Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2447826 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18495 on: March 07, 2019, 01:41:47 AM »
I know a few of those, not all. And Loreena is heartwrenching, if it is the same tune of that name that I know? 'The years slip slowly by, Loreena. Snow is on the ground again. The sun is sinking low, Loreena......' is that it? And such a sweet sad tune.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18496 on: March 07, 2019, 09:44:08 AM »
That's the one. It's based on a true story when a young woman had to break her engagement to a impoverished minister because her brother refused to allow the marriage. The minister wrote the lyrics as a poem and later met a songwriter who put it to music. The songwriter also wrote In the Sweet By and By.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18497 on: March 10, 2019, 05:18:22 PM »
Ooooh my god, I haven't touched this site in at least 4 years! How've you been guys? I really want to re-read the entire comic again, since I can barely remember what happened and that upsets me a lot since I was completly obsessed when I was younger. I know there are new updates in the comic itself but are there any news I should definetly check out?

Again, I'm so glad to see you all again! If I find some time to read again and connect more, I'll try discussing more in the forum! ;)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18498 on: March 10, 2019, 11:26:13 PM »
Ooooh my god, I haven't touched this site in at least 4 years! How've you been guys? I really want to re-read the entire comic again, since I can barely remember what happened and that upsets me a lot since I was completly obsessed when I was younger. I know there are new updates in the comic itself but are there any news I should definetly check out?

Again, I'm so glad to see you all again! If I find some time to read again and connect more, I'll try discussing more in the forum! ;)
Hello! Welcome back! I think the biggest bits of news are that the first two books of SSSS have been published, and Minna does Friday and Saturday livestreams of her art. I'm not sure if there's any other news, though...maybe someone else can fill in on that.
Butter good.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18499 on: March 10, 2019, 11:28:55 PM »
Ooooh my god, I haven't touched this site in at least 4 years! How've you been guys? I really want to re-read the entire comic again, since I can barely remember what happened and that upsets me a lot since I was completly obsessed when I was younger. I know there are new updates in the comic itself but are there any news I should definetly check out?

Again, I'm so glad to see you all again! If I find some time to read again and connect more, I'll try discussing more in the forum! ;)

Four years?
An RP rose on the PerSSSSonas board, finished, and now has an ongoing sequel.

Several others are being run on the General Discussion Board.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18500 on: March 11, 2019, 05:45:50 PM »
Ooooh my god, I haven't touched this site in at least 4 years! How've you been guys? I really want to re-read the entire comic again, since I can barely remember what happened and that upsets me a lot since I was completly obsessed when I was younger. I know there are new updates in the comic itself but are there any news I should definetly check out?

Again, I'm so glad to see you all again! If I find some time to read again and connect more, I'll try discussing more in the forum! ;)

Howdy Cloudy, long time no see ^_^

As Ragnarok mentioned, we managed to finish the first RP after around 2 years and it wasn't a total disaster :'D Almost everyone left playing survived and we didn't doom the known world so that's a success methinks! (I think I remember your SSSSona from way back when we were all going SSSSona wild) A lot of the forumites from your day are less active now, but there's still a fair few of us about who pop in every now and then to be social as well as all the newer members, and of course, there's years worth of gorgeous art and memes and whatnot to explore if you felt up for the time commitment.

I hope life has been treating you well in your time away and that you'll have fun dabbling with the forum again :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18501 on: March 13, 2019, 09:42:01 AM »
Since we lack a thread on mythologies and philosophies, I wish to leave this story here.


Once, on the road, Prim met a mendicant sage. The sage was chewing umbral blossoms and sitting in a ditch, filthy and ragged. Curious, Prim crouched down and asked the man what he was doing, for the day was quite hot, and there were beasts and worse about.

“What makes a man the most powerful?” said the sage. “I’ve wondered about this question for a good three days now. I’ve scarcely drunk a drop, or eaten a morsel, or got a moment’s sleep!” Prim itched to leave and continue her journey, but instead gave the man water and sat beside him, as at one point in her life she had been an excellent daughter, and old habits die exceedingly hard.
“Is is the strength of a man’s arm?” said the sage, “Is it the timbre of his voice? Is it his luminous gaze? Is it the way the light strikes his face?”

Prim was sure it was none of these things, and told the man so. “I thought as much,” said the sage, “so I considered further. Is the root of power buried in the soil of violence? Must it be nourished with blood? But many violent men are overthrown with ease by those who use only words. So it must not be so. Does power lie in the throat, then? Does a truly powerful man keep it in his body like a deep and mighty lake, boiling and bubbling in his guts, only to spill forth when he parts his steaming lips?”

Prim was certain it was none of these things, and told the man so. The sage nodded and continued, chewing on his leaf. “I think so too,” he said. “In truth, my conclusion is that the most powerful of men are neither wholly violent, nor strong of voice. The most powerful of men are radiant. Their power suffuses the air around them, and enslaves the will of others around them, by their own unwilling consent. It is an illusory power, which makes it all the more dangerous, since it feeds off belief. Such a man can kill without thinking, if he so chooses. He is sovereign from the laws of other men.”
“What do you think?” asked the sage, looking equal parts exhausted and pleased. Prim didn’t have an answer. “Well, none of that! I’ve been on this for three days!” sputtered the sage. “Which do you think? The violent man, the vocal man, or the radiant man?”

Prim thought of the violent men who had passed through her father’s house, and the iron rod of her father, with which he had not been sparing. She thought of the silken-voiced men that whispered near her father’s hearth. And she thought of the royal men, who came in processions to consult with her father, carried on their palanquins.

“None of them,” said Prim, at last.

“What?” said the sage, aghast.

“The most powerful man has the capability to be violent, charismatic, or sovereign, all,” said Prim, “but he chooses to be none of them, because if he does, he has become cruel, and a cruel man has lost all claim to power.”

She stood up and dusted herself off. “If God were a mere fisherman, he would earn my respect,” said Prim. She gathered her things and returned to the road, leaving her canteen with the sage, who remained there a day longer. He then gave up on the question, and later abandoned his sage’s rags to become a successful farmer.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18502 on: March 13, 2019, 10:12:54 AM »
Since we lack a thread on mythologies and philosophies, I wish to leave this story here.


Once, on the road, Prim met a mendicant sage. The sage was chewing umbral blossoms and sitting in a ditch, filthy and ragged. Curious, Prim crouched down and asked the man what he was doing, for the day was quite hot, and there were beasts and worse about.

“What makes a man the most powerful?” said the sage. “I’ve wondered about this question for a good three days now. I’ve scarcely drunk a drop, or eaten a morsel, or got a moment’s sleep!” Prim itched to leave and continue her journey, but instead gave the man water and sat beside him, as at one point in her life she had been an excellent daughter, and old habits die exceedingly hard.
“Is is the strength of a man’s arm?” said the sage, “Is it the timbre of his voice? Is it his luminous gaze? Is it the way the light strikes his face?”

Prim was sure it was none of these things, and told the man so. “I thought as much,” said the sage, “so I considered further. Is the root of power buried in the soil of violence? Must it be nourished with blood? But many violent men are overthrown with ease by those who use only words. So it must not be so. Does power lie in the throat, then? Does a truly powerful man keep it in his body like a deep and mighty lake, boiling and bubbling in his guts, only to spill forth when he parts his steaming lips?”

Prim was certain it was none of these things, and told the man so. The sage nodded and continued, chewing on his leaf. “I think so too,” he said. “In truth, my conclusion is that the most powerful of men are neither wholly violent, nor strong of voice. The most powerful of men are radiant. Their power suffuses the air around them, and enslaves the will of others around them, by their own unwilling consent. It is an illusory power, which makes it all the more dangerous, since it feeds off belief. Such a man can kill without thinking, if he so chooses. He is sovereign from the laws of other men.”
“What do you think?” asked the sage, looking equal parts exhausted and pleased. Prim didn’t have an answer. “Well, none of that! I’ve been on this for three days!” sputtered the sage. “Which do you think? The violent man, the vocal man, or the radiant man?”

Prim thought of the violent men who had passed through her father’s house, and the iron rod of her father, with which he had not been sparing. She thought of the silken-voiced men that whispered near her father’s hearth. And she thought of the royal men, who came in processions to consult with her father, carried on their palanquins.

“None of them,” said Prim, at last.

“What?” said the sage, aghast.

“The most powerful man has the capability to be violent, charismatic, or sovereign, all,” said Prim, “but he chooses to be none of them, because if he does, he has become cruel, and a cruel man has lost all claim to power.”

She stood up and dusted herself off. “If God were a mere fisherman, he would earn my respect,” said Prim. She gathered her things and returned to the road, leaving her canteen with the sage, who remained there a day longer. He then gave up on the question, and later abandoned his sage’s rags to become a successful farmer.

Seems vaguely familiar. Was it by any chance inspired by Kill Six Billion Demons?


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18503 on: March 13, 2019, 10:38:33 AM »
Seems vaguely familiar. Was it by any chance inspired by Kill Six Billion Demons?

Directly from it. I find the philosophy and koans in there fascinating.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18504 on: March 13, 2019, 04:40:01 PM »
Ragnarok and Ranvor, sorry, I seem to have accidentally 'logged' your comments. That was not my intention, and I can't make it go away. Apologies!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18505 on: March 14, 2019, 08:23:29 AM »
Ragnarok and Ranvor, sorry, I seem to have accidentally 'logged' your comments. That was not my intention, and I can't make it go away. Apologies!

I haven't seen anything about that harm done I guess?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18506 on: March 15, 2019, 01:18:46 AM »
*arises from hospital torpor*  There seem to be no issues logged with the mods in the last few days?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18507 on: March 15, 2019, 04:53:59 AM »
So an Australian neo-Nazi and two others shot up two mosques in Christchurch.

I'm kind of at a loss for words here. For several reasons.
1. The last massacre this big I remember around Australia/New Zealand was the Port Arthur massacre, and that happened when I was so young I can't remember anything much.
2. This neo-Nazi thing is freaking me out. Everything possible about this was premeditated. They even streamed the thing.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18508 on: March 15, 2019, 07:12:12 AM »
I happen to have come here to send hugs to the New Zealanders after learning about this in a discussion space where I tend to stick to lurking.
So... *hugs to the New Zealanders*
*and also to the Australians who are going to have their nationality associated with those people in a country's media for the next few days*
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 07:51:34 AM by Grade E cat »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #18509 on: March 15, 2019, 07:24:11 AM »
The news out of NZ is horrible and heartbreaking
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