Author Topic: Poetry collection  (Read 229896 times)


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #495 on: October 17, 2015, 08:12:20 AM »
Page 408

Nothing stops the cat-tank

No slope too steep
No fence too thick
No trench too deep
No walls of brick
Nothing stops the cat-tank

No cable lines
No pillars of rock
Through rain and shine
Through all hard knocks
Nothing stops the cat-tank

No meatling sacs
Nor messy Swedes
Through tough impacts
It shall proceed
Nothing stops the cat-tank

No autumn leaves
No winter snow
Their path is weaved
Just watch it go
Nothing stops the cat-tank


Rolling in Our Tank
(based on Driving In My Car by the Madness)

We are rolling in our tank, with our tracks through the snow banks
We're still rolling while it's light, driving through-out the night
It's been banged, it's been dinged, it's still going, little thing
No idea how it still goes, with its cat-like ears and nose
I drive in it for my job, carrying our motley mob
Surprising how it's tough, even when the road's really rough

It's a bit small but it's ours, got some dents and battle scars
Driving through the snow and rain, it's still running like a train
It's been fine for our campaign
We are rolling round the clock, through even crashes and little knocks
We only rearranged its face, we keep rolling on from place to place

We are rolling in our tank, we only have this thing to thank
Through the valleys up the hills, only I have got the skill
We roll along the straights and bends, this little thing it never ends
We never stop, we just only pause, now we go again because
The tracks just pull us all along, might look tiny but it's so strong
We are rolling in our tank, we're still rolling just on we crank

We are rolling in our tank, we only have this thing to thank
We are rolling in our tank, through the light and the dank
We are rolling in our tank, with our tracks through the snow bank
We are rolling in our tank, we're still rolling just on we crank
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 08:57:14 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #496 on: October 19, 2015, 10:54:54 PM »
Pg. 409

Don't Fear It, Just Weird Spirits

Wearing the fence remnants as a metal face guard,
Or some kind of loose chain mail plating.
Stopped the cat tank with a small stone bollard,
Most best braking system activating!

Not driving quickly so it wasn't too hard.
The sky looks weird or we're hallucinating...
Inside a palace grounds or a town hall courtyard.
Now wake the cat up, which he'll be hating.

Tuuri passes Emil, exchanging glances,
Stirring poor Lalli, he'll never get rested.
Asking if he saw anything strange in advance,
By the buildings in this campsite he suggested.

Just some weird spirits, nothing else in his scans,
Tuuri, seems to be anxious, didn't want to pester.
Whatever else out there is out of his hands.
Go back to sleeping, solitary, sequestered.


Just Weird Spirits (based on Can You Feel It by the Jackson Five)

Just weird spirits, just weird spirits, just weird spirits

I just look around
Hear the sounds, around these palace grounds
Just weird spirits, just weird spirits, just weird spirits
Feel it in the air
Spirits are dancing, they're everywhere
Just weird spirits, just weird spirits, just weird spirits

See the colors of the sky, lovely
Mixing each other all splendidly
Yes it's alright
Take my message to our leader and say it's fine
There's nothing else around there buildings
There is nothing to worry
So red and blue
Spinning colour shades
Yes, this camping site is safe, now inside it's true

You can't see

Just weird spirits, just weird spirits, just weird spirits
Can you see them flying round? I can feel them in these grounds

Every step I take
Is a dream dance in another place
Every magic word
Is a plead and call to another world
But the sky does shine
And promising a haven is here this time
I can feel it now
So my friend and comrades
I kept my vow

You can't see
Just weird spirits, I see just weird spirits, just weird spirits
Right now, you can't see what's going down, open up your mind

See the splendour of the light, pretty
Swirling each other all gracefully
Yes it's alright
See the winter sky and the clouds, it's rather nice
Just weird spirits, my cousin dear
There is nothing to worry
The tints and hues
See them as they fade
Yes, this camping site is safe, now inside it's true

You can't see
Just weird spirits, just weird spirits, just weird spirits
Just weird spirits, just weird spirits, just weird spirits
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 12:16:03 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #497 on: October 21, 2015, 01:49:02 AM »
Pg 410

Apology You Keep, Now Only Sleep

No time for apologies,
There's only time for nap.
Leave him to catch z's
He earnt it, the poor chap.

Looking around, three others exit
And step out in the snow.
"Looks good enough" Sigrun admits.
As far as safe places go...

The bird's-eye top-down view
Is an octagonal shape.
A large open space with few
Routes through which to escape..

They're in what appears a kill-zone.
Half fortress, half prison confined
Here's another break to bemoan.
The upcoming chapter is chapter number nine...


Kill-box (based on Squeeze Box by the Who)

We are in a kill-box
But Sigrun's impressed
And now Lalli's out cold
He really needs some rest

'Cause he's scouting all night
And the job was all right
We are in a kill-box
Lalli never sleeps at night

Well the cat found a way
Almost led us astray
It's a palace or prison
But rest up okay

'Cause he's scouting all night
Prepare for a fight
We are in a kill-box
But this camp site looks alright

He goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out

He's scouting all night
And the job was all right
We are in a kill-box
Lalli never sleeps at night

He goes, leave me, go on and leave me
Go on and leave me, need to sleep
My promises I keep
We are in a kill-box
But this camp site looks alright

He goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out

'Cause he's scouting all night
Prepare for a fight
We are in a kill-box
But this camp site looks alright
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 02:03:55 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #498 on: October 22, 2015, 11:00:45 PM »
Pg. 411

Clean and Free, To Tapio and Mielikki

Shades of blue
Shades of green
And everything in between

Sky of grey
This info page
With a solitary Finnish mage

Tallest tree
Upon the marsh
Peaceful scenes, yet bleak and harsh

Raise the piece
The only bone
To act as spirits' chaperone

Smoking skull
Return to sky
So the soul can at peace lie

Return to kind
To take flight
And at last be free from blight

In this ritual
To preside
Becoming the final journey's guide

Ceremony old
But adapted fresh
Be beast reborn with untainted flesh

To Mielikki
Or Tapio
Go, to the other side, now go
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #499 on: October 24, 2015, 02:56:35 AM »
Pg 412

Natural Might, Inherent Sprite.

The soul given form,
And an external source.
For a mage it's the norm,
Like a guardian force.

Through thin and thick,
Experiences shared.
Without it, become weak,
In its lifetime care.

Their inherent might
Determines those of the mages,
By hardships and tough fights,
Can be empowered to higher stages.

It can temporarily be gone,
Through injury untoward,
Or illness, ere it respawns,
By its own accord.

Without it the seer,
Becomes susceptibly weak.
If Luonto does not reappear,
Survival chances are bleak.

It can be called upon in need,
For their spiritual herald,
To strengthen their magic deeds.
Disbelieve at your peril...


My Luonto (based on Desperado by The Eagles)

My Luonto, it's just my personal spirit
No-one else can get near it, it chose me then
Oh, it's a lynx so, I know it's a part of my nature
It makes my spells greater and it is my friend

And I draw my strength from my Luonto
It comes when I call on it
I know the spirit-cat will always help protect
Now it sometimes leaves, have to wait
When I'm injured or when I'm tired
But I'm never alone so give it respect

My Luonto, oh, it's my guardian angel
Part and parcel of my will, my shield and protector
Luonto, Luonto well, it gives me safety from harm
And also it can act as a troll detector

And I'm not solo in the darkest night
I've got a friend who will see me right
You cannot tell, alright, it's hidden now
I summon with its majesty
And it's away now but it will come back somehow

My Luonto, it's just my personal spirit
There's no need to fear it, open your mind
I may look alone, but there's a spirit that's with me
I've always a companion kitty (a companion kitty)
I've always a companion kitty, not alone as you'll find
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 09:26:09 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #500 on: October 28, 2015, 11:56:40 AM »
Finnish Man With A Dork
(based on Englishman In New York by Sting)

He is so clueless with his braided hair
He's a strange dumb foreigner
And he is useless, can't do anything but talk
I'm a Finnish man with a dork

He is a chatterbox you can't turn off
Like a speaker with no switch
And he is impossible to block
I'm a Finnish man with a dork

He's an alien, weird Icelandic alien
I'm a Finnish Man with a dork
He's an alien, weird Icelandic alien
I'm a Finnish man with a dork

He has a bizarre foreign attitude
Like a lost dog with long braids
He walked straight into my dreaming place how rude
So 'get out' was the only thing I said

He's an alien, weird Icelandic alien
I'm a Finnish man with a dork
He's an alien, weird Icelandic alien
I'm a Finnish man with a dork

Honestly, he frightens me, and I need my privacy
I always want to be a solo Finn
Chattering unquietly is rare in Finn society
He talks so much he's making my head spin

Takes more than magic spells to make a mage
Takes more than a license for a gun
Stay away from trolls, avoid and don't engage
And follow me, quick, if I ever run

He has a bizarre foreign attitude
Like a puppy with long braids
He walked straight into my dreaming place how rude
So 'get out' was the only thing I said
So 'get out' was the only thing I said
So 'get out' was the only thing I said

He's an alien, weird Icelandic alien
I'm a Finnish man with a dork
He's an alien, weird Icelandic alien
I'm a Finnish man with a dork
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #501 on: October 29, 2015, 09:28:28 AM »
Pg 413

A Sneaker (based on The Seeker by the Who)

I slept through the dark
I slept in my meat-sac
I'm awakened by humans
And now I follow their track

You know I'm a sneaker
I'm just creepin' from the light
I won't rest, it's you that I'm after
Now you're in my sights

I'm just really hungry
And you are my meal
I'm now going hunting
And now your fate is sealed

You know I'm a sneaker
I'm just creepin' in the snow
On the hunt, it's you that I'm after
Anywhere you go

I'm comin' relentless, cuz I never tire
As I'm chasin' you down, you're gonna drop your guard
You're going nowhere, my target is acquired
I'm a sneaker, I'm coming to tear you apart

I won't rest, it's you that I'm after
And I'll snuff your lights

Don't feel like waitin' 'till it's twilight
I'm comin' for you, I'm out of sight
I'm hungry, you're my food, been followin' for miles
I'll just catch you and I'll eat when you all die

You'll never see me
I'm chasin' for you
You'll never see me comin'
And you won't know what to do

You know I'm a sneaker
I'm just creepin' in the snow
I won't rest, it's you that I'm after
Anywhere you go


Soon to be Caught

Soon humanity's bane
Will come bringing pain
Soul essence will drain
Out of sight, out of mind, out of thought

The spirit summoned in vain
Bypassed this inhuman strain
Only one thing on its brain
Formerly hidden behind a blind spot

Like an underground train
In dark, sub-terrain
It's course will maintain
With danger it will soon be fraught

They've stopped, it will gain
Hunting prey, urge to obtain
Hunger only serves to sustain
It's approaching now to spread the rot
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 11:25:06 PM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ranger
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #502 on: October 29, 2015, 09:35:14 PM »
I'm not a huge fan of poetry, but since we have to write a villanelle for English, I wanted make it about something I enjoy. Presenting "Villanelle to the Moon," based on, of course, Lalli's spell and the surrounding circumstances.

The moon appears to give us light.
When rain clouds dim the sky and ground,
Creatures thrive in the dark of night.

So few stars and not so bright,
Only a pleading prayer makes sound.
The moon appears to give us light.

Metal walls are blocking sight.
Dark, open fields stretch all around.
Creatures thrive in the dark of night.

Calling for a glow of white,
Peeking at the orb silver-crowned.
The moon appears to give us light.

Distant shadows kindle fright,
Lost souls not ready to be found.
Creatures thrive in the dark of night.

Without a vast show of might,
The heavens artfully astound.
The moon appears to give us light.
Creatures thrive in the dark of night.

Spoiler: villanelle definition • show
It might not be well known by its name, but a villanelle is a poem with a very strict structure of 19 lines, having five 3-line stanzas and one 4-line stanza at the end. The first and last lines of the first stanza are alternately repeated as the last lines of the following stanzas, then form a couplet at the end of the last. Only two rhymes are used in the entire poem. The best known example is Dylan Thomas's "Do not go gentle into that good night."
:chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :book3: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :book4:

:A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04:

Mark my words, it's not quite what you thought.

slim kittens

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #503 on: November 01, 2015, 08:53:38 PM »
page 413

This one needs no introduction.


Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day
Me say day, me say day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Scout all night on a cookie crumb
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Spottin' troll nest till de mornin' come
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Come, silent Danish guy, gimme 'nother cookie
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Come, silent Danish guy, gimme 'nother cookie
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Spot six nest, seven nest, eight nest, nine
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Spot six nest, seven nest, eight nest, nine
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

A beautiful bunch o' book for takin'
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
But the deadly trolls be wakin'
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Spot six nest, seven nest, eight nest, nine
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Spot six nest, seven nest, eight nest, nine
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Scat, little cousin pest, doncha start you talkin'
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Scat, little cousin pest, doncha start you talkin'
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep

Day-o, day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day
Me say day, me say day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go sleep


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #504 on: November 06, 2015, 02:50:13 AM »
He Something Something Out There Something

Reynir and Tuuri are in awe of the place,
Expressions of wonder plain on each face.
Fame and fortune came to this place before,
However those words can't be true any more.

Looking around are all of them still,
Just being here in this place gives them a thrill.
Emil nonplussed, he does nothing but stare,
Not a word from the Swede with the sparkle hair...

With his arms folded, no enthusiasm shown,
Unlike Tuuri and Reynir, his face more like stone.
Then Mikkel and Sigrun start to both walk about,
Scouting around while there's still some light out?

Sigrun's stopped by Reynir's clamping hand,
He saw something move in this unholy land.
But he holds the kitten so she lets it slide,
Otherwise the newbie might just have died...

Reynir's language Sigrun understands not.
The first word of the phrase she has only got.
Mikkel needing to translate for the lead hunter.
What possible thing do they need to confront there?


In the Breeze (based on Fraternity by Foo Fighters)

I spotted something in the breeze
Was it shadow or beast diseased?
I need the medic to translate me
Just hold on, don't go outside...

Would you believe the things I see?
Did I just see an anomally?
Are we all safe inside this site,
Safe from the beasts and trolls that bite?
I cannot wait for morning light
Hold on, the leader

Seeing something
Seeing something
Hope that I don't bleed

Don't say my eyes are deceiving me
I really hope I'm wrong, you see
I hope you lot are trained fully
Just hold on, don't go outside...

Don't wanna see beasts chasing me
Full of strange abnormalities
Are we all safe inside this site,
Safe from the beasts and trolls that bite?
I cannot wait for morning light
Hold on, the leader

Seeing something
Seeing something
Hope that I don't bleed

I hope I'm safe with the frowning Swede
Will he distract with his hair sparklies?
What'll I do if he eats me?
Just hold on, don't go outside...

Stay here now

So what about our scout Lùlli,
Should we get him up or leave him be?
Why do you look like you don't trust me?
Just hold on, don't go outside...

Don't go outside
Don't go outside
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 10:46:50 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #505 on: November 10, 2015, 02:39:39 AM »
Page 415

Finger Point, Come Search the Joint.

"Fine." Sigrun says,
And they go reconnoitre.
As protector, Emil stays
While they check it out there...

While the building they test,
The Swede's on guard duty.
To protect the helpless,
Not blessed with immunity

A foot to approach first.
Into the doorway.
Then in Sigrun bursts...
Nothing, to her dismay.

There's no sign, no trace,
Except for scout's prints.
On a wild goose chase,
She remains unconvinced.

She shrugs while looking back,
Beckons Reynir, he should beware.
She'll give him a whack.
If there's nothing there...
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #506 on: November 10, 2015, 10:41:44 PM »
Page 416:

Shadows Stare, Spooky Scare

Reynir arrives tentatively,
Trying to confirm what he did see.
The movement is revealed to be:
Shadows with eyes, lurking spookily.

"Sorry, just ghosts?" Reynir declares.
Sigrun indifferent, she's never scared.
Meanwhile Mikkel with face of despair,
Probably wonders if Reynir's impaired...

Sigrun asks whether they look mean,
Waving her hand at shadows unseen.
Fearless or inquisitively keen?
They just sit and flicker in between.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #507 on: November 11, 2015, 09:30:18 PM »
Pg. 417

Unnatural Causes

There's the answer, not hostile spirits
Although Reynir, why do you ask the kit?
Even if it knew could it answer you?
Cannot speak words only make sounds like "Miu"...

They suffered from disease, the bones show.
Pointing symptoms of illness, like so.
If not the rash then how did they go?
Not a scientist so he doesn't know.

Sigrun seems confused by his role.
Not a doctor, but medicine he doles.
He's not amused, the snarky one.
Jack of all trades, master of none...


Mikkel You've Got A Lot To Answer For
(based on Michael You've Got A Lot To Answer For by Duran Duran)

We came into this place of gore
Your revelation shakes my core
Not trained medically
You're no use to me
I can't trust in you any more

What deception do you have in store
Mikkel, you've got a lot to answer for
How will our trust be restored?
No doctor!

Now I know why you never smile
You were deceiving the whole while
Your falsehoods revealed in this, swindling with a twist
Disappointing, no scientist!

What deception do you have in store
Mikkel, you've got a lot to answer for
You got me shakin' cannot take much more

We put trust in you to be medically sure
The truth has come out at last, we were lured
No hippocratic oath you swore before?
Mikkel, you've got a lot to answer for

What will you say now to trick me?
You deceived me
And aggrieved me
You deceived me


Sick People Died
(based on Sun Hits The Sky by Supergrass)

We're in a place where the sick people died
These corpses had illness you can see the signs
The rashes they had did not take their life
'Cause I may know much but I'm no scientist guy!

I am no doctor
I said no doctor
What can I say?
But I'm not a doctor, no way
I have the plasters
Don't know what killed them
They just got struck down
We'll just look all around

We three were here when the dead caught our eye
I do not know what thing killed them this time
Why do you ask me, I can't answer right
'Cause I may know much but I'm no scientist guy!

I am no doctor
I said no doctor
What can I say?
But I'm not a doctor, no way
I have the plasters
Don't know what killed them
They just got struck down
We'll just look all around

I am no doctor
I said no doctor
What can I say?
But I'm not a doctor, no way
I have the plasters
Don't know what killed them
They just got struck down
We'll just look all around
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 11:16:22 PM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #508 on: November 12, 2015, 09:54:42 PM »
Pg. 418

No Vet, But No Dismissal Yet

Mikkel's not quite a vet, more a farm hand,
What medical wisdom has she at her command?
Doesn't need vast skills to chop off them limbs.
At least for those tasks Sigrun can trust him.

In the middle Reynir looks clueless as ever.
Holding the kitten like it's his final endeavour.
Stuck between the Dane and the Norwegian with guns,
Like he's terrified or at the very least stunned.

Interesting pages weave a tale that's most sorry.
This is not what I would call a good story.
Letters to the patients, to not cause concern.
Went out for supplies, but they never returned.


I'll Wake When I'm Dead
(Based on I'll Sleep When I'm Dead by Bon Jovi)

Here until I drift away
Rest is all I need
Nothing to do okay
'Cause I'll soon rest in peace
Feel so sick today
I'm just feeling so weak
I spend a lot of time in bed
I'll maybe stay for eternity so

I won't lie to you
I'm never gonna cry to you
I'll probably not last the rest of the week

Until I'm 6 feet under
Sickness keeps me in bed
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead
Till they roll me over
And lay my bones to rest
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead

So you're looking for some supplies
There's not enough here to eat
Better go outside there searching
'Cause there's nothing left for me
This ain't no slumber party
We're all only catching z's
We know that we're unhealthy
Well this living's a disease

I'm not long for this life maybe
Now I'm awaiting death's release
Leave while you can before you succumb like me

Until I'm six feet under
Rash keeps me in bed
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead
Till they roll me over
And lay my bones to rest
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead

Sleep when I'm dead, sleep when I'm dead
Gonna live while I'm alive,
I'll sleep when I'm dead
Here until I drift away
Rest is all I need

Nothing to do okay
'Cause I'll soon rest in peace
I've not long to live
You know I wasn't born to die
But if they party down in heaven
I'll be sure to be on time

Until I'm six feet under
Rash keeps me in bed
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead
Till they roll me over
And lay my bones to rest
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead

I feel like I'm exploding
Going out of my head
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead

Till I'm six feet under
And they lay my bones to rest
Gonna sleep while I'm alive
I'll wake when I'm dead

Wake when I'm dead
Wake when I'm dead
Gotta sleep while I'll alive
Wake when I'm dead
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 10:34:20 PM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #509 on: November 16, 2015, 11:49:52 PM »
Pg. 419

Attention All, Hissing Puff-ball

Played the part
Going back to the square.
Time to depart,
Nothing left for them there.

With kitty converse,
His small furry comrade.
These spirits immersed,
They appear to be quite sad.

Kitty he noticed,
At last, lanky twig.
Sound of a hiss
And eyes getting real big.

Puffed fur, stretched claws,
Seems there's reason or rhyme.
At least he draws
Their attention this time.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan: