Kermajärvi station checkup 1st JulyScout: Jitter (assisted by family and doggo)
Areas cheked: Kermajärvi station, Ylämlly. routes between in Heinävesi, Liperi and Joensuu, Eastern Finland
Summary of findings: trolls detected: 0 Kades detected: 0 Signs of corruption: none Seagulls detected: around two dozen
Report: Kermajärvi station was inspected at around 19:30 on the scouting day. Weather was partially cloudy with a little rain but not heavily overcast. No cause for alarm was identified. Human activity in the area seemed normal (several fishing parties at the rapids). Seagulls first approached the scouting party at Heinävesi town, some 7 km from the station (close flyby by two birds). At Kermankoski, gull activity was focused on one particular area at the “foot” of the rapids. Possibility of a lake troll could not be ruled out, but may have been fish. The gulls didn’t appear more agitated than they normally do.
Kermankoski rapids pictured from upriver (A2 p 149, panel 2), sentinel station is to the left:
Kermanvirta between the first rapids and the station:
Seagulls circling an area at the foot of the rapids:
Approach to the sentinel station:
Sentinel station pictured from northwest (Kermankeidas) (A2 p 149, panel 4):
Exit the station towards the south (not pursued by bear) (A2 p 156 panel 6 and p 168 panel 1)
Further pictures from along the route will be supplied later (time to go hiking soon).