The Stand Still, Stay Silent Fan-Forum

Worlds and Stories => SSSS & ARTD Board => Topic started by: Jitter on April 24, 2021, 04:56:38 PM

Title: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on April 24, 2021, 04:56:38 PM
Dear fellow Forumites, we have learned Minna does not intend to continue SSSS after current Adventure 2. In addition, the fandom is in upheaval also due to events related to the Christian Lovely People comic, as well as what many of us have come to feel about our author in connection to this and other cases. You may read about this in the Lovely People thread here: as well as in the Comfort Corner. We know some (many, too many) people have left the fandom due to this, although on the bright side new people have also come in.

This thread is dedicated to the future.

How can we keep our community alive? What do we do now, when some of us are disappointed beyond repair and some are feeling let down? What will we do eventually when the comic ends? Do we just say our goodbyes, turn off rhe lights and go? NO. We will not do that!

We have our stories, our ships, the families, the Mead Moose, the squirrels, young Ensi, old Emil, living Tuuri, the OCs, the AUs... This has started from SSSS the webcomic, but it has grown beyond that. And more than all the fanworks, we have grown into a wonderful, caring community. Our discussions here and this group of people, some of whom I’m privileged to consider friends, has enormous value even if there never was another page by Minna nor another fanwork posted at all.

The community has faced challenges before and has been shaken and torn, but endured. What we have today is extraordinary in the web spaces of today. Even the by far most difficult issue in many years has been discussed calmly (see the LP thread linked above). We have people willing to see the other perspective, and people apologizing when even only fearing they may have inadvertently said something another may find hurtful or just snide. This is sadly very very rare in the public internet these days. I don’t want to lose this, and I know there are many others who feel the same.

So, let’s do this, and keep doing this! You are invited! Present your ideas, discuss, let’s build this up! This time I also encourage you to just say “I’m in” even if that’s all you feel like contributing right now. We can do it, but we have to do it together. This is meant for each and every one of us, not just the fan creators! Our community is built of people, and people are the ones who can keep it alive if they so choose.

It may be that you don’t feel controversial at this time, and if so, that is wonderful! This thread is not reserved specifically for the current upheaval. Whatever happens now, we will be facing the end of updates at some point, maybe half a year, maybe two years from now, but it’s coming. So, we might as well start planning for that eventuality, whether the current storm calms down quickly or not.

So, please join me and others in building our future. We have each other now, let’s keep it that way!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 24, 2021, 05:43:57 PM
I’m in. Our community is a good one. Let us not lose it.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: moredhel on April 24, 2021, 05:49:16 PM
I think this community is so special. we should keep to maintain it. But I have no idea how to do so.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Yuuago on April 24, 2021, 06:21:24 PM
The parts of SSSS that I do like are enough that I don't think I'll ever withdraw completely. (And aRTD of course too). Not to mention the people I've become acquainted with - lots of fond feelings there.

And I still have wips that I fully intend to finish.

It's unlikely that I'll be actively involved with anything over here per se. But I'm very interested in seeing the directions that you all take with your side of the fandom.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on April 24, 2021, 07:11:11 PM
Jitter, thank you very much for starting this thread!

Since you suggested that some repetition wouldn't be bad in this case, on which I agree, this post has parts that I previously wrote on the comfort corner. I hope this collection of thoughts makes some sense and becomes useful.
I love this community. This is the only online community where I participate and I never felt any need to look for more. We're very lucky to have such an amazing group of people, and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. Following what Róisín's mate once said, we lucked ourselves in the best corner of the Internet!
I grew so much in this place, where I started drawing art again after years of just work-related drawings and the place where I dared to write reminders, haikus, poetry (!) and stories.
Here I feel everyone is respected, and cared, and helped, as far as possible due to the obvious limitations. It surely helped me a lot when I had to face my father's death. And after that so many times, for different (and thankfully a lot less dramatic) reasons.
Here I learned so much from each one, absorbing different worldviews and experiences from people spread all around the world.
For all those reasons, and some, my plan is to remain here and contribute the best I can.

I believe that SSSS characters and stories also belong to us, to our hearts, and I've been told there are many cases on the net when a fandom outlived and outgrew its original source. I see the comic as a catalyst that started a fire, and now it keeps burning.
We are the fuel, and the fire is, and will be, beautiful to watch! (Emil is, again, telling me that he agrees) :)

That said, now, and even more when Minna's story ends, it's up to us! There's no reason for us to stop, be it in the more SSSS-related topics or on all the rest.

We can keep sharing and learning with each other. There's a whole World of songs, jokes, recipes, thoughts... We come from many different places and cultures, and there's so much to learn, and, sometimes, teach!

We can create more or less regular events and challenges like the yoinktober and the chapter break filler. Those can spark our creative members into producing fantastic things. And those that don't create can enjoy.

Threads based on other sources can also exist. (I for one thought sometimes about writing on Tolkien's universe... Among many other possibilities).

So I think there's a lot that we can do to keep this going on. One of the most important ones is to remain organized, preserving, as much as possible, the structure and the people that give life to it. I'm talking about our Administrators and Moderators. It is very important to make sure they remain with us, as I believe they will.

As for my participation, I will surely draw more things, SSSS related or not, and will keep writing. I heve the "A Beginning" series halfway (3rd story on proofreading, 4th half written) and then I'll go back to the "Lightning" timeline, that, I hope, will become a full novel. I also have three other stories more or less plotted, and may also return to the great oak and tell more about those squirrels...
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Alkia on April 24, 2021, 07:20:05 PM
Seconding what Grey said, and I'm in!!! Even if I don't know how much I'll be interacting with SSSS, making fan art or fan fiction or that sort of things (I'm still deciding on that) I am 1000% around for the community and all the amazing people this comic has attracted. It's incredibly nice to have such a lovely social space, and I'm all for continuing it!

I guess my question is wether we would keep this website just the same, or keep it all the same except for changing the name? Would that be necessary? Will there be threads dedicated to Minna's next works, whatever those may be, or not? Since this is a brainstorming thread there are a lot of options
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Keep Looking on April 24, 2021, 07:59:53 PM
I don't have any ideas at the moment, but I do want to say that this fandom has become incredibly important to me over the last two years. I barely keep up with the actual SSSS comic anymore (in part because of Minna and in part because I've just lost investment) but I've continued to participate in the fandom spaces here and hope to do so for a good while longer, just because of the community. It's not the first fandom I've been in, but it's definitely the one I've participated in the most and for the longest, and that's mostly because of the people and the culture around here. I've learned so much from being in this fandom - talking to a wide range of people from different backgrounds, learning to organise and run events like the Chapter Break Filler, getting into poetry (which I do still write! Just not for SSSS anymore). I definitely don't want this place to die out, regardless of the future of the comic.

As said before, I don't have any big ideas for this fandom or anything, although I do think that continuing to run community events, as Grey said, like the advent calendar and yoinktober (dunno how chapter break fillers would work if there's no more chapters to have breaks!) is really important. School's been keeping me very busy lately, but I'll be done with my final exams by mid-November and after that I'll have a lot more time on my hands - I'd be willing to step up and take on more roles and responsibilities in this fandom (as a very low-level member of staff) if it means keeping this place alive.

Anyway. That's all I've got to say.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: SkyWhalePod on April 24, 2021, 08:39:10 PM
Per Jitter's suggestion, I'm cross-posting a few of the things I originally posted in the Comfort Corner discussion about the future of the forum. Hopefully it will soothe a few more hearts and encourage people to stay who were considering leaving:


I'm imagining all of us who are grieving this situation, standing in a circle with our heads bowed and our hands on each other's backs. Wherever you are [...], if you're okay with it, imagine one of our hands on your back, and yours on someone else's here. You can feel them breathing beneath your hand, and they can feel your breathing. I imagine us breathing together. Shared inhales and exhales, and a squeeze on the shoulders of those who need one.

(And nobody gets sick because this is imaginary.)


It's hard when you feel like you can't help, just spectate, and can't get closure when some people decide they need to leave. The only thing I can figure -- and I'm still new here, I haven't contributed either to the really impressive body of creative work that seems to be at the heart of this forum -- is that as we mourn in our big mourning pile, we should also look within ourselves for some positive conviction, some forward-looking dedication. What can we do to keep the fire alive here, for our own sake as well as for the sake of other people on the forum? Maybe it's time for each of us to step up a little, contribute an artwork here, a poem there, a photograph, a story, suggest a community project . . . anything. We can be sad and worried about what the future holds, or we can throw ourselves into caring for the people who are here, and continuing to participate in what we all love. I think at some point it would be a good idea for everyone to get together and discuss how to re-center the community so that it stays vibrant without relying on SSSS updates -- it's a discussion that was going to have to happen at some point anyway, maybe years from now, maybe still years from now. It doesn't have to happen right now, but what we do need to do, I think, is keep an eye trained firmly on what draws and keeps us here, and do our best to nurture that. That's the kind of control I see us having.


When I look in from outside, I see a community that is powerful and good, much more powerful than it gives itself credit for. It's bound together by characters and a world that a single person created, and up until this point, the creator's vision for these characters and this world has been more or less agreeable to the fans here, the people whose passionate creativity has generated an ocean of work. The SSSS characters do not live only in Minna's comics, though. They live also in this big breathing body of fan art and fiction, of poetry, of role play -- they have been given a place to exist outside of Minna now. We should embrace that. While we aren't owners of the intellectual property, we have these characters and this world in our hearts now, and we have the power to tell their stories beyond Minna's story.

What I'm saying is, I think we have to see SSSS as something larger than Minna now. Lalli is not just Minna's anymore. You have poured love into him, you've doodled drawings of him, you've celebrated his birthday year after year, and he is yours too now. So is Emil, so is Kitty, so is Vaino Vaananen (sorry, not sure how to do special characters). This is when you look the characters you love in the eye and say, "It's okay, I got you, you're still with me." In fact, I would argue that we should do just that, and do it hard -- celebrate the canon story, revisit it, add to it, maybe even make changes to it (for example, let there be a community of Saami survivors!). Keep these characters and this world vibrant in our hearts. We are not passive followers. We also have the power to create, and there are more of us than there are of Minna.

Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: SkyWhalePod on April 24, 2021, 09:10:45 PM
I have one idea right now, I can't remember the others and I've eaten a lot of ice cream so my brain isn't in sit-and-ruminate mode. Will return to this thread tomorrow. Here's my current idea:

Start a thread where we revisit SSSS page by page, starting from the beginning -- a community re-read. Maybe we link to one page every day, or maybe we follow Minna's posting schedule so that for every day she puts up a new SSSS page, we link to an old one. We could give ourselves chapter breaks to celebrate (I think that's something you guys do? See, I'm totally new here, I have no idea how this works!) and the chance to revisit the ideas, stories, and moments that made us love SSSS in the first place. There are so many pages of SSSS! Literally volumes and volumes! If you think about it, there are (I assume) forums out there dedicated to bodies of literature (*cough*Lord of the Rings*cough*) that have been essentially complete for decades, because people keep coming together to share work inspired by it, have discussions, revisit the text, et cetera.

Also I think this should still be a place that welcomes new people, so we should still be associated with SSSS and keep the name. We do aRTD stuff here even though it's not in the forum title. If people here are interested in having discussions about Minna's new works, whenever those come around, I'm open to starting a new board or something for them. No reason to alienate those among us who liked Lovely People and are looking forward to what Minna does next! We want to include everybody who wants to be included, as long as everything stays respectful.

This is a really good opportunity, for those of us who are having a hard time staying excited about creating SSSS-inspired art right now, to practice separating author from work. Grade E Cat shared a great video about continuing to love a work and draw strength and inspiration from it even after discovering irreconcilable differences of values between yourself and the author. Link here for anyone who hasn't seen it on the Lovely People or Comfort Corner boards:
Spoiler: show

Okay ice cream brain is here talk to you guys tomorrow

(Edited to add: I would like to share art here. I used to do a daily drawing thing with my cousins, but you know how it is, people lose steam eventually. Having somebody to share my drawings with was a nice motivator to actually do them, and I do want to do them. So for my part, I'll try submitting something to the Forum's Art Museum every once in a while? That seems like such a great space, and it seems independent of what's going on in SSSS.)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 24, 2021, 10:19:23 PM
What we have today is extraordinary in the web spaces of today.

This is very certainly true. Let's not lose it.

It's late evening here and I'm starting to fade; but just throwing a couple of things in rapidly, and will come back as I can (busy time of year otherwise for me):

One, I think we do need a central focus. But while I don't think we should drop the SSSS connection altogether, I don't think that can be our sole or main long-term focus; and I think that keeping SSSS in the name, long-term, might well do ourselves a disservice; especially if Minna keeps heading in directions she seems all to likely to be heading in. I'm not sure how to put it clearly; but I think that what attracted at least many of us to SSSS in the first place included the combination of characters drawn to look like humans (if not of the full representation of humans); groups of people working together without any apparent need to follow gender roles; and the representation of a culture outside of our current mainstream culture, not necessarily because of opposition to the mainstream culture but because we wanted to see additional options, other possibilities.

And Minna now seems to be opposed to those other possibilities; and quite possibly also to the rejection of, or shifts in, gender roles. So I think SSSS may no longer work as a main focus.

But we could focus, maybe, on finding and following other artworks that do show such possibilities? That wouldn't require dropping SSSS fanworks; could easily be in addition to that. And we could pick up new people from those artworks -- I doubt we're going to be picking up much in the way of new people from a link on SSSS if/after it dies, in any case.

The other thing I'm wondering, and maybe I've just missed it: how are these forums hosted and how is that funded? And are those who have been doing that interested in keeping going, and if so in what fashion? -- I know they're independent of Minna; but I don't know what is, and just who are, required to keep them in existence.

Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 25, 2021, 12:31:36 AM
thorny and SkyWhalePod and Grey, great ideas all.

I especially like the idea of going back and rereading the comic page by page, and commenting on it among ourselves. That would also give the newer readers a chance to enjoy the early comments as well as the scholarship of readers such as Laufey and Mikko, who added much of their learning to the early comments, not to mention the many comments of those who were just a delight to talk with (Rachel and Iceea, we still miss you) and really interesting people in general, like DaveBro,  Sunflower and so many others.

Anyway, I am sure I have already bent your ears on the subject of how important it is to build a community before undertaking any major longterm project, including, and perhaps especially, survival. And here we have a community ready made! Let’s do it, and continue to broaden our understanding.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Grade E cat on April 25, 2021, 02:51:40 AM
I don't know how long I'm going to stick around after the comic's end, but I'd like to at least finish the "first arc" of True Ruler (people who remember where that story was going may guess that events of 2020-2021 would have made it awkward to write my ongoing chapter even if I hadn't written myself into a corner for a storyline I want to keep exploring on top of that) and the story idea that I had and started writing down because of the above. And when I do, I'll be wanting to publish them and announce them. And last night, I figured out how I could make a (technical) crossover between SSSS and the work that's becoming my new favorite work.

Otherwise, happy the video was appreciated. I genuinely just shared it because a recent post had mentioned the subject one of the times I checked the LP thread.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Sevseres on April 25, 2021, 04:49:48 AM
Thanks for this thread! I agree with the other comments and first thing I propose is let's not... talk about the new comic here? I don't intend to read it and I certainly wouldn't want the forum to be flooded with discussions regarding it. Let's just act like it doesn't exist? Call me problematic but I certainly act like the bunny comic doesn't exist. Anyway it's just my take though. I too love the community and I think it wouldn't dissapear after SSSS considering the talk here is not mainly about SSSS anyway.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Raaffiie on April 25, 2021, 04:52:57 AM
My thoughts on this are mostly already covered in the posts by SkyWhalePod and thorny, I think.

In brief, my sentiments are that all of us are here because of something that we saw in the comic, and we have found a sense of community which is apart from the comic itself. I don't think that keeping the community going will be an easy task, but if we can just manage to grasp what it was which collectively drew us to the comic in the first place, I think that will already be a great achievement. I'm not sure how one would go about that structurally, though. SkyWhalePod's idea of revisiting and reviewing the story page by page might be a good start, though I would maybe mix up the ordering so it doesn't become a straight-up reread. Kind of like how you turn an artwork upside-down to see how it comes together when you're less focussed on interpreting the overall patterns.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Kis on April 25, 2021, 06:34:35 AM
Organizing a re-read in any form sounds wonderful. There were so many interesting discussions in the comments, I think it would be greatly benefitial for us to continue them or just reflect given our new perspective.

I think that we don't have to change the name of the forum, just maybe shift the focus and expand. Initially we were drawn here because of SSSS, and judging by how lovely this community turned out to be, many more interesting people can become a part of this through the comic. Although, if Minna wasn't particularly honest in her intention to keep SSSS as it was till the end, then yes, keeping the name can prove.. problematic.

Sevseres, I understand your concern. Still, there are quite a few people here who can choose to read Minna's next works for various reasons, and who knows, maybe it will even be thought-provoking. There is no harm in accommodating those of us who are not as opposed to this (or future newcomers who will have read these new comics) and creating a new board for that. However, I do fear that such a board may require stricter moderation.

Personally, I don't have any new ideas or the opportunity to make any fanwork, but I will try my best to be more active nevertheless.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: JoB on April 25, 2021, 06:54:12 AM

We have our stories, our ships, the families, the Mead Moose, the squirrels, [...]
This time I also encourage you to just say “I’m in” even if that’s all you feel like contributing right now.
Hmmmmm ... as someone who, in comparison, is noticeably more focused on the seminal work (and general banter) than the fan works, I feel like I would be lying if I were to say more then "I'll try to be in" ... (which is essentially the same treatment I'm giving SSSS right now)

One, I think we do need a central focus. But while I don't think we should drop the SSSS connection altogether, I don't think that can be our sole or main long-term focus; and I think that keeping SSSS in the name, long-term, might well do ourselves a disservice; especially if Minna keeps heading in directions she seems all to likely to be heading in.
Minna is saying quite clearly that in some while, she'll be stepping away from SSSS, and when I look at four of her works (ARtD, SSSS, CoH, and LP) being spread out over three websites, I would guess that she'll be dropping her own use of the name as well.

I don't remember her post with which she OKed creation of the forum way-back-when, so I have no idea whether there were any provisions about pulling the right to use the name again later on. (The Wiki has an explicit licensing scheme that she agreed to implicitly, and would have trouble to back out of.) In general, Minna's not one to guard her IP rights tightly, though.

... in a nutshell, are we pressed in any way to decide on that right now?

The other thing I'm wondering, and maybe I've just missed it: how are these forums hosted and how is that funded? And are those who have been doing that interested in keeping going, and if so in what fashion? -- I know they're independent of Minna; but I don't know what is, and just who are, required to keep them in existence.
It's been a while since I was involved into the sysadmin issues, but I'm pretty sure that it's still a custom installation of SMF plus some add-ons plus some "homegrown" patches and fixes running on top of a donated cloud server. And thus dependent on moderators, knowledgeable admins, and the donation(s) to stay operational as-is.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on April 25, 2021, 09:07:22 AM
I have nothing coherent to add, other than, I'm in. You guys are interesting and I'd like to at least try to keep something going here after SSSS ends.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: RanVor on April 25, 2021, 09:19:00 AM
I'm sure this is a very important discussion and I'd really like to say something meaningful, but I'm afraid my brain isn't very big on thinking these days...

I don't think I have much to contribute to this community, other than occasional whining. I don't really do fanart, I don't have any ideas for SSSS-related fanfiction and I just don't feel alive enough to participate in any serious discussion. I want the forum to survive, though. I... Ugh! I can't even articulate how I feel about this. I'm sorry I can't offer any help. I wish I wasn't like this. Oh well. Good luck, I suppose.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: SkyWhalePod on April 25, 2021, 10:00:33 AM
I'm sure this is a very important discussion and I'd really like to say something meaningful, but I'm afraid my brain isn't very big on thinking these days...

I don't think I have much to contribute to this community, other than occasional whining. I don't really do fanart, I don't have any ideas for SSSS-related fanfiction and I just don't feel alive enough to participate in any serious discussion. I want the forum to survive, though. I... Ugh! I can't even articulate how I feel about this. I'm sorry I can't offer any help. I wish I wasn't like this. Oh well. Good luck, I suppose.

I want to point out that I don't think any of us expects people who aren't fanart/fanfiction creators to suddenly become creators. Folks who are here just to say "hey that looks cool" or "i agree" are still important! And we want to know that you'll still be here. Just saying "I'm here and I have no idea what to say but I hope everything works out" is all you needed to do, RanVor :)

It sounds like a community re-read in some form or another would be especially good for users like JoB who prefer to discuss the original work. Raafie's suggestion of mixing up the pages sounds like a fun exercise, although you do lose the sense of the plot itself that way, and part of my hope is that people become re-inspired by the old plot/s and mini arcs. But again, it does sound like fun to look at pages out of context. I think the community at large should decide which style of revisit it likes more.

I really welcome the idea that Raafie's ramble brings up though -- that we give each other the freedom to do analysis or stream-of-consciousness responses to the work we're looking at. That totally fits into how I'm imagining a community re-read going. In that case, maybe we could even just do a new re-read page every two or three days (or even longer), to give people a chance to reflect on it who feel like reflecting on it.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on April 25, 2021, 12:32:52 PM
I love the idea of a re-read. It's a great activity that will surely spark many discussions and also lead to art, be it new or reviews of works previously done by the time each page went online. It also has the potential to retain with us many people that feel more connected with the original work than with its derivatives.
I like it even more because I wasn't here in the beginning (I started reading around page 850) so it would be like having the opportunity to go back in time! And I think the best option is to keep pages in order. the alternative could be funny but would be confusing. 2 or 3 days for each page sounds great, and it means many years of re-reading. So probably 2 days for each page would be fine.

As for the Forum, I once asked Feartheviolas (an admin.) about it back in September, because I was wondering how the Forum was supported... Here's the answer I got:

"The site is free. We do have a small fee for the domain and hosting services but since one of our other admins works with a hosting company, we have a discount.

For now, we don't need any money to keep the site running. If it changes in the future, then there would be a sitewide announcement."

So I don't see any big problem on that side for the moment.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 25, 2021, 03:27:26 PM
RanVor, I don't make any pictorial art, and haven't produced any written fanworks except unfinished bits and pieces that have stayed inside my own head. But here I have been rattling on in various threads of this discussion all the same.

thegreyarea, thanks for info. -- I've lost track: have we had any admins in this discussion so far?

More generally: I'm certainly not opposed to a re-read; there seem to be quite a few people who want to do this, and I might well join in. But I hope this group doesn't entirely turn back in time and only circle around on where SSSS has been. I'd like to also see us open out and find additional work, by additional artists, which we can discuss.

Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on April 25, 2021, 04:30:04 PM
I also like the idea of reread! And I would prefer to go in order. The prologue would probably be rather interesting at this point in history! We’ll have to set some sort of rules for posting of each “new” page, because it will take years even if we take one page a day with no breaks whatsoever. So I don’t think any of us is willing to commit to be The Poster of each ad every page. I also agree that maybe every other day would be good to leave room for discussion.

Then a couple of comments. I think it’s absolutely vital that the future is opened also for fans who like Lovely People and / or whatever comes next. We are what we are because we are tolerant, willing to discuss and strive to be inclusive. We certainly can’t turn our backs to any of our own! I don’t think anyone in this thread actually meant to suggest such a thing, but I want to underline that we must avoid looking like we do that. I’m not saying we must include anyone who manages to say “I like a work of Minna’s”, but people who are willing to play by our tolerant, inclusive, friendly and polite rules should of course be taken in.

On the other hand, discussions about such future works should remain “contained” so that they are not pushed on people who are not interested. LP has stayed well in the dedicated thread (actually there is such important discussion in that thread that I’ve been wondering whether we should raise some of those into a dedicated thread but couldn’t really choose) but if there will be a body of future work, probably a board for it would be the way to go. Time will tell.

I’m with JoB on that the name issue doesn’t have to be decided now. I’m at this very moment inclined to keep it, but we’ll see. For now SSSS is going on and according to Minna it will stay the same so we can probably revisit the naming issue later?

Ran! You are absolutely an important member! I was trying to word the invitation so that it doesn’t only indicate people who do some sort of art etc, but obviously I failed. I will add something to the opening post. It’s not about the fanwork (although that is important too) but about the community. Each and every one of us who participate in the discussions are part of that community. You for example are often on the Comfort Corner offering hugs to people. Very important!

I also think we could and should diversify into work by other artists. This could take the form of yet another dedicated board. However I have no idea how hard or difficult it is to create new boards so I don’t know how feasible this would be.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Opaque on April 25, 2021, 05:41:17 PM
I haven't been here long but y'all have been so warm and welcoming. Reading all the things people have to say about so many different topics while being open to other veiw points has been so interesting. There is always more things to discuss. There is always new aspects to old topics that can be discussed.
As much as I sound like an anime character saying this... with the power of friendship I'm sure we can keep moving forward.
So, what can I say that hasn't been said already? I'm in.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: RanVor on April 25, 2021, 06:18:22 PM
I want to point out that I don't think any of us expects people who aren't fanart/fanfiction creators to suddenly become creators. Folks who are here just to say "hey that looks cool" or "i agree" are still important! And we want to know that you'll still be here. Just saying "I'm here and I have no idea what to say but I hope everything works out" is all you needed to do, RanVor :)
RanVor, I don't make any pictorial art, and haven't produced any written fanworks except unfinished bits and pieces that have stayed inside my own head. But here I have been rattling on in various threads of this discussion all the same.
Ran! You are absolutely an important member! I was trying to word the invitation so that it doesn’t only indicate people who do some sort of art etc, but obviously I failed. I will add something to the opening post. It’s not about the fanwork (although that is important too) but about the community. Each and every one of us who participate in the discussions are part of that community. You for example are often on the Comfort Corner offering hugs to people. Very important!
*sighs* All of you have obviously missed an important part of my post: I just don't feel alive enough to participate in any serious discussion. There's a reason I haven't been particularly active lately and it's not because I got bored. Recently I've been having trouble with focusing on things and articulating my thoughts and feelings. Oftentimes I see somebody posting something interesting and I want to reply, but I fail to find the words for it, get frustrated and find something else to do. Even writing this post has been a challenge. I'm sure there's plenty of interesting conversations I'd love to get into, but unfortunately, my ability to participate is severely limited.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Opaque on April 25, 2021, 07:04:22 PM
*sighs* All of you have obviously missed an important part of my post: I just don't feel alive enough to participate in any serious discussion. There's a reason I haven't been particularly active lately and it's not because I got bored. Recently I've been having trouble with focusing on things and articulating my thoughts and feelings. Oftentimes I see somebody posting something interesting and I want to reply, but I fail to find the words for it, get frustrated and find something else to do. Even writing this post has been a challenge. I'm sure there's plenty of interesting conversations I'd love to get into, but unfortunately, my ability to participate is severely limited.
Yah, I know that feeling. You might be surprised at how many have that feeling from time to time. While it'll be enough to pop back in now and again just to say hello it's not like you have to. If you prefer to step away that's okay. Just take care of yourself. If you need a place to vent or if you feel well enough to join a conversation then we'll be here to listen. Here's a cookie. :squirrelcookie:
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on April 25, 2021, 07:16:12 PM
A few thoughts:

1) A re-read would be interesting, and like others I think that, as amusing as randomizing it might be, it would be better to go in chronological order.

2) Yes, please, include a board for fans of Minna's newer works! There are lots of parts of this forum I never bother with (the CoH board, for instance; I'm not a gamer so that was of no interest to me) and having a board (or boards) for newer works would be consistent with the friendly, inclusive vibe, but avoid clutter for those who aren't interested in those discussions.

3) The name should be fine, even after SSSS ends. That's what brought us here in the first place, after all!

4) Ran, your standards of discourse are far too high. Just pop in sometimes and say, "Yes!" or "Nice!" or "Hugs!" or whatever is appropriate to the occasion. Your presence will be noted and appreciated.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 25, 2021, 08:15:19 PM
I like the idea of a re-read! I've been pretty distant from the fandom for the past while, but I've also been going through a few of the older pages and I think that a lot of the small, charming quirks of the comic are still there! E.g. Lalli's cookie heist on p. 228-229 and the little speech bubble trick on p. 214, both adventure 1. If no one commits to posting a talking prompt for each page, maybe people could list their favourite moments like that once a day or something as some kind of alternative.

As for the new board, I think there's a good amount of people on this forum who will be interested in what Minna has to say about her faith, so it'd be good to have that there. Maybe even people who don't totally agree but have much to say on faith irt the mystery future comic (hey, religion is complicated!).
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Tarnagh on April 25, 2021, 08:50:11 PM
I'm in. I also like the idea of a re-read. I'm not sure how much I'd contribute but this is a really decent group of people and I only just found you, so if nothing else I'd like to be lurking for a good long while.  :)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 25, 2021, 09:59:47 PM
3) The name should be fine, even after SSSS ends. That's what brought us here in the first place, after all!

I’m with JoB on that the name issue doesn’t have to be decided now. I’m at this very moment inclined to keep it, but we’ll see. For now SSSS is going on and according to Minna it will stay the same so we can probably revisit the naming issue later?

I agree that the name issue doesn't need to be decided now.

It seems to me that the name would need changing if/when any of the following things happen: 1) Minna asks or tells us to stop using it 2) Minna does something, in her artwork or otherwise, that causes her to be so generally known as toxic that we don't want to be associated with the name 3) these forums move on in such a fashion that the name's no longer relevant.

It's possible that none of those things will happen, in which case the name could be left as is.

Then a couple of comments. I think it’s absolutely vital that the future is opened also for fans who like Lovely People and / or whatever comes next. We are what we are because we are tolerant, willing to discuss and strive to be inclusive. We certainly can’t turn our backs to any of our own! I don’t think anyone in this thread actually meant to suggest such a thing, but I want to underline that we must avoid looking like we do that. I’m not saying we must include anyone who manages to say “I like a work of Minna’s”, but people who are willing to play by our tolerant, inclusive, friendly and polite rules should of course be taken in.

On the other hand, discussions about such future works should remain “contained” so that they are not pushed on people who are not interested. LP has stayed well in the dedicated thread (actually there is such important discussion in that thread that I’ve been wondering whether we should raise some of those into a dedicated thread but couldn’t really choose) but if there will be a body of future work, probably a board for it would be the way to go. Time will tell.

2) Yes, please, include a board for fans of Minna's newer works! There are lots of parts of this forum I never bother with (the CoH board, for instance; I'm not a gamer so that was of no interest to me) and having a board (or boards) for newer works would be consistent with the friendly, inclusive vibe, but avoid clutter for those who aren't interested in those discussions.

We certainly shouldn't be pushing out people just because they like Lovely People and/or future work along the same lines. And we've had people who do like LP contribute valuable information to the discussion going on in that thread.

But -- trying to think how to put this. I'm not sure how hosting a board here to praise those future works would work out. Would we really get primarily people "willing to play by our tolerant, inclusive, friendly and polite rules" and posts "consistent with the friendly, inclusive vibe" if those works, like Lovely People, are themselves not tolerant and inclusive? Would it be considered intolerant or not inclusive to criticize the works in the fashion that many of us have been criticizing Lovely People? If not, would those whose essence is itself criticized by the works be expected just to stay quiet on the subject -- yes, we all know there are transphobes (or whatever) in the living room, just stay out of that room? ('There's nothing I find interesting in that room' isn't at all the same thing as 'there are people in that room who want me not to exist.') Would the moderators have a persistent heavy load trying to keep an inherently unstable situation under control?

I grant that we haven't seen the works in question yet, so can't say for sure what either they or their fanbase will be like. But I'm not really comfortable with 'we have to host anything that Minna comes up with, no matter what it is, or else we're not being inclusive enough.'
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 25, 2021, 10:44:00 PM
But -- trying to think how to put this. I'm not sure how hosting a board here to praise those future works would work out. Would we really get primarily people "willing to play by our tolerant, inclusive, friendly and polite rules" and posts "consistent with the friendly, inclusive vibe" if those works, like Lovely People, are themselves not tolerant and inclusive? Would it be considered intolerant or not inclusive to criticize the works in the fashion that many of us have been criticizing Lovely People? If not, would those whose essence is itself criticized by the works be expected just to stay quiet on the subject -- yes, we all know there are transphobes (or whatever) in the living room, just stay out of that room? ('There's nothing I find interesting in that room' isn't at all the same thing as 'there are people in that room who want me not to exist.') Would the moderators have a persistent heavy load trying to keep an inherently unstable situation under control?

Oh, no. I think that's pretty much my worst fear with this fandom. If Minna goes that far off the deep end totally unchecked (because she's not listening to what people have to say!!!), then I don't think there's any reason to host anything other than serious analysis/discussion about her future works. For one, there's definitely a need to open up a space to criticize her future works because there's a good chance that she's not going to learn anything that makes her more open-minded (see: the years 2016-2021). Also, if the story itself is inherently hateful or attracts a hateful crowd, then I don't see a need to host a true "fandom" for it because it violates forum rules. Severely.

In the past, both in this fandom and outside of it, people have placed too great an emphasis on "civil" or "polite" discussion and then gone on to espouse totally discriminatory but politely-worded beliefs. And "inclusive" spaces that also let people who do intend to hurt people they don't like in are... bad. In fact, I think that's why a lot of people left... Doesn't sit well with me. Let's not make this mistake for the hundredth time.

Spoiler: definitely a take • show

This, and I think a lot of people who get hurt by these people's actions are rightfully bitter and angry.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Keep Looking on April 25, 2021, 11:00:02 PM
In reply to Jitter Vulpes and Thorny (and Catbirds, you posted while I was writing this but I think you got a good point going):

When Minna makes works in the future, I do think we should have a space on here to discuss them: there will probably be people here who read them and are going to want to talk about it - whether that be through a critical lens, or just to appreciate the artwork. Completely detaching this space from her new works, whatever they may turn out to be, doesn't sound like a reasonable move.

However (and this is not implying that this has been suggested, as far as I can tell it hasn't) I don't think we should promote the forum towards the fanbase of Minna's new works. If they come across SSSS from reading a newer work of Minna's, and enjoy the story and find the forum from there, I see no problem with having them here as long as they're willing to listen, think critically and be respectful. And if there are people here who find enjoyment in Minna's new works for whatever reason, they have a right to hold that opinion and express it. However, given the state of the comments section on Lovely People and the general demographic of people who tend to be attracted towards that kind of genre/topic, I would personally feel quite apprehensive towards the prospect of having a flood of people praising Minna and her new works entering the forum when we've done so much work towards creating an inclusive environment where we can deconstruct and critically engage with her works and her apparent ideologies, and explain the things about her works that upset us without guilt-tripping people for enjoying them or getting dunked on for criticizing the author.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 25, 2021, 11:58:20 PM
Keep Looking makes a good summary. I am inclined to discuss rather than promote new work if it turns out toxic and hateful, but would like to maintain the civility, cultural and religious tolerance and basic decency that have so far been a valued feature of this board. And remember, courtesy does not mean supine submission. It is quite possible to firmly defend our position of supporting personal and religious freedom while not descending into screaming insults.

I would like to do the reread from the beginning, both for the treasure trove of the old comments and for the insight we will gain into the old pages, not to mention spotting or having other members point out the many, many bits of foreshadowing in the old pages - those were always great fun!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Tarnagh on April 26, 2021, 12:10:19 AM
I think everyone is on the right track with what they've been suggesting for Minna's new works.

There shouldn't be a direct link to the new works to these forums, but if the new audience finds these forums through perusal of her older works that's fine as long as they're willing to be civil.

I think it's sad that we're already bracing for the idea that they're likely not going to be very civil. :( Perhaps, at least not at first, for those who wish to stay. That's the reality though, isn't it? An audience that is going to enjoy works like LP and what is likely to be the content of Minna's work going forward is not typically someone that will be happy in an environment like what you've all created here over the course of years. I'm new, so I can say it that way. YOU - all you "old-timers" of the forums - have created this wonderfully diverse space full of so many talented people that it still boggles my mind. To see that infiltrated by people who are so narrow they can look through a keyhole with both eyes is just a devastating thought to me.

Perhaps any new work Minna does could be listed under "Minna's New Work critique/discussion" as a way to indicate in advance that this site isn't going to just rubber stamp whatever Minna does. I don't know. Praise Bast I'm not an admin, is all I know.

I think I've already said this but I'm gonna say it again (for emphasis of course and not because I'm senile) - I'm also fully on board with a re-read and discussion starting from the beginning. :)

Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Raaffiie on April 26, 2021, 05:03:45 AM
I'm certainly not opposed to a re-read; there seem to be quite a few people who want to do this, and I might well join in. But I hope this group doesn't entirely turn back in time and only circle around on where SSSS has been. I'd like to also see us open out and find additional work, by additional artists, which we can discuss.

That's kind of why I was reluctant to the idea of a full-on reread, really... I'm all for looking back and deconstructing old pages, but to me a reread feels too much like trying to go back in time. Not that I'm really opposed to it either, it just means that I personally won't be joining in.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on April 26, 2021, 08:33:27 AM
thorny and catbirds both brought up good points about the risks of having a board devoted to whatever new work Minna does. Keep's idea to not actively promoting this space on her new works is a good one, and was actually my assumption of how things would work. I'm of two minds now: on the one hand (or mind?), if there's a board devoted to the critical dissection of the new work, will anybody use it? People who dislike the new direction probably won't be reading, so they can't exactly critique it; people who like it would be less likely to be highly critical and it could turn into a little corner of this otherwise pretty tolerant space where some toxic ideas get sincere discussion. And that could be a big problem, and put far too much pressure on our wonderful mods. But on the other hand/mind, it seems like sticking our fingers in our ears and yelling lalala I can't hear you to ignore the existence of whatever she does next. Argh, I'm bad at these complex ethical issues! Mostly I worry about the sanity of the mods, which tips me towards ignoring the new work, but then I worry that's problematic... and there I go into the spiral again!  :'D

I was thinking about the idea of a group re-read, and liking it more and more. The comments section was mostly devoted to speculation about plot twists, and although there has certainly been some more subtle discussion here, it's scattered. Re-reading anything always leads to new discoveries about what it means to you, or what you thought the author was getting at (although in this case we need to be careful not to start looking for "clues" about the development of Minna's current ideas), and many here have re-read many times already. I'd be very interested in what new insights people have come to, and it seems to me the best way to do that in an organized way is to re-read as a group.

One suggestion for a re-read: maybe not do it page-by-page, but in small chunks. For example, in the prologue, the story of each group could be a chunk, and we could spend a week or so on each. Chapters might need to be broken up, some of them are pretty long!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 26, 2021, 09:40:04 AM
Maybe we could also add other comics that have many fans among folk here, such as Girl Genius and Freefall?
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Raaffiie on April 26, 2021, 09:55:18 AM
I could add Wilde Life to that list, I've seen some overlap there as well. I know there's already a webcomics thread in the General Discussion, but maybe it would be an idea to make a list of webcomics to discuss and have a comic-of-the-week like thread?
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on April 26, 2021, 10:28:42 AM
thorny and catbirds both brought up good points about the risks of having a board devoted to whatever new work Minna does. Keep's idea to not actively promoting this space on her new works is a good one, and was actually my assumption of how things would work. I'm of two minds now: on the one hand (or mind?), if there's a board devoted to the critical dissection of the new work, will anybody use it? People who dislike the new direction probably won't be reading, so they can't exactly critique it; people who like it would be less likely to be highly critical and it could turn into a little corner of this otherwise pretty tolerant space where some toxic ideas get sincere discussion. And that could be a big problem, and put far too much pressure on our wonderful mods. But on the other hand/mind, it seems like sticking our fingers in our ears and yelling lalala I can't hear you to ignore the existence of whatever she does next. Argh, I'm bad at these complex ethical issues! Mostly I worry about the sanity of the mods, which tips me towards ignoring the new work, but then I worry that's problematic... and there I go into the spiral again!  :'D
I also agree on the "not actively promoting" part. The topic is complex, and the mods sanity is something we must weight. However the fact is that, even among all the controversy, our LP thread remained more or less tolerant and respectful, which might indicate that threads focused on Minna's future works could also function the way we wish.
Taking Róisín's suggestion on adding threads for other works (comics and, why not, other media), I feel tempted to treat Minna's future works just like any other*, because we should gradualy move our center of gravity out of Minna's works / SSSS towards the comunity itself, a Forum in line with the original meaning of the word.
Around that Forum we may very well keep a temple for SSSS, and gradually add other temples, like the one we have for ARTD. Yet the central space should remain free and open, as our "About Anything" already is (and that may lead, one day, to a change in name).

* I mean to consider and discuss the work by its merits, and not because it comes from Minna.

Raaffiie's suggestion about a comic-of-the-week (perhaps not restricted to "comic") is also interesting, and could work with the existence of other comic's threads as a weekly prompt for artistic creation, invitating us to know better other "worlds". I for one just brushed Girl Genious and Wilde Life, and never read Freefall. If Freefall is the comic of next week I may give it a try.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 26, 2021, 10:46:55 AM
But on the other hand/mind, it seems like sticking our fingers in our ears and yelling lalala I can't hear you to ignore the existence of whatever she does next.

We're already ignoring the existence of thousands of other artworks -- we can't possibly discuss everything.

I don't think we have to absolutely ignore the existence of whatever Minna does next. But, depending on what it is, I don't see any need for us to focus on it, either.

  (although in this case we need to be careful not to start looking for "clues" about the development of Minna's current ideas)

Some of that's probably bound to happen. While I think we need to try not to read such things in when they're not there, I don't think we should try to ban all such discussion.

I know there's already a webcomics thread in the General Discussion, but maybe it would be an idea to make a list of webcomics to discuss and have a comic-of-the-week like thread?

I think that would be a good start -- whether we'd want to stay with 'comic-of-the-week' (or month), or to eventually settle on a couple for a continuing focus, would probably become clearer with time.

I feel tempted to treat Minna's future works just like any other*, because we should gradualy move our center of gravity out of Minna's works / SSSS towards the comunity itself, a Forum in line with the original meaning of the word.
Around that Forum we may very well keep a temple for SSSS, and gradually add other temples, like the one we have for ARTD. Yet the central space should remain free and open

I like that a lot.

Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on April 26, 2021, 11:15:37 AM
Oh yes indeed! Not promoting! What I mean is that people who DO abide by our Forum rules must not be made feel unwelcome because they like LP or anything else. We currently have valued members here who are OK with LP or even like it, and I most certainly wouldn't want the discussion about the future or any other reason turn them away!

Yes, it's very sad to have to brace for potential influx of not-polite readers... oh the world these days! On the other hand, I'm not finding the likelihood very high. Just this LP episode had a flood of people on the Disqus comments AND Minna specifically directed people here to discuss, and still we have done extremely well in the LP thread and generally. In fact as far as I'm aware we didn't get any of the loud zealots who took over the Disqus for a while to wander here (while we did get an influx of new great members!).

If Minna goes off into the realm of Christian net spaces completely, it seems likely she won't be linking the SSSSForum on her new comic pages. LP doesn't link to SSSS, while (unfortunately) the opposite seems to be true ad infinitum. So, as things stand now, I find it unlikely there will be huge problems for us. Hopefully I'm not wrong on this!

Also I very much like grey's idea - the expected future works could get treated just like any other work that is not SSSS. We don't need to discuss and analyze anything just because it was produced by Minna. If something (whether by Minna or some of the other works we may be exploring) then becomes very popular among the Forumites and keeps spawning new good threads, we can consider whether that needs a dedicated board in the future.

With this in mind, and also to draw together the potential other comics / stories / creators we may try to expand on, would it perhaps be good to make a new board for Other Stories? And then discussions about SSSS and ARtD (and CoH, if that gets some attention in the future still) would stay in their own boards and everything else about comics, tv-shows, movies, books etc. would go to the Other Stories board.
It would likely be easier to open separate threads for e.g. separate comics. The current Webcomics discussion is basically a list of "this is a good webcomic" because with the forum structure you can't really keep discussions running about several different titles in one thread. We could move some of the currently open threads (books, videogames, the LP thread, webcomics at least) into that board to get it jump-started. Do you think this would be a good idea?

If yes, then should that board go under "About the comics" or "About anything"? Either has its merits. And if we do come to the conclusion that such a new board would be a good idea, we'd have to make sure it's feasible. But considering how we just recently got the new Politics board (another huge success of polite discussion) I guess it's not extremely work-intensive to create one. @Feartheviolas (oh no! I have all this time read "feather - violas" but it's fear-the-violas! Sorry!) you have the final say in this?

Oh and on the over-politeness I definitely agree. I'm not suggesting we should tolerate intolerance, let alone hateful behavior. We don't need or want to accommodate anyone who doesn't accommodate us and our rules. I don't know how strict the actual moderation policy has needed to be in the past, but the tools exist to defend the Forum if needed.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 26, 2021, 12:45:41 PM
Good points, Jitter. May I suggest ‘About Other Creative Works’ or some such names? And I agree also about including other Minna works as we would those by any artists. I think the concept worth a try at least, and the Forumites do seem to be quite civilised folk so far. I think, and hope, that we can handle this.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Gwenno on April 26, 2021, 01:09:15 PM
Thank you Jitter for your post there - you took the words right from my mouth :)

Bit busy right now so I'll have to be concise in my many thoughts  :P

There have been many comments so far citing their worry for the mods mental wellbeing and workload as one reason for not allowing a space in the forum to discuss Minna's new works. While I appreciate the sentiment, in practicality, if we are aware that we will need additional moderation, we can promote new moderators. The reason why we have so few moderators on our team (and why we were a little swamped with LP) was that we generally haven't needed more and this was unexpected. If we decide to create a new board for people who enjoy Minna's other works we'd probably bring on more moderators (possibly to be specifically in charge of that board?). And don't worry, if people don't follow the forum rules, and start posting bigoted or hateful comments anywhere on the forum they will be thrown out, the same as we're doing now.

We didn't really see that with the LP thread, however, despite the mess over in the comic comments, and Minna's encouragement that people come over to the forum to discuss it. On that note, I'd also like to point out that the people who enjoy LP and Minna's new works aren't the monsters they are being portrayed as here. Some are already active members of the forum, and others are newcomers who have been nothing but courteous in their posts here. However, because the vast majority of people posting about LP here have been criticising it, they haven't had space here to discuss and develop from the comic in a fun way as we've done with SSSS and aRTD. I don't know what Minna's new work will be, but working with a default assumption that anyone who likes it or wants to discuss its contents wouldn't uphold our community values and follow our rules isn't a good way to start our discussion of the future.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Sc0ut on April 26, 2021, 01:26:54 PM
I could add Wilde Life to that list, I've seen some overlap there as well. I know there's already a webcomics thread in the General Discussion, but maybe it would be an idea to make a list of webcomics to discuss and have a comic-of-the-week like thread?

I love this idea! The way I see it working is to have individual threads for each of the comic-of-the week, on a board specifically for this "project". Someone (not the same person I imagine, people can volunteer for their favourite comics obviously) will make a thread introducing the comic, and why they like it. Everyone is invited to read it and share their impressions, and link to fanart or fanfic if they create them. We should of course encourage people to also experience their appreciation in the webcomic's comment section if it has one.

I can imagine some threads remaining alive even after their week has ended, and becoming favourites in the community, and others not. The reason I'm so excited about it is because webcomics are such a great way to slowly build up relationships with strangers: we all meet periodically, experience the same thing (the comic) and then react to it in its comments. We have an icebreaker and a starting point to build other discussions off of. It could be a decent distraction, if not replacement, for the fact that a lot of us are now put off from interacting with the SSSS comment section, but we still want to experience community in this manner.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: SkyWhalePod on April 26, 2021, 02:32:11 PM
I second (third?) a comic-of-the-week thread (or threads, I think that's what Sc0ut is proposing), and I waaaaaay second Wilde Life! It's my #2 comic after SSSS. Incredible character development and storytelling, good humor, great art, and I know for sure that Pascalle is a respectful and kind person.

About the re-read: I agree that just one page at a time is glacial pacing. Maybe two- or three-page chunks is better. Or, sure, at first we could break the prologue into larger chunks, nationality by nationality, to cover it more quickly. Maybe a couple of people could be in charge of making those posts, and each person chooses a day of the week they're in charge of do to the posting? Or we could have a rolling thing where each week/month/some chunk of time, a different person volunteers to announce the current page/s? I would be happy to volunteer for either. I'm picturing maybe . . . Wednesdays and Saturdays, to sort of offset the MWThF update schedule Minna has going on?

Gwenno is right, we shouldn't calibrate ourselves to assume the worst of people who like LP and whatever Minna creates next. Number one, we have no idea what that next thing will be like! Some of us are apprehensive, which is completely reasonable, but we shouldn't make decisions right now about the unknown. Number two, we didn't all have the same feelings about LP. Those of us who liked it are, of course, still absolutely welcome here and should be able to discuss their feelings/impressions/inspirations just like everyone else. I think it would be counter to the values of this community if we didn't provide a space for people to explore their appreciation for LP (and possible future works) without feeling shut down. We should trust each other, and trust the mods.

I'm open to Jitter's Other Stories/About Other Creative Works board. I think a lot of us have a lot of beloved things to share, and if we're to include discussions about LP and Minna's future works, the bare minimum would be to create a thread for each of those. They would fit nicely in an "And here's other stuff that we like to share with each other and discuss" board. And if we need to expand or shift around again, we can do that. The decisions we make here, while important, aren't permanent.

I feel like I should ask: For people reading this thread who liked LP, would you like to have a space to explore what you liked about it? I don't want to put words in anyone's mouths. I also don't want to make anyone feel called out if they don't feel comfortable saying that they did like it (it's still a contentious issue after all). Just, it feels weird making suggestions on behalf of LP-appreciators without asking you directly.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Mirasol on April 26, 2021, 04:15:03 PM
I´m very busy right now so I sadly don´t really have the time to join the discussion, so for now I´ll just say, I´m in.

I really enjoy being a part of this wonderful community and it has grown to mean a lot to me over the past year. You people are awesome and I enjoy being around you, so I´ll stay. I hope to continue sharing art and stories, we´ll see whether still as fan-content for SSSS (I would still like to finish my Kitty-AU, once my motivation comes back...) or just other things.
(And someone still has to spy on the squirrels to find the secret ingredient, right? :squirrelcookie:)

I like the idea of "Comic/creative work of the week", the re-read sounds interesting too.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: midwestmutt on April 26, 2021, 07:42:20 PM
I've been sad thinking the SSSS community was ending. It's worth the effort to try to keep it going. I'm in.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on April 26, 2021, 08:01:56 PM
Oh dear, I seem to have come off as wanting to ban all discussion of LP or Minna's newer work, or assuming that all fans of the new work are bound to be intolerant and problematic*... I knew I was being incoherent. Was that end-of-day fatigue or lack of caffeine? Whichever, it was not at all the direction of my thoughts. I won't try to reformulate them, because I'll just dig myself deeper. But I will say that I am reassured that Gwenno doesn't see moderation as a problem - I was imagining the mess from the comment section migrating over here, and how that would be a lot to deal with.

I like the various suggestions, particularly an "other works" section that would include LP and newer Minna works on an equal footing with other stuff; that would address the conundrum of wanting to acknowledge her new work, and yet not give it the spotlight. With so many clever people thinking this through, I'm positive we'll find a way to make this work smoothly.

*which would have been intolerant and problematic on my part
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 26, 2021, 08:22:33 PM
Mirasol, glad you are staying. And Gwenno, I agree that we should not automatically expect bad faith and bad manners from LP fans. Let’s ask them if they would like to join. If they are part of the board the same rules about civility and decency and mutual respect should apply to all, I think.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on April 26, 2021, 08:40:20 PM
Vulpes, I didn't get that idea from your comment. I got it as a possibility that we should be aware of. But Gwenno's post gave me even more confidence that we can do it.
The ideas we gathered so far make me believe the future of this Forum, while surely challenging, will be, above all, exciting!
(and I count that as my Little Moment of Happiness for today! :) )

Also I'm very happy to see so many of us willing to remain as a part of this! Hopefuly many more will come soon!
(can I count two LMoH today? :) )
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Tarnagh on April 26, 2021, 08:51:03 PM
I second (third?) a comic-of-the-week thread (or threads, I think that's what Sc0ut is proposing), and I waaaaaay second Wilde Life! It's my #2 comic after SSSS. Incredible character development and storytelling, good humor, great art, and I know for sure that Pascalle is a respectful and kind person.

About the re-read: I agree that just one page at a time is glacial pacing. Maybe two- or three-page chunks is better. Or, sure, at first we could break the prologue into larger chunks, nationality by nationality, to cover it more quickly. Maybe a couple of people could be in charge of making those posts, and each person chooses a day of the week they're in charge of do to the posting? Or we could have a rolling thing where each week/month/some chunk of time, a different person volunteers to announce the current page/s? I would be happy to volunteer for either. I'm picturing maybe . . . Wednesdays and Saturdays, to sort of offset the MWThF update schedule Minna has going on?

Gwenno is right, we shouldn't calibrate ourselves to assume the worst of people who like LP and whatever Minna creates next. Number one, we have no idea what that next thing will be like! Some of us are apprehensive, which is completely reasonable, but we shouldn't make decisions right now about the unknown. Number two, we didn't all have the same feelings about LP. Those of us who liked it are, of course, still absolutely welcome here and should be able to discuss their feelings/impressions/inspirations just like everyone else. I think it would be counter to the values of this community if we didn't provide a space for people to explore their appreciation for LP (and possible future works) without feeling shut down. We should trust each other, and trust the mods.

I'm open to Jitter's Other Stories/About Other Creative Works board. I think a lot of us have a lot of beloved things to share, and if we're to include discussions about LP and Minna's future works, the bare minimum would be to create a thread for each of those. They would fit nicely in an "And here's other stuff that we like to share with each other and discuss" board. And if we need to expand or shift around again, we can do that. The decisions we make here, while important, aren't permanent.

I feel like I should ask: For people reading this thread who liked LP, would you like to have a space to explore what you liked about it? I don't want to put words in anyone's mouths. I also don't want to make anyone feel called out if they don't feel comfortable saying that they did like it (it's still a contentious issue after all). Just, it feels weird making suggestions on behalf of LP-appreciators without asking you directly.
I'll toss my hat into the ring and "THIRD!" on Wilde Life! Pascalle is currently on a chapter break until 3 May so now's the time to get caught up!  ;D

I like the Weds/Sat idea for comic discussion.

I want to clarify something too because I'm sure some of you have read the things I've posted in the LP thread. The subject matter didn't bother me, it's how the subject matter was presented. I was entirely fine with reading a nominally "Christian" themed story until it started beating me about the head and neck with a lot of bad memories. It was never about the theme but the heavy handedness. If Minna's future works contain the same theme, I wouldn't be averse to reading them as long as they avoid that. I'm not sure they will but I'm willing to give them a try. At least THIS time people like myself will have a frame of reference for what to expect from her new works, which we didn't have going in to reading LP. Sort of a pre-emptive "content warning" of sorts. We recognize what it might be. I guess the point is that even some of us (namely, me) who have been extremely vocal about the awfulness contained in LP are keeping an open mind on future works. I am at least and I'm pretty sure I've seen other people early on in the LP thread say essentially the same things I did about LP and Minna's future work.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 26, 2021, 10:57:12 PM
I'll toss my hat into the ring and "THIRD!" on Wilde Life! Pascalle is currently on a chapter break until 3 May so now's the time to get caught up!  ;D

[surfaces briefly from page 44]


ETA: can we also do Witch Door, though?
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 26, 2021, 11:29:13 PM
I think there's a poll option that the mods can start when the time comes for this kind of thing! If you guys are looking to get a vote for this thing, you should look into that.

(I am also hoping for some place for discussion on Witch Door, it's more to my personal taste than Wilde Life. But I'd still hang out here if it didn't turn out that way :)))
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 26, 2021, 11:45:02 PM
Um, re Wilde Life: Arachnid warning.

(Doesn't bother me; but I think somebody else here said they were bothered.)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Maple on April 26, 2021, 11:47:09 PM
I plan on staying too. I have so many ideas for fanfic (that I'm mostly holding off on right now because I want to see how the comic ends), so I'll be creating content for this fandom for a while yet.

And if we decide to talk about other webcomics, I have a few I'm also following that might be fun to talk about here. We'll see.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Tarnagh on April 27, 2021, 12:54:56 AM
ETA: can we also do Witch Door, though?
I've seen people mention Witch Door so I just went and found it ... and have now read it all the way to current.

I will toss my hat into the ring for Witch Door as well. :)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 27, 2021, 01:31:57 AM
Thank you for the arachnid warning, thorny. They don’t bother me; indeed I am quite fond of spiders, scorpions and the like, but I am aware that several of the fans and Forumites whom I know IRL are phobic of them. Wilde Life does sound interesting anyway.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Tarnagh on April 27, 2021, 01:47:54 AM
Um, re Wilde Life: Arachnid warning.

(Doesn't bother me; but I think somebody else here said they were bothered.)
Ooof. Good thought.

Wilde Life IS a horror comic although it's a different sort than SSSS, although I've got one story arc in mind that could give even Sleipnope a run for its money.

Wilde Life is more of a real-world-in-current-time story with lots of supernatural creatures, divine/semi-divine beings cropping up in the story line.

Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: JoB on April 27, 2021, 02:08:27 AM
I think there's a poll option that the mods can start when the time comes for this kind of thing! If you guys are looking to get a vote for this thing, you should look into that.
If you mean to have a vote on the comics to prep topics for, I have a hunch that we're gonna elect "Other (please specify below)" for president. ;)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Raaffiie on April 27, 2021, 03:06:39 AM
I'm glad my suggestion could help! I like the way Sc0ut puts it where each comic has its own thread. The way I see it is that you would have that, plus an overview thread to keep track of the list and offer new suggestions.

If you mean to have a vote on the comics to prep topics for, I have a hunch that we're gonna elect "Other (please specify below)" for president. ;)

Maybe people could suggest comics in a thread, and we'd periodically vote to see the most popular ones out of those? It's not entirely ideal though, since it would be biased towards the comics that are already well-known, and might make it a bit harder for more niche but well-loved works to go through. But that would at least give some structure to the whole idea, and allow people to submit their favourites as they please without it getting too erratic or the same options showing up repeatedly.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Sc0ut on April 27, 2021, 04:15:39 AM
Maybe people could suggest comics in a thread, and we'd periodically vote to see the most popular ones out of those? It's not entirely ideal though, since it would be biased towards the comics that are already well-known, and might make it a bit harder for more niche but well-loved works to go through. But that would at least give some structure to the whole idea, and allow people to submit their favourites as they please without it getting too erratic or the same options showing up repeatedly.

As an alternative to voting (which sounds to me like it would be a bit of a pain to organise), we could just let people sign up to create threads, and whoever creates the thread decides on the webcomic discussed for that week - this way, many people could suggest their favourites even if they're not necessarily popular. We should coordinate somehow so that there are no overlaps and we get a good genre variety from one week to the other ofc. I imagine this being organised in a similar way like the Advent Calendars were a few years ago (I haven't participated in a while so I don't know if it changed).
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Raaffiie on April 27, 2021, 04:49:06 AM
As an alternative to voting (which sounds to me like it would be a bit of a pain to organise), we could just let people sign up to create threads, and whoever creates the thread decides on the webcomic discussed for that week - this way, many people could suggest their favourites even if they're not necessarily popular. We should coordinate somehow so that there are no overlaps and we get a good genre variety from one week to the other ofc. I imagine this being organised in a similar way like the Advent Calendars were a few years ago (I haven't participated in a while so I don't know if it changed).
Oh yeah, I think I get what you're saying. Do you mean there'd be something like a public calendar were people can sign up to create a thread for a certain week? It's true that that would move a lot of the burden away from the organisor, with the added benefit of making it all a bit more personal by letting people talk about the things they like. As for overlap, I'm not entirely sure how these things work, but if people could somehow indicate what they are planning to discuss beforehand then I don't think it should be much of a problem. If the Advent Calendar format was successful (I'm very new to the forum, but I just took a look at the archive and it does seem that way) then that's probably a good way to go about it.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Annuil on April 27, 2021, 10:08:51 AM
Ok, so, here I come! I have read most of this discussion and I would like to say some things, but I have a miserable amount of free time, because school.

First of all, I like the idea of the reread suggested somewhere in the beginning of the thread. I could be very fun, especially for those of us who started to read the comic only a year ago and missed the awesome beginning of it. ;D

Second, about Minna's other works.
Those have caused some problems lately, however, I do not see an issue in creating new places for the discussion of those somewhere on the forum. I personally would be very interested in that. As far as moderating and toxicity... I do not understand what is so toxic about Christian-based comics, but I know you guys do and that is totally fine. I just want to say that it's not the fans of those works who feel the toxicity and want to tell about it, it's the opposers of them. For this reason, as long as we have a place for people to vent out, everything should work well. I would very much enjoy discussing the new things Minna creates and it doesn't mean that I will go out and punch people in the face with them. I think we can keep it rather civil.

I don't know if you find me intolerant, but I am still a fan of all what Minna does, unless she goes somewhere where I cannot follow her. That would be sad, but for now she has not lost my respect. This is my point of view and people can think differently, that is okay.

I personally think it would be intolerant to turn away and pretend not to see whatever Minna does next. If we want to show how tolerance is supposed to work we should start actually tolerating things.

I don't exactly have an idea of how new works should be organized and we still don't know what they are going to look like. If it is going to be another lengthier comic, I find it useful to create a special board just for that, like we have for the Rt'sD. Maybe there should be special ways to access that board, there are people who know how to do these things better than me.

I very much enjoy this community and I don't want to lose it. Someone before me said it very well. Characters stay with us and we can continue to love them and add to them in our hearts and minds, even if the story ends. Look at the Lord of the Rings for an example. How long ago did that book come out? In 1954, more than half a century ago and people do not stop to talk about it and love it and have forums about it, and so shall we. We have the strength to get through these difficult times. Hold on, my good friends, we will see the light once again.  :tuuri:

(I apologize if I caused any insult or if I said something discriminatory).

Butter good, you all!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: moredhel on April 27, 2021, 10:39:56 AM
If it is going to be another lengthier comic, I find it useful to create a special board just for that, like we have for the Rt'sD.

I think this is a good idea. Than there would be a board, where people can discuss the new comic. And people like me who fear to be turned into an aggressive misanthropic yelling troll by the discussion, can just avoid it.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 27, 2021, 12:00:33 PM
Oh yeah, I think I get what you're saying. Do you mean there'd be something like a public calendar were people can sign up to create a thread for a certain week?

Rather than this sort of plan working on a strict week-by-week schedule, I think there's a good chance we'll end up having several ongoing webcomics discussions at once. It's actually kind of rare for a webcomic to have a dedicated fanbase/space online, so the outcome of this might be several smaller pockets of the forum discussing any one thing over a pretty long period of time. Some might end up more popular than others, which is alright! This forum should stay somewhat centralized while still promoting the works of (at the moment) smaller authors.

And I think people will also be interested in SSSS for a while yet, maybe writing continuations or something.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Songbird on April 27, 2021, 01:10:07 PM
Oh boy, this thread is growing faster than my ability of keeping up with it! I tried to gleam the main points of each post but please forgive me if I overlook something.

So, I'm going to suggest something tricky that may backfire beautifully because we might lack the numbers to pull it off: Restructure and slightly retarget the focus of the forums.

The idea is to keep the Silent World universe in the spotlight while shining extra light on fan-works, community interests and other media as a way to cultivate engagement in these areas to ultimately keep the community alive. The re-read is a fantastic idea and I'm all of it. The issue is that it's unlikely we'll get more about the cannon world to keep the community going once the re-read is done, and I suspect the end won't deliver answers for the big questions in the story either. There's a promised depth to this universe that will go unfulfilled but by fan works. This is a different situation from epic fiction works (eg Lord of the Rings, Cosmere, Star Wars) which are pretty much expansive sandboxes full of tiny moving parts to play with.

I agree with opening a new forum to her other works though I'm not sure having one for each universe will function well because her complete body of work is still small. It might be better to rely on title conventions for threads (eg [ARTD] Thread title) and open up child boards/categories as needed. Otherwise we might end with fully-fledged categories containing one or two threads. This area wouldn't be a way to segregate the other works or some sort of critic-free place, the idea is to give them space without interfering with the SSSS's section organization since SSSS is arguably her most prominent and fleshed-out work.

A dual-approach to her work might be worth trying: General threads about *untitled new things* then "Critical Analysis:" threads about *thing*. The idea is to have this one thread to critique a work without making the people who liked them to feel unwelcome or wrong in these cases critiques heavily outweighs appreciation. I know about forums that just gave up and forbid negative critiques, but the LP thread makes keeping this side of discussion seem possible for me. This looks like the type of community that can avoid falling into a negative spiral of flat hate and namecalling. It'd be important to enforce the separation of content to keep negativity out of threads where it might snuff out the joy of people wanting to enjoy *thing*, and I understand and am so sorry it might generate extra work for the mod team but I feel it's one of the things that may pay off in the long run.

To lessen the moderation burden it might be helpful to encourage a culture of reporting problematic messages so there's reduced need to actively moderate.

As for the forum structure:

> The Board
(Rules, Announcements, Archive, etc sections)

> The Silent World
--- Stand Still, Stay Silent
General SSSS discussions including re-read and analyses, City of Hunger (as possible sticky thread, not enough content to get own child board)
--- Roleplay Forum
Not sure how many rpg-inclined members we have but this is the type of content that keeps going even after a work is long done
--- Fan Works
Fan fic, poetry, art, maps and what else you can think of!

> Minnaverse
--- A Red Tail's Dream
I'm not sure this will generate enough content in the future to justify having it's own category instead of being a child
--- Other Works
Pre-ARTD and post-SSSS era works discussions
--- Mature Content Board
Not sure whether this should remain under the main section or become a child under SSSS

> Community
--- General Discussion
Keep it similar to its current shape but maybe find a way to highlight discussions on hot niche-interest threads like Rocks, Biology, etc
------ Personal  (HIDDEN; POST COUNT)
------ Politics  (HIDDEN; POST COUNT)
--- History and Mythology
Going out on a limb here but these seem interests many of us have in common, with mythology something that drew a lot of people to SSSS in first place
--- Languages Board
--- Entertainment Discussion
Other comics, games, books, TV, etc. Let them shine in their own threads when there's enough content on something to sustain a discussion. I also suggest a sticky dedicated to other works with some aspect that reminds you of SSSS: similar atmosphere, themes, cast dynamic, horror type etc
--- Creative Corner
Art, storytelling, poetry and more. Original works by members, discussions about creative processes, resources. It might be useful to make an exception for NSFW for this section to allow for non-explicit nudity for art topics, hopefully properly tagged

Bear in mind I'm terrible at naming things *glances at own username* and that I certainly don't think this is The Way Things Must Be Done. It's just the sort of structure I see in other forums gravitating around an author's work or specific interest.

The criteria for what gets or not their own categories or child forums is what will potentially generate further positive engagement once SSSS is finished. Everything that gets its own category foments further discussion in that direction, and threads dedicated to a work or aspect of something instead of a single *interest thread* compilation also promote further interaction (eg comic 1, comic 2, comic 3 threads vs Webcomics thread). That's not to say we should get rid of general recommendation threads, just that it'd be useful to create an ambient where getting into more detail without the fear of derailing a thread is a good way to keep a community alive.

Also, imho child boards tend to be overlooked. They're great for content you want to keep sheltered from direct view, otherwise they should be avoided because they don't get enough space and direct links so that has a cooling effect on them. The exception is something like archives or a work of Minna that's done or too short and won't get many active discussions before no matter where it's placed—granted it still generated enough content that keeping just a couple of threads won't do.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on April 27, 2021, 02:07:10 PM
Songbird, many of your ideas are great. However we don’t have the manpower for a total overhaul, even if we wanted to have it.

But, I very much like the creative corner boards. Grouping the various fanworks together would make it easier to see! Also the archives for those boards would ideally be grouped, although I don’t really see who would be able to put in all the effort required to go though the existing archives. Also the history and mythology board would seem a good addition, having them visible like that would likely draw in more discussion.

I also like the idea of creating separate threads for chitchat and criticism of various works, but you are right that it requires a lot of moderation. Maybe we could give it a try and put the rule first on those two threads (about whichever work we decide to create them for).
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on April 27, 2021, 03:22:34 PM
Songbird, I also like many of your ideas, but agree with Jitter that a complete reorganization would probably be too demanding.

My suggestion would be more in a line of continuity, that naturally would be open to more changes in the future. That would allow us to keep most of the current structure, and yet shift the focus. The most evident would be "promoting" the general board "About Anything" to the first position. (note: I don't know how hard it would be to make even those relatively simple changes. Only our Forum staff can aswer that, I suppose)

About Anything
General Discussion Board
Language Board
History and Mythology (new)
Mature Content Board (moved from SSSS to allow content from other sources)

About SSSS
Stand Still Stay Silent
   PerSSSSonas, City of Hunger

About Comics (new)
A Redtail's Dream (moved, since it is, indeed, autonomous from SSSS)
Comic 2 (new)
Comic 3 (new)
... more comics would be added as they were proposed and approved

About the Site
Forum and Website Discussion
   Anonymous Suggestions and Critique
Forum Memories

Fandom Links
Thingies home
SSSS update checker (renamed, previously "Comic update checker", to remain while SSSS has updates)
The Reaction image hoard
SSSS and ARTD voting links (renamed, previously "Comic voting links")*
SSSS subreddit
SSSS on TV Tropes
SSSS Pinterest board
SSSS Fan fiction on ArchiveOfOurOwn (renamed to specify "SSSS")
SSSS Fan fiction on (renamed to specify "SSSS")
... more links would be added as they were proposed and approved, connecting to new work not-SSSS related

The Stand Still, Stay Silent Fan-Forum - Info Center

* the alternative would to keep the name and go on adding more voting links to other comics

final note: below "About Comics" we could have "About Books", "About Movies" or something else... Let's think about it :)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 27, 2021, 03:30:30 PM
The idea is to keep the Silent World universe in the spotlight while shining extra light on fan-works, community interests and other media as a way to cultivate engagement in these areas to ultimately keep the community alive. The re-read is a fantastic idea and I'm all of it. The issue is that it's unlikely we'll get more about the cannon world to keep the community going once the re-read is done, and I suspect the end won't deliver answers for the big questions in the story either. There's a promised depth to this universe that will go unfulfilled but by fan works. This is a different situation from epic fiction works (eg Lord of the Rings, Cosmere, Star Wars) which are pretty much expansive sandboxes full of tiny moving parts to play with.

SSSS/the silent world has become a half-decent sandbox, though! It's a good thing that we have some rules to work in, while also having literally nothing to go off of for other regions. This is one part where the actual comic's avoidance of this sort of worldbuilding works to our benefit lol. But it does lack the extensive lore, language, culture, etc... intricacies that those universes have, and it'd be pretty hard to get forum users to agree on it. We could probably keep a worldbuilding discussion going on for quite a while because of that.

Seconding you and Jitter on separating criticism from chitchat. I agree that this forum is probably never going to devolve into name-calling, but it's good to be safe.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 28, 2021, 12:54:37 AM
Annuil, to make myself clear as a non-Christian who was affronted and troubled by LP: it isn’t the Christianity that offends me. There is much good-quality Christian fiction out there, which I am quite happy to read and enjoy, but LP is not part of it. The work looks rushed, badly written and illustrated, and the characters do not realise their potential or come across as anything but cardboard cutout characters with no depth to them, which shows the whole work as a piece of rushed propaganda which does not convey the intended message well.

We know from her other work that Minna can write absorbing plots and well-developed characters, but these are not among them.

However for me the most offensive part was the afterword. I am suspicious of any religion, social movement or political party that claims to have the One True Way, and doubly so when a representative of that organisation tells me that I will burn in their  hell for not immediately submitting to their way.

I am not Christian but have lived with, worked with and married Christians who could behave in a considerate and humane way to those of other faiths. My stepmother was, and my husband is, Christians who express their faith by bearing witness to it in their lives and setting a good example of what their religion can be, rather than by using their faith as a bully pulpit. They are also the kind of Christians who are far more likely to make converts to their faith by their example in life.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Sc0ut on April 28, 2021, 03:33:48 AM
It might be that my own habits blind me to important matters, but personally I don't feel there's any rush to re-organise the boards really. The first thing I do when I come here is click "show unread posts since your last visit", which shows me everything that was posted across the forum, and I can pick and choose the conversations I want to read regardless of which part of the forum they're hosted.

Some things that however may need to be discussed sooner rather than later:

- how central do we want to keep Minna's art to the forum? It did bring us here indeed, but personally, the more time goes on and the "situation" doesn't improve, the more I get soured on it. I can imagine a time when it would irk me to even see the SSSS banner and advertisements of her streams etc all over the page. Not yet though - for now, I just know for sure I won't participate in the re-read and I'll most likely not post fan content or look at it for Minna's works anymore either. I wonder if there are other people who feel the same. As of now, I'm definitely only staying here for the interesting people I've met and not for engaging in any way with Minna's creations.

- how do we deal with the fact that we're now a "broken fanbase" - meaning, some of us have very strong but opposing feelings about aspects of Minna's work, which is bound to crop up even in unrelated conversations, as illustrated here by Annuil and Róisín. My concern here is that literally any thread has the potential of getting conflictual by a mere mention of these aspects, because it seems innocent to one party and intolerable to the other. Even if it doesn't "devolve into namecalling" (which is the thing most people focus on when discussing conflicts online, but imo is not the only thing that negatively impacts fandom engagement) it may still make people avoid certain threads when it happens, and generally make things stressful, unless we come to a common agreement on how to minimise this risk.

- how do we want to include new original works in the forum for all of us to engage with - because I don't really think it will survive, at least not without losing a lot more people than have already left, without them.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Annuil on April 28, 2021, 08:48:45 AM
That is a very good point, Róisín. I didn't find the comic hollow, but it was a little too rushed. I was thinking, though, that it was not a good representation of christianity for non-believers (I'm talking about the comic itself, not the notes), because I needed all my christian background to feel for characters. However, some characters have a rather nice inside conflicts, especially for the size of the comic, when you think of it. But you know, views vary and maybe we just see these same characters in a different way, because of our attitude towards them.
As far as author's notes... I think I already talked about this somewhere, but in the author's notes Minna did what a christian would have done - told everyone of what she believes and what will happen if you don't believe, and it should not be taken as an insult, because that is what christianity is teaching. If you are not interested in Christianity, then just don't pay attention to it, religions differ and some may call to join them and some don't. If you are stable at who you are such things should not bother you. I agree to what some people in the LP discussion said about a warning that could be used for the comic, but I think at the beginning of it there's a little note that says roughly "It's about christianity".
Christians in life can be very careful and they often don't go out preaching at everyone they find, but Minna's case is different. Her way to preach what she learned is through her art. That is why, most of her new art is going to involve christianity.
However, I do not agree that we should get away from her art as a central point, Sc0ut. If the front-page of SSSS makes people feel sick of it, they simply won't come to the forum by any means. Why would they, if they don't like it?
And, you know, sometimes it is nice to argue. We have kept this forum rather civil even through this difference of opinion about LP. I think we just need some places for people to argue and some places for other things, where arguing would not be allowed, like we have for the Politics Board.
Alright, I hope this is not too messy and again I apologize if I did insult someone, I did not intend to.  :reynir:
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 28, 2021, 10:54:07 AM
it should not be taken as an insult, because that is what christianity is teaching.

The fact that some versions of Christianity are teaching it doesn't make it not insulting.

  If you are not interested in Christianity, then just don't pay attention to it

Throughout most of the last two thousand years of history, and continuing into this day, it's been made impossible for us to ignore it; because it becomes forced on us through politics, laws, pogroms, and wars.

There are plenty of versions of Christianity that don't do that. But please don't "just [not] pay attention" to the fact that there are some that do. It's dangerous -- to Christians as well as to others; plenty of Christians have died at the hands of those trying to enforce their exact version of the faith.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 28, 2021, 11:15:14 AM
I want to add to the above post that I think it's been really useful for Christians for whom such phrasing is part of their standard teachings to come into the discussion threads and point out that they've been hearing such things all their lives in contexts in which they're not taken as attacks. But their not being considered attacks in such contexts among other believers doesn't mean they're not going to be taken as such when turned outward; and for Minna's response to such reactions to be in effect (most definitely not direct quotes) not 'I'm sorry you thought I was attacking you, I didn't mean it that way!' but 'Of course I'm right, you only think you're injured because you're wrong!' only adds to the effect.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Songbird on April 28, 2021, 11:15:57 AM
Jitter, thegreyarea
Oh, the idea is not to create work! And I might be underestimating the amount of work involved but the majority would be to move categories up and down the front page and create a few new. I don't think we should make the forum backwards-compatible, going back in time to hunt threads that fit the new categories and move them. If something is moved it'd be only things from merged forums like CoH (2 threads) and maybe threads that fit the new sections (eg webcomics) as they become active and someone requests it.

I think a nice way to lessen the burden for the mods would be make an announcement encouraging people to use the report system to request moving an old thread to a new section. I mean, I'm guessing this reporting system has a box to comment on the request like most do (not sure because I didn't use it yet!). Many forums use this box to their advantage as a way to request things from staff, and the nice aspect of it is that this more laid-back way of moderating substantially lessens the volume of work to maintain the community. As long you have a mature community that knows the rules you can trust them to bring issues and required actions to the staff's attention when needed, lessening the burden of maintaining the community by sharing the housekeeping bit. This require clear instructions in the rules of how to go about reporting though, example: Do not report and post "I'm reporting it!!", or in case of clearly problematic posts only report, don't reply and feed the flame.

It might be that my own habits blind me to important matters, but personally I don't feel there's any rush to re-organise the boards really. The first thing I do when I come here is click "show unread posts since your last visit", which shows me everything that was posted across the forum, and I can pick and choose the conversations I want to read regardless of which part of the forum they're hosted.

Some things that however may need to be discussed sooner rather than later:

- how central do we want to keep Minna's art to the forum? It did bring us here indeed, but personally, the more time goes on and the "situation" doesn't improve, the more I get soured on it. I can imagine a time when it would irk me to even see the SSSS banner and advertisements of her streams etc all over the page. Not yet though - for now, I just know for sure I won't participate in the re-read and I'll most likely not post fan content or look at it for Minna's works anymore either. I wonder if there are other people who feel the same. As of now, I'm definitely only staying here for the interesting people I've met and not for engaging in any way with Minna's creations.

- how do we deal with the fact that we're now a "broken fanbase" - meaning, some of us have very strong but opposing feelings about aspects of Minna's work, which is bound to crop up even in unrelated conversations, as illustrated here by Annuil and Róisín. My concern here is that literally any thread has the potential of getting conflictual by a mere mention of these aspects, because it seems innocent to one party and intolerable to the other. Even if it doesn't "devolve into namecalling" (which is the thing most people focus on when discussing conflicts online, but imo is not the only thing that negatively impacts fandom engagement) it may still make people avoid certain threads when it happens, and generally make things stressful, unless we come to a common agreement on how to minimise this risk.

- how do we want to include new original works in the forum for all of us to engage with - because I don't really think it will survive, at least not without losing a lot more people than have already left, without them.

No hurry yet and that's the good thing about it. It leaves time to really think things through. In fact I think we're getting at the same thing from different frameworks.

Er... I'm one of these people who are naturally inclined to consider all likely outcomes of something and I feel there's a non-null risk of the "broken fanbase" case worsening. Signaling this community welcomes the fandom content yet is also more than this is a way of dealing with it. A future refocus of the forum is a message of commitment to this goal. It has the power of keeping people who are about to leave for seeing no future otherwise.

Because the forum seems to be bleeding members and there are some scenarios where the fanbase will easily fully shatter. For all intents and purposes SSSS is a self-published comic. The author has full control over self-published titles, and whenever one decides to pull a self-published comic no matter how accessible it remains in the shape of backups and everything, the act of removing it—this's a fandom-killer. And while we've examined our relationship to SSSS a lot there's the likely possibility Minna's relationship to it is also souring and that's not even about religion, it's the perceived rejection. That's not to mean she won't finish it or that she'll immediately make it unavailable, it's just that I don't feel this is an unrealistic outcome if things keep going the way they are.

There's also the scenario where the ending feels rushed and unfulfilling; another point of contention on already fragile grounds. Thus preempting bad outcomes, finding a way to solidify the community to withstand their impact if the course of events take these turns does not seem a bad idea. There's nothing to be lost in having a stronger base but there is in being caught unawares.

However, I do not agree that we should get away from her art as a central point, Sc0ut. If the front-page of SSSS makes people feel sick of it, they simply won't come to the forum by any means. Why would they, if they don't like it?

For the community.

Spoiler: Spoiler for related but tangent talk • show
I feel you are underestimating the level of discomfort and the number of people experiencing it and I mean it in the most respectful way I can. ^^'

I didn't bring it up because I didn't see the point of potentially dampening the enthusiasm of those unaffected by it, but the way LP was handled has been eating away at my enjoyment of SSSS too. I wasn't sure at first how it'd affect how I view SSSS, yet now I do and it's not good. It's a strong reaction. In short I'm hanging there by a thread and that wouldn't be an issue because I'm new here anyway and a single person. It wouldn't be fair to make waves in a stable, long-running community just to make myself comfortable.

However, it turns out I'm not the only one feeling like this. From the those who left to those who are still around but less than enthusiastic the percentage of people negatively affected is not small. Assessing it from a pragmatic, community-survival angle there are choices to be made to keep it alive and overlooking the numbers feeling the push to leave, in my humblest opinion, is not it given how small this community already is at the moment and how it's unlikely to gain high enough numbers through SSSS once it ends to make up for the lost members.

- One of options that might work is to focus it on the community and away from pure canon-SSSS once it ends and grows cold. This is the most widely welcoming option imo. It makes room for both the fandom and the community that spun out of it. The best way to make the transition is to be gradual, making space for the fandom aspects of the fandom and pure user content before the canon-centric content fully fizzles.
- Another option nearly not as accommodating would be a clean break from her work, leaving little to no space for anything other than SSSS.
- Another one would be to pour all focus on her upcoming works—bearing in mind it'd drive many current members away and replace this community with the new disqus community, and this only if they feel like really engaging instead of doing just a drive-by show of support. This is an option, one that may be successful in achieving the objective of keeping the community going though not in the way many hoped or foresaw. It'd be a community, not this community. Still, this is an option.

The only thing I don't see working, and I hope you take it as respectfully as I mean it, is to act as if LP didn't happen and spilled on SSSS and the surrounding community. It did and had a big impact, otherwise this discussion wouldn't be taking place.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Raaffiie on April 28, 2021, 11:24:32 AM
- how central do we want to keep Minna's art to the forum? It did bring us here indeed, but personally, the more time goes on and the "situation" doesn't improve, the more I get soured on it. I can imagine a time when it would irk me to even see the SSSS banner and advertisements of her streams etc all over the page. Not yet though - for now, I just know for sure I won't participate in the re-read and I'll most likely not post fan content or look at it for Minna's works anymore either. I wonder if there are other people who feel the same. As of now, I'm definitely only staying here for the interesting people I've met and not for engaging in any way with Minna's creations.
I'm a bit tired right now so I don't want to write too much, but I just want to say I feel the same way. I don't at all desire to engage with Minna's works any longer in my own time and I keep going back and forth on whether to keep following this forum or just leave it. I've been familiar with this community for half a decade and I want to at least help it move towards the future if I can, but I sometimes worry that it might not be worth the mental toll that all of it is taking.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: JoB on April 28, 2021, 12:37:09 PM
If you are stable at who you are such things should not bother you.
And if you aren't, you tend to seek places that you trust not to bring them up, as SSSS used to be before day X(tian) ...

I think at the beginning of it there's a little note that says roughly "It's about christianity".
(Is it relevant to add the wording on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube channel, ..., as well? If so, someone please do that, I don't read those.)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 28, 2021, 06:29:53 PM
(Is it relevant to add the wording on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube channel, ..., as well? If so, someone please do that, I don't read those.)

Hrrm, just IMO the little cues that we get weren't enough to tell me that she would go into a full bible-theme afterwards, but that's not what's bad about LP at all (to me). It miiiight have been the reason for some people, though, and it's best to not overlook that.

If you need a list:

- how central do we want to keep Minna's art to the forum? It did bring us here indeed, but personally, the more time goes on and the "situation" doesn't improve, the more I get soured on it. I can imagine a time when it would irk me to even see the SSSS banner and advertisements of her streams etc all over the page. Not yet though - for now, I just know for sure I won't participate in the re-read and I'll most likely not post fan content or look at it for Minna's works anymore either. I wonder if there are other people who feel the same. As of now, I'm definitely only staying here for the interesting people I've met and not for engaging in any way with Minna's creations.

I agree with this completely, and Songbird's run-down of possible scenarios is also a good way to look at it.

For me, there's a certain level of detachment in my presence online that lets me stay here, even as I form more negative emotions around SSSS and Minna's actions. I'm fine with being in online spaces that aren't totally about things that I care about or people I don't totally agree with. But this forum generally avoided both those things because 1. community and 2. it's moderated and on a manageable scale. If a different community forms here or becomes more vocal here, then, uh, then it'd be one that I wouldn't mind being in, but definitely would be less active in.

In that third scenario that Songbird lists, though, I'd still find ways to stay in touch with people who gradually leave. But not having an open forum for discussion (or having one on some way less user-friendly site) definitely doesn't give people the same sense of community that we have right now. This is the most probable outcome if we don't agree on something collectively? BUT we still have around a year or so of planning time as of... right now, so as we discuss this, and as people come up with ideas or develop ideas that they like, I think what we should do and what people who like being here want for the future will gradually become clearer.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Kitty on April 28, 2021, 07:19:18 PM
popping in to say, uh, Minna isn't the only person doing nordic webcomic

year in hereafter comes to mind and that webcomic doesn't even have a fan site

basically, this forum can become a hub for all cool nordic webcomics
or something

bc idk i don't feel like following christianity in any form

even reading ssss is a bit tiring...
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Kitty on April 28, 2021, 07:58:58 PM
If you are stable at who you are such things should not bother you.

also i gotta say. if you are stable and have two legs, it should not bother you if i trip you up while walking. if you're crippled, maybe you shouldn't have been walking near me. it gave me a chance to trip you up.

that's what Minna did to her readers. not a cool thing to do.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on April 28, 2021, 08:10:45 PM
I'm a bit tired right now so I don't want to write too much, but I just want to say I feel the same way. I don't at all desire to engage with Minna's works any longer in my own time and I keep going back and forth on whether to keep following this forum or just leave it. I've been familiar with this community for half a decade and I want to at least help it move towards the future if I can, but I sometimes worry that it might not be worth the mental toll that all of it is taking.

<snip> But not having an open forum for discussion (or having one on some way less user-friendly site) definitely doesn't give people the same sense of community that we have right now. This is the most probable outcome if we don't agree on something collectively? BUT we still have around a year or so of planning time as of... right now, so as we discuss this, and as people come up with ideas or develop ideas that they like, I think what we should do and what people who like being here want for the future will gradually become clearer.

These two comments somewhat reflect how I'm feeling - a bit worn out by all the angst, worrying about this community... but ultimately knowing that with SSSS continuing for a while, we have time to figure this out.

I don't know about anyone else, but I need to step away a little, stop looking at the trainwreck, focus on the uncontroversial discussions, and fret less. I've been busy the last couple days and not keeping up with the various debates, and found myself feeling a bit more positive. I'm on board to keep this place going, but I'm not going to think about it any more until the end of SSSS is in sight.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 28, 2021, 10:16:33 PM
Annuil, I feel that thorny and Kitty both make very good points. I would say that I am stable in my own faith and life, but that does not give people with different views the right to trip me without warning just because they can.

I think part of what bothers me is that ingrained attitude that the only real and worthy people are the members of that one particular sect of Christianity, with everyone else somehow being not ‘real people’. Having encountered that attitude applied to women, people of colour, the poor, sick, disabled and many other categories, I distrust it in a religion that believes the members of all other faiths, or of no faith, are not their equals, and are less than they. That attitude comes across to me as wanting ‘power over’ rather than as wishing to share their joy in having found their own god. It is condescending and cruel.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Annuil on April 28, 2021, 11:35:28 PM
Okay, I get it and this argument should come to an end at some point (which it probably would not) because it is going in circles.
I am going to say this generally, not pointing at anyone specifically, just sum this up.
Christianity may indeed take different forms, I agree. There are christians who want to continue to bring their faith to the world, there are those who do not. Going into theology is probably not the best idea here, but to say the truth, that's what the New Testament is about - spreading the Word and "recruiting" new christians and establishing new churches. This cannot be done without "talking" people (yes! insulting them, telling that they are sinful and showing them the right way) into the religion. And yes christians think that their belief is the only true one, but so do Muslims, Judaism believers, Hinduism believers and many others except for pluralists and those believing that all religions are true.
Maybe a better warning would have made everyone feel better, but I do not think it would have changed the outcome with all the arguing and debating.
also i gotta say. if you are stable and have two legs, it should not bother you if i trip you up while walking. if you're crippled, maybe you shouldn't have been walking near me. it gave me a chance to trip you up.

Depends on how agile you are. You can be tripped or you can dodge and avoid tripping.
Yes, this was an unexpected change of the attitude towards Minna and her work in the last couple of weeks. Yes, we all were surprised. Some pleasantly surprised, some disgusted. But my point is still there. If you know who you are and what you believe, you will stand firm and skillfully go through any shaking or tripping.
For me, this was a good change. I welcomed it. Some people did not like this at all and I want you guys to know that I did put myself into your place and thought through it. I do not know, if I would have continued to follow Minna, if she turned to something I find untrue and insulting. I probably would have been disgusted by the SSSS as well, though at the moment it is rather innocent, it has not been changed. However, such things happen, and they can be very hard and sad. Leaving a thing you lived a while with is always awful, and you do not want that to happen. You do not want anything to change. You want everything to be as good as it used to be...
And I understand the desire to go away from Minna's artworks and just keep the community, but for those still interested in her works that would not sound nice. We need to find a good balance to hold this place together, though it will probably not happen. We will have to split, and that is fine, we have different views and different ways. Some will go into the new, some will stay with whatever is left and that is very sad...
But the community should stay together more or less, because it has one base on which it was started - the starting parts of the SSSS, the older art and I do not think people will just stop revisiting it and rereading it. There will be new people to come, who would want to enjoy the possibility to discuss their favorite characters.
So let us find this balance and maybe agree that we all differ and sometimes we just do not understand each other. As we found out through SSSS, understanding can go beyond regular rules. The boundary of language, which is one of the most important parts of communication, can be overcome. So, we will overcome this boundary one day and learn to live with each other. I find the difference in peoples' views one of the most amazing things in the world.
You all' points and views are indeed valued and once again I apologize if I did hurt anyone. Butter good.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on April 29, 2021, 02:52:51 AM
Hello all, please refrain from debating the Lovely People comic, its author’s notes, or other facets of the LP itself in this thread. The LP thread is for that purpose. For general discussion about religions, we have the mini church thread (did I recall it correctly?).

Both the stance towards LP and the so far only potenial future works of Minna, and Minna’s actions in relation to her work are relevant here as references to what it may mean for the future of the fandom. However they are not the focus of this thread and should not be further discussed here.

This in the interests of keeping this thread focused on what we can and should do now and over a medium term to keep the fandom alive. Hopefully we can find ways to accommodate the different views and avoid shattering the community, or changing it into another community. I’m sure none of us in this thread are hoping to se Songbird’s third option to take place.

*End of housekeeping message. Please return to your normal conversation.*
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on April 29, 2021, 06:08:38 AM
Jitter: Sorry if I overstepped the bounds! I will try to be relevant.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Annuil on April 29, 2021, 08:24:47 AM
Jitter, I’m terribly sorry. At first I used it to support my points, but then it went on...

At the moment I have nothing more to say, I need to think on this and on some of the suggestions. My only ask would be, to maybe not leave Minna’s art away from this place. It is why I came here in the first place and I do not think I was the only one. On the other hand, we could make a little less of it, so to accommodate to all our desires, just, please, keep some of it  :)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Songbird on April 29, 2021, 11:26:32 AM
popping in to say, uh, Minna isn't the only person doing nordic webcomic

year in hereafter comes to mind and that webcomic doesn't even have a fan site

basically, this forum can become a hub for all cool nordic webcomics
or something

bc idk i don't feel like following christianity in any form

even reading ssss is a bit tiring...

I see where you're coming from and I find it worth thinking about. I don't feel the love of nordic mythos is exactly the connective tissue keeping this community in place—the thing that brought we here—yet interested in it is certainly also something that brought many of us. Looking at why we like SSSS, what elements drew most of us to it is helpful in figuring what sort of discussions we can encourage. Like, eg an incomplete list of aspects I cherish in the story:

- Coexistence of multiple less known mythologies and religions
- The absence of a Main Correct One religion that's the secret truth of the world to rule over them all
- Post-Apocalyptic setting that isn't full of doom and gloom humans suck
- Relationships between characters
- Language barriers mostly played straight rather than being forgotten the moment they're inconvenient to the plot
- The art
- Cats and their role in the world
- Monsters with an excessive amount of limbs
- Support cast that isn't fully compromised of 20-somethings floating around without a point of attachment to their communities

I understand growing tired of SSSS as well, so am I after the incident. I don't think the community has reached the point of wanting to turn backs on it yet hence keeping it as a major category while simultaneously making room so people in need of distancing themselves from it can without being forced to jump ship. Does that make sense?

To touch on Annuil's last post I don't feel we want to renounce on her art, it's just that given the circumstances we want to adjust the environment to keep it without having it driving people apart. It doesn't need to be this way. We don't need to make the choice between being unconditionally supportive of past present and future works and attitudes or killing any links to how this community came to be. Given how the content itself has not been the biggest point of contention but how it was presented and how the community response has been handled by her it's fair to say adjusting the forum so it's more art and content-centric—and I mean that about her stories too—and less author-centric has great chances of easing tensions.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on April 29, 2021, 11:59:37 AM
Looking at why we like SSSS, what elements drew most of us to it is helpful in figuring what sort of discussions we can encourage.

Okay, I was going to keep out of the where-do-we-go-from-here discussion for now, but this type of reflection I can do!

What drew me to SSSS, in no particular order:

Those are what pop to mind, anyway. It's a useful way to think about how I'm going to relate to it in future, and what this place might become. Thanks for the suggestion, Songbird!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 29, 2021, 04:12:23 PM
[ . . .]
 We don't need to make the choice between being unconditionally supportive of past present and future works and attitudes or killing any links to how this community came to be.

Agreeing with this; there's middle ground here, and multiple other choices.

And, as has been said, we've got time to figure it out.

[ . . .]
Like, eg an incomplete list of aspects I cherish in the story:

- Coexistence of multiple less known mythologies and religions
- The absence of a Main Correct One religion that's the secret truth of the world to rule over them all
- Post-Apocalyptic setting that isn't full of doom and gloom humans suck
- Relationships between characters
- Language barriers mostly played straight rather than being forgotten the moment they're inconvenient to the plot
- The art
- Cats and their role in the world
- Monsters with an excessive amount of limbs
- Support cast that isn't fully compromised of 20-somethings floating around without a point of attachment to their communities
[ .. . ]

Adding to that, nearly all of which also applies to me (though I don't actually require monsters, with or without lots of limbs):

-- That if there are monsters there's sympathy for them. Entirely unsympathetic monsters are just boring.

-- Relationships between and among people that aren't all about sexual relationships. I have no objections to sex as such, or to some characters having sex and/or romantic relationships; it's unrealistic if nobody does. And for that matter I don't mind fans who like shipping; but when an artwork starts Pairing Everybody Off as if that were the only important form of human connection, I find it annoying.

-- Characters drawn like people. I will read things with the standard comic Exaggerated Male/Female, or Huge Eyes, or Huge Muscles, if I like the work enough otherwise; but there's always a corner of my head that's annoyed at it.

-- As Vulpes says, the lack of gender roles; or, if the work is going in for gender roles, that it's doing something interesting with them.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: SkyWhalePod on April 29, 2021, 04:17:40 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I need to step away a little, stop looking at the trainwreck, focus on the uncontroversial discussions, and fret less. I've been busy the last couple days and not keeping up with the various debates, and found myself feeling a bit more positive. I'm on board to keep this place going, but I'm not going to think about it any more until the end of SSSS is in sight.

I feel you there. I'm going to try to be more active in page discussion/sharing of lovely things/that art stuff I said I would share more of with people/maybe even a little fan art. Positive things! Hopefully when we start the re-read, people will feel less like we're in emergency maintenance mode.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Annuil on April 29, 2021, 11:44:51 PM
Given how the content itself has not been the biggest point of contention but how it was presented and how the community response has been handled by her it's fair to say adjusting the forum so it's more art and content-centric—and I mean that about her stories too—and less author-centric has great chances of easing tensions.
Oh, ok, that makes sense and I’m totally fine with that.
I do want to say that the idea suggested about adding other Nordic apocalyptic comic to this forum to get away from SSSS as a center did not sound so great to me. Different comics have different attitudes and I can even say, sometimes there are things I do not want to associate with. Like, I came to this forum because of SSSS and because I know what it is and how it is and what people read it. The forum changing in such a fashion may draw me away from here (it’s just thoughts, I don’t know how it is going to be in reality) So, I’m just not sure about that idea.
Otherwise, I mostly agree with you guys about reshaping the forum, in a way to accommodate everyone.  :) 
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 30, 2021, 01:12:39 AM
Practically speaking the odds of finding something that fits all those boxes is basically zero, or getting infinitely closer to zero, or some other tight probability.

And, yeah, SSSS is probably going to be the glue that keeps us together. In another universe where Minna did not make the same decision, though, I feel like a lot of us might've continued following her work even if it was sssomewhat different? Didn't tick off all those boxes? E.g. while aRTD had a pretty different audience, a pretty significant portion of this forum the audience was willing to jump into SSSS when it came. And these stories are pretty different, so being open to non-SSSS works that update consistently is probably a good way to go through with this.

OH consistent updates, I forgot to add that. That's also VERY important, from what I see. Because of SSSS's (???) relatively rapid update schedule, people could pretty much come home from their day jobs, sit down, and enjoy a page and all the discussion that came with it. That's a big part of why this community managed to form, and a big part of what we need to consider moving forward. While it could be achieved by following multiple comics, it just won't quite be the same :(

As for her next work, it's waaay too soon to speculate on its themes, update schedule, tone, pacing, quality, all the stuff. And hey, maybe it'll be a well-paced, well-written story just with a different inspiration. All I personally know is that I won't be into it, based on what Minna's written. And I think most others also know their general stance/feeling about it. But if it isn't, uh, [vague gestures], then I wouldn't have any problems with keeping up with it on a surface level.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: JoB on April 30, 2021, 01:26:17 AM
E.g. while aRTD had a pretty different audience, a pretty significant portion of this forum was willing to jump into SSSS when it came.
(Just in case that you mean this here forum, it started in Sep-2014, while SSSS began, after ARtD's conclusion, in Nov-2013. And almost half of its users registered in 2016 or later, so ...)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on April 30, 2021, 01:37:49 AM
(Just in case that you mean this here forum, it started in Sep-2014, while SSSS began, after ARtD's conclusion, in Nov-2013. And almost half of its users registered in 2016 or later, so ...)

Oh, yeah, I know a couple of people with accounts here who have said (usually on twitch/tumblr) that they went from reading ARtD to reading SSSS pretty easily.

(I don't know the official "official" capitalization scheme for the acronym, all I know is that a lowercase must be somewhere in there)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: JoB on April 30, 2021, 02:47:43 AM
(I don't know the official "official" capitalization scheme for the acronym, all I know is that a lowercase must be somewhere in there)
(The variant I have memorized as being the most-oft used is "ArTD" - which might help pronunciation, but makes no sense whatsoever acronym-capitalization-wise. So I'm working off "I think it should be ..." myself here.)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on April 30, 2021, 11:34:40 AM

Oh, ok, that makes sense and I’m totally fine with that.
I do want to say that the idea suggested about adding other Nordic apocalyptic comic to this forum to get away from SSSS as a center did not sound so great to me. Different comics have different attitudes and I can even say, sometimes there are things I do not want to associate with. Like, I came to this forum because of SSSS and because I know what it is and how it is and what people read it. The forum changing in such a fashion may draw me away from here (it’s just thoughts, I don’t know how it is going to be in reality) So, I’m just not sure about that idea.
Otherwise, I mostly agree with you guys about reshaping the forum, in a way to accommodate everyone.  :)

I very much doubt that there is any way to accommodate everyone. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to accommodate as many people as possible; but it does mean that if we try to accommodate every single person entirely, we're going to be lost.

I've got sympathy for those just wishing that Nothing Would Change; but that is not an option open to us.

SSSS itself is going to die; we just don't know when. There is no getting around that one. And where Minna is going is in a direction that a lot of those who are or have been here "don't want to associate with"; so just continuing to follow Minna alone will clearly not "accommodate everyone".

Neither will simply going around and around and around re-reading SSSS accommodate everyone, even presuming that Minna continues to make it available, which isn't certain. Some aren't up for a re-read at all; others of us may well be up for one re-read, but not for just doing so over and over again indefinitely, with no openness to all the other artwork being done in the world. Yes, people are still talking about Shakespeare, despite there having been no new works for over 400 years -- but, to be blunt about it, Minna has not produced that sort of body of work, and doesn't seem likely to do so.

I think our best chance for continuing is indeed to open out to other work (not necessarily only Nordic apocalyptic, though not excluding that.) There's no need to drop Minna's works entirely; SSSS in particular should always remain part of the history of the board, and to whatever extent people want to continue active discussion of SSSS, and to discuss other works of hers, there should be space for that; and if some members are only interested in that space, while others are only interested in other works, they may still come together in some of the general discussion and personal space. But I suspect that after SSSS itself comes to an end, that discussion will gradually become less active, as currently the aRTD discussion, while still there, is much less active than the SSSS discussion.

Practically speaking the odds of finding something that fits all those boxes is basically zero, or getting infinitely closer to zero, or some other tight probability.

Oh yes, I'm not suggesting that we restrict ourselves only to works that fit all of everyone's boxes, even if such a thing exists; only that to the extent that there's overlap among what people are looking for (and there seems to be quite a bit of it) we look for works that meet a number of those criteria; different works not necessarily all hitting the same ones.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: wavewright62 on May 01, 2021, 11:08:39 PM
I am so glad y'all are having this discussion, and are being so thoughtful and supportive. 
As for me, I try to look ahead past my current toxicity and ...
I hope I regain my sense of humour and balance sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 02, 2021, 06:46:53 AM
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on May 02, 2021, 09:02:24 AM
I am so glad y'all are having this discussion, and are being so thoughtful and supportive. 
As for me, I try to look ahead past my current toxicity and ...
I hope I regain my sense of humour and balance sooner rather than later.

The humour is still there, I see. Bitter humour, but humour nonetheless. It's been a long haul, may you get your balance back soon.  <3
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on May 02, 2021, 09:23:36 AM
thorny, I think you make very good points!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: SkyWhalePod on May 02, 2021, 11:48:41 AM
I think thorny has just about said it all -- it sounds like the best course of action would be to do some housekeeping to make this forum more open to discussion of additional types of media, including more active sharing of other webcomics and stories, as has been suggested. Old SSSS forum stays basically as it is and a re-read happens for those of us who would like one (I certainly would, I have no friends who read SSSS no matter how often I name drop it, so I've never been able to talk to anybody about it). Future Minna work is, by default, treated just like any other work that's being shared and discussed. Same discussion rules (respect and manners) apply.

And I feel that it would be good if this thread, or something like it, stays open as we move forward in case a new community need arises that wasn't originally anticipated.


Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on May 02, 2021, 01:56:05 PM
Thanks, both of you.

And I agree that this thread should stay open; it may well die down for a while, but I think it's likely to have (and to need) intermittent bursts of activity as things here work themselves out.

And a long-distance hug for wavewright; and for everybody else who needs one.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on May 03, 2021, 12:17:11 AM
Seconding that. Hugs all round.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: viola on May 03, 2021, 07:00:41 AM
Hello! I have been reading this thread, lurking a bit. I first want to say that you guys are awesome. You have every right to want to give up on this community and move on, and instead you have worked together to come up with ways to stick together and move on to new things together. It's really inspring.  <3

I've seen such a thing happen successfully in a discord I was in, which started as a writing discord for the show Lucifer, but as some people grew tired of that show, the discord opened up to other shows like The Witcher, Good Omens, and Doctor Who for example. It still functions well as a writing community, and some people from the original group have stayed, as well as some new people have come in who wouldn't have been there otherwise. We still have writing groups together and encourage each other to write, regardless of fandom.

For this site in particular, it's definetly going to mean some reorganization, and that's going to start with the site team. We're going to shift a few things around and train some new people who can help support this transition.

Things are happening, but just a bit slowly. Long term, some other things will have to be considered, like whether or not to keep the forum theme, if we still want to be linked to Minna's page, or even the url of the site.

In the mean time though, you are all more than welcome to continue to discuss other medias in the general discussion board.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on May 03, 2021, 08:57:20 AM
Feartheviolas! Very glad to see that post; good to know that the admins are willing to work with this.

And also glad to see that you know of a successful example! That's very encouraging.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Grade E cat on May 03, 2021, 04:04:58 PM
Fun fact: Tv Tropes technically started out as a thread on a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fansite.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on May 04, 2021, 10:08:41 AM
Viola, thanks and so glad that you are on board. I am not useful at the tech stuff, but if you can think of anything else I can do I will cheerfully help as I can. I believe our community to be worth sustaining.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Ragnarok on May 05, 2021, 02:27:42 PM
I'm not a fan of SSSS now. But this forum is worth preserving. Let's see where it goes.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: FreshTakoyaki on May 07, 2021, 02:07:24 AM
Interesting to see this discussion, especially as the discussion thread for comic updates and the comic itself seems to have pretty much died out!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on May 07, 2021, 09:33:02 AM
Interesting to see this discussion, especially as the discussion thread for comic updates and the comic itself seems to have pretty much died out!

I'm not sure how new that is. I've noticed for some time that on a lot of days we seem to be talking about nearly everything other than the comic; or, at least, other than the recent updates.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Keep Looking on May 08, 2021, 01:18:33 AM
I'm not sure how new that is. I've noticed for some time that on a lot of days we seem to be talking about nearly everything other than the comic; or, at least, other than the recent updates.

Yeah, no - most of the time I've been on this forum (since mid-2019) the bulk of forum activity (aside from events such as the advent calendar or chapter break filler) has been from people discussing non-ssss related topics - writing and gardening and little moments of happiness and the comfort corner and all that. This is a community which was brought together by ssss, but even before lovely people happened we were a community which was connected through a number of shared experiences and discussions, not just the comic.

In many ways I think this is why we want to keep this place alive - if it was just a place to talk about ssss, then if you're a person who doesn't feel comfortable with Minna anymore or has just lost interest in the comic there'd be no reason to stick around. But we've formed a community that extends beyond that.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on May 08, 2021, 08:32:28 AM
Interesting to see this discussion, especially as the discussion thread for comic updates and the comic itself seems to have pretty much died out!

I agree with thorny and Keep - the latest updates thread is usually pretty quiet, and most of the activity has to do with things other than SSSS. The forum has attracted a diverse and interesting group of people, who are interested in many other things beyond SSSS that they have to talk about here!  :))  There seems to be some kind of commonality that keeps us interacting, no idea what it is, but it's apparently not just SSSS.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: lwise on May 08, 2021, 10:56:20 AM
Has Minna said how long before SSSS ends?  Weeks?  Months?
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: SkyWhalePod on May 08, 2021, 11:00:40 AM
I agree with thorny and Keep - the latest updates thread is usually pretty quiet, and most of the activity has to do with things other than SSSS. The forum has attracted a diverse and interesting group of people, who are interested in many other things beyond SSSS that they have to talk about here!  :))  There seems to be some kind of commonality that keeps us interacting, no idea what it is, but it's apparently not just SSSS.

That's actually a comfort to hear, I feel less bad about not having much to say about SSSS but wanting to see the big rocks at everyone's houses. :P

It is very nice just to have these slow, peaceful conversations with people from everywhere, about anything. I'm a pretty quiet person in real life -- I listen more than I talk, and after forty-five minutes or an hour of listening to someone, I glaze over. Makes it tough to have conversations with anybody! But I do like sharing and learning about people. This board is a really nice compromise -- I can come and invest as much or as little energy as I have to talk to some really cool, fun, creative, smart people, learn about them, learn from them, and share with them. No awkward silences, nobody is disappointed when I can't think of anything to say. It's not about SSSS, it's about being here together. We keep each other company!

I'm not completely sure, lwise, I don't remember hearing any sort of time frame attached to the current adventure.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 08, 2021, 11:34:33 AM
Earlier Minna has said that Adventure 2 will be somewhat shorter than A1 because there is no prologue and also no need to introduce the characters etc, maybe 300 pages or so shorter. So there shoud be at least close to 300 more to go. We’ve been getting here for about 2,5 years, although that was slowed for the LP process. So, I would say at least anout a year to go, if she really will go through the original arc.

Even if not, it’s still likely to be several months. It should also be borne in mind that SSSS is her only work and living at the moment, it wouldn’t be very feasible for her to just stop out cold even if she wanted to. I very much hope it won’t come to that, because if she were working just because she has to, there would likely be a dramatic quality drop far beyond what we have seen now.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on May 08, 2021, 07:07:09 PM
I would agree that while the community formed around the comic, the people drawn by Minna’s early work were of a type to be interested in the world and other people and cultures. I do think the Forum community is worth saving. And I have certainly learned many interesting things! Let’s keep talking to one another.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on May 08, 2021, 09:07:38 PM
Earlier Minna has said that Adventure 2 will be somewhat shorter than A1 because there is no prologue and also no need to introduce the characters etc, maybe 300 pages or so shorter. So there shoud be at least close to 300 more to go. We’ve been getting here for about 2,5 years, although that was slowed for the LP process. So, I would say at least anout a year to go, if she really will go through the original arc.

Even if not, it’s still likely to be several months. It should also be borne in mind that SSSS is her only work and living at the moment, it wouldn’t be very feasible for her to just stop out cold even if she wanted to. I very much hope it won’t come to that, because if she were working just because she has to, there would likely be a dramatic quality drop far beyond what we have seen now.
If adventure 2 ends up with 700 pages we would still have to wait 275 pages for the end. With 4 pages a week we would have 16 months ahead, and adding four 2-week page breaks we would have roughly 18 months or one and a half year of SSSS updates. Also, as you pointed, SSSS probably is her source of income, so it's not that easy to just stop, unless she is able to retain the fans or win many new ones.
I share your hope that she still finds joy in doing each page. SSSS has been central in her life and it would be sad if it ended with a huge drop in quality.
Anyway I'm quite optimistic. I feel that this great community will find a way (or several ways) to thrive, opening to other works while keeping the connection with SSSS (and ARTD)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 09, 2021, 07:33:59 AM
She has repeatedly said it aloud that SSSS is what she does for a living. So far there are no ads whatsoever on LP. The LP book sales may be a success, but that’s a while away from now. Financially it would also hardly make sense to kill SSSS off abruptly because there is still Book 4 to go on A1 and if she cuts the fandom off, that’s not likely to be a huge success. Not that I know who are the ones participating in the Kickstarters (besides the ones who have mentioned it here or in Disqus, but those are a handful only), but the ongoing comic seems like the main platform for marketing of printed books.

And I don’t mean this in any sort of contempt, my point is that she has so far been rational with her finances and I hope this stays so, especially as it’s another factor for the proper ending of A2. In her recent comments she has complaining about her past self for being “greedy” and “loving money”, but surely she’s allowed to make a decent living.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: JoB on May 09, 2021, 08:05:48 AM
Financially it would also hardly make sense to kill SSSS off abruptly because there is still Book 4 to go on A1 [...] the ongoing comic seems like the main platform for marketing of printed books. [...] my point is that she has so far been rational with her finances and I hope this stays so, especially as it’s another factor for the proper ending of A2.
Spoiler: evil capitalism thoughts • show

There also is the special twist that while is served by a Finnish webhoster (Nebula Oy), and by Cloudflare, the presence is based on a contract between Minna and Hiveworks, which extends beyond mere hosting (so as to include Hiveworks running the Kickstarter campaigns for the SSSS books, for example). No idea what the exact terms of the contract are, of course, but I can't imagine Hiveworks to be very happy about the entire development.

The LP book sales may be a success, but that’s a while away from now.
Maybe not - the banners on Hummingfluff ( currently say that the LP book's available (via self-publishing) now.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on May 09, 2021, 10:03:14 AM
the banners on Hummingfluff ( currently say that the LP book's available (via self-publishing) now.

In her latest video (, she's checking over LP books and talking about when she'll be able to open her shop. Fast turnaround by the printer!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 09, 2021, 04:38:59 PM
Wow that was quick! I’d be keen to know how well it sells, but I’m not sure it’d be something she’s prepared to discuss given the recent comments about money.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 16, 2021, 05:41:19 PM
Future timelines from yesterday's stream. Minna estimated that Adventure 2 will be going on until next year, apparently sometime early 2022. So, we have time, but not indefinite time.

She also mentioned that the story will end in something open like Adventure 1 was, so that if she in some point in the future feels like it, or "can't come up with any other idea" she can make another adventure. Upon which point I commented that she'll not be likely to be killing everyone off, at which point she added that it could of course be a backtrack to the prologue, or another time jump, or whatever, and that we can't trust her not to kill our team :) Of course it's not something she'd comment on, but I'm hopeful at least some of the characters will survive :) (I'm HOPEFUL they will all survive, but you never know...)

She also confirmed when asked that book 4 printing will happen and she's also prepared to print Adventure 2 into physical books, if Hiveworks wants to and feels it's a viable business at the time. I personally doubt it will happen, as it would be probably three books making the printing at very minimum a three year project (likely closer to 6) and the demand is likely to be diminishing after the updates cease.

Furthermore I think she was talking about her next idea when I joined the stream, I'll try to listen to the recording to find out what it was.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on May 16, 2021, 10:53:14 PM
Thanks, Jitter. Very useful to have this relevant info from the streams for those of us who don't want to go there.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 17, 2021, 01:59:57 AM
BTW she has removed her affiliate status with Twitch so the streams don’t bring her any money directly, so if someone wants to join to get information, it will not result in monetary support.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: RanVor on May 17, 2021, 06:27:24 AM
BTW she has removed her affiliate status with Twitch so the streams don’t bring her any money directly, so if someone wants to join to get information, it will not result in monetary support.
Huh? That's a weird decision. Did she mention why?
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 17, 2021, 09:39:29 AM
It happened a few weeks ago already. I don’t know the exact reasoning but I think it has something to do with how one is supposed to be not greedy. I may be wrong though.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on May 17, 2021, 10:35:51 AM
Future timelines from yesterday's stream. Minna estimated that Adventure 2 will be going on until next year, apparently sometime early 2022. So, we have time, but not indefinite time.

She also mentioned that the story will end in something open like Adventure 1 was, so that if she in some point in the future feels like it, or "can't come up with any other idea" she can make another adventure. Upon which point I commented that she'll not be likely to be killing everyone off, at which point she added that it could of course be a backtrack to the prologue, or another time jump, or whatever, and that we can't trust her not to kill our team :) Of course it's not something she'd comment on, but I'm hopeful at least some of the characters will survive :) (I'm HOPEFUL they will all survive, but you never know...)

Thanks! It's good to know. If adv.2 extends until the ides of March* 2022 we would have aprox. 10 months or 140-150 pages (depending on chapter breaks), so the current story will (probably) be under 600 pages. It also means that if we reorganize the Forum by the end of Summer it would be well on time (can I suggest the next equinox, just as a reference? It's a good, balanced moment).
I like open endings, and also like that she considers the possibility of a continuation. It shows that she still enjoys the comic (or, at least, doesn't dislikes it).
Spoiler: speculation • show
Of course it could also be that she may be aware that's not that easy to build a fanbase to support one's work, and therefore considers that throwing away the one she laboriously constructed through so many years isn't a good move. At her place I'd consider developing that CoH story, maybe inserting new main characters, but that's me...

*Hopefully no one gets stabbed (or eaten) in the process.
She also confirmed when asked that book 4 printing will happen and she's also prepared to print Adventure 2 into physical books, if Hiveworks wants to and feels it's a viable business at the time. I personally doubt it will happen, as it would be probably three books making the printing at very minimum a three year project (likely closer to 6) and the demand is likely to be diminishing after the updates cease.
I'm very happy that book 4 will happen, because the story deserves it, and even more since I'm hoping to buy them all together to save on shipping. :)
I'd try to make the second adv. a single book to minimize the gap with the end of updates, and costs. I'd almost certainly buy it.
Huh? That's a weird decision. Did she mention why?
It happened a few weeks ago already. I don’t know the exact reasoning but I think it has something to do with how one is supposed to be not greedy. I may be wrong though.
Makes no sense to me. The platform will just put what she would get into their own pockets.

Thanks for watching it for us, Jitter!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 17, 2021, 10:55:44 AM
She was also colouring today's page on Saturday. It's of course possible that she had just saved the least spoilerific pages for the stream, but she didn't use to be working on the pages for the following week before, she always wanted to maintain a decent buffer.

I hate to say this but I have to wonder if this has something to do with the quality of the art.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on May 17, 2021, 11:11:31 AM
Keeping with your spoiler, and therefore also spoiling a comment on it:

Spoiler: speculation • show
Of course it could also be that she may be aware that's not that easy to build a fanbase to support one's work, and therefore considers that throwing away the one she laboriously constructed through so many years isn't a good move.

Spoiler: show
Except that she's apparently perfectly willing to throw away a lot of that fanbase rather than saying 'Sorry I upset so many people! Didn't mean it to sound like that. Will reword the afterword a bit and put a note in the ads for Lovely People that it's a Christian-themed comic.'

Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on May 17, 2021, 11:16:51 AM
I did manage to listen through the stream recording last night and I heard her say that the decision not to work on big art pieces was just because she tended to draw a little lopsided when she tried to talk and draw at the same time. I've tried drawing and painting while talking to people too, and this happens very easily just because you're expected to take your eyes off your work pretty regularly for eye contact, interaction, etc… It probably does also have to do with her wanting to finish SSSS sooner, though.

As for the decision of removing her twitch affiliate, the cited reason from a few months ago was that money makes it less enjoyable or casual. I think removing it also removes ads from her streams, but I'm not sure because I always have adblock on. And I'm not sure if this still somehow puts profit into amazon's pocket or means her channel is dead weight on their servers, but the company seems to be the type to monetize every possible pixel on their sites.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Tarnagh on May 17, 2021, 06:13:04 PM
As for the decision of removing her twitch affiliate, the cited reason from a few months ago was that money makes it less enjoyable or casual. I think removing it also removes ads from her streams, but I'm not sure because I always have adblock on. And I'm not sure if this still somehow puts profit into amazon's pocket or means her channel is dead weight on their servers, but the company seems to be the type to monetize every possible pixel on their sites.
The answer may be as simple as this. With LP she's made no secret of how she feels about social media. Amazon was part of the portmanteau she created with "Alizongle." She may have removed her Twitch affiliate simply so she wouldn't be responsible for generating revenue to them.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on May 18, 2021, 06:29:59 AM
Thorny, I can't agree more with you. It would be so easy, and avoid so much trouble! And I can't imagine any reasonable motivation for not doing it...
Tarnagh, could very well be that.
BTW I didn't found any advertising on the Twitch stream. Is it just me? (yes, I turned off the adblocker :) and also yes, I can imagine there are other ways to monetize that traffic :( Otherwise why would they bother to provide the service?)

Anyway, all we've been talking confirms (to me) that we are correct in our plans to reorganize this space, introducing new interesting things for us to follow and comment. I already began my list of interesting comics/stories, in different categories, to propose later. There are so many! I believe our "problem" will be how to deal with them without dispersing too much. I'm quite optimistic! :)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: wavewright62 on May 18, 2021, 05:19:06 PM
It happened a few weeks ago already. I don’t know the exact reasoning but I think it has something to do with how one is supposed to be not greedy. I may be wrong though.

As for the decision of removing her twitch affiliate, the cited reason from a few months ago was that money makes it less enjoyable or casual. I think removing it also removes ads from her streams, but I'm not sure because I always have adblock on. And I'm not sure if this still somehow puts profit into amazon's pocket or means her channel is dead weight on their servers, but the company seems to be the type to monetize every possible pixel on their sites.

I was a Twitch subscriber to her channel, until it was abruptly cancelled in January; I received an email notification from Twitch.  This was a few weeks before the release of LP.  Minna was a little vague about it at the time, but with the parent company so obviously demonised in LP it became obvious that continuing that particular source of income would have been extremely hypocritical.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 26, 2021, 01:37:12 PM
I listened to the recording of the latest stream, more specifically the part about how long SSSS will still go on. Minna said “mmm... until next year, maybe”. She mentioned that there are parts where it’s hard for her to know in advance how many pages they will take, before she actually works on the pages.

Spoiler: Those parts are... • show
lots of action scenes

She also said a little about the future work she’s planning. It’s not going to be horror or post-apocalypse, but something lighter. It will be long form, she intends to plan it into adventures (she considered a bit but came up with “adventures” so this doesn’t necessarily mean there will actually be adventures in the sense many of us may be taking the word initially) that are about a year long and have a possible end point so that it will be easier for her to finish and do something else again if she feels like it.

She had considered quitting SSSS after Adventure 1 and for a bit she felt at the time that she was too tired to carry on, but then decided to do Adv 2 after all. She also mentioned having been nearly burnt out during Adventure 2, because she stopped doing the art pieces due to this. She plans to make the schedule for the new stuff such that she’ll work about 40 hours a week in the comic pages, instead of the current 60, and hopes to be able to do some bigger illustrations again. However those are not likely to feature the SSSS characters (except for what she will need for Book 4 promos) but she left a possibility that maybe sometimes.

Anyways it seems it’s not solely the religion that is behind the changes here. I can only imagine how draining it must be to do 60-hour weeks of the same story. Her new views will however likely be heavily reflected in the future work.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Vulpes on May 26, 2021, 02:10:44 PM
She had considered quitting SSSS after Adventure 1 and for a bit she felt at the time that she was too tired to carry on, but then decided to do Adv 2 after all. She also mentioned having been nearly burnt out during Adventure 2, because she stopped doing the art pieces due to this. She plans to make the schedule for the new stuff such that she’ll work about 40 hours a week in the comic pages, instead of the current 60, and hopes to be able to do some bigger illustrations again. However those are not likely to feature the SSSS characters (except for what she will need for Book 4 promos) but she left a possibility that maybe sometimes.

Anyways it seems it’s not solely the religion that is behind the changes here. I can only imagine how draining it must be to do 60-hour weeks of the same story. Her new views will however likely be heavily reflected in the future work.

No wonder she was burning out - 60 hours/week working on anything is brutal, even if you are kind of antisocial, and no matter how much you love doing it. It's too bad that she felt compelled to maintain that kind of schedule, I'm sure most of her fans would have stuck around had she dropped to 2 or 3 pages/week, especially with the newsletter to announce the start of a new chapter for the folks who like to read in batches.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: catbirds on May 26, 2021, 06:24:44 PM
No wonder she was burning out - 60 hours/week working on anything is brutal, even if you are kind of antisocial, and no matter how much you love doing it. It's too bad that she felt compelled to maintain that kind of schedule, I'm sure most of her fans would have stuck around had she dropped to 2 or 3 pages/week, especially with the newsletter to announce the start of a new chapter for the folks who like to read in batches.

Agreed. Most of us probably have enough to do throughout the day that not having a comic page to check every 24 hours wouldn't greatly disrupt our schedule. I would have been fine with 2 a week.

There's also the matter of physical health problems that can be caused by drawing too much. Most concern the wrist, some don't, but 60 hours a week of just sitting down and drawing? And for several years in a row? I wouldn't want to do that. It's way too risky in the long run.

I hope her next work is a bit lighter on her workload. Maybe make the pages smaller or square, or post fewer, or both, it's up to her.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thegreyarea on May 26, 2021, 06:44:02 PM
I always considered Minna's workload insane. She said in the stream that it takes more or less 15 hours to do each page (IIRC 5 for creation/sketch, 5 for lineart, 4 for colouring and 1 for inserting text). And I believe it! I can't imagine how she was able to sustain such a routine (and it was even harder, I'm sure, when she was making 5 updates a week and making those oh-gods-so-detailled pages on adv. 1! She should have slowed down to 3 (eventually 2) pages a week a long time ago.
Also, as catbirds pointed, that's physically extenuating and unhealthy in the long run. And she decided to add streamings to that!

I hope she takes some time to herself after adv. 2.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: JoB on May 26, 2021, 06:47:21 PM
Maybe make the pages smaller or square
(These two options would effectively make it impossible to turn the comic into a printed book later on, though.)
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: thorny on May 26, 2021, 07:29:27 PM
I haven't seen anything with remotely this much detail that updates four days a week. Even work that updates three days a week is often done with different people doing the drawing and inking.

I think Minna's had entirely unreasonable expectations for herself.

And chronic exhaustion can leave you vulnerable to all sorts of things.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Róisín on May 26, 2021, 08:08:52 PM
Agreed. I do work that kind of schedule, have never slept much and nowadays sleep even less with the chronic intractable pain thing. But I am unusually fit for an old person, and my work varies from the entirely physical to housework to pure paperwork and nursing my disabled husband when he is not in hospital, interspersed with speaking and occasional forest classes, so my work has variety and change and different mental and physical stresses. I could never do the all-one-type-of-work 60hour weeks that Minna does. I’ve watched my youngest son, who is an artist/musician/farmer, work way too hard for most of his life, and have seen how hard it is on him. I couldn’t do what Minna does. And yeah, exhaustion can make you vulnerable, no matter how passionately you care about what you do.
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on May 30, 2021, 06:17:39 AM
Discussion about the restructuring of the Forum is now open here:

The discussion will be open for a month and will steer the restructuring effort, so please go there and give your thoughts!
Title: Re: Future of our Fandom
Post by: Jitter on July 03, 2021, 05:23:43 AM
So, the restructuring we discussed here will take place over the (Northern) summer!

There is a lot of organising work and we could use some extra pairs of hands and eyes. Preferably wielded by extra persons, and not directly mutated on the Forum staff. If you can and want to pitch in, we are recruiting temporary Skalds to help with moving the books and scrolls. See here: