Comic Merch
Shhhh we're not going to talk about the lack of snow here. *hits the snow button some more to compensate*
T-T I haven't seen snow at all yet this season and I miss it... *joins in hitting the snow button*
We had more torrential rain fall last night. And the a/c has been on. Just screams "Christmas" to me....
the czech lowlands are just 100% fog lately. no rain, no snow, only fog. there was a brief moment of sun yesterday, but other than that........... foggy sunsets are kinda pretty though.
tar syrup liqueur
You have my full attention now.
I'll have you know tar is awesome! Tar liqour and syrup are delicious, but my personal favourites are tar candy and tar ice cream. I like to use tar shampoo because then my whole head smells like tar and that's one of the best scents in the world. I also have a weak point for boats and houses that are freshly tarred and still smell of it. Humon may have a point in that Finns drink anything with alcohol in it, but here the joke should rather be that we also love everything that has tar in it in one form or another...