That would be TotalBiscuit.
Yep, that's right. Going (sort of) off-topic now
I find it funny how they're both hiding behind cliché personalities/demeanours: Angry Joe as the uncouth American, loudmouthed and almost out of control; TotalBiscuit oh so stiff-upper-lippy, ironical, I'd say bordering on sarcastic.
I wonder how I'd have regarded them a while back. These days, I find it easier to relate to Angry Joe. At least he is communicative. TotalBiscuit hides his potential fanboyishness behind ironies, which means you need to belong to his culture sphere to correctly and accurately decode what he says. I gave up that sort of thing decades ago (although I'm sure I fall off the wagon every now and then), since I feel it gets in the way of communicating. Of course, some intentionally use ironies to exclude those who don't know the code. Or even worse, use irony to be actively nasty to others, and think it's OK, since they're not being openly unpleasant. All of this is truly barbarous, and cowardly non-communicative.
Thus, Angry Joe's (faux?) uncouthness is refreshingly direct to my mind. It does feel a bit contrived, potentially, so who knows if I'll be watching his youtube clips in the future, but today it made me expose you to a bit of a text-wall. Sorry about that.