Author Topic: The Minnastry of Truth at work?  (Read 15784 times)


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Re: The Minnastry of Truth at work?
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2018, 02:37:31 PM »
However, I'm quite sure these entries have something to do with people remembering him as having been a day scout at some point. Should I change them?
Onni positively hasn't done any scouting ever since he arrived in Keuruu:

Not being immune, he is also fundamentally unsuited to be a scout, and has shown strong aversion to stints into the Silent World even before whatever forced him to flee Saimaa. His job in Keuruu - and probably a thing he has been trained for for longer than those eleven years - is to be a defensive mage, as in, holding a fort. I don't remember ever seeing authoritative claims for him to have been a scout, and would be very surprised to see any.

But no, there's no outright statement that he has never done any scouting, and he did somehow trek from Saimaa to Keuruu with Tuuri and Lalli before figuratively throwing away the keys to the walls of Keuruu.

The quartet wanted to hire him and send him into the Silent World, as a mage, maybe deluding themselves into thinking that he could double as a (day) scout, but he wholly rejected that offer.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 02:41:02 PM by JoB »
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Grade E cat

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Re: The Minnastry of Truth at work?
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2018, 03:08:20 PM »
But no, there's no outright statement that he has never done any scouting, and he did somehow trek from Saimaa to Keuruu with Tuuri and Lalli before figuratively throwing away the keys to the walls of Keuruu.

The quartet wanted to hire him and send him into the Silent World, as a mage, maybe deluding themselves into thinking that he could double as a (day) scout, but he wholly rejected that offer.

The first sentence sums up the reason I didn't touch the entries, as there is part of me that doesn't exclude him having been basically a (from a safe distance) lookout for trolls on their island in Saimaa, which may fall into the "scout" job title in that world, and it having to do with him surviving whatever happened there.

The second sentence makes a good point, as my understanding is that Torbjörn and Siv were calling the final shots, so I imagine Taru and Trond convincing them to hire both Onni and Lalli based on their non-magic skills. But that calls into question what, exactly, were those skills were supposed to be for Onni, and "some form of day scouting suited for a non-immune" is as good a guess as any.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 03:18:54 PM by Grade E cat »
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Joe Steele

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Re: The Minnastry of Truth at work?
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2020, 02:09:29 PM »
Necromancy'ing this thread to remind you that there have never been any edits to the comic. Stating otherwise is doublepluscrimethinkful. Crimestop immediately.
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