Have to be determined, I have a mortgage, and customers who expect me. Including one lady who regularly buys my flowers for the tables in her restaurant, and a couple of people who are building food gardens or collections of rare plants, dye plants etc,who buy a couple of new plants each week. Fortunately a lot of my flowers are bulbs (bluebells, tulips, dutch iris and suchlike which can survive the weather) hardy natives such as boronia, eriostemon and thomasia that flower in winter, and tree or vine flowers such as lilac, viburnum and wisteria, that are up out of the goop on the ground. I'm a smallholder rather than a full on farmer, having only a (very densely planted) third of an acre. I sell mostly flowers, fresh herb bunches and potted herbs, fresh fruit and veges in season, and cottage garden plants, wild food plants, dye plants and old herbs used for medicine and magic.
It's a way for a retired and somewhat limping ex-botany lecturer to make a living, along with teaching workshops on foraging, bushcraft and wilderness survival, dyeing and perfuming. Our market is in the Mount Pleasant show hall, with stalls inside or out depending on weather and stallholder numbers.
This morning actually wasn't too bad, even sunny, but now it's around 2pm, and I'm taking a break from unloading. I think another band of storms is coming in and the air pressure/humidity is changing, because I can feel every pin and plate in my leg at present! Ah well,back to unloading. I actually had a pretty good morning!
What do you farm?