I was wondering what the crew's reaction would be to learning that my 'Sona knits/crochets/etc especially since he's well male and such. (Kinda a 'so that's what he does in his spare time' thing. With surprise gifts, cause who doesn't need a super warm scarf?)
My guess would be very little reaction, given that
1) the Known World seems to be very gender-egalitarian [regardless of all the fan speculation of how gender roles would play out in case of an *actual* apocalypse] and
2) in a world where manufacturing is much more difficult and expensive, any kind of handicraft/hobby that produces useful things would probably be respected. The crew would probably be lining up, begging you to knit them warm scarves and hats!
This is somewhat different from IRL America, where there's still (regrettably) a certain amount of stereotyping about knitting and crocheting. The hipster knitting revival of the last 20 years at least went some ways towards removing the "little old lady" stigma. And the younger generation seems to be at least a bit less judgmental about "boy things" and "girl things" than when I was your age... which is a relief.
That answer your question?