Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 805265 times)

Daéa Reina

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #660 on: July 01, 2015, 01:09:00 PM »
Did somebody say light and fluffy?

It's lighter than last part, OK?

A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part III
Spoiler: show
Year 106, Summer


My worst fears have been realized. I shan’t be able to visit your undoubtedly lovely country for quite some time, as I have just been ‘promoted’ to a supposedly high-level position in the Recruiting Section; but with duties not unlike those I had upon our return, it would appear I’m to be a glorified trained monkey at various ‘events’ across Sweden for the foreseeable future. If I enclosed a copy of my weekly schedule, you simply wouldn’t believe it.

It seems my reward for ‘saving the Karlstad Expedition’ is to be desk-bound hereafter. Your point that no one likes to be made to look a fool, especially when true, has decidedly been borne out. Somehow, most of the bunglers at High Command have survived the disaster, and have had the effrontery to force me to join their ranks. I shall be watchful, as you have advised, though; if they try to make me complicit in another Karlstad, I shall slither out of it as easily as they did.

The one bright spot in my assignment is Marta. She wound up losing the leg, and can no longer serve in the ranks, so I made her my administrative assistant. She is also useful as a visual reminder, both to me and to others, of what so many Cleansers have sacrificed for Sweden.

As you can tell by this I encountered, my Finnish improves, but much slowly. Marta wanted to place upright that last, but I want you seen my unhelped words, silly as they are. Please continue writing, even if I’m slow to answer.

Your Cleanser friend,
Emil Västerström

Year 106, Fall




Marta and I are wed!

I’m still a little stunned by how quickly it all went, honestly. We were just kind of resting between ‘events’ in the office one day, talking over the schedules, and suddenly I somehow asked, and she accepted. After that, I’m not sure either of us had time to take a breath before the ‘honeymoon’, which was entirely PR-driven, of course.

We still plan to go to Finland at the next opportunity, naturally. Marta wants to meet you, and I definitely want you to meet her. The higher-ups will have to give us some time off soon, and we have more than enough funds, so look for another letter with our itinerary soon!

Your Cleanser friend,
Emil Västerström

Author's Notes:
Spoiler: show

Last part:
So, I kind of intended to imply that Lalli got the crisis letter and sent a storm to help. Should I have added a line like, "Funny how the storm came out of nowhere" to assist that?

This part:
So Murphy has been invoked.
The typos in Summer's last paragraph are courtesy experimentation on Google Translate.

In this, I'm trying to show how Emil's life experiences are gradually souring him on the idea of 'image' (as opposed to reality), even as his own image grows in the public eye--unassisted by him; he'd bungle it if he actually tried for it.
There are good and bad times yet to come.

I really like this fic. I love stories that are told in the format of letters.

Spoiler: show
Aha! I saw it coming since the first time Marta appeared. I like how it went down, though.
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

I'm a survivor: :artd: :book1+: (-1) :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #661 on: July 02, 2015, 02:39:28 AM »
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IV
Spoiler: show
Year 107, Summer


Enclosed find photo of 7 lbs, 4 oz reason we haven’t made it to Finland yet. We have named him Torbjörn Aukusti Lalli Emil, or Aku.

The day of his birth, nine months to the day after our wedding, was most trying for me, as Marta had a difficult time of it. I very nearly burst with worry before it was over; then, I very nearly burst with pride at the sight of my son.

My son.

I could fill page after page about him, if he’d let me with his constant infant demands. Of course, Marta’s hand would fall off from translating it all, but she’d do it anyway to crow about little Aku. I shall keep this brief, though, for all our sakes.

He’s quite curious about the unfamiliar world around him, and sometimes it’s a delight to just watch him work something out. He’s also trying to ensure neither of us sleeps until he’s a teen, which almost keeps me from going insane with fear. Will I be a good father to him? He’s so tiny.

As I mentioned, the pregnancy and delivery were difficult for Marta, and we’ve had a succession of idiot teens in to try to aid her with the babe. Oh, how I wish I could find someone with their stamina but the wisdom of Marta’s old, narcoleptic nanny! My uncle Torbjörn, of all people, has been trying to assist (though it may be because the teens, though idiots, are well-favored enough, and poor Siv dead nearly a year now), but he also wears out quickly.

Will try to send more letters as time permits.

Your sleep-deprived friend,
Emil Västerström

Year 108, Winter


Well, Aku enjoyed your last letter so much that we had to rescue it from him no less than three times yesterday. Fortunately, I transcribed it after the first incident, so its ragged corners represent less of a loss than otherwise. I’ve adopted the habit of transcribing our complete correspondence in a journal of sorts; it’s really the closest thing to a diary that I’ve ever kept, and I enjoy rereading some of our older exchanges every now and again.

As you will see by the changed return address, my small family has moved to Sollerön, as I feel the need to ensure that my travels are constrained once I must resume my duties, and the mandatory 2 week entry quarantine would assist in that. The people here are rather snobbish, but my status as “the face of the Cleansers” has ensured that Marta and I are not unwelcome. Also, I was surprised by how many discreet inquiries I’ve received on joining the Cleansers. There may be more opportunities close to home for me to fulfill my duties than I’d supposed.

Tell Tuuri her hot mash recipe went over splendidly. Marta and I felt better after eating it than in a long time. Of course, the cook turned her nose up at it; it seems even the servants on Sollerön are snobs. Oddly enough, though, the teens are just a hair less idiotic, which helps.

Obviously going to Finland now is out of the question, but I think that once Aku reaches a certain age, showing him another nation, with its different ways of life and all, might be a very good thing for him. Perhaps when he’s eight or ten?

Your Cleanser friend,
Emil Västerström

Author's notes:
Spoiler: show

This is probably the nicest Murphy's ever been.
Aku was Marta's dad's name.

Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show
Anybody out there willing to draw it up, PM me for details. Otherwise, it can't happen.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #662 on: July 02, 2015, 07:38:48 AM »
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent” fanfic
Part IV
Spoiler: show
Eeeh! Can just imagine the adorable little baby, plus he has Lalli has one of his middle names! :D
I like how Emil's developed to the point where he's no longer one of the snobbish people that would look down on a Finnish hot mash recipe.
I feel like all the fluff and happy things are maybe building up to yet another apocalypse thing? hmm.
:artd: | :chap0::chap1::chap2::chap7::chap8::chap9::chap10:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #663 on: July 03, 2015, 02:00:24 AM »
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.
Spoiler: show

"How could you do that?" Emil shouted, "You were supposed to help her!"
Mikkel shook his head. "There was nothing I could do. It's better this way."
"What are you talking about? You... you could have stitched her, and..."
"Emil, there was nothing to stitch."
Sigrun stood up. "Animals die sometimes, kid. It happens."
"But it didn't have to!" Emil felt tears coming to his eyes, which only made him angrier. "She was alive, and you killed her. She had a chance, and you took it away!"
Mikkel was shaking his head before he finished. "It didn't have a chance."
"Shut up!" Emil yelled, "She did, she did, she did!"
"Emil." There was a warning note in Sigrun's voice.
Emil swore, his voice breaking, and turned back to the kitten, blinking hard in a vain effort to keep the tears from falling.
After a short silence, Mikkel said, "Listen. Let's say that I did try to save it. I spend hours trying to stitch it back together and reconstitute the missing flesh, using our limited medical supplies in the process, supplies that we'll probably need for ourselves. Let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the cat survives the surgery, that it survives the amount of blood loss it's sustained, as well as the shock and trauma. Even then, there's no guarantee that it would live through the night. Then what? We've got a feral cat, stitched together, still in horrific pain, with no idea what's going on. As far as it's concerned, we're all a threat to it. It would only be terrified and in pain, and probably end up killing itself trying to escape. The cat would die either way, Emil. I just made sure that it died quickly, with as little pain and fear as possible."
"It didn't have to die," Emil whispered.
He flinched as a heavy hand descended upon his shoulder.
Mikkel's voice was serious. "Everything has to die, Emil. All I can do is postpone it sometimes. And sometimes I can't even do that."
"Why don't you go and get some sleep, kid," Sigrun said softly, "I'll take care of the kitten."
Emil handed the piece of tuna to her and stormed out, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
Mikkel shook his head as he watched Emil go. "He's such a child."
"Oh, come on," muttered Sigrun, bending over the sleeping kitten, "Like you didn't get torn up over the first cat you lost."
Mikkel fondled the pitiful carcass's fur. "Yeah."
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 03:40:44 AM by RandomTexanReader »
... Texas ... is a mystique closely approximating a religion. And this is true to the extent that people either passionately love Texas or passionately hate it....
John Steinbeck
:vaticancity: Domine, non sum dignus....
:mexico: No habla Espanol
:croatia: Hvala za nishto, dobro za nishto, mali vrag.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #664 on: July 03, 2015, 03:00:40 AM »
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.
Spoiler: show

"How could you do that?" Emil shouted, "You were supposed to help her!"
Mikkel shook his head. "There was nothing I could do. It's better this way."
"What are you talking about? You... you could have stitched her, and..."
"Emil, there was nothing to stitch."
Sigrun stood up. "Animals die sometimes, kid. It happens."
"But it didn't have to!" Emil felt tears coming to his eyes, which only made him angrier. "She was alive, and you killed her. She had a chance, and you took it away!"
Mikkel was shaking his head before he finished. "It didn't have a chance."
"Shut up!" Emil yelled, "She did, she did, she did!"
"Emil." There was a warning note in Sigrun's voice.
Emil swore, his voice breaking, and turned back to the kitten, blinking hard in a vain effort to keep the tears from falling.
After a short silence, Mikkel said, "Listen. Let's say that I did try to save it. I spend hours trying to stitch it back together and reconstitute the missing flesh, using our limited medical supplies in the process, supplies that we'll probably need for ourselves. Let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the cat survives the surgery, that it survives the amount of blood loss it's sustained, as well as the shock and trauma. Even then, there's no guarantee that it would live through the night. Then what? We've got a feral cat, stitched together, still in horrific pain, with no idea what's going on. As far as it's concerned, we're all a threat to it. It would only be terrified and in pain, and probably end up killing itself trying to escape. The cat would die either way, Emil. I just made sure that it died quickly, with as little pain and fear as possible."
"It didn't have to die," Emil whispered.
He flinched as a heavy hand descended upon his shoulder.
Mikkel's voice was serious. "Everything has to die, Emil. All I can do is postpone it sometimes. And sometimes I can't even do that."
"Why don't you go and get some sleep, kid," Sigrun said softly, "I'll take care of the kitten."
Emil handed the piece of incense to her and stormed out, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
Mikkel shook his head as he watched Emil go. "He's such a child."
"Oh, come on," muttered Sigrun, bending over the sleeping kitten, "Like you didn't get torn up over the first cat you lost."
Mikkel fondled the pitiful carcass's fur. "Yeah."

Nicely written. Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm gonna snuggle my kitten for a bit.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #665 on: July 03, 2015, 03:15:36 AM »
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.
Spoiler: show

"How could you do that?" Emil shouted, "You were supposed to help her!"
Mikkel shook his head. "There was nothing I could do. It's better this way."
"What are you talking about? You... you could have stitched her, and..."
"Emil, there was nothing to stitch."
Sigrun stood up. "Animals die sometimes, kid. It happens."
"But it didn't have to!" Emil felt tears coming to his eyes, which only made him angrier. "She was alive, and you killed her. She had a chance, and you took it away!"
Mikkel was shaking his head before he finished. "It didn't have a chance."
"Shut up!" Emil yelled, "She did, she did, she did!"
"Emil." There was a warning note in Sigrun's voice.
Emil swore, his voice breaking, and turned back to the kitten, blinking hard in a vain effort to keep the tears from falling.
After a short silence, Mikkel said, "Listen. Let's say that I did try to save it. I spend hours trying to stitch it back together and reconstitute the missing flesh, using our limited medical supplies in the process, supplies that we'll probably need for ourselves. Let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the cat survives the surgery, that it survives the amount of blood loss it's sustained, as well as the shock and trauma. Even then, there's no guarantee that it would live through the night. Then what? We've got a feral cat, stitched together, still in horrific pain, with no idea what's going on. As far as it's concerned, we're all a threat to it. It would only be terrified and in pain, and probably end up killing itself trying to escape. The cat would die either way, Emil. I just made sure that it died quickly, with as little pain and fear as possible."
"It didn't have to die," Emil whispered.
He flinched as a heavy hand descended upon his shoulder.
Mikkel's voice was serious. "Everything has to die, Emil. All I can do is postpone it sometimes. And sometimes I can't even do that."
"Why don't you go and get some sleep, kid," Sigrun said softly, "I'll take care of the kitten."
Emil handed the piece of incense to her and stormed out, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
Mikkel shook his head as he watched Emil go. "He's such a child."
"Oh, come on," muttered Sigrun, bending over the sleeping kitten, "Like you didn't get torn up over the first cat you lost."
Mikkel fondled the pitiful carcass's fur. "Yeah."

Awww.  Perfect.  And totally in character.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 11:35:39 AM by Sunflower »
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #666 on: July 03, 2015, 03:58:47 AM »
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.
Spoiler: show

"How could you do that?" Emil shouted, "You were supposed to help her!"
Mikkel shook his head. "There was nothing I could do. It's better this way."
"What are you talking about? You... you could have stitched her, and..."
"Emil, there was nothing to stitch."
Sigrun stood up. "Animals die sometimes, kid. It happens."
"But it didn't have to!" Emil felt tears coming to his eyes, which only made him angrier. "She was alive, and you killed her. She had a chance, and you took it away!"
Mikkel was shaking his head before he finished. "It didn't have a chance."
"Shut up!" Emil yelled, "She did, she did, she did!"
"Emil." There was a warning note in Sigrun's voice.
Emil swore, his voice breaking, and turned back to the kitten, blinking hard in a vain effort to keep the tears from falling.
After a short silence, Mikkel said, "Listen. Let's say that I did try to save it. I spend hours trying to stitch it back together and reconstitute the missing flesh, using our limited medical supplies in the process, supplies that we'll probably need for ourselves. Let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the cat survives the surgery, that it survives the amount of blood loss it's sustained, as well as the shock and trauma. Even then, there's no guarantee that it would live through the night. Then what? We've got a feral cat, stitched together, still in horrific pain, with no idea what's going on. As far as it's concerned, we're all a threat to it. It would only be terrified and in pain, and probably end up killing itself trying to escape. The cat would die either way, Emil. I just made sure that it died quickly, with as little pain and fear as possible."
"It didn't have to die," Emil whispered.
He flinched as a heavy hand descended upon his shoulder.
Mikkel's voice was serious. "Everything has to die, Emil. All I can do is postpone it sometimes. And sometimes I can't even do that."
"Why don't you go and get some sleep, kid," Sigrun said softly, "I'll take care of the kitten."
Emil handed the piece of tuna to her and stormed out, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
Mikkel shook his head as he watched Emil go. "He's such a child."
"Oh, come on," muttered Sigrun, bending over the sleeping kitten, "Like you didn't get torn up over the first cat you lost."
Mikkel fondled the pitiful carcass's fur. "Yeah."

I love it.

I will see you that and raise this.
Spoiler: show
"NO! NO! You KILLED her!"

Stricken, Emil stared at Mikkel's back. The big man drew in a slow breath.

"Yes," he replied not turning, "It was the only kind thing to do."

"KIND!" Emil lunged forward only to find himself nose to nose with Sigrun. He looked desperately into her eyes for support and only saw sorrow.

"Emil..." she began. Something huge and terrible rose up inside him and he felt like there was no air in the room.

"NO! No! Get away from me!" He ducked out the door into the pouring rain without a thought for his coat and ran. He ran blind. He ran from the terrible pressure in his chest threatening to burst out and consume him. Instinctively ducking the half seen dark forms he wove through the spectral trees.

He ran until stumbled and fell headlong into icy cold water. He flailed trying to get his head up and his legs under him. He half inhaled a gulp of water and began to hack it out. A strong hand grabbed him by his arm and another on his shoulder and hauled him up right and pointed him to the edge of the moat. He hauled himself out on his hands and knees coughing and spitting the last of the muddy water out. He sat back on his heels and looked up at Sigrun.

"There now, have we got that out of your system?" she asked.

The terrible beast roared within him and electrified his arms. It wanted to hit her. It wanted to tear the smile off her face. But NO! Emil forced the beast to turn target. Instead the helpless mud was battered in her place until at last the beast was tearing huge handfuls of sodden grass and roots up and flinging them into the gloom.

The cold rain pelted merciless as well. At last he leaned on his palms gasping aware that he had a tiny river of chill water trickling down his spine. A sharp metallic tang drew him to lick his lips and realize that he had bitten them. He flexed his hands and they were scratched and bruised and he had torn a nail loose. Where had his gloves gone? He looked up to see a mud-spattered Sigrun leaning in to drape his coat over his shoulders.

"Let's go get decontaminated," she said helping him to his feet. "Then we can get some of that hot tuna soup and things will be better. You'll see." Emil nodded,
"My gloves....?" "I've got them," she assured as she guided them back to camp.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #667 on: July 03, 2015, 04:50:41 AM »
Both of those scenes were well crafted. They catch the feel of a basically kind boy's desperation at running head-on into some of the harsher realities of life.
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #668 on: July 03, 2015, 06:20:41 AM »
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.
Spoiler: show

"How could you do that?" Emil shouted, "You were supposed to help her!"
Mikkel shook his head. "There was nothing I could do. It's better this way."
"What are you talking about? You... you could have stitched her, and..."
"Emil, there was nothing to stitch."
Sigrun stood up. "Animals die sometimes, kid. It happens."
"But it didn't have to!" Emil felt tears coming to his eyes, which only made him angrier. "She was alive, and you killed her. She had a chance, and you took it away!"
Mikkel was shaking his head before he finished. "It didn't have a chance."
"Shut up!" Emil yelled, "She did, she did, she did!"
"Emil." There was a warning note in Sigrun's voice.
Emil swore, his voice breaking, and turned back to the kitten, blinking hard in a vain effort to keep the tears from falling.
After a short silence, Mikkel said, "Listen. Let's say that I did try to save it. I spend hours trying to stitch it back together and reconstitute the missing flesh, using our limited medical supplies in the process, supplies that we'll probably need for ourselves. Let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the cat survives the surgery, that it survives the amount of blood loss it's sustained, as well as the shock and trauma. Even then, there's no guarantee that it would live through the night. Then what? We've got a feral cat, stitched together, still in horrific pain, with no idea what's going on. As far as it's concerned, we're all a threat to it. It would only be terrified and in pain, and probably end up killing itself trying to escape. The cat would die either way, Emil. I just made sure that it died quickly, with as little pain and fear as possible."
"It didn't have to die," Emil whispered.
He flinched as a heavy hand descended upon his shoulder.
Mikkel's voice was serious. "Everything has to die, Emil. All I can do is postpone it sometimes. And sometimes I can't even do that."
"Why don't you go and get some sleep, kid," Sigrun said softly, "I'll take care of the kitten."
Emil handed the piece of tuna to her and stormed out, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
Mikkel shook his head as he watched Emil go. "He's such a child."
"Oh, come on," muttered Sigrun, bending over the sleeping kitten, "Like you didn't get torn up over the first cat you lost."
Mikkel fondled the pitiful carcass's fur. "Yeah."

That actually didn't make me sadder, instead I started feeling a bit better about the whole cat thing. Very well written, characterization was spot-on and I loved the way they were interacting with each other. You wouldn't happen to have an AO3 account?
Speak: :finland: :iceland: :uk: :icelandic sheepdog:
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #669 on: July 03, 2015, 02:59:28 PM »
I love it.

I will see you that and raise this.
*heartbreaking fic*
Awww.  Perfect.  And totally in character.
Nicely written. Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm gonna snuggle my kitten for a bit.
That actually didn't make me sadder, instead I started feeling a bit better about the whole cat thing. Very well written, characterization was spot-on and I loved the way they were interacting with each other. You wouldn't happen to have an AO3 account?
Thank y'all so much! *blushes*
And no, Laufey, I don't have an AO3 account. Mostly because my mom has access to everything, so I can just imagine her going "Hm, I wonder if there's anything interesting here?" and yeah. So I'm gonna restrict myself to the forum. :)
... Texas ... is a mystique closely approximating a religion. And this is true to the extent that people either passionately love Texas or passionately hate it....
John Steinbeck
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:mexico: No habla Espanol
:croatia: Hvala za nishto, dobro za nishto, mali vrag.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #670 on: July 03, 2015, 03:12:31 PM »
Post-page 354, because I'm not sad enough.
Spoiler: show

"How could you do that?" Emil shouted, "You were supposed to help her!"
Mikkel shook his head. "There was nothing I could do. It's better this way."
"What are you talking about? You... you could have stitched her, and..."
"Emil, there was nothing to stitch."
Sigrun stood up. "Animals die sometimes, kid. It happens."
"But it didn't have to!" Emil felt tears coming to his eyes, which only made him angrier. "She was alive, and you killed her. She had a chance, and you took it away!"
Mikkel was shaking his head before he finished. "It didn't have a chance."
"Shut up!" Emil yelled, "She did, she did, she did!"
"Emil." There was a warning note in Sigrun's voice.
Emil swore, his voice breaking, and turned back to the kitten, blinking hard in a vain effort to keep the tears from falling.
After a short silence, Mikkel said, "Listen. Let's say that I did try to save it. I spend hours trying to stitch it back together and reconstitute the missing flesh, using our limited medical supplies in the process, supplies that we'll probably need for ourselves. Let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the cat survives the surgery, that it survives the amount of blood loss it's sustained, as well as the shock and trauma. Even then, there's no guarantee that it would live through the night. Then what? We've got a feral cat, stitched together, still in horrific pain, with no idea what's going on. As far as it's concerned, we're all a threat to it. It would only be terrified and in pain, and probably end up killing itself trying to escape. The cat would die either way, Emil. I just made sure that it died quickly, with as little pain and fear as possible."
"It didn't have to die," Emil whispered.
He flinched as a heavy hand descended upon his shoulder.
Mikkel's voice was serious. "Everything has to die, Emil. All I can do is postpone it sometimes. And sometimes I can't even do that."
"Why don't you go and get some sleep, kid," Sigrun said softly, "I'll take care of the kitten."
Emil handed the piece of tuna to her and stormed out, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
Mikkel shook his head as he watched Emil go. "He's such a child."
"Oh, come on," muttered Sigrun, bending over the sleeping kitten, "Like you didn't get torn up over the first cat you lost."
Mikkel fondled the pitiful carcass's fur. "Yeah."

ni ce
(its not nice at all you horrible monster)

I love it.

I will see you that and raise this.
Spoiler: show
"NO! NO! You KILLED her!"

Stricken, Emil stared at Mikkel's back. The big man drew in a slow breath.

"Yes," he replied not turning, "It was the only kind thing to do."

"KIND!" Emil lunged forward only to find himself nose to nose with Sigrun. He looked desperately into her eyes for support and only saw sorrow.

"Emil..." she began. Something huge and terrible rose up inside him and he felt like there was no air in the room.

"NO! No! Get away from me!" He ducked out the door into the pouring rain without a thought for his coat and ran. He ran blind. He ran from the terrible pressure in his chest threatening to burst out and consume him. Instinctively ducking the half seen dark forms he wove through the spectral trees.

He ran until stumbled and fell headlong into icy cold water. He flailed trying to get his head up and his legs under him. He half inhaled a gulp of water and began to hack it out. A strong hand grabbed him by his arm and another on his shoulder and hauled him up right and pointed him to the edge of the moat. He hauled himself out on his hands and knees coughing and spitting the last of the muddy water out. He sat back on his heels and looked up at Sigrun.

"There now, have we got that out of your system?" she asked.

The terrible beast roared within him and electrified his arms. It wanted to hit her. It wanted to tear the smile off her face. But NO! Emil forced the beast to turn target. Instead the helpless mud was battered in her place until at last the beast was tearing huge handfuls of sodden grass and roots up and flinging them into the gloom.

The cold rain pelted merciless as well. At last he leaned on his palms gasping aware that he had a tiny river of chill water trickling down his spine. A sharp metallic tang drew him to lick his lips and realize that he had bitten them. He flexed his hands and they were scratched and bruised and he had torn a nail loose. Where had his gloves gone? He looked up to see a mud-spattered Sigrun leaning in to drape his coat over his shoulders.

"Let's go get decontaminated," she said helping him to his feet. "Then we can get some of that hot tuna soup and things will be better. You'll see." Emil nodded,
"My gloves....?" "I've got them," she assured as she guided them back to camp.

*shoves back down*

It might be a good time to mention that this is my first fandom where the characters make me feel - I'm happy because they're happy, I'm sad because they're sad, If they're in danger I get worried, and its just a nEW FEELING OK.

:chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11:

Icon drawn by Piney


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #671 on: July 04, 2015, 12:15:29 AM »
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Spoiler: show

“Here you go, Reynir.”
Accepting the bowl of soup, Reynir smiled and nodded at Tuuri. “Perkele.”
Lalli’s eyes darted up from his soup. Tuuri froze. “What?”
The smile fell off of Reynir’s face and he stammered, “Did… did I say it wrong? I… I thought… I meant to say ‘thank you’–”
Tuuri shook her head. “That doesn’t mean 'thank you’, Reynir, where did–Lalli!” She snatched at her cousin, but he was already gone.

Mikkel was carrying a basket of laundry when Lalli streaked out of the cockpit with a fuming Tuuri close behind. Lalli ducked behind Mikkel, using the big man as a shield as Tuuri scolded him furiously in Finnish. Tucking the basket under one arm, Mikkel collared the skinny scout and addressed Tuuri. “What’s going on?”
“What’s–He…” Tuuri spluttered, pink with indignation, “he taught Reynir a bad word and he thinks it’s funny and-” she lapsed back into angry Finnish, shaking her fist at Lalli, who was blatantly unrepentant.
Mikkel waited until she paused, panting for breath. “Tuuri,” he said calmly, “It’s okay. All we have to do is make him apologize to Reynir in Icelandic.”
“Fine,” Tuuri huffed, crossing her arms. She addressed herself to Lalli again, ending in Icelandic, “Reynir, I’m sorry.”
“No,” Mikkel corrected her. “That’s not what he’ll say. He’ll say, 'Reynir, I’m stupid.’”
Tuuri blinked, then smiled slowly. She began again.

Lalli had to repeat the phrase a few times, Tuuri correcting his pronunciation. Then when she was satisfied, Mikkel handed him over to her. Taking her cousin by the ear, Tuuri marched the culprit back to Reynir, and made him repeat what he had learned.
... Texas ... is a mystique closely approximating a religion. And this is true to the extent that people either passionately love Texas or passionately hate it....
John Steinbeck
:vaticancity: Domine, non sum dignus....
:mexico: No habla Espanol
:croatia: Hvala za nishto, dobro za nishto, mali vrag.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #672 on: July 04, 2015, 12:23:55 AM »
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Spoiler: show

“Here you go, Reynir.”
Accepting the bowl of soup, Reynir smiled and nodded at Tuuri. “Perkele.”
Lalli’s eyes darted up from his soup. Tuuri froze. “What?”
The smile fell off of Reynir’s face and he stammered, “Did… did I say it wrong? I… I thought… I meant to say ‘thank you’–”
Tuuri shook her head. “That doesn’t mean 'thank you’, Reynir, where did–Lalli!” She snatched at her cousin, but he was already gone.

Mikkel was carrying a basket of laundry when Lalli streaked out of the cockpit with a fuming Tuuri close behind. Lalli ducked behind Mikkel, using the big man as a shield as Tuuri scolded him furiously in Finnish. Tucking the basket under one arm, Mikkel collared the skinny scout and addressed Tuuri. “What’s going on?”
“What’s–He…” Tuuri spluttered, pink with indignation, “he taught Reynir a bad word and he thinks it’s funny and-” she lapsed back into angry Finnish, shaking her fist at Lalli, who was blatantly unrepentant.
Mikkel waited until she paused, panting for breath. “Tuuri,” he said calmly, “It’s okay. All we have to do is make him apologize to Reynir in Icelandic.”
“Fine,” Tuuri huffed, crossing her arms. She addressed herself to Lalli again, ending in Icelandic, “Reynir, I’m sorry.”
“No,” Mikkel corrected her. “That’s not what he’ll say. He’ll say, 'Reynir, I’m stupid.’”
Tuuri blinked, then smiled slowly. She began again.

Lalli had to repeat the phrase a few times, Tuuri correcting his pronunciation. Then when she was satisfied, Mikkel handed him over to her. Taking her cousin by the ear, Tuuri marched the culprit back to Reynir, and made him repeat what he had learned.



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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #673 on: July 04, 2015, 12:55:25 AM »
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.
Spoiler: show

“Here you go, Reynir.”
Accepting the bowl of soup, Reynir smiled and nodded at Tuuri. “Perkele.”
Lalli’s eyes darted up from his soup. Tuuri froze. “What?”
The smile fell off of Reynir’s face and he stammered, “Did… did I say it wrong? I… I thought… I meant to say ‘thank you’–”
Tuuri shook her head. “That doesn’t mean 'thank you’, Reynir, where did–Lalli!” She snatched at her cousin, but he was already gone.

Mikkel was carrying a basket of laundry when Lalli streaked out of the cockpit with a fuming Tuuri close behind. Lalli ducked behind Mikkel, using the big man as a shield as Tuuri scolded him furiously in Finnish. Tucking the basket under one arm, Mikkel collared the skinny scout and addressed Tuuri. “What’s going on?”
“What’s–He…” Tuuri spluttered, pink with indignation, “he taught Reynir a bad word and he thinks it’s funny and-” she lapsed back into angry Finnish, shaking her fist at Lalli, who was blatantly unrepentant.
Mikkel waited until she paused, panting for breath. “Tuuri,” he said calmly, “It’s okay. All we have to do is make him apologize to Reynir in Icelandic.”
“Fine,” Tuuri huffed, crossing her arms. She addressed herself to Lalli again, ending in Icelandic, “Reynir, I’m sorry.”
“No,” Mikkel corrected her. “That’s not what he’ll say. He’ll say, 'Reynir, I’m stupid.’”
Tuuri blinked, then smiled slowly. She began again.

Lalli had to repeat the phrase a few times, Tuuri correcting his pronunciation. Then when she was satisfied, Mikkel handed him over to her. Taking her cousin by the ear, Tuuri marched the culprit back to Reynir, and made him repeat what he had learned.

*snnnnnrnnrnrnrnrrkkk* muahahahahaha
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #674 on: July 04, 2015, 03:21:27 PM »
Internet is all but dead. Took me an hour well over an hour just to get this one post up. But I needed something a little more cheerful.


The minutes I spent reading this were pretty much amongst the most best minutes of the whole day. :D
Survived so far:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :chap6:  :chap7:  :chap8: :chap9: