This is really beautiful, I love the plait! Drawings like this inspire me to try to learn drawing with pencil, I love the softness of pencil drawings...
the ladies are on to you, Emil: show
Ahahaha the first one... indeed Emil.
The second one, however, is just s straight hit to my heart so ummm, love them, can I please have more?
Aw, that's a super cute Tuuri, I love her hands! And a very sparkly Emil (and a very Lalli Lalli). These are wonderfully expressive.
I have no idea what I'm doing and I definitely did not pick what characters to draw to mess with two specific people noo not me
I - er - yes these are both very excellent and especially the second one - excuse me, I feel a bit faint somehow. I see what you did there by the way, I will have my revenge.