Comic Merch
Yes. I agree wholeheartedly. Also "defenestrate," but I guess that has slightly less opportunity for use...
For Swedish I have to go with örngott (pillowcase, but sounds like something from the Swedish chef) and lilla gumman (some kind of affectionate term, like "darling").
Speaking of pillows though, how adorable is kudde?
To a Norwegian it's anything but adorable (like so many other Swedish words) due to unfortunate near-homophones in the Norwegian language. An aquaintance of the family who is a nurse told us about a Swedish nurse who got herself into trouble for using that word with an elderly Norwegian patient.
You can't just leave it there, explain!
Well then: The nurse offered to "rista upp kudden lite" (shake up the pillow a little). Because there is a word in Norwegian that sounds almost exactly like that, but refers to the male genitalia, the elderly man was all kinds of outraged by the apparent forwardness of Swedish nurses., that was actually about ten times worse than anything I was expecting.