Troll or no, this thread is bringing out the worst in a lot of people.
There will be times when new commenters appear and we don't like what they're saying. This community is getting bigger, and these things will probably happen more often now. We may think that their opinions are unfair, that their tones are rude, and that they're out to pick a fight. These things could be due to a bias in our perception, a misunderstanding gone out of hand or they may well be true! Just remember that overwhelming an unfamiliar commenter may be unintentionally creating an environment which forces them to be defensive, makes them lash out, and produces rude 'troll like' behaviour from someone who feels under attack. Equally, we have gained good community members when we've treated these disagreeing commenters decently. Your own actions can be powerful, even when you don't intend on them to be.
You can't force everyone on the internet to live to your own standards, but you can live up to them yourself. Be the change you wish to see. It may be hard to do when you feel hurt not to reply in spite, but please hold back, both on the comments and on here. You'll be creating the world you hate, and become the monster you think you're fighting and worse. One of the many wonderful things about the internet is that you can take time to think before replying, a luxury that would be very appreciated in real life. Use this time to think about what you're saying, who it can hurt and what it can do.