Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2564083 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #285 on: October 05, 2014, 01:48:26 PM »
Eichhörnchen. An "Einhörnchen" would be a small unicorn.

Oops, bad spelling strikes again.

there is no logic behind [German] word gender

I kinda expected that to be the answer, the diminutive thing makes sense, too. Ah well, thanks for the help anyway.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #286 on: October 05, 2014, 04:06:03 PM »
Mark Twain was no linguist.

I find it weird when people who speak French or English call German hard.

Try to study Turkish, Czech, Vietnamian, Sanskrit, Georgian, Tlingit, or *shivers*, Old Irish. You'll see how easy German is :p
Fluent: :fr: :gb:
Some knowledge: :it:
Attempting to learn again: :de:
Passive familiarity: :es: :br: :ad: :ro:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #287 on: October 05, 2014, 04:35:32 PM »
Mark Twain was no linguist.

I find it weird when people who speak French or English call German hard.

Try to study Turkish, Czech, Vietnamian, Sanskrit, Georgian, Tlingit, or *shivers*, Old Irish. You'll see how easy German is :p

I agree, I may not be that great at German yet, but it certainly isn't hard.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #288 on: October 05, 2014, 06:06:06 PM »
Uh, I'm afraid that I do draw a blank on that one, assuming that you're talking about an idiom. The closest connection between urine and bad mood that I know of is to have been pissed on ("angepißt sein"), but its popularity for that purpose doesn't really exceed that of bile ("da kommt mir die Galle hoch") or other bodily by-products ...
Oh, forgot to respond to this.  It's not an expression for irritation.  It's entirely literal.  "Ich bin gefult mit piswasser."  Hopefully I spelled that somewhat correctly.
A little context: the skit where I heard that involved a robotic space toilet with a glitchy translator.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #289 on: October 05, 2014, 07:33:02 PM »
Well, it's not even pronounced correctly anymore.  The name became Americanized (specifically, southernized) after a generation, and now the "ch" is soft, like in "chariot."  That's why I often use the username "Eichewawa," pronounced "Aye, Chihuahua."
The Olympian and sandpit incidents sound... interesting.
Are there certain criteria for this list?  Do they have to take place within a certain area or time frame?

Aww that's a cool surname! No matter how it's pronounced :P

Very little criteria: usually displeasing events, though not all, from any point in time, and when one ominously says the title at least two people should nod their heads gravely, stifle a laugh, or sigh >;)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #290 on: October 05, 2014, 09:08:04 PM »
Aww that's a cool surname! No matter how it's pronounced :P

Very little criteria: usually displeasing events, though not all, from any point in time, and when one ominously says the title at least two people should nod their heads gravely, stifle a laugh, or sigh >;)
D'aww, Thanks.  I actually went by Eich through all of high school and most of middle school.

Well, then... I've got:
The disappearing roommate incident
The food ban incident
The cats-in-the-freezer incident (don't worry, both were fine {an innocent reason, I promise})
The cats-in-the-motor-oil incident (still fine)
The projectile jumper cable incident
The florescent wasp incident
The "Wanna see something cool?" incident... ugh
The incendiary mop incident, aaaaaand...
The banana mode incident

Those are all I can think of at the moment.  Some much more serious than others, some much more entertaining than others, all regrettable for someone.  ;D
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #291 on: October 05, 2014, 09:25:42 PM »
The Croquet Incident
The Remembering the Fence Incident
The Question Incident
The Comic Contract Incident
The Airport Incident
The Waterbottle Fight Incident
The Dance Class Incident

Most of these were scary at the time and completely my fault. There are more if anyone cares. I enjoy telling stories.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #292 on: October 05, 2014, 09:38:08 PM »
D'aww, Thanks.  I actually went by Eich through all of high school and most of middle school.

Well, then... I've got:
The disappearing roommate incident
The food ban incident
The cats-in-the-freezer incident (don't worry, both were fine {an innocent reason, I promise})
The cats-in-the-motor-oil incident (still fine)
The projectile jumper cable incident
The florescent wasp incident
The "Wanna see something cool?" incident... ugh
The incendiary mop incident, aaaaaand...
The banana mode incident

Those are all I can think of at the moment.  Some much more serious than others, some much more entertaining than others, all regrettable for someone.  ;D

I went by multiple names through high school, college and now into uni, for no reason other than that people always forgot and then guessed my name incorrectly, but I just felt too awkward to ever correct them..... I guess it's because my first and surname are incredibly common and old fashioned X'P and when they do get my name right, it just sounds soooo snobby ;o; haha

Oh my gosh those incidents sound incredibly eventful and intriguing! Like episode titles X'D

The Croquet Incident
The Remembering the Fence Incident
The Question Incident
The Comic Contract Incident
The Airport Incident
The Waterbottle Fight Incident
The Dance Class Incident

Most of these were scary at the time and completely my fault. There are more if anyone cares. I enjoy telling stories.

These sound awesome! If you want to list more, go for it! OuO
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #293 on: October 05, 2014, 10:13:40 PM »
{Eich needs to put in spoilers, for exactly things like this  }

Most of these were scary at the time and completely my fault. There are more if anyone cares. I enjoy telling stories.
I know.  There's some weird stuff with the spoiler modifications that might mean they're incompatible with our version of SMF.  Looking into it.

I'm interested in hearing about the croquet incident...

I went by multiple names through high school, college and now into uni, for no reason other than that people always forgot and then guessed my name incorrectly, but I just felt too awkward to ever correct them..... I guess it's because my first and surname are incredibly common and old fashioned X'P and when they do get my name right, it just sounds soooo snobby ;o; haha

Oh my gosh those incidents sound incredibly eventful and intriguing! Like episode titles X'D

These sound awesome! If you want to list more, go for it! OuO

Most of those are related to me being a dope, or my brother being... well, my brother.  He is a story for another day, if I ever really decide to talk about him much.
Both of the cat incidents were all him, when we were both little.  He just kind of manages to do things discreetly, and no one finds out about them for a while.  One day he decided to give our two small cats a bath (... in the motor oil my dad had just changed out of his diesel truck)! They got a quick splash of it on their bodies, thankfully away from their heads, before sprinting back into the house, leaving murky paw prints all over the place as they went.  Much cleaning was done.  We've never had to give any cats a bath before or since, but it's not something any of us want to go through again.   :'(
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #294 on: October 05, 2014, 11:08:07 PM »
I'm interested in hearing about the croquet incident...

Okay, the croquet incident... When I was in middle school I was that one oddball girl who never went over to anyone's house. It never occurred to them to invite me and it never occurred to me that I should want to go over. But then one day the neighbor girl - who, fun fact, is the same age as me down to the day - told me to walk over so I did. For some reason we decided to play croquet. The details are really fuzzy as I can remember almost nothing of my life from before eighth grade, but somehow I ended up hitting one of her younger brothers in the head with one of the croquet-sticks. We both decided it was probably better if I went home at that point. Now whenever anyone mentions going over to another person's house the girl and I will exchange a brief look and everyone else will be really confused. I still don't like going over to other people's houses. (But I promise it is not in any way related to this incident - I've just always been like that.)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #295 on: October 05, 2014, 11:26:16 PM »
The details are really fuzzy as I can remember almost nothing of my life from before eighth grade, but somehow I ended up hitting one of her younger brothers in the head with one of the croquet-sticks. We both decided it was probably better if I went home at that point.

Oh my gosh! X'D how young was the victim brother? was there blood?! That's hilarious and kind of horrifying! ;3

Accidentally injuring people while at their house feels so terrible! First sleep over I went to in high school: I broke the host's arm, but we're still good friends.

Can we hear The Question Incident? :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #296 on: October 05, 2014, 11:43:16 PM »
Okay, the croquet incident... When I was in middle school I was that one oddball girl who never went over to anyone's house. It never occurred to them to invite me and it never occurred to me that I should want to go over. But then one day the neighbor girl - who, fun fact, is the same age as me down to the day - told me to walk over so I did. For some reason we decided to play croquet. The details are really fuzzy as I can remember almost nothing of my life from before eighth grade, but somehow I ended up hitting one of her younger brothers in the head with one of the croquet-sticks. We both decided it was probably better if I went home at that point. Now whenever anyone mentions going over to another person's house the girl and I will exchange a brief look and everyone else will be really confused. I still don't like going over to other people's houses. (But I promise it is not in any way related to this incident - I've just always been like that.)
Hm.  My sisters did something similar playing with my dad's golf clubs. 
I don't remember much of my life before around 14 years, also.  bits and pieces, but no real thoughts in the time.

I've been trying to get out more.  This summer I was with friends at least once a week, usually just faffing about and doing nothing, but still having fun.  That said, I have skipped every social opportunity available to me in this last week, and it's starting to get to me.  I'm massively introverted so being around people tires me out quickly, but at the same time, I feel like I should be socializing more for... emotional health or something.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #297 on: October 05, 2014, 11:55:42 PM »
I've been trying to get out more.  This summer I was with friends at least once a week, usually just faffing about and doing nothing, but still having fun.  That said, I have skipped every social opportunity available to me in this last week, and it's starting to get to me.  I'm massively introverted so being around people tires me out quickly, but at the same time, I feel like I should be socializing more for... emotional health or something.

I'm similar. I haven't been to a party/social group outing since last year :/ and haven't hosted anything for four years....I just prefer meeting up for a one-on-one chat instead. (They don't text often, and I don't have any social media, only email :/) Which happens rarely too... I feel that I should be making more effort to be social, but, I just don't enjoy it. I have one friend who I communicate with often, but over time it seems like I'm just her counsellor now or something u___u *sigh*
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #298 on: October 06, 2014, 12:06:44 AM »
Oh my gosh! X'D how young was the victim brother? was there blood?! That's hilarious and kind of horrifying! ;3

Accidentally injuring people while at their house feels so terrible! First sleep over I went to in high school: I broke the host's arm, but we're still good friends.

Can we hear The Question Incident? :)

I think the boy was okay, and the girl is now one of my best friends - I hardly knew her, before - so I'm pretty certain no one died.
Now, the Question Incident...
Apparently when I was five my mom and I were driving over the pass and I suddenly asked, "why can't we turn our head around like an owl?" She tells me it was really funny and random. Now all of my relatives and all of my parent's friends know me as the curious oldest child. It's actually an appropriate title seeing as I still ask - or promptly answer - equally random questions on a fairly day to day basis. I'm actually wondering if this reputation has spread because it feels like everyone in my school of 2000+ high-school students knows my name...


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #299 on: October 06, 2014, 12:13:04 AM »
I'm similar. I haven't been to a party/social group outing since last year :/ and haven't hosted anything for four years....I just prefer meeting up for a one-on-one chat instead. (They don't text often, and I don't have any social media, only email :/) Which happens rarely too... I feel that I should be making more effort to be social, but, I just don't enjoy it. I have one friend who I communicate with often, but over time it seems like I'm just her counsellor now or something u___u *sigh*
Yeah, I enjoy it enough in small groups, but 1 on 1 is difficult for me.  The trouble is finding people who share my interests.  Nobody in my State cares about art, or music, or video games.  It's all celebrities and sports, which I don't understand, so I don't have much to say on the things they care about.  The one guy I text frequently is currently missing his phone or something.  Hopefully he didn't get a new one with a different number or anything, cause I have no other real way of contacting him...

Out of curiosity, how often does everyone here yawn, and how easily do you catch yawns from other people?  The contagious factor is the important part.  This is for science.
I'll go into fits of yawning that can last upwards of ten minutes, and just typing this out is contagious enough to me to make me yawn.
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