I've been meaning to ask - is there a general "we should all be anonymous thing" going on in this forum, or is it just some people? There was some discussion on astrology and people's signs and someone wondered if this bordered too close on revealing Real Life Identities.
Has this been discussed? And can I still be openly and blatantly Oda? I do of course have no problem with people wanting to hold back their real names and faces.
AFAIK nobody discussed anonymity. I think it was just that a lot of us early members used pseudonyms, and accidentally created a
Founder Effect. But it's totally OK for people to use all or part of their full name/identity! At least in *this* corner of the Internet, the atmosphere is very respectful.
I adopted a pseudo for several reasons, some of them kind of feeble.
* I've never participated in a forum before, and I wasn't sure how I'd be received. Y'all know how nasty the Internet can be -- particularly towards women. The Washington Post columnist Gene Weingarten describes online *news* comments as "getting a side dish of maggots with your steak." Obviously my fears were unfounded. But at the time I erred on the side of safety.
* I felt awkward about "coming out of the closet" w/r/t my geek interests -- especially since I'm older and more square than a lot of you. What if my parents saw my posts about explosives, or Mikkel's pettable sideburns, or whatever? What if (horrors) potential employers saw them? (Although on second thought, I'm in Silicon Valley -- potential bosses probably spend their evenings doing anime fansubs or Star Trek cosplay.)
* I have an unusual name (thanks, Mom and Dad) that is A) easy to Google and B) dorky. When I was a kid, it was worse than being
"A Boy Named Sue." Forty-odd years later, I *still* flinch when I have to say it, and repeat it, and spell it multiple times to people. (At Starbucks, I'm usually "Ann" or "Jane" -- it's easier.)
* Maybe because I have a strange name, I'm a little superstitious about the power of names. If you've read Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea series (which I heartily recommend),
you know thatin Earthsea, the true name of a person has power, and a wizard can wield total power over someone whose name he knows. Consequently, any person guards his true name closely, and only shares it with those whom he or she can totally trust.
In-story, this means that people who use their True Names openly (like our Richard Weir) are so awesomely badass, they don't
care what bad juju a wizard could work with their name.
* Frankly, the anonymity has helped me be more open about some things. Open to the point I sometimes feel I should apologize to the rest of the Forum for getting so personal! (That's my streak of tight-lipped New England Yankee heritage emerging.)
But please don't let my neuroses set the standard for anyone else! At this point, I stick to being "Sunflower" mostly out of habit. If any of you ever want to get in touch IRL (say, if you're visiting Northern California and would like a friendly local guide), I'd even divulge my Sekrit Mundane Identity.