Some ideas concerning Murderghosts...
Those rules sound good. But should we exclude the death (out of game) possibility? Maybe not at first, but what if that happens when player is injured 3 times?
Well, I finally can present my first proposal for the board.
Its incomplete, because I want to hear you all before moving further (and because it's time-consuming).
I still didn't include images for the companies/commodities, for tax and for corners (like Prophetic Vision or Kastellet). For that reason I also didin't include the cards images in the board (they would be too out of context without the others), but my idea was to use the same images from the cards on those positions.
All the images would come, of course, from the comic. I already selected most.
As for the board itself, I tried to copy Minna's style, particularly page 87 (Mages) because it would be nice if the board looked as if she had drawn it herself.
I think that I managed to come to something that respects the comic style, but you will tell me.
The image for the heaven place was adapted over Lalli's dream on page 213.
The stave for the properties places (that mark were you would put your houses/inns - inside the circle, and fortifications - over the circle) was adapted from Reynir's protective stave on the murderghost attack on page 477 (the lines ended too thin, but I will adjust that later).
Fonts are Gabriola and Papyrus (for the cards). BTW We don't have the font that Minna uses, right?
So it's here. A small image, to respect the Forum rules. But please check this link and download the larger scale image:
(you will see the details better if you download it so you can zoom in your computer - the board itself is draw in vectors (in AutoCAD) so the final version could match the A0 size that I mentioned before - the "real" size of the image would be, as it is now, 84x97cm).
Please remember that this is a beginning, not an end. There are still many adjustments to do and details to correct. Suggestions are always welcomed!
I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed doing it :-)