Author Topic: SSSS Monopoly game  (Read 19782 times)


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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #60 on: March 04, 2020, 10:36:05 AM »
Speaking of the murderghosts. I suggest they just advance one square each turn. They are slow but persistent, whereas the Troll is more mobile and less predictable. And the Troll is there all the time while the ghosts come and go.

Adding the ghosts could be an optional rule, and have the further option of having them turn into Sleipnope. However they will never just land into the same square if they move one step at a time. Maybe enough total ghosts on board => Sleipnope? Or Troll and murderghost in the same square? Sleipnope could then be either faster (but stop at any player it passes) or stronger but I suggest not both.

Another (optional?) suggestion for the Troll. If Troll steps into the square the player is in, it always attacks. But if player proceeds into a square where the Troll is already, the player may attempt to Stand Still Stay Silent (throw) and if successful, avoids the Troll.

I 100% agree on the playing online thing. It could be done over Skype or something like that with video chat, if each player has the board and moves all pieces according to what happens. Of course all participants will then need to reveal their face, or wear a paper bag over head 😆
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Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.


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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #61 on: March 04, 2020, 01:06:53 PM »
Excellent ideas!

I think that the paper bag thing would be much fun  ;D

If we had cameras that were not built-in on our laptops (I had, before) we could just point them to the board, and just show our hands. Or maybe share screens?
Anyway, I have no problem on showing my face, just warn me so I can shave first :-D
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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #62 on: March 05, 2020, 02:20:54 AM »
Some ideas concerning Murderghosts
* There should be a few cards in all three decks that...
   * Spawn a murderghost at the drawer's square
   * Spawn a murderghost at the Kastellet
   * Move all murderghosts 1 space
* Every murderghost moves 1 square after all players/kitties/trolls move (they are slow, but relentless!)
* If a murderghost moves into (or spawns on) a player's square they suffer a Ghost Attack. They roll 1d6...
   1-3 The player is injured (see below)
   4-5 Nothing happens (they dodge the ghost)
   6 The ghost is banished! (removed from the board)
* If there is more than one player in a square when a ghost moves into it they must all suffer a Ghost Attack. If one or more of them gets a six the ghost is removed after all players have rolled.
* If a ghost and the troll are even in the same square...
   * The troll is moved to the 'Go' space
   * The ghost is removed from the board and replaced with Sleipnope
* Sleipnope behaves like a murderghost, but moves 3 spaces each turn. If it enters a space with a player, it stops and a Ghost Attack takes place.

Injured Players
* If a player is injured they place their piece on it's side and in their next turn they stand it back up instead of rolling the dice. They then have their turn as if they landed on that square.
* Alternatively they can spend 5 currency on First Aid and have their turn as normal

Regarding troll attacks - instead of failing to fight off a troll attack ending the game for a player what if they are injured and moved back a space?
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  • Skald
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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #63 on: March 05, 2020, 07:35:14 AM »
Some ideas concerning Murderghosts...
Those rules sound good. But should we exclude the death (out of game) possibility? Maybe not at first, but what if that happens when player is injured 3 times?

Well, I finally can present my first proposal for the board.

Its incomplete, because I want to hear you all before moving further (and because it's time-consuming).

I still didn't include images for the companies/commodities, for tax and for corners (like Prophetic Vision or Kastellet). For that reason I also didin't include the cards images in the board (they would be too out of context without the others), but my idea was to use the same images from the cards on those positions.

All the images would come, of course, from the comic. I already selected most.

As for the board itself, I tried to copy Minna's style, particularly page 87 (Mages) because it would be nice if the board looked as if she had drawn it herself.
I think that I managed to come to something that respects the comic style, but you will tell me.

The image for the heaven place was adapted over Lalli's dream on page 213.
The stave for the properties places (that mark were you would put your houses/inns - inside the circle, and fortifications - over the circle) was adapted from Reynir's protective stave on the murderghost attack on page 477 (the lines ended too thin, but I will adjust that later).
Fonts are Gabriola and Papyrus (for the cards). BTW We don't have the font that Minna uses, right?

So it's here. A small image, to respect the Forum rules. But please check this link and download the larger scale image:
(you will see the details better if you download it so you can zoom in your computer - the board itself is draw in vectors (in AutoCAD) so the final version could match the A0 size that I mentioned before - the "real" size of the image would be, as it is now, 84x97cm).

Please remember that this is a beginning, not an end. There are still many adjustments to do and details to correct. Suggestions are always welcomed!

I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed doing it :-)

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Purple Wyrm

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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #64 on: March 05, 2020, 08:41:12 AM »
ALERT! I get a virus warning visiting the image! My anti-virus program (AVG) blocks it, but everyone should be wary!

That said...

 XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX

That looks amazing! XoX

Two Comments...
1: Is there space for four houses in each circle?
2: Shouldn't the Dreamspace squares be "HAVEN" rather than "HEAVEN"?

Apart from that - wow!

Regarding death - three injuries sounds workable. For ease of tracking I guess each player would have three tokens and have to discard one each time they get injured.
Native :australia:
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Might remember some in an emergency :italy:
Understands the concept, just not the specifics :vaticancity:

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⁂ Iron fisted ruler of Caversham Airfield ⁂ Sigrun isn't immune, t


  • Skald
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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #65 on: March 05, 2020, 10:25:34 AM »
ALERT! I get a virus warning visiting the image! My anti-virus program (AVG) blocks it, but everyone should be wary!

That said...

 XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX XoX

That looks amazing! XoX

Two Comments...
1: Is there space for four houses in each circle?
2: Shouldn't the Dreamspace squares be "HAVEN" rather than "HEAVEN"?

Apart from that - wow!

Regarding death - three injuries sounds workable. For ease of tracking I guess each player would have three tokens and have to discard one each time they get injured.
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

About the virus, I get nothing. I use MalwareBytes Professional and it sees no problem in the site. And I've been using it for some time without any issues. I searched in the web (albeit not extensively) and found issues many years ago, the most recent reference in a Avast forum from 2016.

So, as far as I know it's safe. but if you keep having problems let me know. I can create an account elsewhere and post two links.

As for the houses I checked and I will have to make the circles larger, from 2.9cm to 3.5cm, to accommodate 4 houses, and that's considering the outer circle as the base of our fortification. Thanks for pointing it.

On the Heaven issue you are also right. My head was more in Heaven (paradise) than Haven (sanctuary)...  (in Portuguese we have both words but it's common to use "Paraíso" (paradise) to describe a Haven. Like "Um paraíso para a vida selvagem" - "A haven for wildlife")
I'll correct that.

For tracking how many "lives" each player still have the tokens are nice, but it means adding another element to the list. If we go that way we could use the margins outside the board to create a list of the players (Sigrun, Mikkel...) and add 3 markers (empty circles). Each time a player is injured a small piece (?) would be placed on the marker.
If we choose to keep it more simple I'd suggest that people could simply make a list on paper and add a tick each time.

See you soon, and thanks again! :-)
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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #66 on: March 05, 2020, 11:45:08 AM »
Woo! Wonderful! You have done great! Of course the central flag logo / snowflake needs to be minnaized but the board details such as the border details are spot on!

The font Minna uses is her own making and therefore, I assume, not available. The ones you have chosen work well!

Will the properties be grouped into set of 2 or 3 like they are in Monopoly? This has rule relevance, because in M you have to hold the whole set to be allowed to build houses (and by extension, hotels).If so, how will this be marked? I suggest it would be possible to build the fortifications even on single property and there would be some increase in rent, but for the buildings the set would be required.

I think we should retain possibility that a player dies, but it should be somewhat rare. The wounds / hit points approach is a possibility but it’s another set of rules and a full new element. Alternatively the battle throws could be done with 2d6 with death by 2 only, so it would be more rare. I don’t know. Hit points would allow easy variations between characters (as optional rule). But then we come to the question of how they can heal back etc and it will be complicated.
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Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.


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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #67 on: March 05, 2020, 12:27:46 PM »
Woo! Wonderful! You have done great! Of course the central flag logo / snowflake needs to be minnaized but the board details such as the border details are spot on!

The font Minna uses is her own making and therefore, I assume, not available. The ones you have chosen work well!

Will the properties be grouped into set of 2 or 3 like they are in Monopoly? This has rule relevance, because in M you have to hold the whole set to be allowed to build houses (and by extension, hotels).If so, how will this be marked? I suggest it would be possible to build the fortifications even on single property and there would be some increase in rent, but for the buildings the set would be required.

I think we should retain possibility that a player dies, but it should be somewhat rare...
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! (again) :-) I'm so happy that you and Purple liked the board. I was quite sure of that, but you can never be 100% sure...
And yes, the central flags must be Minnaized, which I understand as getting a more rough look, like something (slightly) eroded by time, and get less defined borders. Am I right?

It would be nice to have the font, but I also like those two, that I've never used before but work fine in this situation.

I've though about the grouping of properties (in graphic terms). What if the "protective runes" had different colours? Anyway I intend to make then more evident that in this first try, and we will have to make them larger to fit 4 houses, so this could be our group indicator. And I also agree on the rules of fortifications/buildings. sounds good!

Variations between characters sound a little too complicated to implement.
The player death, even if it's a rare event, seems in tune with our comic.
Why not explore both ways? A player could die by 3 wounds or one direct hit, as you suggested. Noting the points on a sheet designed by us (or any sheet) is simple. You just print 2 or 3 as you need them.
I think the chance of immediate death makes each encounter with trolls or ghosts much more exciting.

So you think that I can move forward with the board? And Purple? Anyone else wants to add anything?

And thanks again!

Oh, BTW, if any of you want to refer me you can just write "grey" for short, instead of "thegreyarea", like we do with other minnions (wave, windy, ran...)

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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #68 on: March 05, 2020, 01:41:09 PM »
Yeah, the flag logo should be less sharply defined and kind of faded. I have it in mind so I think it’s somewhere in the comic! I’ll try to see if I can find it. But you know what I mean already.

I think the lines that make up the “rune” are perfect for the property group indicator. It would be cool if the  colors came from the flags, but As Norway and Iceland only have three colors between them it probably doesn’t work. For Finland it could be white with a little blue and blue with a little white and so on, but we run out if colors :) So maybe use a fuller palette. I was also thinking about taking some element from the wide panoramas depicting each of the countries but just the rune circle is very elegant!

Character specific bonuses are easy, if it’s just a minor adjustment. Actually I have them already:
Sigrun: +1 bonus on battle roll
Emil: +3 or -1 on battle roll (extra throw before actual battle is thrown)
Mikkel: when you land on Scavenging, you can take two cards (if you want)
Reynir: same but Fate
Lalli: you may take +-1 step when moving
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:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.


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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #69 on: March 05, 2020, 02:26:03 PM »
Oh the Nordic Council logo has only five points, but has the faded colouring, see page 64 of the Prologue. The Map of the Known World on p 66 has a different snowflake logo but it probably is the color scheme I had in mind. On 65 there is a cool monochrome logo too. The little x markings around the points look good too, but I suppose it depends on where the places for the card decks will be.
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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #70 on: March 05, 2020, 07:41:37 PM »
Yeah, the flag logo should be less sharply defined and kind of faded...

I think the lines that make up the “rune” are perfect for the property group indicator...

Character specific bonuses are easy, if it’s just a minor adjustment. Actually I have them already...
Yes, I see what you mean. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll think about it and try to do something following that aesthetic.

I like the Rune as a indicator too. I thought about other images but I'm afraid to make the whole board too "heavy", like some adaptations of monopoly that I saw. They are so image saturated that it's hard to actually see the board...
And I think that we will need a full palette. If we create 2 groups per country we have 10 groups, and it would be hard to differentiate them using just Red, Blue, White and Yellow...  Shall I use that list that you posted some time ago (when I asked to switch that land started with "S" for Rana, or you made further changes?
BTW the Rune sends thanks for calling it "elegant" and says that it will do its best to remain that way, even with the perimeter increase :)

The characters bonuses sounds good, but you forgot Tuuri. Paying less for some things? Our smart girl could be a better negotiator...
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proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

Purple Wyrm

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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #71 on: March 05, 2020, 11:47:26 PM »
I suspect the virus warning I've been getting is because one of the included advertisements is from a site that AVG blacklisted - in any case as long as everyone's virus checkers are up to date it should be a problem.

I thought the Heaven/Haven thing might be a translation issue. I have to say your English is fantastic Grey, I would never have picked it as a second language!

Fading back the flags should look good (I initially read 'minnaized' as 'minimized' and wasn't quite sure what you meant Jitter! ;D). The font selections are excellent as well - Minna did make her own font for the comic and hasn't released it, but it looks great with the ones selected.

Colouring the Elegant Runes seems like the obvious choice for property groups. We could start with the colours on the flags as a base, and expand from there - clearly different shades of red, blue, white and yellow should do the trick - particularly if each base colour is only used once per country. Putting the country names on the Deed cards should minimise confusion as well.

I think character specific bonuses are a neat idea, but maybe have them as an optional rule? Game testing will be necessary to make sure they're not unbalanced with each other. I'll think about a rule for Tuuri, and we should also include Onni - even if he would be reluctant to go running all around the known world!

On thinking about it, player death definitely should be included. I'm not so sure about instant death though - getting a bad roll on your very first ghost/troll encounter could kick you right out of the game. I like the idea of injuries adding up because it gives you a couple of guaranteed survivable encounters before things get pushed to the brink - rolling badly the first few times just inconveniences you. An official way to keep track of injuries is probably not necessary - just writing them down will do!

One final note with the board. On my hex-design I placed prophetic vision adjacent to the dream world section because it seemed appropriate (mage stuff and all that) and because if we implement my idea of kicking players out of occupied Havens (moving them back a space) it means getting kicked out of the first Haven space guarantees a vision (as opposed to the others which draw a Dreamworld card). Is this worth thinking about? Or does it make the first Haven space less valuable to purchase? (kicking people out of your Haven gives them an advantage by letting them look at the decks).
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Might remember some in an emergency :italy:
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⁂ Iron fisted ruler of Caversham Airfield ⁂ Sigrun isn't immune, t


  • Valkyrie
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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #72 on: March 06, 2020, 02:24:11 AM »
Grey, I agree with avoiding image overload! On that subject, the squares where you take cards have the card background picture on them, right? I’m sure you were already planning this, but maybe see whether the picture should be faded on the square. The places where the decks go on the board will have the picture as well?

For Tuuri the bonus could be +0-2 (or 3?) squares of movement as she’s the driver? Or lower rent on all properties for being such a smooth talker. And yeah, I meant the character rules to be optional. And tested :)

Grey* the properties I had were for the square board, in other words there are too few. For Finland we could add Toivosaari like Purple* suggested, or some other place from the map. I can take a look at the others or you can pick them?

* should I also pick a color for myself? Professor Purple**, in the Games room, with a very large deck of cards!

** I have noticed you are usually called “Wyrm” rather than “Purpe” for short, but there’s another Wyrm on the forum now. Nevertheless let us know which one you would prefer:)
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:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.

Purple Wyrm

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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2020, 03:34:59 AM »
Could we work out something with Tuuri about languages? She's the polyglot of the group after all!

There's another Wyrm on the board? OUTRAGEOUS!! But seriously, I prefer Wyrm but will happily answer to Purple, Purp, Purple One or any variation thereof. Call me what you like as long as you don't call me late for dinner! ;D
Native :australia:
Fluent :newzealand: :uk: :usa: :canada: (Yes, I realise that's cheating)
Might remember some in an emergency :italy:
Understands the concept, just not the specifics :vaticancity:

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⁂ Iron fisted ruler of Caversham Airfield ⁂ Sigrun isn't immune, t


  • Valkyrie
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  • JOE guardian, SS Kuru keeper, Finn with some magic
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Re: SSSS Monopoly game
« Reply #74 on: March 06, 2020, 04:53:51 AM »
If we can, let’s! The character specific rules are hardly the first or even second priority :)

The other Wyrm has promised (been recruited?) to do forum maintenance stuff mostly, I saw their introduction somewhere i.e. probably the introduction thread. Anyways they don’t appear in this thread and as long as that stays so I’m happy to call you Wyrm as you prefer :)
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:A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

Proud ruler of Joensuu Airport, Admiral of S/S Kuru on the Finnish lake systems. Also the Water Mother.