Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 906606 times)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1035 on: April 30, 2015, 01:52:41 PM »

Love them both! I've taken a while trying to think which one I like better but that's a futile job. On one hand the monochrome one is stylish and simple, but the colour one is nicely balanced and that flame thrower is so shiny (and now I wish I could one day get on this level of weapon-drawing)...
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1036 on: April 30, 2015, 02:23:00 PM »
I'm so sorry it took so long, but here at last is my side of the art trade with DancingRanger (not gonna lie, I may have freaked myself out drawing the boar-beast) Hope you like it!

Beautiful, Gwenno! You say disturbung boar-beast? I say disturbing Vætte or what is that?! in the birch tree.

And to the rest of you, I got a big silly grin on my face when I read your comments liking the vErY hELpfUl tRoLL.
The karri has been on the oven for a while (I said I would draw them but the struggle has been real) and I think it's done. I wanted to do an experiment so there's actually two versions of the same picture, monotone and the same old paintaroo.

Fimbulvarg, that is a great flamethrower, I really like your drawings! Would you be ok with me hoarding pinning them on this board?


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1037 on: April 30, 2015, 02:26:59 PM »
Iaaaarrrgh, I missed all the fun agaaaaain.

Gwenno, It's gorgeous! The picture itself is really beautiful but your comment makes it even more interesting. Oh, I love watercolour paintings soooo much!

Hehe, thank you *blushes an embarrassing shade of purple* :3 I can't seem to draw something without creating some kind of crazy backstory and reasoning for everything, but I'm glad you found it interesting


Hehe, dat expression, it is golden :P I would not want to be on the other end of that flame thrower (speaking of which - you really draw weapons well!)

This is awesome Gwenno! The bird was kinda a random doodle, but I'm glad you thought of adding it. Thanks a lot!

On another note I'm planning the next Ficlett this one is story-telling, fire is involved, as well as a bit of 'magic'. Anyone interested?

Heh, oops ::) well that teaches me to make assumptions doesn't it! I'm glad you were okay with the bird anyway :)

While my 'sona is all for tall tales, she doesn't really work in the realm of magic or fire so I doubt she'd be involved in that one. Seems like more of a cleansers/mage thing really

Gwenno: that is really good!!! I love the way you did the foresty setting and the creepy creatures

Thank you ^_^ Forests are my favourite thing to draw, but they're so difficult and I never really manage to capture them as I'd like, but I'm still really glad you like it :) (heheh, my sketchbook now has a fair amount of pages dedicated to creepy boar skeletons and various forest creature designs as well - had a tiiiny bit too much fun designing those)
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1038 on: April 30, 2015, 02:30:52 PM »
It was just brought to my attention that i had *gasp* missed an art trade with myself??

Well, I didn't remember to post this before, ahhh silly me
I'll leave my Part of the AT with Curry here before I go to Sleep:

also, what is anatomy even

This is adorable!! :D I react to cats pretty much exactly like this how did you know 8) so many cute draws of my character in the past couple of days, hhhh
You guys are so talented! Be prepared for Curry-draws... eventually... once i get out of this crazy school crunch...


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1039 on: April 30, 2015, 02:32:20 PM »
It was just brought to my attention that i had *gasp* missed an art trade with myself??

This is adorable!! :D I react to cats pretty much exactly like this how did you know 8) so many cute draws of my character in the past couple of days, hhhh
You guys are so talented! Be prepared for Curry-draws... eventually... once i get out of this crazy school crunch...

Oh my, I'm magical then (?)
Also, you're welcome!
I alredy have seen it huehue
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1040 on: April 30, 2015, 02:40:21 PM »
Gwenno yeah, it is perfectly fine, as he'd work magic using his totem as well, which is a bird (I haven't nailed down which yet). And the ficlett is telling stories over a campfire. I was still a little bit too just woke up when I was typing.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1041 on: April 30, 2015, 05:04:11 PM »
This looks amazing!!!  ;D Thank you so much!!! I love this so much hhh
The monotone looks really good and so does the color and?? I'm so happy oh my gosh how do word this is so wonderful
Glad you like it.

that flame thrower is so shiny (and now I wish I could one day get on this level of weapon-drawing)...
that is a great flamethrower
I would not want to be on the other end of that flame thrower (speaking of which - you really draw weapons well!)
Thanks. When you've spent hours of your childhoold at the local library reading this you get a weaponised mindset.

Would you be ok with me hoarding pinning them on this board?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 06:24:33 AM by Fimbulwaffle »


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1042 on: April 30, 2015, 07:27:33 PM »
Beautiful, Gwenno! You say disturbung boar-beast? I say disturbing Vætte or what is that?! in the birch tree.

Ah, I'm so sorry!!!!! I didn't see this, and replied to all the rest and now I feel bad because you said a nice thing and it looked like I was ignoring it, but I really wasn't, and I'm so sorry >"< (and thank you for saying a nice thing as well!)
The figure in the birch tree is supposed to represent a tree spirit, so not good or bad per-se, just rather indifferent most of the time to the quick passing of animals (*hint*except for when someone uses the proper runo chant). I guess it could be kinda disturbing, but my favourite fairy book as a child was filled with creatures like this who were pretty freaky-looking so it doesn't really register much for me nowadays ^_^

Gwenno yeah, it is perfectly fine, as he'd work magic using his totem as well, which is a bird (I haven't nailed down which yet). And the ficlett is telling stories over a campfire. I was still a little bit too just woke up when I was typing.

Heh, well I wasn't planning on changing anything in the picture anyway (watercolours ya know, just don't deal well with painting over :P ) so I'm glad having the magic channeled though a bird totem is a thing and not far off!

Campfire stories sound within the realm of happening ^_^ As I said before, my 'sona is all tall tales and exaggerations, possibly also trying to scare people, but she also loves hearing stories, and would defo listen assuming the story is interesting enough and has enough bashing

When you've spent hours of your childhoold at the local library reading this you get a weaponised mindset.

Hah, I was kinda worried to click the link, thinking what kind of book could result in such a temperament, and it really wasn't too bad. I can see how that could inspire you ^_^ it looks like a most awesome book!
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1043 on: May 01, 2015, 12:18:49 AM »
Wow, um, I didn't expect so many responses in such a short period of time. So a blanket thank you for you all! And now for individual responses.

It looks absolutely beautiful!!! :O (Once again I really really wish I had the time to do art trades)

Thanks! As I mentioned before, just shoot me a note when you get time for a trade. (:

Your work is so incredibly beautiful!
I think you did a wonderful job with the emotion in this one! She looks as if she's trying to be intimidating with her grenade-thingy (lol what is it called?), but her posture with the raised arm and her slightly leaning back suggests that she is frightened. (The facial expression too of course, but I think whatever she's dealing with probably wouldn't focus on that)

I hereby declare myself your fan, that's just pure brilliance! Everything's perfect from the pose to the nervous expression and oh my the sparks! The cobblestones.

I put a lot of thought in Piney's expression and pose and the smoke/cobblestones/sparks and I'm really happy that you noticed it!

Yup, that's Piney alright  :D

Two things I really like: The expressiveness and the way you combine so much detail with a smooth watercolour-ish style. It's like... impressionistic (not that I know anything at all about actual art theory).

Thank you! The watercolor style is greatly assisted by Kyle Webster's brushes. They're fairly inexpensive considering how much mileage you can get out of it, and I highly recommend purchasing a set or two.

I suppose it's loose-ish in an impressionistic sense. It's been nearly half a decade since I last brushed up on art history, so don't worry about not knowing about it. ^_^

Did I told you before "I love your drawings" ?
Well, I love your drawings.

Aww, thank you. <3

I especially adore the look on her face and the windy effect. Also the askew glasses - my glasses already are really loose and kinda do that IRL so that's spot-on ;D

Yaaay thank you for liking it! Nervous facial expression + wind-fluffed hair + crooked glasses are the best!

I love your drawings! You are an inspiration!
Almond-Goddess, you continue to inspire and impress! I agree with Unlos. You're so talented and I hope to someday have such a grasp over digital art and color and EVERYTHING ahhhhh

Aww, thanks! *blushes*
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1044 on: May 01, 2015, 05:10:58 AM »
I'm so sorry it took so long, but here at last is my side of the art trade with DancingRanger (not gonna lie, I may have freaked myself out drawing the boar-beast) Hope you like it!

There are THINGS which I want to say about the picture and story behind, but I'll leave it under a spoiler so that people will only have to read it if they want to ^_^
It looks awesome! I really like how you did the spell and the tree spirit! The coloring of the rock and moss is really pretty! :D

The karri has been on the oven for a while (I said I would draw them but the struggle has been real) and I think it's done. I wanted to do an experiment so there's actually two versions of the same picture, monotone and the same old paintaroo.

Both versions are really neat! :) I'm impressed by how you drew the flamethrower!

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1045 on: May 01, 2015, 12:00:40 PM »
Well, here my Part of the AT with Unlos :)

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1046 on: May 01, 2015, 01:01:19 PM »
Well, here my Part of the AT with Unlos :)

Thank you so much, it looks great!


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1047 on: May 01, 2015, 01:03:43 PM »
Thank you so much, it looks great!

Welcome and thanks! ^^
I am floating away, lost in a silent ballet.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1048 on: May 01, 2015, 02:48:51 PM »
Hellooo do you remember when I made inky-wonky headshots of all the current OCs wayyy back on page 13 of this thread?
I may not be able to keep my promise of drawing everyone for all of the future

inky-wonky headshots, ROUND 2

My apologies to
- anyone I didn't get quite right look-wise (particularly those with darker skin, I'm so sorry :c)
- victims of slight inking mishaps
- anyone I might have missed (PLEASE TELL ME IF I DID)

but otherwise, enjoy!

Don't feel obligated to draw me back, gods know I've been drawn enough as is - SPEAKING OF.  Several of you have in fact drawn me already, I'm especially talking about you who drew my OC fullbody and some even in colour:
Noodly, Gwenno, Vafhudr, Oh Deer, SolarPoweredGirl ( a cat....), frenci, BarbaryLion22, and Laufey are the names I wrote down but I might have missed someone.
QUESTION: do you want to make it into a proper art trade? I don't feel like my quick headshots are really worthy the art you have made of me, so I'm more than willing to make some Extra Effortsy art of you guys. (Well, I've drawn Laufeytroll a few times so I guess you're good, but still)

as for art trades in general, I'm opening up shop again!! Unlos is up next, and I will probably message Piney and RedCloud pretty soon!! But if anyone else wants one, attempt contact and I will gladly neglect responsibilities for your sake!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 02:50:46 PM by Haiz »
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1049 on: May 01, 2015, 02:55:04 PM »
Hellooo do you remember when I made inky-wonky headshots of all the current OCs wayyy back on page 13 of this thread?
I may not be able to keep my promise of drawing everyone for all of the future

inky-wonky headshots, ROUND 2

My apologies to
- anyone I didn't get quite right look-wise (particularly those with darker skin, I'm so sorry :c)
- victims of slight inking mishaps
- anyone I might have missed (PLEASE TELL ME IF I DID)

but otherwise, enjoy!

Don't feel obligated to draw me back, gods know I've been drawn enough as is - SPEAKING OF.  Several of you have in fact drawn me already, I'm especially talking about you who drew my OC fullbody and some even in colour:
Noodly, Gwenno, Vafhudr, Oh Deer, SolarPoweredGirl ( a cat....), frenci, BarbaryLion22, and Laufey are the names I wrote down but I might have missed someone.
QUESTION: do you want to make it into a proper art trade? I don't feel like my quick headshots are really worthy the art you have made of me, so I'm more than willing to make some Extra Effortsy art of you guys. (Well, I've drawn Laufeytroll a few times so I guess you're good, but still)

as for art trades in general, I'm opening up shop again!! Unlos is up next, and I will probably message Piney and RedCloud pretty soon!! But if anyone else wants one, attempt contact and I will gladly neglect responsibilities for your sake!

First of all, I look so awesome! Thanks Haiz! ^w^ //hugs\\
I am floating away, lost in a silent ballet.
     - Adam Young

:spain: :uk:
prev. RealRedCloudYT
