
Spoiler: show
Bungee-jumping off Auckland's Sky Tower, that is.  It's a popular tourist attraction, and it was closed for the last two months during Level 4 & 3 lockdowns.  It's the first long weekend since travel was permitted under Level 2, and people are using it for domestic tourism.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #141 on: May 31, 2020, 05:55:46 AM »
I also live in Germany, so JoB already said most of the things that are happening here, but I guess I could tell you about what´s going on with school.
Our schools have actually opened up about three weeks ago, but the conditions on how vary a lot between different areas.

Where I live that means only the graduating classes and the ones who will graduate next year have their main subjects plus german and math basic courses in School, with less lessons than usual. The rest of the subjects is still online, and the lower classes still completely have class online. Students and teachers that are a part of or live with people that are part of the risk groups are not allowed to come to school, but it also doesn´t get controlled.
Non-medical face masks in the hallways aren´t mandatory, but advised, which translates to: almost nobody is wearing them (but it´s been increasing over the past few days).
Classes with more than 14 People get separated into two groups to maintain proper social distancing in the classrooms, These two groups still have class at the same time, and the teacher has to switch rooms constantly. This system works not that well. I think our school has exactly two classrooms that would be big enough to hold 30 people with a 2m distance between them, so the teachers are pretty much fighting over them (and my school has actually 1500 or so students, and now not even enough space for 200 with distance…)
What rules we have exactly, nobody knows, because most teachers only enforce half of them, and different halfs at that. Usually they don´t even know about the rest themselves.
To avoid standing too close, the classrooms are supposed to be always open, and the breaks are supposed to be spent inside of them. This is another rule only half of the teachers seem to know about. Also it contradicts my schools rule that no student is allowed in the science classrooms and the ones with the expensive technology unsupervised by a teacher, and coincidentally only those rooms are big enough for the entire social-distancing Thing in the first place. So the doors are closed and the students clogg up the tiny hallways with no openable windows instead.
Don´t get me wrong, I´m really happy that I get to leave the house again, plus I was really bad at handling the entire online-class-thing, but let´s just say, the current situation is… not ideal.

But now, two weeks of holiday started, and afterwards it´s planned that everyone gets to go back to school. The younger classes take turns on which week and day they get to go, the two oldest classes still have school every day, now again with all the subjects, but still less lessons. Non-medical face masks on the hallways will now be mandatory, which I think is a very good thing.

On another note, churches are allowed to hold services in person again (with distance, of course), and now we already had (I think) two cases of a large group of people getting infected in big churches, most likely because of the entire community singing which spread the virus all over (windows in churches are usually not openable). I´m not sure whether there is an official rule that forbids singing in church for the entire community, but maybe there should be so things don´t get worse again. A lot of communities solved the problem by only having one or two "professionals" sing the songs, but not all of them. And now that it´s "Pfingsten" ("Whitsun" says my online translator), most likely even more people will go to church. I hope they find a good solution for the singing so stuff like this doesn´t happen again.

Anyways, stay safe everyone, and sorry for my rambling :)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2020, 05:58:31 AM by Mirasol »
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #142 on: May 31, 2020, 08:29:42 AM »
Mirasol, good luck. The actual enforcement of rules can be problematic. I’m in Australia, so most people are fairly sensible and now our numbers of infections are right down and some schools are gradually reopening. We have had some bad times where I live, because we are in a big food and wine tourism area, the Barossa Valley. Fortunately I live at the very end of the Barossa area, where it segues into the Murraylands and the Adelaide Hills, and most of what is close to me is wildlife watching and farmstay tourism rather than big commercial wineries and luxury resorts, so we are not in as much danger as are people in the tourist hub of the Valley itself. One of my friends lives right in the middle of the Valley, and was exposed to the two infection clusters caused by two groups of damnfool tourists who knew they were infected, came anyway, and decided to self quarantine in a couple of the luxury resorts without telling the resort owners that they were infected. One of the American group decided they were going home, got a lift to Adelaide and flew out anyway. They were rich enough that the rules didn’t apply, I suppose. That may have been what started the airport cluster.

I hope your schools manage to start up again without problems.

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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #143 on: June 01, 2020, 12:06:59 AM »
New Zealand has 10 consecutive days with no new cases, and only 1 active case still extant. 
This is cause to celebrate, but the fallout will continue for an unforeseeable future.  The company I work for has done their projections, and is letting two people go and asking remaining staff to take a 10% pay cut.  The Directors are taking a 20% cut themselves.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #144 on: June 01, 2020, 12:17:23 PM »
New Zealand has 10 consecutive days with no new cases, and only 1 active case still extant. 
This is cause to celebrate, but the fallout will continue for an unforeseeable future.  The company I work for has done their projections, and is letting two people go and asking remaining staff to take a 10% pay cut.  The Directors are taking a 20% cut themselves.

That's the most worrisome problem in many areas. In Portugal we still have a long way to go, but the North region were I live had 0 cases today :) (but 300 in the Lisbon area...  :( )
The deep cut in tourism (just to mention the most evident one) causes a domino effect that will last for some time... All we can do, anyway, is remain cautious and keep going the best we can.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #145 on: June 03, 2020, 02:59:46 PM »
Hudson Valley region of New York is set to begin phase 2 of reopening next week. Still gonna be a while before things are back to normal, but hopefully I'll finally be able to get a haircut soon!
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #146 on: June 18, 2020, 05:11:42 PM »
My school made the announcement today that we're going to "offer as much in-person instruction and residential occupancy as restrictions of space, health and safety allow," whatever that means. We're supposed to have reached stage four of reopening by the time school resumes, so we'll see how things actually look by the time we get there.
Butter good.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #147 on: June 25, 2020, 09:17:33 PM »
Victoria has had a sudden spike in reported cases, and one of the hot spots includes my suburb; and the Australian Defence Force has been mobilised to assist in some parts of the country, including Victoria.

So of course it's time for me to get a cold that is not serious, but persistent, and family and friends are concerned that it might be early stages... so off to my GP tomorrow (I'm getting a scheduled flu booster shot anyway), just to be sure.

Someone I know posted this on social media a few days back: So the shire I work in has the fastest growing rate of Covid-19 infections, 19 in the last 24 hours. Some of these people admit to going to work even though they knew they were sick. They admit to attending large family gatherings even though they were sick. Thanks folks, glad to see you care about everyone else in the community!
I commented: Do those people believe that you don't get sick until the Pest Maiden waves her red scarf in your window?
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #148 on: June 26, 2020, 09:41:01 AM »
Doctors here won't give you a flu shot if you currently have another infection, but by all means see your GP. You should get tested for Covid-19.
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Re: Covid 19 - Updates from your zones
« Reply #149 on: June 26, 2020, 10:20:25 AM »
Newfoundland is about to enter the "Atlantic bubble" with the other 3 Atlantic Canadian provinces - Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. We've had only one travel-related case in the last 40-odd days, but that's bound to change once everyone from the 4 provinces can move freely without a 2 week self-quarantine. With so few cases almost nobody wears a mask, and are terrible about physical distancing, so I'm expecting a spike in cases in a couple of weeks. Very glad I'm on vacation and can keep a low profile at home!
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