Author Topic: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development  (Read 34284 times)


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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #90 on: May 20, 2015, 02:07:14 AM »
We're gonna need another 300 chapters for that to happen.
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #91 on: May 20, 2015, 03:01:17 AM »
Poor Reynir.  As of p. 322, he's *still* calling himself "stupid."  Hopefully he'll get a chance to earn some self-esteem.
Discovering being a mage might not be enough. Maybe by doing something useful, finding his pla... ? *Look at the team, especially Sigrun* All right, it may be difficult.
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #92 on: May 29, 2015, 05:11:39 PM »
From Disqus p. 329:

Sunflower • 20 hours ago
Reynir would be either the world's best or world's worst boyfriend. He would never get tired of talking about your feelings and asking if there's anything he could do for you.

Ooo-La-La ╰☆╮  Sunflower • 20 hours ago
Bedazzled: Sensitive Elliot

Sunflower  Ooo-La-La ╰☆╮ • 18 hours ago
Hee, hee! So very much. "Do you need comforting on any level?"

SparkyDragon  Sunflower • 19 hours ago
The Sparky Dragon wants a Reynir for her boyfriend! XD

Sunflower  SparkyDragon • 18 hours ago
On the plus side: Highly motivated and trainable. Cheerful most of the time. Does the dishes.
On the minus side: Constantly underfoot. Constantly in need of your approval.
...Basically, he's Dug from "Up" in human form.

D. C. Sessions  SparkyDragon • 18 hours ago
Trust me, been there and done that -- at some point Sunflower is right: you can't stand it any more.

Says /me, who apparently is a really bad hoverlover. I'm now in a twelve-stomp program.

Aprillen  Sunflower • 12 hours ago
Whenever I detect the incipient interest of a person like that, I run like, uh, a night scout. People like that make me itch.

hannele3  Sunflower • 17 hours ago
Go have a sausage fest with your buds! Drink some beer. Just get the Hell out so I can concentrate!

Hrolfr  Sunflower • 7 hours ago
I see it, but I think that that is mostly sweet & youthful cluelessness, he's wet behind the years and acts about 5 years younger than his age.

In our terms, get him away from his no-doubt-lovely-and over-protective-mom & the #$%#$ sheep, let him get out & play/fight with the big boys, learn to tell some crude jokes, get his heart stomped on by some clueless girl once or twice, and generally "man up" a little, and I'm sure he'll be much more acceptable.

... and given the reaction of the ladies to his flowing locks, he'll have an embarrassment of choices.

Sunflower  Hrolfr • 3 hours ago
While I'm grateful for the male perspective, I'm not sure how much the crude jokes will help, strictly on the "how-to-be-a-better-boyfriend" score.  ;)

What I *do* think would help, on both the boyfriend and "man up" fronts, is building his confidence through genuine accomplishments. Reynir won't be so desperate for approval once he feels he's good for something other than peeling potatoes.

OTOH, a Reynir full of self-confidence might be dangerous. Imagine if he could turn on the adorable expression at the top of p. 291 as a deliberate humblebrag!

Hrolfr  Sunflower • 33 minutes ago
Well, the jokes thing was mostly getting used to rough and tumble "guy humour" probably wouldn't help with most potential dates.  ;)

( But, being able to take some joke at one's own expense and sling it back - in scurrilous fashion - is priceless. )

The basic point was to get a little more "manly" and less little mama's boy, stop apologizing for _everything_ (looks like unbecoming weakness), but apologize when appropriate.

Exercise a little more self confidence & self restraint (i.e. silence is golden, be cordial, not over friendly, observe and learn) , and less- hang dog, get a little self-agency going, (Admit you are green & new, and get on with it, learn!)

And like you said being able to demonstrate some useful skills would be good thing too. I'm sure he has some!

We had a whole thread a month ago detailing all things an Icelandic shepard/sheep guy might know/ be able to do, some of those things must be directly applicable or applicable by analogy.

The funny thing is, he a handsome guy, great hair, he's not complete cretin, so why is he wandering around in a such a funk of excessively need, desperation, and incompetence.
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2015, 05:20:22 PM »
The funny thing is, he a handsome guy, great hair, he's not complete cretin, so why is he wandering around in a such a funk of excessively need, desperation, and incompetence.

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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2015, 12:14:03 PM »
Re the names of things: here in Australia, many Aboriginal people still do not speak the names of anybody who has died, feeling that use of the name will invoke the spirit of that person. This attitude can also extend to any sort of pictures of the dead person. Same thing applies to many of the old earth-things; naming them is considered unwise. Especially outdoors.

And of course in Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland, Isle of Man, (those ones I know of personal experience) and for all I know other places in Europe, one does not name.... errr...... Themselves, the Good People, the Sidhe, the Tylwyth Teg, the Fair Folk......  I'm sure you know who I mean!
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2015, 01:45:09 PM »
From Pg 327:

Eva Schiffer
Huh, just remembered that most Icelandic mages are female... I bet that's why Reynir wasn't identified as having magic talents.

anonion -> Eva Schiffer
My headcanon is that his parents are totally aware of his talents, but they never mentioned anything because they wanted at least one of their kids to stick around (and also keep him safe, being the youngest and all).

JoB -> anonion
“My headcanon is that his parents are totally aware of his talents”
How would they have become aware of his talents, if all they yield is strange dreams that Reynir never remembered after awakening?

anonion -> JoB
Well you see, in my headcanon he did remember his dreams in childhood. He stopped doing so only after his parents made it a big deal that he's not supposed to talk to anyone about this. (He didn't stop remembering them on purpose, of course. It's just his brain's way of protecting him of something that he learned to see as dangerous/unwanted.)

Again, this is something I'm completely making up. Feel free to disregard it completely and/or not expect very much coherence from it.

leavescat -> anonion
My favorite theory expands that last part a bit. All his siblings were born from a genetics program where donated eggs/sperm were used to ensure that they'd have immune offspring, which is also why all his siblings look nothing like him. Someone theorized that one of his parents was thought infertile, so they had all their kids this way. This means Reynir isn't just the youngest and non-immune, he's also their only biological child, and he's very likely a miracle baby that they never expected to get.

This means they don't just want one kid to stick around, they want Reynir specifically because he was a miracle.

JoB -> leavescat
“Someone theorized that one of his parents was thought infertile [...] This means Reynir is[...] very likely a miracle baby that they never expected to get.”
And now I wonder whether that "miracle" might've been the magic now inherent in Reynir that overcame the odds and created a human vessel for itself ...

…Beware: the Disney/Lucas lawyers are everywhere. Just don't say the word "vergence" and you should be fine.

Eva Schiffer -> leavescat
Having "miracle" babies in your 40's is not as uncommon as you might think.

wavewright62 -> leavescat
Reynir would likely have had some inkling that he was considered special, then, instead of feeling so useless. Parents of 'miracle babies' seldom refrain from informing precious of that fact, repeatedly.

LooNEY_DAC -> wavewright62
See also the below post by Crimson knight, ninja. Thing is, he's the youngest. The youngest in a big family tends to be treated as "the Baby" forever, and, if the subject is energetic or ambitious enough, it produces frustration: "Why won't they let me do anything?" In Reynir's case, he's hampered by trying too hard, when makes him mess things up, which leads the elders to tell him, "Just let us handle it and stay with the sheep", implying that that's all he's good at, so Reynir thinks, "They won't let me do stuff because I'm stupid."

Crimson knight -> wavewright62
as I was one who used to be the youngest, the issue is how much is expected from us. when your siblings have gone on to do great things, as the youngest you feel like you have to meet a certain expectation to do as well, if not better, than they have. when you don't meet that expectation you begin to feel quite useless. I can relate to Reynir a lot :)

wavewright62 -> Crimson knight
Yep. I had to sit in a class once where the teacher passed around an exemplary paper from a previous year, and my heart sank when I saw my brother's distinctive handwriting. Worse, each student who got passed the paper saw the name, then looked at me. But my point was that a person pegged a 'miracle baby' is the one who gets talked about, and often any other siblings don't get a look-in regardless of what they do.

Zlatoglazka -> wavewright62
I agree. It's more likely his parents wanted at least one child of their own blood and flesh completely... and at least one child to stay with them for the whole life (and to inherit the farm).

leavescat -> wavewright62
Yes, but parents of miracle babies don't often have a bunch of other kids that they don't want their sheltered miracle baby to realize aren't technically related to him.

P__ -> leavescat
They're probably aware that they're Dagrenning babies, either having been told or figured it themselves. But either way, I don't think parents would want to make their favourite child too obvious to the rest of the group.

Another thing is, his low self esteem doesn't seem to come from lack of praise (maybe it does) but rather from comparison with his brothers and sisters, who aren't sheltered and can do a ton of amazing things, while the best he can do is wash dishes and herd sheep

leavescat -> P__
They all know they're Dagrenning babies, but Reynir himself isn't quite aware of what the program is. He said that he wasn't sure why they didn't use the program for him, and was lamenting that because it meant he wasn't immune.

anonion -> P__
Interestingly enough, there have been studies that prove low self esteem can actually come from too much praise in childhood (specifically being praised for what you "are"- smart etc, rather than the effort you put in). I don't think it's the case here, since I don't think Reynir actually has low self esteem. I think he's just a bit stressed and disappointed that his whole big plan failed so spectacularly. I suspect he'll bounce back to a self-assured self anytime now (learning that he's a mage might help).

P__ -> anonion
so *that's* why Emil doesn't look at him nice in the group-shot. none of that mortal enemies nonsense: just rivals in confidence and hair-awesomeness

anonion -> P__
P.S. Emil actually has low self esteem, likely for the reason mentioned above.

anonion -> P__
Here I go again: *in my headcanon*, Emil is giving him the side-eye because he's jealous of whatever mage-bro thing Reynir will end up developing with Lalli, especially since most of it happens in a place Emil can never even go to.

P__ -> anonion
plus *he* found a way to talk to Lalli >:/

Keeper -> anonion
And in that mage space, there's no language barrier like there is between Emil and Lalli.

Eva Schiffer -> anonion
It seems like the sort of thing that should have been noticed by someone else, like a teacher or family friend, even if his family is in denial. Besides, being a mage doesn't seem like it would necessarily make him more likely to leave the country, especially if his talent is dream visions.

anonion -> Eva Schiffer
It wouldn't make it necessary for him to leave the country right off, but he would at least leave the farm to train at the mage university (in Reykjavik?) - and who knows what ideas *that* might put in his head!

And his talents might not be noticed by other people if his parents instructed him from a very early age to, say, never tell his dreams to anyone - which eventually lead to Reynir not even remembering his dreams anymore. There, I managed to make his parents, who are probably very nice people, seem manipulative and twisted.

I'm making this up as I go, so what you say is at least as valid :)

JoB -> anonion
“There, I managed to make his parents [...] seem manipulative and twisted.”
The fact that they lied about him not being legally allowed to travel to Reynir painted them somewhat manipulative already.

ReturnOfDaveBro -> anonion
It's for his own good because we're good parents! Groupthink -- gotta love it for rationalization. :p

Whatever -> anonion
My headcanon is that his dad's a latent/undiscovered mage too.

Laufey -> Whatever
According to both Finnish and Icelandic traditions magic abilities do run in families so it's not at all unlikely! Besides Icelandic tradition does not automatically equate prophetic dreams to magic abilities (some people are just considered "seeing" more than others, but any real magic has to be learned) so Reynir's dad might have simply gone unnoticed even if he occasionally had a weird dream.

Sunflower -> Whatever
It would make sense, since Reynir's father Árni is presumably the descendant of Árni from the Prologue, from whom they both got their red hair.

P__ -> Sunflower
that was confirmed by Minna in the page he's introduced, IIRC. Bloodline goes Arni "Prologue" Reynirson -> Something Arnason -> Arni Somethingson -> Reynir "i'm stupid" Arnason.


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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #96 on: May 31, 2015, 06:55:32 PM »
I can't help wondering how much that braid weighs! And can you imagine when it gets wet??? I had really long hair for good part of my teenage years and my neck hurt whenever I washed it, and I had baby-thin-hair... with a proud beautiful red mane of strong thick hair, I'd bet... maybe 12 kilos when wet?
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #97 on: May 31, 2015, 06:59:44 PM »
I think the only sensible thing to be said about Reynir's hair is that I want it, but my hair's never going to work like that. Probably wouldn't suit me anyway, frankly.
Also, imagine how long it takes to dry.. Mine's only shoulder-length and it already takes far too long.


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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #98 on: May 31, 2015, 07:04:28 PM »
I think the only sensible thing to be said about Reynir's hair is that I want it, but my hair's never going to work like that. Probably wouldn't suit me anyway, frankly.
Also, imagine how long it takes to dry.. Mine's only shoulder-length and it already takes far too long.

Mine goes to below boobs, and it takes actual hours. Sometimes if I shower too late at night (past 9 pm) it's not dry by the time I wake up. Thanks, hair.

No doubt he'll have an awful time trying to keep the braid from frizzing, as well :\


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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #99 on: May 31, 2015, 07:09:51 PM »
I think the only sensible thing to be said about Reynir's hair is that I want it, but my hair's never going to work like that. Probably wouldn't suit me anyway, frankly.
Also, imagine how long it takes to dry.. Mine's only shoulder-length and it already takes far too long.
There was at some point brief discussion in the comments regarding this - someone wondered why it was that Tuuri had cut her hair for the mission. While I'm sure she also had personal reasons, I pointed out short hair is not only lower-maintenance in terms of styling, but would take less water to wash (water being a rather important resource for things like cooking and sanitation) and dry quicker.

In my experience, how fast your hair dries depends on a couple of things, namely: the ambient moisture in the air, the thickness/length of your hair, and if it's in contact with something absorbent like a towel.
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #100 on: May 31, 2015, 07:13:05 PM »
In my experience, how fast your hair dries depends on a couple of things, namely: the ambient moisture in the air, the thickness/length of your hair, and if it's in contact with something absorbent like a towel.

Oooh yeah, that's true. I do live in Florida where the air is basically water (99% humidity is more often than you think), so never mind, scrap my comment, I have no idea how long it takes for hair to dry in Scandinavia 8)


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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #101 on: May 31, 2015, 07:17:29 PM »
Curry, it won't frizz! He's got whatever brand of hairspray Emil's using for that.
Speaking of humidity (both of you), Wales is a pretty rainy and humid country too. When it got really cold (-6 Celsius or so, which, okay, isn't much elsewhere but it's rare in Britain, I saw one girl's long frizzy hair freeze when she went outside and it was still wet.
I mean, ew. Given that they're somewhere far colder, I suppose it makes sense.
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #102 on: May 31, 2015, 07:19:22 PM »
There was at some point brief discussion in the comments regarding this - someone wondered why it was that Tuuri had cut her hair for the mission. While I'm sure she also had personal reasons, I pointed out short hair is not only lower-maintenance in terms of styling, but would take less water to wash (water being a rather important resource for things like cooking and sanitation) and dry quicker.
yeah, and it may also have been stuff like, easier to wear the mask, less getting in the way of the uniform... short hair is practical for many reasons.

of course, as a fictional trope a haircut is very symbolic for change and leaving things behind, too.
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #103 on: May 31, 2015, 07:24:21 PM »
To return to the topic of Reynir's hair though, the braid is very important for Icelandic weather. The wind here is insane, there's no hope of ever doing more than a by-default messy look to your hair OR braiding it to stop it from flying into your eyes and mouth and other places it should probably not go either. It's not the drying time he would have to worry about, rather the danger of becoming a human tumbleweed.
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Re: Reynir Árnason -- Character Development
« Reply #104 on: May 31, 2015, 07:27:54 PM »
Oooh yeah, that's true. I do live in Florida where the air is basically water (99% humidity is more often than you think), so never mind, scrap my comment, I have no idea how long it takes for hair to dry in Scandinavia 8)
According to this, Copenhagen is not that far off:
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