Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563539 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3420 on: February 09, 2015, 10:46:41 PM »
Too many young people with sleeping disorders around here... 
It's unusual if I can stay up past 2:00 anymore.  12:00 is usually when I start to wind down.
Yeah o__o well, I guess it is an internet community, so maybe it will just be a common factor XP

I have to wind down and go to bed at about 9.30pm lately, sharing my room with mum -__- (I gave her my bed so I have the tiny fold-out wire bed and agh my back... no) But back in the old days~ I would actually get most of my work done at around 9pm-2am, like, there's a sudden wave of motivation XD maybe that's why I always feel like jogging and exercise and being really hyperactive late at night and driving everyone else nuts...heh. 4am-8am is another weird time of crazy 'I want to slee--no I must exercise!' motivation. Whyyyyyyyy.
But getting to bed earlier and sleeping sounder would be a good thing. :/

How do people wind down?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3421 on: February 09, 2015, 10:59:15 PM »
Too many young people with sleeping disorders around here... 
It's unusual if I can stay up past 2:00 anymore.  12:00 is usually when I start to wind down.

Twelve is often the time when I start getting sleepy, but my roommate is always still awake then, and sometimes she'll call her boyfriend at, like, one in the morning (yes, I have complained about it before), and I can't voluntarily sleep with any lights turned on, or with people talking. Usually I get my energy back before 2. Also SSSS updates have no small part in it either, ssshhh

Yeah o__o well, I guess it is an internet community, so maybe it will just be a common factor XP

I have to wind down and go to bed at about 9.30pm lately, sharing my room with mum -__- (I gave her my bed so I have the tiny fold-out wire bed and agh my back... no) But back in the old days~ I would actually get most of my work done at around 9pm-2am, like, there's a sudden wave of motivation XD maybe that's why I always feel like jogging and exercise and being really hyperactive late at night and driving everyone else nuts...heh. 4am-8am is another weird time of crazy 'I want to slee--no I must exercise!' motivation. Whyyyyyyyy.
But getting to bed earlier and sleeping sounder would be a good thing. :/

How do people wind down?

I do almost all of my homework after 8 PM. I never stay up past four AM unless I'm waaaay behind on a school project (fun fact: I was up until 5 AM on literally the last week of school last year finishing a project that I wasn't even able to finish until I woke up two hours later) or am on an overnight bus and can't sleep. (that's only happened to me once, it was /horrible/)
"Winding down" for me just means getting sleepy. Or when I realize I should sleep soon, and stop drawing/listening to music/whatever I'm doing and just go on tumblr for a little until I get bored or tired. :P

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3422 on: February 09, 2015, 11:07:26 PM »
Too many young people with sleeping disorders around here... 
It's unusual if I can stay up past 2:00 anymore.  12:00 is usually when I start to wind down.

Sometimes unfortunately, I'm often exhausted by 9:00. Usually it turns out to be a good thing.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3423 on: February 09, 2015, 11:35:57 PM »
Yeah o__o well, I guess it is an internet community, so maybe it will just be a common factor XP

I have to wind down and go to bed at about 9.30pm lately, sharing my room with mum -__- (I gave her my bed so I have the tiny fold-out wire bed and agh my back... no) But back in the old days~ I would actually get most of my work done at around 9pm-2am, like, there's a sudden wave of motivation XD maybe that's why I always feel like jogging and exercise and being really hyperactive late at night and driving everyone else nuts...heh. 4am-8am is another weird time of crazy 'I want to slee--no I must exercise!' motivation. Whyyyyyyyy.
But getting to bed earlier and sleeping sounder would be a good thing. :/

How do people wind down?
I wind down by getting into bed and waiting.  :|  Some nights I'll play guitar, or a video game, or something, though.  I'm playing Wind Waker, tonight.  Just sailing around, admiring the game, listening to the virtual waves...  It's actually kinda nice.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3424 on: February 09, 2015, 11:49:16 PM »
I wind down by getting into bed and waiting.  :|  Some nights I'll play guitar, or a video game, or something, though.  I'm playing Wind Waker, tonight.  Just sailing around, admiring the game, listening to the virtual waves...  It's actually kinda nice.
Nice! *looks it up*
Very nice! Virtual waves...much better than actual waves because you can control the volume and make them stop while you sleep 9___9
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3425 on: February 10, 2015, 05:30:57 AM »
Ack, double post. :/
My Dad is currently obsessed with this diet app that his scientist friend also uses- it just counts calories and kilojoules etc etc, and he's made me download it and has decided that he's going to race me to lose weight. -___- And he keeps whipping out his phone to show me and keeps bringing it up, its all he talks about and if you know my dad (thank god you don't) you'd know that HE CAN TALK with a mouthful of marbles underwater until he's blue in the face and your ears fall off. Forever. With lots of um's and uh's and replacing all nouns with "thingywhatsitmadoogle" And he asks dumb annoying questions that just flip some angry switch in my head and drives me bonkers.
Eg this morning:
"*mistakenly calls me by both my sisters' names, then my own name, then their names again* Owl. Did you down-downlo-load download the uh, did you, have you done the, *holds up phone in my face* did you?"
"Yes I did."
"What?" (he's pretty deaf)
"I downloaded the app."
"Did you download the uh....the app?"
"Yes I did."
"Did you? You got it onto your, onto your, your phone."
"And ho--"
"It's fine OK!!!!!?!?!?1!"
*Is in trouble for the rest of the day for being a rude ungrateful child. Then asked to spell "pizza" "pasta bake" "could" and "keen"*

I just. 20 years of this, and I think I'm starting to lose it now.... -____- I'm going irrationally bonkers.
He's also the kind of guy who loudly crumples chip packets and makes phone calls in the cinema, and also coughs and clears his throat every 3 seconds and inhales/sucks all food into his mouth instead of using the cutlery to put it in his mouth if that gives you more of an idea. personal... eye-twitchy things? I guess?

But anywho, I just feel horrible because he keeps bringing up diets and how much weight I need to lose, and my sister is in on it too, as well as my mum (heck, she burst into the bathroom while I was getting changed the other day [no one knocks] and the only thing she says, instead of "Oh sorry!" is "Do more exercise." e_________e) I don't even think I'm that big? I guess it's just because all the women in my family are size Lalli to Sigrun, so in comparison I probably look huge >:(

But uuuughghhhhghghghghghghghhgh I just needed to rant a bit. Don't mind me.... 9__9
:artd: :book1+: :book2:

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3426 on: February 10, 2015, 06:45:13 AM »
Well, I did fall asleep eventually, sometime after 4:30. I wasn't really functional today, so my mum let me stay home. So after waking up 6:15 as usual, I allowed myself to sleep for "just a little longer" and was woken up by the doorbell ringing four hours later. That's probably not going to make it easier to fall asleep tonight, but at least I feel a little more awake now.



I must say, it's very understandable that you feel annoyed. I'm having difficulty coming up with something intelligent to tell you, but I do sympathise


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3427 on: February 10, 2015, 08:51:49 AM »
I used to feel the same about my dad, but I stopped after a while.  He gets our names mixed up, too, he's even called me by the dog's name a couple times.  He's usually pretty quiet, though.  Still, like Sigrid said, you have my sympathies. 
Here's a video of Sheldon Cooper trying to be comforting, to cheer you up: there there.
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Fen Shen

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3428 on: February 10, 2015, 11:41:27 AM »
Hey, no need to apologize. That's a part of what the general discussion thread is made for. It's good to have a place where you can complain and rant about the things that make your life awful and get some sympathy. *virtual hug* Unfortunately, I have about zero experience with crazy kids, so I can't say anything helpful.

Sigrid, is there any way you could upload the article or link to it if there's an online version? I was on but didn't find a search option. (I was so happy I understood some of the headlines without looking up anything :) )

Owl, *hugs* I know that feeling. My father also tends to make comments like "Do you really think you should wear this shorts? It makes your legs look so fat!", although he doesn't realize they might be mean. Well, I know that my legs could be thinner, but when it's warm I'll wear shorts anyway.  :P
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3429 on: February 10, 2015, 11:52:06 AM »
Ah yes, nice picture.

"Caligula er namnet på ein romersk herskar og ein strippeklubb"
...Wait what am I reading?

Sigrid, is there any way you could upload the article or link to it if there's an online version? I was on but didn't find a search option. (I was so happy I understood some of the headlines without looking up anything :) )
This is inexplicably funny to me considering that you have BT in your avatar.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 11:56:49 AM by Fimbulvarg »

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3430 on: February 10, 2015, 12:46:45 PM »
Sigrid, is there any way you could upload the article or link to it if there's an online version? I was on but didn't find a search option. (I was so happy I understood some of the headlines without looking up anything :) )

Yeah, of course! I actually haven't read it myself yet, but I just came back from the store now, so I'll scan it and upload it ;3 (and congratulations, that's great!)

Ah yes, nice picture.

"Caligula er namnet på ein romersk herskar og ein strippeklubb"
...Wait what am I reading?

*shrug* contemporary art

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3431 on: February 10, 2015, 01:11:37 PM »
The picture was too big to put here (you'd have to scroll and stuff, and that's just annoying), so here's a link: BT article


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3432 on: February 10, 2015, 01:20:51 PM »
The picture was too big to put here (you'd have to scroll and stuff, and that's just annoying), so here's a link: BT article
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3433 on: February 10, 2015, 01:31:22 PM »
Ack, double post. :/

But anywho, I just feel horrible because he keeps bringing up diets and how much weight I need to lose, and my sister is in on it too, as well as my mum (heck, she burst into the bathroom while I was getting changed the other day [no one knocks] and the only thing she says, instead of "Oh sorry!" is "Do more exercise." e_________e) I don't even think I'm that big? I guess it's just because all the women in my family are size Lalli to Sigrun, so in comparison I probably look huge >:(

Awww, honey, I sympathize!  I mean, we'd all sympathize with our dear Owl no matter what the issue is.  But I went through some of the same hazing re: weight when I was your age.  The "funny" thing is that I wasn't even all that heavy at the time, compared to how overweight most Americans are these days!  But I was the only person at all pudgy in my entire extended family, so I guess I stood out.

Of course, they're wrong.  Probably factually (you look just fine in your pictures), and certainly tactically.  The only thing my parents' nagging accomplished was to make me all guilty and compulsive about eating.... something that took me a LONG TIME to outgrow. 

It's a pity they can't understand how counterproductive their nagging is.  But I know family dynamics -- they probably aren't in a place yet where they can respect the (very reasonable) perspective of "their little girl."  Is there a sympathetic adult you could enlist to ask them not to nag?  Maybe your aunt with the medical background? 

I would also say, not just to you but to anyone reading this, that exercise is a good thing *only* in the service of a higher purpose:  making friends with your body.  I had to take physical education all through secondary school, and I hated it -- with good reason.  It was all team sports like volleyball and flag football (which I stink at, and nobody ever wanted me on their team) -- which I would never play again.  In ugly uniforms, with plenty of competition, body comparison, and shaming.

There was no explanation of why exercise is good, even aside from weight loss/bodybuilding reasons: boosting your mood and energy level, improving your circulation, reducing the risk of things like strokes and breast cancer, making you feel more at home in your own skin, and encouraging you to set *your own* goals and appreciate your *private* achievements. 

It took me a good many years after high school (and even after college) to come to appreciate that even if my body didn't look like a swimsuit model's or perform like an athlete's, I could still have fun with it.  And I wasn't going to let anybody else get in the way of my having fun, dammit.  (Says someone who has finished three half-marathons, even if at a very slow speed.)

I can't solve the problem of your obnoxious family (or I'd be in there SO FAST like Wonder Woman, tying them up with my Golden Lasso of Truth).  I can only encourage you to have faith -- whatever you end up doing will be for you and not for them, and eventually they'll figure that out.

(Or you'll move out and not have to deal with their stupid remarks.   ;D)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3434 on: February 10, 2015, 01:32:57 PM »
The picture was too big to put here (you'd have to scroll and stuff, and that's just annoying), so here's a link: BT article

Awww yeaah! You look awesome as always! And you're in the paper!

Also: hugs for Owlice. I don't know whether you do weight too much, but I still think that overweight people are the best to hug and get hugs from. Plus, in your photo you look perfectly fine to me!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 01:34:30 PM by Nimphy »
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