It's the middle of my second week, and I haven't cut myself once yet! (Of course I've probably jinxed myself now, but oh well.) I got a cell phone so people can call me (ugh) and I'm babysitting my cousins-in-law tomorrow (yay) and it's just beginning to hit me that this is it.
I've moved out of the house.
It's entirely possible that I will only ever return 'home' on visits for the rest of my life.
Then I made the mistake of imagining Mikkel saying this and it hurtsI love the art store, and it makes me happy when other people love it too. Overheard today:
Cashier: "Hello, welcome to Lenz Arts! Can I help you today?"
Wife: "No, we're just waiting for a friend and figured we might as well see if there's anything we need in here."
Cashier:"Okay, well let me know if you need any help!"
Wife: "Holy crap, this store is
huge! I've never
seen an art store this big!"
Husband: "It's a
serious art store!"
Wife: "This is like
Rembrandt serious, holy crap."
Me: *snickers gleefully to self*
Also continuation of the "Californians mumble" adventures:
Me: *signs for delivery*
Delivery guy: "kayiavenay"
Me: *interprets as 'can I have your name'*
Me: *gives full name*
Delivery guy: *waves* *leaves*
Me: "I think he said, 'kay, have a nice day.'"
I'm beginning to branch out of the frameshop as well: there's always a lot to do back there, but there's not always a lot that
I can do. So I go up front and beg for stuff to do.
I am currently Reynir.
Fortunately I am still busily expanding my skill set! I actually helped a couple of people with designs today, which was really exciting for me because I love people and I love working with them and helping them. However I am also extremely introverted. So I love people but they completely drain me. Do you see my problem?
So today was especially exhausting, but I absolutely loved it.
Speaking of exhausting, my health has been steadily spiraling downwards for the past two months. (Probably longer, but as far as symptoms go.) I'm seeing a doctor on Tuesday, but at this point they're telling me to go to the ER at once if x happens, so yeah. On top of everything I have to deal with the fact that I'm low-key dying. *sigh*
I'm having a great time with my cousins in my spare time, even though our primary means of communication are bickering and passive-aggressiveness. Lallicousin is all caught up, and now my girl cousin is reading it. She's still on the prologue and of course I'm reading it with her.
Anyhoo, work again and time with littlies tomorrow! Yay!!!