Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2565120 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12855 on: December 08, 2015, 09:11:32 AM »
Childhood fears huh  ??? When I was younger I had a terrible fear of wolves and volcanoes (apparently it was hilariously bad, and my parents still don't let it go >.>). Somewhere along the way however I realised that I had to understand my demons to fight them, and I've a memory of being seven years old and a documentary about wolves showing on the TV and forcing myself to stay in the room and watch the whole thing, and a gradual realisation dawning that they weren't the monsters my mind had made them out to be :/ There was no specific thing with volcanoes, but seeing as I ended up studying geoscience it is evident that over the course of the years the scary/interesting switch flipped the other way :P

Heh, a lot of you guys' fears seem considerably more logical than mine, considering you've had experiences relating to them or lived in places where a fear of these things would be warranted :/
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12856 on: December 08, 2015, 09:14:51 AM »
When I was younger I was terrified of snakes. My earliest concrete memory (at age 3) is having a nightmare where snakes killed me. In preschool, I ran out of the room screaming because someone had brought in a snakeskin for show and tell. Eventually, though, I got over most of it. Now it's just poisonous snakes that terrify me (and not without good reason!). And I did the same sort of this as Gwenno: learn as much as you can about what you're afraid of so that it becomes less scary.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12857 on: December 08, 2015, 09:24:11 AM »
They do...jump? If that's what you're asking? XD

There's not enough "nope" for these things.

Also, now I want to filk "Jumping Jack Flash" to be about these things.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12858 on: December 08, 2015, 09:33:37 AM »
Also, now I want to filk "Jumping Jack Flash" to be about these things.
Do it! :D

If we're on the topic of childhood fears, I have some pretty big hang-ups around the subject of broken teeth. As best I can tell, this is due to some bad complications with getting my milk teeth out when I was a kid. Suffice it to say when I broke several of my teeth in a nasty accident a few winters ago, I was even more distraught than most people would be...
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12859 on: December 08, 2015, 09:35:50 AM »
for all that i am scared of everyhting ever, i don't actually have any prominent childhood fear... maybe it's been spread out over so many things none of them stand out. of course NOW i have several fears and things i get intrusive thoughts over but im not always comfortable talking about it i guess

hnnnn today is just dark and wet, depressingly so. but hey no hurricane i guess? plus i was up early enough to "enjoy" all the daylight  we get for one day, so i can't really complain. Also I just managed to mail a huge buncha calendar parcels! i'm starting to sympathize with minna...
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 09:50:51 AM by Haiz »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12860 on: December 08, 2015, 09:45:28 AM »
Is Australian wildlife really as dangerous as parts of the internet and popular culture make it out to be, and if so, does anyone have any idea why?

It's kind of hard to say. We certainly like to play it up a bit to reinforce our image as macho frontiers-people who wrestle crocodiles daily before breakfast, but as long as you take a few simple precautions (when outside don't stick your hand anywhere you can't see, don't go walking through long grass in shorts, etc.) you'll be perfectly fine. I guess the difference is in many parts of the world you don't have to take take any precautions at all.

Our wildlife is a bit more dangerous than that in other western countries, but it's still wildlife. It prefers to stay away from people, and will only attack if cornered or provoked. Spiders, snakes and other gribblies aren't trolls, they don't leap out of the bushes at you, they don't lay cunning ambushes and they don't sneak into your house to wait for you to let your guard down.

Fun statistics - no one in the entire country has died of a spider bite since 1979 and snakes only kill about two people a year. Sharks also kill about two people per year, as do crocodiles. Jellyfish kill about 1 person every two years. For a population of about 23 million that's pretty darn good!

(Horses on the other hand kill about 20 people a year. They're homicidal maniacs!)

As for why our wildlife is more dangerous, I don't know. It's probably something to do with the continent wandering off into the ocean and doing its evolution in private for several hundred million years. Also we're the most sparsely inhabited continent (apart from Antarctica - but that doesn't count) which means we've got a lot more untamed/semi-tamed wilderness giving the wildlife plenty of room to hang out with minimum human intervention.

As for childhood fears, I have a terrible phobia of needles in my mouth. I have a very vague memory of a dental nurse slipping and scraping a needle right across my gums as a kid, but I can't be sure if it's a real memory or something I've fabricated to explain the fear. In any case, I've gone through numerous fillings and other dental work without anesthesia as a result, which is not something I would describe as fun but is reasonably bearable. And it also has the advantage that I'm not dribbling on myself and talking like a drunk for hours afterwards :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12861 on: December 08, 2015, 09:48:45 AM »
My main phobia would be suffocation. 

I take care to breathe regularly so that I don't suffer that fate.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12862 on: December 08, 2015, 09:49:59 AM »
@sectoboss Oh dear D: Well, at least you have more time to study?

Childhood fears... hmm. I don't remember having any, really. Except, spiders freaked me out, and I still don't like them (though if they stay in their space and I stay in mine, then it's all fine).

Now as I get older, I just kind of have this creeping dread about life in general. But that's not exactly irrational. u-u
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12863 on: December 08, 2015, 09:56:00 AM »
Purple Wyrm, thanks!
And yeah, trying to talk after dental anaesthetic can be... fun. I have an oh-so-fond memory of coming out of the dentists on campus here at my university and being almost immediately asked by an old lady where so-and-so building was. Unfortunately I was still numbed up and all I could manage was a few gormless "buuuhhh"-sounds while waving my arms in the direction she needed to go, while she gamely tried not to collapse in a fit of laughter. :D

@sectoboss Oh dear D: Well, at least you have more time to study?


Now as I get older, I just kind of have this creeping dread about life in general. But that's not exactly irrational. u-u
Yeah... more time to study... here on the forum...  ::)
And yeah, creeping dread about life itself is certainly rational...
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 10:08:04 AM by SectoBoss »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12864 on: December 08, 2015, 10:22:46 AM »
We call it "Australia" ;D
I'll call it "original designated Theia landing zone", thankyouverymuch.

Spiders, snakes and other gribblies aren't trolls, they don't leap out of the bushes at you, they don't lay cunning ambushes and they don't sneak into your house to wait for you to let your guard down.
Well, there is the suggestion to be careful about fetching water where a saltie might be analyzing it for your recurring habits ...

As for why our wildlife is more dangerous, I don't know. It's probably something to do with the continent wandering off into the ocean and doing its evolution in private for several hundred million years. Also we're the most sparsely inhabited continent (apart from Antarctica - but that doesn't count) which means we've got a lot more untamed/semi-tamed wilderness giving the wildlife plenty of room to hang out with minimum human intervention.
Actually, when you're covering hundreds of millions of years and talk about evolution, Antarctica does count. It was connected to Australia 'til well after that.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12865 on: December 08, 2015, 10:34:26 AM »
There was a time in my childhood when I was terrified of tacks. It all started when one day, after school, I found a tack stuck to one of my sneakers, and somehow that scared me a lot: I started to think what would happen if the tack had perfured my foot.
I think that for a couple days I didn't want to leave the classroom for recess, afraid that I would step on a tack if I did so.

Recently I've been having a lot of bad dreams about giant waves coming in my direction. I can't even watch surf documentaries without shuddering.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12866 on: December 08, 2015, 10:57:59 AM »
Well, I've always been terrified of jellyfish (yet I still surf out in the sea), and apparently as a young child I found hoovers utterly terrifying too. No sensible phobias, of course- I've never been scared of clowns or spiders, or anything like that.

in other news, the new page is killing me and I just need to lie down in the corner and cry for a bit because his beautiful face is gone ;-;


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12867 on: December 08, 2015, 11:45:57 AM »
My main phobia would be suffocation. 

I take care to breathe regularly so that I don't suffer that fate.
Sometimes I forget to breathe.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12868 on: December 08, 2015, 12:39:42 PM »
Sometimes I forget to breathe.
This reminds me of that accursed 'you are now breathing manually' thing that occasionally still gets me.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #12869 on: December 08, 2015, 12:42:15 PM »
This reminds me of that accursed 'you are now breathing manually' thing that occasionally still gets me.
That one gets me every time. Y U DO DIS
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