Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2566368 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #975 on: November 01, 2014, 10:05:09 PM »
Whoah! I had a terrible dream yesterday about evil trees..... I drew a picture that I'll post up later, because they seemed really familiar and I thought someone here might recognize it...or not....

Aaaagh... We moved the bull this morning. It was one heck of a trial because he was pretty mad for some reason and therefore decided to buck like crazy in your face, attempt to ram you, tried to trample a seven-year-old (I don't know where she appeared from, but she was nearly a pancake) and wreak havoc in someone's English Country Garden after he leaped over their fence and through a hedge O___O
He also decided to turn around, barge through us and run back up the road....three times, which meant I had to do three times the running to overtake him every time, whilst not being run over by a senile and deaf grandfather in a ute. Just......sooooo many things went wrong.
And I personally think it was because Dad has lost his ability to plan a simple round-up, and upped his expectations of everyone carrying out his plan no-questions-asked and that plus an irritable and very heavy bull equals so much NOPE.

Buuuut we got him in the end, everything turned out ok, and I had to lie down on the road like a starfish when it was over because aaaaaaaaagghghahahahhhasdfghjkl

End rant.... U___U

At least it's a good story. My grandmother was nearly attacked by a bull once, but she defended herself with a bike.
 Mostly quiet.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #976 on: November 02, 2014, 12:54:40 AM »
Soooo... I've pretty much lost my voice entirely. Whenever I try to talk I squeak unintelligibly. If I want to be understood I have to whisper and even that sounds a little odd.
That happens to me on long drives, if I feel like singing to my music.  Not to the point of squeaking, but everyone thinks I'm sick when I hop out of the car.  My drive from home to school is particularly bad, at a length of 2.5 hours.

Also, does anyone else have a hard tome doing multiple quotes on a phone?  I was going to quote the bull shenanigans, but it keeps going a little screwy.  Anyway, we've never dealt with bulls in the family (kind of glad, because geez they sound hardcore), but my sister has done a lot of horse work.  She was working in Florida a few years ago to train horses for show work, and a horse bit her on the head, and she ended up in the hospital for a couple days.  :( 

Lastly, wait, what!?  ThisCat, how did she fight off a bull with a bike?  I picture her wielding it like a samurai warrior, haha.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #977 on: November 02, 2014, 01:23:02 AM »
That happens to me on long drives, if I feel like singing to my music.  Not to the point of squeaking, but everyone thinks I'm sick when I hop out of the car.  My drive from home to school is particularly bad, at a length of 2.5 hours.

Also, does anyone else have a hard tome doing multiple quotes on a phone?  I was going to quote the bull shenanigans, but it keeps going a little screwy.  Anyway, we've never dealt with bulls in the family (kind of glad, because geez they sound hardcore), but my sister has done a lot of horse work.  She was working in Florida a few years ago to train horses for show work, and a horse bit her on the head, and she ended up in the hospital for a couple days.  :( 

Lastly, wait, what!?  ThisCat, how did she fight off a bull with a bike?  I picture her wielding it like a samurai warrior, haha.

It was weird. For about four hours, if I was doing anything but whispering, it came out as this high pitched "ehhk." Thankfully I talk again now, but my voice is still about an octave lower than normal. It's been acting weird for the past three days and I really hope it's better by Tuesday because of Chior. Three hours of singing is fun when you are able to sing. When you can't sing it's pretty much torture because you want to sing so bad. Silly/stupid colds.

Yes, multiple quotes on a phone are difficult on a phone. Formatting, only deleting what you want to delete, the page randomly reloading and losing all your hard quoting-work...

I don't have too much experirience with cows. The closest I've gotten to any are the cows that live in the encloser by the river on our way to life. They are white and we call them the "Morning Cows" because we almost never see them except for in the morning. The "How Now Brown Cows" live in the next pen over and are brown. They all have the exact same white spots on their chests and backs. They are in a slightly different spot every day but whichever way one is facing they are all facing; they always have their head stuffed in the grass, too, unlike the Morning Cows which sometimes watch the cars drive by. The brown cows look like someone stuck some of those plastic cow figurines in the field.

Okay, that's enough story time for now.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #978 on: November 02, 2014, 01:42:03 AM »
That happens to me on long drives, if I feel like singing to my music.  Not to the point of squeaking, but everyone thinks I'm sick when I hop out of the car.  My drive from home to school is particularly bad, at a length of 2.5 hours.

Also, does anyone else have a hard tome doing multiple quotes on a phone?  I was going to quote the bull shenanigans, but it keeps going a little screwy.  Anyway, we've never dealt with bulls in the family (kind of glad, because geez they sound hardcore), but my sister has done a lot of horse work.  She was working in Florida a few years ago to train horses for show work, and a horse bit her on the head, and she ended up in the hospital for a couple days.  :( 

Lastly, wait, what!?  ThisCat, how did she fight off a bull with a bike?  I picture her wielding it like a samurai warrior, haha.

Hehe what's your preferred music to shout along to? Because that is an awesome amount of time to sing everything! X'D
If I'm home alone I'll usually do the same thing- it's the best way to work! But then when people come home I'm so used to singing randomly and I get paranoid that I'll start singing again out loud in their presence U___U or in class. Or the library and public places. Or during exams. It's a challenge X'D
I don't tend to get hoarse though, so maybe I'm not putting in enough hard-core effort?

My parents used to work with horses in their youth, and subsequently banned interaction with them for us kids :( but they seeeeem nice! Although I'm not sure if they're less or more dangerous than bovines because sure, they're taller and faster and spook easier, but--- wait yeah that would make them way more dangerous O____O

The quoting can get a little blegh occasionally on the phone, and if you open another tab it will refresh the page and delete all your writing :( buuuuut the solution to that is "don't open new tabs! Don't click ANYTHING! Type your stuff, post it and then edit-in the links" haha

Soooo... I've pretty much lost my voice entirely. Whenever I try to talk I squeak unintelligibly. If I want to be understood I have to whisper and even that sounds a little odd.

Aw no! Maybe drink some honey tea? With lemon! And no milk because I tried that once and learnt the hard way why you can't buy lemon or orange milkshakes with real fruit u___u (shhh I was young and didn't know about basic science! ;P)
Hopefully it's nothing serious StellarsJC :3
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #979 on: November 02, 2014, 05:45:11 AM »
Whoah! I had a terrible dream yesterday about evil trees..... I drew a picture that I'll post up later, because they seemed really familiar and I thought someone here might recognize it...or not....

Aaaagh... We moved the bull this morning. It was one heck of a trial because he was pretty mad for some reason and therefore decided to buck like crazy in your face, attempt to ram you, tried to trample a seven-year-old (I don't know where she appeared from, but she was nearly a pancake) and wreak havoc in someone's English Country Garden after he leaped over their fence and through a hedge O___O
He also decided to turn around, barge through us and run back up the road....three times, which meant I had to do three times the running to overtake him every time, whilst not being run over by a senile and deaf grandfather in a ute. Just......sooooo many things went wrong.
And I personally think it was because Dad has lost his ability to plan a simple round-up, and upped his expectations of everyone carrying out his plan no-questions-asked and that plus an irritable and very heavy bull equals so much NOPE.

Buuuut we got him in the end, everything turned out ok, and I had to lie down on the road like a starfish when it was over because aaaaaaaaagghghahahahhhasdfghjkl

End rant.... U___U
I recall that I had to go from my classroom to the staff room to do something, and I got a crackly call on my cell phone (not allowed in school) from the class monitor asking why it was taking so long. Then as I was walking back, i noticed that it was raining heavily with a dark sky, but on the other side of the invisible boundary, it was sunny with a blue sky. Then I went to a long-lost acquaintance's house that was somehow in the school ground, met his parents, and my uncle and aunt were there too. Dreams. \o/

Looking forward to that evil tree post. We really do need a thread for dreams!

And augh, that scenario just sounds so chaotic. :/


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #980 on: November 02, 2014, 06:12:54 AM »
I recall that I had to go from my classroom to the staff room to do something, and I got a crackly call on my cell phone (not allowed in school) from the class monitor asking why it was taking so long. Then as I was walking back, i noticed that it was raining heavily with a dark sky, but on the other side of the invisible boundary, it was sunny with a blue sky. Then I went to a long-lost acquaintance's house that was somehow in the school ground, met his parents, and my uncle and aunt were there too. Dreams. \o/

Looking forward to that evil tree post. We really do need a thread for dreams!

And augh, that scenario just sounds so chaotic. :/

Whoah! That sounds really cool! O___O
I posted the evil tree stuff in the art thread, because there was a big journal sketch. :P
My dreams always have sooooo much exposition that when I'm explaining them to people they look at me and say "and where were you, historically?" To which the answer is usually "I'm nearly to that part, but in the next century things started to change and there was civil unrest...." Listener: "UUUUUUGGGGHHHHHhhhhh..."
So I cut the dream riiiiiiight down to the basics XD
I'm a little bit weirded out by this dream, because usually all my dreams are set in the same "place" and sometimes they're joined together as a story, so now I'm a little worried that murderous trees might have made their home in my dreams ;___; nuuuuuuu
But I think the evil giant trees were just caused by reading too much SSSS before bed. I think the trees were a dream-recycle of Rash monsters or something. I hope that's the case. I hope they're one-off outlier things.  X___X
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 06:18:57 AM by OrigamiOwl »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #981 on: November 02, 2014, 06:20:58 AM »
Soooo... I've pretty much lost my voice entirely. Whenever I try to talk I squeak unintelligibly. If I want to be understood I have to whisper and even that sounds a little odd.

Get well soon! I was once prohibited from teaching for a weak because I lost my voice. My room mates made fun of me the whole day, asking me stupid questions wich couldn't be answered but for complex drawings. Honestly, I might have done the same ;)

OrigamiOwl your tree dream sounds quite interesting. I'm curious about your picture :D They don't happen to be angry Ents?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #982 on: November 02, 2014, 06:25:46 AM »
Okay, the Weird Dreams Thread is aliveeeeee! Go on and post your dreams!
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #983 on: November 02, 2014, 06:28:28 AM »
Okay, the Weird Dreams Thread is aliveeeeee! Go on and post your dreams!


How do I move a post there.....? ;___;
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #984 on: November 02, 2014, 06:30:40 AM »

How do I move a post there.....? ;___;

I don't knoooooowww >~< How about copy-pasting it?
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #985 on: November 02, 2014, 08:14:32 AM »
Okay, the Weird Dreams Thread is aliveeeeee! Go on and post your dreams!
I think we need a thread for people trying to learn German since there are at least three of us. Then there are the three-plus people who actually know German.

I don't knoooooowww >~< How about copy-pasting it?
Oooh, I'll have to go do that right now.

And no, my voice is not better yet. It's kind of funny because I didn't know it was possible to lose your voice so thourgholy, but also really frustrating because I can't sing. At least you don't need a voice to play clarinet...

How do you spell thuroly? I can't do it! Why?
Theroly, thurely, thorghely...
I'm mangling this so bad, I promise I can normally spell it.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #986 on: November 02, 2014, 08:25:25 AM »
I think we need a thread for people trying to learn German since there are at least three of us. Then there are the three-plus people who actually know German.
Oooh, I'll have to go do that right now.

And no, my voice is not better yet. It's kind of funny because I didn't know it was possible to lose your voice so thourgholy, but also really frustrating because I can't sing. At least you don't need a voice to play clarinet...

How do you spell thuroly? I can't do it! Why?
Theroly, thurely, thorghely...
I'm mangling this so bad, I promise I can normally spell it.

Thoroughly ;3 hey I guess I know how you pronounce it now, based off all your different spellings X'3 For me, it's "Tha-ra-lee/ Thuh-rer-lee"
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #987 on: November 02, 2014, 08:45:03 AM »
Thoroughly ;3 hey I guess I know how you pronounce it now, based off all your different spellings X'3 For me, it's "Tha-ra-lee/ Thuh-rer-lee"

My spelling is pretty weird to begin with, and then I get total brain blanks like with... Thoroughly. I'll try to remember it's tho-roughly. I tend to randomly add Es onto the end of words that Es clearly to not belong on the end of, like "withe" - with - and "thene" - then.

My pronunciation is kinda THUR-ugh-lee/THUR-OH-lee. ...I think. I've been trying to say it aloud for the past couple minutes to figure out where I put the emphasis. It's kind of hard, though, when you can't speak.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #988 on: November 02, 2014, 10:53:19 AM »
We have... Moles. I think I'm going to twist an ankle "walking" across the yard one of these days because I forgot it was uneven and was running. We need to level it. Or a cat. Or both.

Chocolate Ex-Lax!  My mother swears it works.  My parents have been having a mole problem (now that the steamrolling dog is in Doggie Heaven).  My mom got a tip from someone in her garden club and bought a packet of solid, chocolate-flavored Ex-Lax (which isn't cheap, about $10).  She broke it into squares and poked one deep down each mole tunnel. 

It's been a week, and no sign of new holes since!  She doesn't know how/why it works -- is it particularly toxic to moles, do they just find the smell loathsome, or what. 
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #989 on: November 02, 2014, 11:03:16 AM »
Chocolate Ex-Lax!  My mother swears it works.  My parents have been having a mole problem (now that the steamrolling dog is in Doggie Heaven).  My mom got a tip from someone in her garden club and bought a packet of solid, chocolate-flavored Ex-Lax (which isn't cheap, about $10).  She broke it into squares and poked one deep down each mole tunnel. 

It's been a week, and no sign of new holes since!  She doesn't know how/why it works -- is it particularly toxic to moles, do they just find the smell loathsome, or what.
It gives them the runs, obviously. ;)