Yeah, I think the idea of having a flexible timeslot as opposed to a specific time of day is a good one. My timezone's opposite to forum time, so midnight forum time is in the middle of the day for me - fine if I'm at home all day practicing social distancing, but not so good for ordinary times! As far as I know, none of the people who've mentioned being willing to help live in America, so it'd be mainly European, Australian and New Zealand timezones we'd have to work with when coming up with a timeslot - maybe we should have a longer slot, like 6 hours, to allow for more flexibility?
Jitter, your idea of people being able to post their pieces themselves with a uniform header sounds pretty interesting. If we did go down that path, we might want to put up the header and the timeslot on the forum, and then people could opt for posting it themselves or letting us post, depending on what suited them (we'd also need to record who'd chosen what option). That option could get tricky if people forgot to post, though, or posted late.
Grey, yes, I do think it'd be good to have just one person for some of the tasks (for sending reminders, especially) - it'd be tricky otherwise to co-ordinate who'd been reminded and who hadn't.
And Wave, thank you for all the organisational insight! Yes, in hindsight it would definitely be good to format the posts before the time of posting (I did not think of that). And your tracking system sounds like a very good idea.