*Mom is wearing a Nordic-looking sweater*
Me- "I like your sweater!"
Her- "Ha, [your grandmother] got it for me in Iceland in like, the 80s."
Me- "Iceland! Iceland's at the top of my travel list!"
Her- "Really?! Why?"
Me- >__> ".......It's pretty!"
It was too late at night to remind her what my interests are... :P
Oh gosh XD
I discovered last year that when my mum was around my age she was also obsessed with Scandinavia, except...because of ABBA and Aha reasons ;u; She has this really cool necklace that she got from her boss in the 80's when he came back from a business trip to either Sweden or Norway- she can't remember- and it's a tiny little pendant of a viking longship and I love it to death. She doesn't take it off ever. The only issue is that we don't know if it came from Sweden or Norway because A) it is a viking ship and B) the sail is striped with gold and blue. So I'm thinking maybe it's Swedish?? But it is so cooooooool. I want one. ;__;
Mum, probably: Why go all the way to Sweden when we have all these ABBA CDs RIGHT HERE!
Me, probably: MUUUUUUUUUM NO
Oh! I passed my driving theory test today!! :D Now all I have to do is drive under supervision for three months and then I can take a driving test and then if I pass that I can drive under supervision for nine months and then I can take a driving test and then if I pass that I can drive unsupervised for twelve months and then I can take a driving test and then if I pass that I can drive unsupervised until I turn 25 and then I can get my full license!!! :D :D :D :'D
Also, a cute story: My little sister snuck into my room after we picked her up from theatre rehearsal today. She had a bag, and was very secretive. She's like "Psssst. Look what I got." and from out of the bag she pulls out this GIANT jar of Nutella, with a personalised label with her name on it. On the lid was some nice brown paper, with "I'm totally nuts about you" written in silver gel pen. And I'm like "Awwww."
But she reaches into the bag again, and pulls out a mini jar of Nutella with brown paper on the lid with "Will" written on it. And I'm like "Yo who's Will? Why do you have Will's Nutella? Why is Will also getting Nutella." and she keeps pulling these little Nutella jars out of the bag and the lids have:
And I'm like "That is so much Nutella." and she says "Yeah. They're from Maximilian. <3 He left them on my sports bag after rehearsal."
And all of this is very sweet, except this poor Maximilian is not liked by our parents, and they don't like him and my sister hanging out, and have forbidden her from dating him. Which puts a dampener on things I guess. But at least we get all this Nutella. Secret Nutella.
Yes. This sounds fake. But it is sadly, sadly true.