but I am no good at triggering others because I am the triggee 98% of the time
i dont know how to make others draw it's like
"here let me show you"
*guides their hand*
*grabs hold of their fingers around pencil*
*tries to move pencil for them but ends up drawing whole thing instead*
I could sure use your guiding hand tonight, because today I have a terminal case of the Stupids.
*colours SSSS-uniform shoulder patch black*
"GAH NO, me idiot! It's supposed to be orange, the shoulder strap above is the black one!"
*Erases, then colours the
shoulder strap orange*
"GAH DAMM, okay this time I'll get it right next time"
*Does the same error again*
Reyniring so much right now.
Spoiler: handwriting translation show
-haiz: what is in that
-fim: vegetables, of course
-and kerosine
-haiz: what
-lighter: clik
-tea: fwoom
-fim: see, weaponized
*Actually wakes up neighbour this time* I was going to say that Haiz was being out of character for igniting it, but of course it's a sneaky Karri in the background summoned by the mention of combustibles. The expressions are 11/10.