Comic Merch
I've finally gotten the hang of peeling and cutting apples without harming myself. I think Unlos' self-insert would be proud of me.
If you don't trust me I'll take you there...
*backs away slowly*I dunno about Solo, but I'll take your word for it
I've been inside a taco bell exactly once in my life (it was actually a TacoBell/KFC combo store) and I'm not keen to repeat the experience
went outside for some "fresh air"- air outside is not fresher than the air inside my room- there's a street called "freya's street" not far from the hotel- found a shallow river with several shopping carts thrown into it- freed a man out of the can't-be-opened-from-the-inside staircase on my way back to the room
This thread's main subjects seem to be Iceland and food.At least that's what people are usually talking about when I decide to take a look.
Let's not forget the weather. Or people's day to day life.
I accidentally read that last one as "can't-be-opened-from-the-inside suitcase." You know you're an SSSS addict... (though I was also getting a distinct "Hotel Budapest" vibe. Haiz, do any of the staff at your hotel wear those cute little lobby boy uniforms with the caps?)
We don't even have lobby boys, and nobody wears cute caps, sorry! but oh this reminds me someone recommended hotel budapest to me ages ago. maybe i should get around to watch it sometime soon.
ok so I came across this image on tumblrit said "draw your otp like this"i don't ship emil and sigruni don't even have the tIMEbut just you watch me i'm gonna do it