Author Topic: Poetry collection  (Read 230084 times)


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #405 on: June 29, 2015, 10:29:45 PM »
Pg 351

Photographic Memory

Reynir awakens but he's no longer bound.
Something to do with his movements in the dream?
He stretches his limbs now that he's come around,
And approaches the still awake transposing team.

Tuuri notices the roused red-haird bloke,
And asks if Reynir's had a good sleep.
Will he remember his dream now he's awoke,
Of the boat, beast, the spitz and of the sheep?

While the two of them are talk to one another,
We see the photo beside as he rubs his face.
Will he recall in the dream seeing her brother,
Her cousin, and the conversation that took place?


Photograph by Def Leppard (with a few small changes)

I'm awake now, well sort of
Saw your photograph, picture of
Onni brother, he's so tough
He just picked me up and grabbed my scruff
I saw his face in my foremost dream
In remote place, there so serene
He threatened me, was scaring me
His eyes glowing, all magic-y

Oh, hear what he'd done to this ignorant clown
Oh oh, hear what he'd done

Photograph - I remembered
Photograph - What a temper
Photograph - All I saw was a photograph
But it's not enough

I saw your brother, if he was there
Almost murdered me, such a scare
Such a big man, he was wild
He made this poor man feel like a child, oh
Talked of some kinda mage you see
Was all wrapped up in mystery
He threatened me, was scaring me
His eyes glowing, all magic-y

Oh, hear what he'd done to this ignorant clown
Oh oh, hear what he'd done

Photograph - I remembered
Photograph - What a temper
Photograph - All I saw was a photograph
You've gone straight to my head

(Your photograph)
(I remembered your)

(Onni so rough)
(Onni so tough)
(He's the Onni one)

(Scared me so much)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 11:55:01 PM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #406 on: July 01, 2015, 12:12:09 AM »
Page 352

Medic, Stat! Help The Cats!

Reynir remembered the dream after all,
He jabbers about Tuuri's family on a whim.
The brother in the photo that he recalled,
While Tuuri just continues to humour him.

Although he may be remembering things,
Differently to how they actually were.
He might be a mage only just now realising,
It could explain the strange things that occured.

Outside of the cat tank there is a loud shout.
Services required from the Danish medic man.
With bandages in hand, Mikkel rushes out,
A different medical task now in demand.

Emil and Sigrun have returned to the group,
Clutching cats in need of urgent health-care.
The Swede just taking a kitten back to the troupe,
Sigrun having to carry all the books out, unfair.


Cats Do (based on We Do - the Stonecutters Song from the Simpsons)

Who requires medical aid?
Who needs the slings and wood splints made?
Cats do, cats do
Who needs bandages urgently?
Who needs the medicine so badly?
Cats do, cats do
Who badly needs this Dane doctors hand?
Who needs this emergency demand?
Cats do, cats do
Who needs their wounds bound up so tight?
Who demands my aid tonight?
Cats do, cats do
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 12:24:25 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #407 on: July 01, 2015, 11:10:12 PM »
Page 353

He's not a Vet, These are not Pets

Emil pleads with the Danish medic for aid,
Although he's not the one in need of his skills.
Mikkel's tone and face shows that he's dismayed,
Now if only the big man's looks could kill...

The road to recovery is long and tough,
Wrapped in towels with warm meals prepared.
Let's hope that the team has done enough,
To revive the patients now in their care.

The kitten has colour returned to its cheeks,
As for the momma cat, it's touch and go.
The size of the wound, blood lost - it looks bleak.
Will it survive? Well, only Minna knows...


Wounded by Good Charlotte (with a few small changes)

Lost and broken, helpless and fading
Bleeding on the outside and teeth have pierced its skin
Its spirit shattered, its soul is degrading
I'll try to make it seem okay but it's injured badly within

So help me heal these wounds
They've been open for way too long
Help mend this poor soul even though this is not my fault
That it's open and it's bleeding all over, it's all messed up
And I need someone to help me fix it up

We only wanted these gramophones, we only wanted to clear the zone
We only wanted to get out and be left alone
And now this cat has a bleak outlook
And now its arm has an open wound
And now its body is bleeding bad for all to see

But help me heal these wounds
They've been open for way too long
Help mend this poor soul even though this is not my fault
That it's open and it's bleeding all over, needs patching up
Oh, I need someone to help me

So we came along, saw it was carved up
It hissed and screamed, hurt by troll pup
'Cuz I need someone to help me
Oh, I need someone to help me

To help me heal these wounds
They've been open for way too long
Help mend this poor soul even though this is not my fault
That it's open and it's bleeding all over, needs bandaged up

And I need someone to help me fix them
I need someone to help me heal them
I need someone to help me wake them up

« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 12:33:47 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #408 on: July 02, 2015, 10:20:10 PM »
Pg. 354

Pity For Kitty

Mikkel injects the stricken animal,
Emil watches on, he was full of hope.
Horrible but it was not unimaginable.
Did the mother make it? Sadly, nope.

Sigrun disappointed she wasted her time,
Better this way so she has no more suffering.
However for them this is not end of the line,
The kitten has a better chance of recovering.

Emil is surprised as this was not what he expected,
Not what he meant when he asked about the syringe.
Now that he knows about the stuff Mikkel injected,
What will he do now, will he just moan and whinge?


We Watched The Dane Put Down Kitty
(based on Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me by Elton John)

I can't stand no more of this sadness
All my hoping seems to fade to black and white
I'm growing sad and time stands still before me
Frozen here on the ladder of cat's life

Too late to save kitty from falling
I took a chance and changed my way of life
But you misread my meaning when I asked you
Jabbed the shot and left me surprised by its plight

We watched the Dane put down kitty
Although I asked Mikkel: "Would she feel better now? Oh, please."
I'd just spectate a medic take the life to set it free
But I can't believe we watched the Dane putting down kitty

I can't feel the right way at this time
You see, I can't describe the way I feel
Don't discard it just because you think it lost its arm
This kitten I have, it needs love to help it heal

We watched the Dane put down kitty
Although I asked Mikkel: "Would she feel better now? Oh, please."
I'd just spectate a medic take the life to set it free
But I can't believe we watched the Dane putting down kitty
We watched the Dane put down kitty

Although I asked Mikkel: "Would she feel better now? Oh, please."
I'd just spectate a medic take the life to set it free
But I can't believe we watched the Dane putting down kitty
« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 11:09:01 PM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:

slim kittens

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #409 on: July 03, 2015, 07:38:26 PM »
page 354

A Mikkel song.

Courtesy of Frank Loesser:

Freedom I could wish you
Peace and freedom for your young
And fortune smiling all along your way
But more I cannot give you
Than to give you what I have
To help you on your way

Plenty I could wish you
Peace and plenty for your young
And plates of tuna on a silver tray
But more I cannot give you
Than to tell you that you won
Your baby lives this day

Standing here
Gazing at you
Ripped to the bone and through

Standing here
Gazing at you
With your brave heart
It's the least I can do

Safety I could wish you
Peace and safety for your young
And freedom from the fear of being prey
But more I cannot wish you
Than to wish you find a home
Your own true home this day
With the sunshine
And your baby kits too
And no foul things to carry you away


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #410 on: July 04, 2015, 12:29:22 AM »
Page 355

Bury Ritually, Doesn't Care, Do You See?

Emil's cross that they couldn't save the cat
He reprimands Mikkel for not even trying.
His earlier effort was wasted at that.
Not worth the effort for a kitty that was dying.

Mikkel tries to placate the mad Swede.
However he's unsure he got his point across.
Asking Sigrun for help explaining this deed,
Giving Emil closure for his sense of loss.

Lalli wakes up with all noise, the furore,
As they all try to give Emil something to do.
Emil deep down is still extremely sore,
Despite him saying he didn't care at the news.

The last stones are placed while some of them watch
Emill still says he doesn't care about the affair.
The stubborn Swede still feeling that Mikkel botched
Remember this is no holiday, no clinic for pet care.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #411 on: July 05, 2015, 06:00:47 PM »
Pg 355

Mama Cat now rests forever
And Emil mourns her silently
Wounded warrior falt’ring never

Fragile bonds of living sever
With just a twitch and hiss to see
Mama Cat now rests forever

Vet’ran of the Silence, ever
And ever tempted just to flee
Wounded warrior falt’ring never

Litter lost to freezing water
But leaving them with DerpKitty
Mama Cat now rests forever

Grosslings hounding, chasing after
The kittens she did ward fiercely
Wounded warrior falt’ring never

Alas for Emil mourning her
The others seem in apathy
Mama Cat now rests forever
Wounded warrior falt’ring never


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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #412 on: July 05, 2015, 07:39:58 PM »
More from page 355

With the monster did she struggle,
backing upward, ever higher,
up the tower did she lure it,
far away from all her children,
knowing she could not prevail.

Though the beast's cruel bites did wound her
and she felt her blood free flowing,
she fought on for every moment
she could add to her distraction:
fought on with no hope of winning.

But the courage of lone fighters
facing their own bitter ending
never wholly goes unnoticed,
and the gods on her took mercy,
sending keen-eared blond-haired Emil.

So it's true, Emil's no Freyja
(though his hair is doubtless lovely),
but with what they've got the gods work --
even they can't be too picky --
and the beast was routed quickly.

Heartless is the doom of humans;
so it is as well with felines,
for despite our hero's struggle
she had lost all of her offspring --
all but one who escaped drowning.

So her sacrifice was bitter,
but was not in vain completely,
and it was not without honor
for the gods care not if human
or if cat falls like a hero.

Rest now, fearless feline mother,
you have earned your place forever
in the fields of those who battle
though they see no hope of winning --
irrespective of their species.

Stand now, ye among the cairn stones.
Stand in rain and in bleak sorrow.
Stand still, silent, as ye honor
all the valor of a warrior
whom you only knew in dying.

If life hands you Emil, make Emilonade!


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #413 on: July 05, 2015, 09:40:12 PM »
This is a really lazy butterfly cinquain.
Pg 355

Tend the kitten
Its Mama has just died
The kitten needs your tending now
The kitten needs your tending now
Its Mama has just died
Tend the kitten


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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #414 on: July 06, 2015, 11:37:20 AM »
Page 355, parody of "I'm Seein' Red" by Unwritten Law
I'm seein' red
Don't think I'll want to see her face again
Don't have much time for sympathy
Cuz it never happened to me

I'm feelin' blue now
I think I bit off more than I could chew
And it's too late to make an adieu
All I wanna hear is her...

I'll follow the leader down
And swallow my pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when I will know

Follow the leader down
And swallow my pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when I will know

And foolish lies
Well can't you see I tried to compromise
Cuz what I say ain't always true
Hope you can't see the tears in my eyes

And what you said now
Can't stop the words from running through my head
And what I do to get through to you
But you'd only do it again

I'll follow the leader down
And swallow my pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when I will know

Follow the leader down
And swallow my pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when I will know

Well I confess
I don't know what to make from all this mess
Don't have much time for sympathy
But it never happened to me

You feelin' down
I don't know where I'll be when she comes around
And it's too late to make an adieu
And all I wanna hear is her mew...
Fluent: :usa:
Lightly dabbled in (read: "mostly forgotten"): :germany::france:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #415 on: July 06, 2015, 11:16:52 PM »
Page 356

Eyes Gazed Over

As some of the crew make their way back
Emil remains, his soul full of black
Lalli too, his attention drawn,
Staring at the unknown, in the beyond.

Emil asks for death rites for the cat.
No reaction, he's still staring at that.
Alone is the cat-mage, except for the Hair.
Panel after panel he continues to stare.

Emil turns his sight to see what he can,
What holds the gaze of the Finnish cat-man?
As Emil finally turns to face over there,
Lalli's face changes to a more angry stare.

Indeed it could be stalking, waiting to strike,
The returning beast canine, back full of spikes.
Or is it even more frightful, something else,
For which Lalli is now steeling himself?


Angry Eyes by Kenny Loggins (with a few small changes)

Out, out through the rain
I've seen you starin' out at me.

Now, then and again, I wonder
What it is that you see

With those angry eyes
Well, I bet you wish you could cut me down
With those angry eyes

You want to believe that
You can just escape from me
You can't concieve, oh no,
The truth is you'll never be free

With those angry eyes
Well, I bet you wish you could cut me down
With those angry eyes
What a shot you could be
If you could shoot at me
With those angry eyes...

You tried to reason that
You are not to act the same.

But you're finding it hard, pretend,
When you're in this deadly game
With those angry eyes.

With those angry eyes
Well, I bet you wish you could cut me down
With those angry eyes
What a shot you could be
If you could shoot at me
With those angry eyes...

You have never stopped to realize
Blindness binds us together in the nightmare skies.
Can you see me through those angry eyes?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 03:02:16 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #416 on: July 07, 2015, 11:25:57 AM »
Tune: Steal My Kisses - Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals

I came here from Bornholm Denmark,
Cause they made this job sound like a walk in the park.
Since you’re heading out by old Kastrup,
You know you’re going to need some one to patch you up.

Cause the trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Those trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Ahhh, trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you.

Now I love to pull a good old-fashioned prank,
Laughter is a good thing to have inside this tank.
Best be careful you don’t get face cancer,
But really there are worse things out there.

Cause the trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Those trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Ahhh, trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you.

(Beatbox break)

Now when you loot the victims of the rash,
Be sure you don’t grab any old piece of trash.
Ooooh no! Look what you just brought back!
It will take more than a de-con bath to fully clean up that.

Cause the trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Those trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Ahhh, trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you.

Trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you,
Those trolls are going to make some mincemeat from you.


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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #417 on: July 07, 2015, 11:51:10 PM »
Page 357, July 7, 2015

In response to this conversation:
Ceceoh •
Has Minna answered this question somewhere; if SD has been wandering the Earth for 90 years as a beast dog, or was he born a feral or domestic dog and contracted the Rash in the last few years?

minnasundberg --> Ceceoh •
The first one. A beast as old as time.

Based on Disney's Beauty and the Beast

Beast as old as time,
Sad as it may be.
Snapped and gave a moan
When the sunlight shone,

Just a little change,
Eyes no longer strange
Both a little scared,
Neither one prepared.
Emil and the beast.

Whoa, it's still a dog
Look deeply in its eyes
While the rash-worm quakes,
A canine mind awakes
Under clearing skies

Yes, it's still a dog!
Just look into those eyes.
And like the pup of yore
He is, just like before,
a good dog down inside

Beast as old as time
Find strength, please be strong.
It must be quite strange
Finding you can change
After oh, so long.

Search now for the mage
who can grant release.
He stands beside the grave
With the one your instinct saved.
You can rest in peace.

Pup as old as time
Salvation sublime
You're no more a beast.


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #418 on: July 08, 2015, 02:10:38 AM »
Pg 357

Knife to See You

Out from the dark a dim face appears.
Quite a familar creature comes near.
The earlier trolldog quite worse for wear.
Slowly trotting towards the startled pair.

Non-aggressive for a wild grossling beast,
Perhaps too badly hurt to make of them a feast.
Or maybe the weather is making it behave, as it
Stops just in front of the dead kitty's grave.

Lalli stands with his tiny knife drawn,
While Emil is like a headlight-caught fawn.
All the while groaning, the dog then prostates.
As if begging to be released from this state.


Please Stop Me Now (based on Don't Stop Me Now by Queen)

Tonight I'm wanna end myself for good this time
Dead but alive
And my brain it's turning inside out Yeah!
I'm trailing behind in agony
So please stop me now
Please stop me
'Cause I'm having a bad time
Having a bad time

I'm a grossling dog leaping through the halls
Like a spider defying the laws of gravity
I'm an injured hound, gonna fall like the Berlin Wall
I wanna go go go
Please help and free me

I'm stalking through the dark yeah!
Begging for release
That's why they call me nightmare doggy-beast
I'm mindless and can't help but feast
I wanna die so use your daggers to run me through

Please stop me now
I'm having such a bad time
I'm out in the rain
Please stop me now
And I wanna end this sad time
Just shoot me again

Please stop me now ('cause I'm having a bad time)
Please stop me now (yes I'm having a bad time)
I just want to stop this all... yeah!

I'm a demon dog on my way to hell
About to fall in a hole
I am a mindless cur, I'm out of control
I am a beastly fiend ready to change modes
Like an ticking bomb about to
Oh-woah-woah-woah-woah explode

Ooh I'm stalking through the dark yeah!
Begging for release
That's why they call me nightmare doggy-beast
I'm dead but I'm not fully deceased
I wanna die so use your rifles to shoot me through

Please stop me
Please stop me
Please stop me
Hey hey hey!

Please stop me
Please stop me
Ooh ooh ooh (I'd like it)

Please stop me
Please stop me
Have a bad time, sad time

Please stop me
Please stop me

Ooh ooh alright

Ooh I'm stalking through the dark yeah!
Begging for release
That's why they call me nightmare doggy-beast
I'm posssessed and I need a priest
I wanna die so use your daggers to run me through

Please stop me now
I'm having such a bad time
I'm out in the rain
Please stop me now
And I wanna end this sad time
Just shoot me again

Please stop me now ('cause I'm having a bad time)
Please stop me now (yes I'm having a bad time)
I just wanna stop this all

Hu hu hu hu huuuuu
Hu hu hu hu
Hu hu huu huu huu huu
Hu hu huu hu hu hu hu hu huuu hey!!....
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 03:04:49 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #419 on: July 08, 2015, 08:36:52 PM »
Pg 358

Canine outside
Terror under
Hardly more than zombie
Until sunbeam
Lights the worm’d eye
How on earth can this be?
Unto humans
Now approaching
Death to me is release

Let it come then
And its whole pack
Let my blade fly
Let me--stand back?
I yield to my friend

End the suff’ring
Make it quick now
It’s for the best
Let your torment end